ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

the Overton window has shifted so much that what you could call left back then is not remotely what you would call left now.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am a 2000s era liberal for the most part, and my convictions have not changed. I believe the rights of the individual trump all else, and that the state has no right to dictate how I live my life.

this was the leftist position in the early 00s, but has since become a heavily right-wing position. it happened so abruptly that I found myself being a heretic without even doing anything.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

for the record, I resent the accusation that I am a leftist. fuck those authoritarian half-wits.

About the global depopulation conspiracy, I'm certain that large percentage of people in the global elites wants global depopulation. however, these are people with entire militaries in countries under their thumb. if they truly want to accelerate global depopulation, all it takes is another world war with a plausible excuse for why the nukes don't work. the people fighting and dying in this war would be young men, just choking off a significant portion of the global breeding population. With the supposed escalation in the middle east, this is a very distinct possibility.

Meanwhile, distributing death jabs only works for depopulation if it kills or sterilizes the population before they breed. While the jabs killed many and injured many more, and were nearly completely useless against covid, the majority of people who took them thankfully did not notice any negative effects. Even the sterilizing effects are not remotely universal. If the plan was to give everyone late stage cancer, most of them will have already bred before the effects kill them. it would be a very poor strategy at the very least.

The jabs did not stop or even hinder the spread of covid, their effects on the global population are going to be minimal if even observable, and the people injured from the jabs disproportionately affect the compliant over the dissidents. no matter how you look at it, the jab was a complete failed product.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +3 / -1

my counter to this theory is this: why did they push it so hard when it immediately became evident that all the dissidents weren't taking it? if the shot was intentionally meant to kill people, they should have realized that they would be killing off their loyal and leaving the dissidents alive. they would want the other way around, they would want the loyal to live in the dissidents to die off. to that end, they would release a legitimate vaccine to a deadly virus that they would release.

if covid was meant to be that virus, they failed miserably. if the shot was meant to be a vaccine to that virus, they also failed miserably.

thus, my conclusion is that the shot was simply a rushed product that was overhyped, with tons of high-profile people investing a lot of money into it's success. when such a rushed product produced at such a mass scale inevitably failed, the damage control was kicked into full gear.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

they don't have to "attack" anyone. Just freeze your bank account and put you on an fbi wanted list. they will drive you into a cave, yet you'll never get the chance to look them in the eye.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

be prepared for the retaliation. The government doesn't play around when you don't pay your protection money.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

good shit, I didn't even know L1 was a thing

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +3 / -1

if you take one glance at my post history you would know that I do not have any love for the nation of Israel. you're just parroting a Palestinian propaganda article, and the Israeli article that you linked doesn't mention the story at all as I have pointed out in that thread.

again, logic dictates that there's no way October 7th could have happened without insider help. just look at the supposedly impenetrable Iron dome defense being thwarted by a bunch of slow parachutes. but mindlessly repeating propaganda outlets does not help the case.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

ctrl+f: "unaware"

0 results

ctrl+f: "Tzvika"

0 results

I seriously think you linked the wrong article, as I cannot find this vote you are citing in it at all.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

good for you, you will never get that shit in my head or any of my potential children's heads

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +2 / -2

I am convinced of this, but

Palestine Chronicle

surely they would never lie

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read that whole article and it never mentions anything about Israelis knowing about the October 7th attack in advance. were you meaning to link a different article?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

a war between major global superpowers will not be a contest of strength or toughness. it will be a contest of sheer resources, technological prowess, and strategic planning. also nukes, lots and lots of nukes.

your soldiers being tough is irrelevant in this conflict.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

sounds like the UK wants to send their refugees to the next war.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +1 / -1

here's my dingus take:

the land now commonly known as Israel was the ancestral Homeland of the Jews in ancient history. when Christianity and the Romans pop up, the land is usurped and renamed. at some point, the Islamic religions end up having a claim to it too. over the next several centuries, a bunch of Dingus rulers decide it's worth going to war over this desolate piece of desert land, and this includes what we are seeing in modern days.

in the last couple of centuries, the British helped a bunch of Zionists resettle and found the modern Nation known as Israel. as the nation of Israel grew, so did the Islamic nation of modern Palestine, both of which claim that the land known today as Israel belongs to them. war ensues, which means war crimes ensue, ensuring that there can be no peace. to make matters worse, wealthy foreign governments are injecting modern weapons and highly destructive technology into the conflict so they can own the other side in a proxy war, as well as keep their military industrial complexes fed.

throughout all this, both Israel and Palestine constantly lobby and reach out to foreign governments for aid. in many cases, they have even taken to inviting foreigners to live in their respective lands and unknowingly become a meat shield for the local governments.

the whole thing is stupid, and the most humanitarian outcome would be to evacuate anyone and everyone who truly wants to leave the conflict behind, cease all military aid to either side, and let the zealots fight it out until they're dead.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

we used to play this game in summer camp all the time, though we knew it as Mafia. In our version, there is an open discussion amongst the villagers as to who to kill before the vote is held. this makes it a game of poker faces and deception, and in this version the the win rate was about 50-50.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

what's the context here?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

of course, the citizens and soldiers of Israel are the innermost circle of the meat shield. gotta fatten them up!

ApparentlyImAHeretic 8 points ago +8 / -0

marching with hands up, no visible weapons on them, they are a long distance away from any Israeli forces, well outside of the blast radius of any potential suicide bomb, no shots are fired until the target is in Clearview, and the two shots that are fired are shots to kill.

yep, there is no justification or excuse for this.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +3 / -3

in this case, the video speaks a thousand words so it's understandable.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

those would be conspiracy surrounding hell and demonic forces, but I'm talking about Satan or Lucifer himself.

for instance, I have heard it said that Satan is the prosecutor and The punisher of the Damned in hell, and yet Lucifer is supposedly an angel who rebelled against God. assuming both of these things are true, I'm not necessarily sure these are entirely the same being.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +1 / -1

they call themselves Christian and they center their beliefs around Jesus Christ, even if its shallow.

in the words of the Reverend Saint Paul Harrell: "you be the judge"

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've got to say, I haven't heard many conspiracy theories about Satan himself, only conspiracy theories that certain people are individuals are controlled by Satan.

what's a good conspiracy theory about Satan?

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