Maybe there is no need to complicate things by thinking about nano tech and advanced technology in the jabs. Maybe this one is just to give as many people cancer as possible because that is a type of death which they can easily deny. Steadily increasing rates of cancer, "could be anything" they'll say.
Moreover, with Earth's weakening magnetic field during the Pole shift, that will theoretically bombard Earth with far more space radiation than people are used to. It could be a one two punch, weakening people's immune systems and then kill them off with cancer. Not everyone of course, but who knows, perhaps hundreds of millions or more.
Maybe the full roll out of the more advanced tech comes in response to this first wave of death. Who knows and hard to say, but just thought I'd speculate here.
for the record, I resent the accusation that I am a leftist. fuck those authoritarian half-wits.
About the global depopulation conspiracy, I'm certain that large percentage of people in the global elites wants global depopulation. however, these are people with entire militaries in countries under their thumb. if they truly want to accelerate global depopulation, all it takes is another world war with a plausible excuse for why the nukes don't work. the people fighting and dying in this war would be young men, just choking off a significant portion of the global breeding population. With the supposed escalation in the middle east, this is a very distinct possibility.
Meanwhile, distributing death jabs only works for depopulation if it kills or sterilizes the population before they breed. While the jabs killed many and injured many more, and were nearly completely useless against covid, the majority of people who took them thankfully did not notice any negative effects. Even the sterilizing effects are not remotely universal. If the plan was to give everyone late stage cancer, most of them will have already bred before the effects kill them. it would be a very poor strategy at the very least.
The jabs did not stop or even hinder the spread of covid, their effects on the global population are going to be minimal if even observable, and the people injured from the jabs disproportionately affect the compliant over the dissidents. no matter how you look at it, the jab was a complete failed product.
The depopulationists never said "cull the heard, but only the disobedient". They are simply culling the heard.
I'm glad you're not a leftist cuck, but your username and initial arguments did seem to indicate it.
I agree it hasn't been universal, but I think they are setting us up for something. More disease, either cancer, "pandemic 2" or both.
I am a 2000s era liberal for the most part, and my convictions have not changed. I believe the rights of the individual trump all else, and that the state has no right to dictate how I live my life.
this was the leftist position in the early 00s, but has since become a heavily right-wing position. it happened so abruptly that I found myself being a heretic without even doing anything.
So I am correct you're a lefty.
the Overton window has shifted so much that what you could call left back then is not remotely what you would call left now.