BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not what he's saying. Feel free to believe whatever you want.

But let's be honest: This site will question every narrative except the Christian one. It's this site's blindspot. Won't apply the same rigor to the bible as they apply to vaccines.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

They (BLM/"left") seem like bait to suck your time and energy fighting them and those on their "team". Paid actors perhaps acting in the most inciteful way possible. The frequency of "outrageous" behavior and demands has gone up in just a few years.

Put two pitbulls in a cage (artificially created situation), they end up fighting (real fighting). Similarly, artificially bring together (on social media) opposite groups using algorithms, and let them fight. Or, in the real world, damage side 1 and make it look like side 2 did it.

The "rightwing" seems compromised too, with opinion leaders and influencers drawing "their" side's attention to strategically less useful "fights".

IMO we need to be parsimonious about how we spend our resources (time and energy).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah it checks out: https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=tulsi

This poses an interesting question:

Suppose association, by itself, with people and institutions the public considers to be part of the "elite" machinery (like David Rothschild, Zuckerberg, WEF etc.) is enough to deduce a person is part of the elite. Then wouldn't the elite try to "taint" any potential problematic individuals by inviting them to be part of such events, sponsoring them with scholarships etc. and publicizing this information, and thereby sow doubts in the minds of the public?

Also, any candidate that is actually their own agent, would be shielded from such association to get the public to trust them (eg: I have my doubts about people like David Icke or Lin Wood)? We are relying on data by the WEF after all. In fact target them using MSM, to give them credibility as an anti-establishment figure (one of the reasons people think Trump is anti-establishment is because of being targeted by MSM).

I think about all the people Ghislaine Maxwell is seen with. Is that a small part of her blackmail (not all of it of course). A lot of photos of her with various people came out after her arrest, on social media. All these important people stand to lose their reputation if such images come out, even though they may not be involved with her shady business in any way, just happened to be there and she inserted herself in the frame?

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, not a handbook for these guys (they probably get the in-person briefings). These are more like showpieces to communicate with symbols. Nothing on a politician's desk is there accidentally, not in a photo op anyway.

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I didn't mean you in particular should do it, just what we need to do in general.

BlackDay2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

u/BigBadBrutus This right here. This is how most of us found out I think. The influx of new users is going to be proportional to the number of Redditors informed.

Easiest solution is to inform good r/conspiracy members mentioning this site (Reddit will probably remove direct links, so just tell them "visit conspiracies((.))win. Remove parentheses to obtain URL"). Or even better, we should inform by DM to avoid attracting bots and shills

With enough activity, we'll be noticed eventually (website rankings) and the shills and bots will come here too. The curse of popularity.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +2 / -1

Surely not all countries will do it. Whoever doesn't will emerge stronger in the aftermath. Examples: North Korea, Afghanistan (lol), some countries in Africa few people know about, Nauru etc.

BlackDay2020 3 points ago +3 / -0

Physical huh? So if the doc says he has colon cancer and his health cannot take the stresses of Presidentship, and he resigns, Kamala will get to continue to hold onto power correct? Not sure how it works in the USA.

Obviously, won't happen this time. This one is probably just to get us used to the idea first.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't have communism without state ownership. At the same time, the elite will not want to give up their properties to the state. Guess we will find out how much control the elite/committee of 300 really has over the government.

We might see not a Communist government exactly, but perhaps a new form of totalitarianism consisting of rule by a transnational conglomerate of Corporations. Where they fund a private police, army and bail out the government (not sure where the money will come from).


EDIT: Regarding where the money will come from: There was a time when banks could print their own money (and there were several different currencies in circulation at one time). Similar to what we're seeing today with cryptocurrencies.

So that might be where the money comes from: a return to such a system, where the transnational conglomerate creates its own central bank to bail out countries.

cc: u/80960KA

by pkvi
BlackDay2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Ah it's making a bit more sense now. The vaccines could be a tool to identify the resisters. If so, we might see them expunged from all parts of government, media, businesses and under lockdown without the option to get employed. it's a death sentence.

Once all opposition is thus expunged in a totalitarian state, according to professor Mattias Desmet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM, the violence against the people begins. Whereas in a dictatorship, once opposition is removed, the ruler actually becomes milder.

This makes sense why the vaccines would have such adverse effects. It helps to see who'll take them anyway (identify those who place politics, money or career over everything else). They're not killing enough people to get to 500 million or whatever target population the depopulation theorists are proposing.

Indiscriminate depopulation theory and sterilization theory were bad theories/misdirections? The elite need people to maintain the system that gives them power. Compliant parents will tend to raise compliant kids. Why kill the obedient first?

u/Mrexreturns one possible correction/addition to your prediction.

BlackDay2020 -1 points ago +1 / -2

One could say the same thing about religion. Isn't it brainwashing too? A religion any person follows is almost always a result of where they are born, rather than a logical evaluation of its beliefs by said person. If their belief precedes their justification for it, then it is brainwashing by definition.

However, patriotism has its uses. Generally if country X is not united but country Y is, country Y will use its collective strength to extort/subvert/exploit country X.

The same dynamic is seen in religion. Islam and Christianity vs Hinduism or Buddhism for example. Which has replaced which?

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe this theory (Committee of 300) is closer to the truth than "Jews did it" theory (for religious reasons as described in Protocols of Zion, to establish Judaism as the supreme world religion or something). It's simpler to believe their motivation could be to establish a system that creates a perpetual upwards flow of wealth and power and nothing more (like in the movie "In Time"). I don't have firm conviction in any one theory though.

People like Bill Gates and Bezos aren't Jewish, but such people are surely part of this (since in whatever is happening now, the role of corporations is critical, hence the buy in of their owners is also important, regardless of whether they are Jewish or not).

One reason why so many Jews are in power could also be that they are much more flexible in terms of morality. The cheating and conniving have an advantage and generally get ahead at the expense of those who have more moral constraints.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes all this could mean they're more confident of their hold on power, or they recently were able to finally reach critical mass in terms of control, so they don't mind hurrying along and showing off. Sort of like, the degree to which they care about secrecy depends on how strong their grip on power is.

There's also a theory called accelerationism:

In critical and social theory, accelerationism refers to a range of ideas concerning capitalism and technological change that propose that they constitute a universal process of "acceleration", which should be drastically intensified to create radical social change.

The system changes so rapidly that people reject it entirely, and yearn for another, more stable system. If this theory is correct, this is a set up for a Great Reset. u/sellyourclock Simultaneously peddle hopium that reinterprets it as some kind of Great Awakening to sedate opposition from us.

Or I could be wrong. But do you want to rest your future on hope/hopium?

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could begin to (at least partly) describe such actions, but it would take far too long (and even longer to justify it). It comes down whether you build or rebuild your country around stability or around something else like growth/conquest etc.

Regarding your other comment, "The best time to plant a tree is yesterday. The second best time is today." Subversion is a process that takes time, it doesn't happen overnight. If you continue to wait, the subversion is only going to get worse. You can at least try to stop that, and perhaps to begin the process of reversal.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm I think going against the flow on vaccines (or anything) takes more effort than going with. It's more of an (internal) action in that sense? But you're right technically in this case.

But in other cases, such not letting your country get subverted, timely action is necessary (hence the reference to Q). It's a bit late now, and so it will take a lot more effort to undo than if it was done earlier. Hope is a feel-good tranquilizer (a bit like drug induced escapism), and that makes it dangerous to rely on.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

So hope is bad now?

"Dangerous" would be more accurate.

Hope can lead to inaction (look at Q). Makes you over weight your chances. This reduces the urgency and intensity in your actions, and not be as careful in your planning/backup. It's a tranquilizer.

When hope is repeatedly given and taken away, it leads to apathy, disconnect and gloom. This can create nihilism and unleash destructive tendencies.

Fear, love, desire, greed, anger, pain, lust, disgust, hate, aversion: These are better motivators (fear being the strongest).

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not bad. A bit simplistic, but good enough to bait people. These are definitely no where as good as the ones Google has.

I now see how these sites sap your energy and time by baiting you. The algorithm probably brings you face to face with people or bots to fight, kinda like you put two pitbulls in a cage to fight. It's an artificially created situation, but the fighting is real. I think this kind of baiting and subsequent fighting now extends to the real world too. Paid actors acting in the most inciteful way possible: the really outrageously dressed SJWs that try to get in your face, the aggressive rioters etc. These are then blown up by Youtubers and MSM to draw more people in. The Conservative side has its own paid actors designed to draw their followers into the fighting. The frequency of baiting has increased unbelievably in the last few years.

After exhausting your resources thus, you're left with little time and energy to pay attention to the changes in the real world, let alone reverse them. Let the peasants weaken each other, then conquer them at their weakest. In the past revolutions, people did not have this handicap (the online version anyway). This time is different, truly.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know about "alter consciousness", but cellphone signal definitely produce noise in my head when in use (at least the ones operating in the microwave range like mine does). Hard to explain, but it feels like something is scrambling my brain.

You can feel this effect if you put your head directly in front of and very close to a microwave being operated. Try it. It's subtle, but pay extremely close attention to your head. Do you feel something? It's similar but much milder for phones.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

LMAO nobody believed you initially, but now people are more receptive to the idea, since the vaccines have come and gone and there's no end to this "pandemic".

by Renzus
BlackDay2020 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah I tend to agree as well. I doubt the Jews are born with a magically greater ability than others to act decades or centuries ahead. That requires foresight, often sacrifice of immediate gains for a long term win, an achievement mentality beyond what most people are capable of etc. I mean if you look at Albert Pike's (freemason) descriptions of a world war between Zionists (allies of Israel) and Islamists, way back in 1800s, you have to admire the precision with which things have unfolded: https://ia601900.us.archive.org/16/items/albert-pike-letter-to-mazzini/Albert%20Pike%20Letter%20to%20Mazzini.pdf

But the letter might be fake too.

The idea that the elite follow a demonic religion is real I think, but could be for a different reason than to actually please some demonic entity (only at the highest levels though): https://conspiracies.win/p/13zfva3Uf3/x/c/4JFoFsbm6YE

As I said there, the Abrahamic religions provide a ready set of doomsday prophecies. This is why Jews might be used by the elite, so things can unfold along the plot lines of the scripture which provides the required predictive programming to billions.

The end goals is a third World War in the middle east (if you believe Pike's letter is real). The elite will orchestrate events similar to those preceding Armageddon, and the masses will hence liken those times to the end times (due to predictive programming given to them by their scriptures), increasing participation to billions.

If true, this might make sense of how the US has been trying to keep the middle east unstable (I assume to unite them at some later time), why the house of Saud and Wahhabism was promoted by the British, why the Brits created Israel etc.

EDIT: I don't have a firm conviction in this theory. In fact, I hardly have firm conviction in any theory.

by Redsky
BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a mistake on your end. It's "site:conspiracies.win ...." not "Site:conspiracies.win ...". Search operators are case sensitive (another example: OR instead of or etc.)

BlackDay2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can still find his stuff reposted by using this exact search string in DuckDuckGo or Google (incl quotes):


Single site specific search as follows:


Multi site:

("DIABLOXANTIAGO" OR "@DIABLOXANTIAGO") (site:twitter.com OR site:instagram.com OR site:.... OR site:.........)

Here's everything I found: https://conspiracies.win/p/13zztKF9I8/x/c/4JH7jxsPpA8

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

You won't like to hear this, but God didn't stop the Bolshevik revolution. They were Christians too, right? We are possibly headed in the same direction again.

BlackDay2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

food from a garden or a farmers market, trade in services like lawn mowing or snow removal, ride sharing

None of this will survive. Even food got seized from people's homes in the Bolshevik revolution.

Le government: All your assets are belong to me now

No internet and power? Digital devices getting seized? Such a government won't be stupid enough to allow a parallel economy.

If everyone stored crypto, who stores the food? Where will it come from?

BlackDay2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent point. A more complex technology generally has more points of failure. What good is crypto in a jungle? Not even silver will help you there. Food and water are the most important.

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