I do not go around taking pictures of blood.
I didn't ask you to take pictures of blood, I asked you to look up pictures of blood, from medical sources, or if you're really wanting a grim punch in the face, gore videos.
I know that once you mix red and white, you will get pink
Are you retarded? Blood isn't paint. I've been trying to tell you, repeatedly, that blood has very distinctive coloration, even when it's really thin. It never turns pink. I tell you to look up pictures of blood to prove this, but you'd rather agree with obvious propaganda from known liars...in a conspiracy theory forum of all places.
If you approach the world as thinking you already know everything you should, you destroy your own curiosity and capacity for learning.
There's good evidence that modern day jews are Edomites, descendants of Esau, who bred with Canaanites, in defiance of his father Isaac and God himself. Canaanites are a cursed people by God. The Biblical warnings of prophecy and from God say that if the Israelites left any Canaanites alive, they would perpetually hound us in our own nations, which is what modern jews are doing to White people. There's also really good evidence that White people are the true Israelites. Check out the website Christogenea for complete breakdowns of Biblical scripture and proofs. Also check out these 2 links for more proof:
The people that Jesus was at odds with in his lifetime on earth were the Edomites. They had taken over the religious leadership positions, including the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin. This takeover became especially rampant when King Herod, an Edomite, was appointed as king of Judea by Rome, and began appointing his own people into positions of power. This behavior mirrors modern day jews, who infiltrate and corrupt. Jesus specifically called these people children of the devil, who is the father of lies, and they do as their father. Modern jews are also prominent liars, who often position themselves in defiance of god, in behavior, language, and belief. Jesus was killed by these people.
Modern day jews are the primary pushers of atheism and satanism. Modern day jews are also heavily involved in continuing ancient Babylonian/Canaanite religious cults, worship of deities like Baal, Moloch, and Remphan, who are all just derivatives of Saturn. The Pizzagate investigation proved how prolific this Saturn/satan worship was in D.C. and Hollywood, prominent circles of jewish dominance. The 6 pointed star now associated with jews, and on the Israeli flag, isn't the star of David. It's the star of Remphan. It could easily be argued that the "mark of the beast" is the star of Remphan, with 6 points, 6 lines, and a hexagram in the middle. This is personal speculation, though. Modern day jews are also inordinately obsessed with the number 6, through their numerology "magic" called Kabbalah. Modern jews don't follow the Torah, they follow the Talmud, which is essentially just jewish legalese bullshit meant to completely subvert God's commandments and will, often to make it mean the exact opposite of what is said.
Revelation calls them the Synagogue of Satan, those who call themselves jews but aren't, which is fitting of modern day jews, since they're Edomites, not true Israelites.
Post an actual picture of pink blood. You're the one making the assertion. Prove it. I have tons and tons of personal experience, which is backed up by some truly grisly gore videos I've seen.
The only colors you'll find of blood anywhere close to pink are lighter shades of red, which are quite unique to blood, where the thickness of blood varies, and the thinner parts dry a lighter shade. However, it never, ever produces the pink color seen in the OP.
You've been here for 3 years and you don't know about jewish lies? Screw off. To be this naive would require willful ignorance.
Jews have lied about their ancestry, their Biblical connections, about WW2, the Holocaust, the Nazis, slavery, coin clipping, banking, Weimar Germany, LGBTQ, civil rights, feminism, porn, taking over Western governments, poisoning wells, Kabbalah and their fascination with the number 6, their role in Communist Russia, their role in Communist China, their role in the ethnic cleansing of tens of millions of White Christians in Russia, the Holodomor, the USS liberty attack, their role in the funding, arming, training, and running of ISIS, the same for their role in Hamas, the same for their role in trying to oust Assad in Syria, stealing oil from southern Syria by slant drilling from northern Israel, their true views on Christ, Christianity, and Christians, their writings in the Talmud, their role in globalism, their role in diversity, their role in anti-White racism, their role in open borders and mass non-white immigrations, the Kalergi plan, their role in NGOs funneling non-whites to White countries non stop, their lies to start the Iraq war, their lies to start the 2nd Iraq war, their lies in Afghanistan, their lies about protecting the poppy fields, their role in the opioid epidemic immediately after Afghanistan, their lies about ethnically cleansing Palestinians, their lies about Palestinian "terror", their lies about their reprisals against Palestinians, their lies about their true intentions for Israel and the Palestinians, their "fellow white people" lies all over social media, their role in pedophilia, their role in genital mutilation, their role in the spread of vampire myths, their role in funding both sides of wars...
This is just stuff I could think of off the top of my head. And you pretend to be ignorant to all of it, while claiming to be a genuine, regular user here? Screw off.
People can hold such extreme positions if they like, but hopefully as they get older, they get more reasonable, and grow out of their fanatic world view.
Knowing about confirmed conspiracy theories, historical, political, and wartime, makes the modern world make more sense. Only a truly apathetic or evil person could ever become comfortable with this world we're living in. Which are you?
Wrong again. Blood never, ever produces a pink hue when absorbed into paper. There are pictures online of what blood looks like when it is absorbed into paper. At most, the blood turns lighter shades of red depending on the thickness, but the shades of red are unique to blood, and are nowhere near the colors seen in this picture. Stop trying to gaslight everyone.
as proven by the picture from OP.
That's what we're debating dumbass. Stop shilling for faked images and scenes from known liars and propagandists.
His position is the best position to take. So many jews are liars, and so many things jews say are lies, that it would be insanely foolish and intentionally, willfully self destructive to believe them. It's better to approach them from the position that they're known liars, that they lie, and to never, ever trust them.
Also, you didn't answer my question. Are you new to conspiracy theories?
Wrong. Blood on paper, never, ever turns pink, unless possibly the bleeding victim was just injected with gallons of pink dye. At most, blood will become a light red, but never the pink you see in this image. The color of blood is very unique, and nearly impossible to duplicate without actually using blood.
How does knowing jews lie make someone a fanatic? How does not trusting known liars make someone a fanatic?
Are you completely new to conspiracy theories? Jewish lies have been discussed to death on forums like this, for many, many years.
I used to get tons of bloody noses, before I got my nose cauterized, twice. I would get 2-3 every day, for years, that often lasted 20-30 minutes. I've accidentally bled on lots of different stuff.
I can say, definitively, that the "blood" in this image is fake. The "blood" on the book is fake. Blood doesn't soak through paper like that, and it doesn't produce that color. The "blood" on the floor is also fake. Blood doesn't smear like that or have that color, when wet or dry.
Blood has a very specific viscosity and color (dark, dark red when wet), even on paper, and interacts with water and liquids quite uniquely. Blood also clots in unique ways. When blood dries, it turns somewhat brownish. Once you know how blood looks and acts, it's really easy to spot fakes.
Don't believe me? Bleed on some tile flooring, and some paper towels or a book. See what happens.
You're responding to a known shill that likes to shit up the c/conspiracy forum. He blatantly admitted to hating the place and its users, and then tried to deny it afterward. I got into a lengthy argument with him a few weeks (months?) ago. He might also be a AI chatbot, because of how weird his text is.
Complex, well support structures and systems take time to fully degrade and collapse. However, when small systems collapse and small problems fester, it builds upon itself, causing bigger systems to collapse and cause bigger problems. Unless problems are corrected, the slide toward collapse accelerates. Since globalists are doubling down on their stupidity, pushing us faster toward the cliff, more people are noticing, exfiltrating from the systems that are oppressing us, and accelerating us faster toward the nexus.
Most people who are prepared for what's coming inevitably get impatient, but it's definitely going to happen in our lifetimes. There's no way out now. Every vector is pointing in one direction, downward, and it's causing more problems causing further downward vectors.
This is almost identical to the U.S. entrance into WW2. The American people didn't want to fight, but the people in power wanted a war. They antagonized both Germany and Japan for years, propagandized both of them to get the American people to loathe them. Then, when Japan went to strike Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government knew it was coming, and instead of trying to stop it, they let it happen, letting our own people be slaughtered.
Just like then, we're getting a constant stream of war propaganda aimed at demonizing one side, without the full context. Israeli war crimes are hidden/censored. If you don't agree to the current message, you're a bad American/Christian.
Whenever the hypocrites harp on White people for conquering our own countries, or that violence is wrong, or killing the people responsible for hurting us is wrong, or that collective guilt should only be levied against White people, show them social media posts like this. They're perfectly fine with killing people, even women and children, so long as its the "approved" people. Don't give these anti-White genocidal bastards an inch.
Incompleteness theorem (1st) shows that there is no finite set of axioms that can be used to prove/disprove all true logical statements.
Agreed. That's what mathematicians and philosophers were trying to do before Godel proved they couldn't, through mathematics.
I liked the paper linked, but claiming that it is a mathematical proof of god is just ludicrous.
I don't think God (or infinite anything) can be mathematically proven definitively either. It's a simple philosophical problem for humans, as we're finite, imperfect, mortal creatures. We can't know everything, therefore some things we don't know can change our perceptions, the totality of judgement(s) we've derived through our limited knowledge.
However, I do think that God, or the effects of God, or the will of God, can be seen before reaching infinity. Even finite, imperfect, mortal creatures like us can discern and discover truth, and we can continually build upon it. We can't know everything, but we can continually learn, progressing toward infinite knowledge, without ever being able to reach it.
It's how I came closer to God. The foundational descriptors of God and truth are nearly identical. Truth is infinite, immortal, perfect, and unchanging. Truth is immutable and all powerful. Anyone who goes against truth is harmed or killed, depending on severity and circumstance. Sin is easily described as imperfection, going against truth. While not identical, God is extremely similar, such that truth could be best described as God's will in this universe.
This is how I see truth and God. The more we learn of truth, the more we learn of God and God's will.
I think that's where the disagreement lies. From what I can tell, you see God as an all or nothing thing, either prove infinity/God or not at all.
Because the same people that have lied to us about everything else, don't deserve to be trusted when it comes to history, especially when they've already been caught lying about numerous historical events, wars, wartime opponents, political opponents, and false flags which have harmed us, leading to wars causing the deaths of millions and passage of tyrannical laws infringing on our natural rights, pushing usever closer to hell on earth.
The lesson is very simple, but many still make the mistake. Don't trust liars.
If you're unaware of these lies, these conspiracies, then you're new here and need to listen more, ask questions, and do more resesrch. If you actively deny these lies, to make your current belief more palatable, then you don't belong here. If you know about these lies, but continue to trust known liars, then you're acting like an idiot, and I ask you to stop, as you and everyone around you deserve better.
There's tons of contrary evidence to the "Nazis bad" propaganda. We're not conjurong up this evidence from thin air just to be jerk contrarians and trolls. If you don't know what that evidence is, just ask around.
Apologies for the late reply. Had family in town.
You do realize, that you basically stated what I stated, but in other words?
I dont think so, at least with how you worded it. You said it's impossible to prove God. I said that it's possible to show God's existence through our limited understanding (which is what OP said, and you disagreed with). To repeat, Godel never said it's impossible to figure out truth, only that it's impossible for us to learn infinite truth (completeness of a system) using a limited set of rules.
Gödel's incompleteness theorem proves that no universal truth can be proven (with no assumptions). Only local truths (with assumptions).
Not really. For clarity, I'll post what Godel's incompleteness theorems say. Link:
Godel's first incompleteness theorem (as improved by Rosser (1936)) says that for any consistent formalized system F, which contains elementary arithmetic, there exists a sentence GF of the language of the system which is true but unprovable in that system.
Godel's second incompleteness theorem states that no consistent formal system can prove its own consistency.
The only thing Godel's theorems say, is that it's impossible for humans to create a limited/finite set of rules, to define all of reality/infinity. His theorems never say it's impossible to define truth, or figure it out (even as you worded it).
Hence, no math proof of "God has been proven using math".
Just because we can't count to infinity doesn't mean we don't know infinity (the idea) exists. Higher forms of math are impossible without the idea of infinity. In fact, Godel's theorems actually prove the existence of infinity, and the infinite aspect of reality. It shows that no matter how many rules we apply to a system/reality/creation, we're no closer to properly defining it than when we started, because there will always be some function/equation/truth outside of that rule set, which that rule set can't prove, requiring another rule, and another, and another, etc., which is exactly what counting to infinity is like.
Really, go study the Gödel's theorem yourself
I have.
Godel only said that a limited set of rules can't define infinite truth (it's analagous to counting to infinity, no matter how high you count, you're no closer than when you began). Godel didn't say that truth can't be discerned. Suppose God is infinite and exists, that doesn't mean we can't see evidence of God through math, the sciences, philosophy, or creation.
Ban? You're not a mod. Feel free to block me, though. You're a coward, subversive, and liar.
No I didn't.
I've quoted you, several times. You admitted this, in your own words.
You're obviously down voting as well.
I am, yes. You deserve it, for being a subversive, a liar, a hypocrite, using logical fallacies, denying reality, and inverting reality. Someone else is downvoting you, too. Not sure who. From your behavior, you deserve it, though. This is the only user profile I have for this site. I don't use alts. Using alts for manipulating vote counts and conversations is manipulative and dishonest behavior, which I don't do. That's your purview.
Proving you're the stalker. Obviously.
Downvoting comments and users that deserve to be downvoted isn't stalker behavior, no matter how much you want it to be true, no matter how much you claim it to be true. That's not how truth works.
You fucking tranny?
Still clinging onto this false assertion with a death grip, I see. As I asked you before, which you didn't answer (because you can't, honestly): are you suggesting that all language users of languages with gendered words are all trannies, merely for using words belonging to either gender, in the same sentences, paragraphs, or ideas expressed? By your own logic, you'd have to say "yes", which would prove you a moron. Since you can't admit "yes", you have to deny it, which makes you a hypocrite, or ignore it, which makes you an intellectual coward. All options prove who you are.
You can't separate from arguing things already explained, and which has no bearing on what started this: you admitted to hating this forum, its users, and being a subversive.
You're still a subversive. You still think, speak, and act like a subversive. You're a liar. Liars and subversives offend me, yes. You at least got that right, but in the wrong way, and for the wrong reasons. You also think this gives you fake points in a fake argument through a fake path of discourse.
Yes you've explained you're a stalking stalker with trannish tendencies.
No I didn't. You're trying to claim something without evidence. You want something to be true, to appear superior. You can't just make any claim without evidence.
I didn't attack this forum.
Liar. You called this a "nigger forum", an "echo chamber", and the users "fucking stupid".
Stop lying.
Typical globalist subversive tactic: accuse others of what you're doing, and invert reality.
Although it's quite generic with the Chinese because they're communists.
LOL. Are you accusing me of being Chinese? LOL.
You are attacking me.
I'm describing you based on your own words and behavior. Do you also think describing the bad things that jews believe, say, and do is antisemitic?
What are you talking about.
I've explained myself quite plainly, with easy to understand language. I've also elaborated more than most to fully explain myself and my ideas, which should make my points even easier to understand, if you'd bother to read, but you aren't.
You made it personal.
Wrong. You attacked this forum and its users first. Again, you're trying to invert and/or deny reality.
You're also using a multiple account
Wrong. This is my only account. You do appear to have a stalker with someone else, probably someone you've justifiably pissed off, who downvotes all of your comments. I only have one downvote to give you.
I don't need to refute anything.
Yes, you do. You're not God. You're not the arbiter of truth, as everything you speak is sacrosanct. When in a debate, you have to make logically sound assertions, and defend yourself from refutation.
But you told me what to say.
Nowhere have I told you what to say. In fact, I hope you continue to speak the way you do, and that you're continually open about your admission of being a subversive. It makes everyone else's job easier to spot and ignore you.
Go stalk somebody else.
Thus, again, proving you're not reading anything I'm saying. I could probably put my recipe for banana nut bread in one of my comments and you'd never even see it or comment on it.
Again the purpose of conspiracy is information, not what others say.
Wow, I somewhat agree with something you've said. Well done! However, given that most conspiracies are difficult to prove, much of it is based on hearsay, often correlated with tangentially related material.
You want to police a conspiracy site because you're offended by what others say?
Yes. Gatekeeping is how all communities keep themselves pure, free from trash and subversives. However, everyone here knows that conspiracies is a huge umbrella topic, which requires free speech and open debate, with lots of disagreements and contrarian views, subtle or great, as it has to be for forums like this to operate. However, you just admitted to being a subversive at the start of this.
Conspiracies offend. There you are wanting little rainbows. Say it nicely wahaaaa. Is what you said to me.
If you recall, it was you accusing me of attacking you, to which I responded and refuted, as it was you attacking me. I quoted the initial comments that started this exchange. You admitted to hating this forum and its users. I merely pointed out what you said, and what that makes you. I then pointed out how it was you attacking me in your comments. As I said, I hope you continue to speak and behave exactly as you are. Makes it easy for the rest of us. So, feel free to offend and be as much of an ass as you want.
However, on a connected point, good debate can only occur when both sides are civil, honest, logical, and prioritize truth above all else, as the purpose of good debate is the search for truth. You haven't been civil, logical, or prioritize truth above yourself. Given the lies you've told, attempting to invert and distort reality, you're also being dishonest. Given this, you don't prioritize truth, which is supported by all the other lies and inversions you've stated.
You're literally worse. Much worse.
Why? Because I push people in a debate? Tough. Grow up. Rise to the challenge or wither. Or, better yet, if proven wrong, admit to it and change accordingly. Most normal people don't begrudge people for being wrong, they begrudge them for never admitting fault when presented with the truth. That's what you're doing. You're doubling down, over and over, because I dare push you in a debate to challenge you, and myself. If you'd bother to read my previous responses you'd already know why I do this, so you wouldn't keep making these stupid comments.
Hence I am being stalked by a troll.
Thank you for again confirming you're not reading anything I'm saying. I've already refuted this assertion, multiple times. Feel free to respond again, though.
Again you're writing letters to people.
I like to fully explore ideas, don't relent in a debate, I can type fast, and you said a lot of stuff that required full exploration and refutation.
You haven't refuted anything I've said, you've just done more of the same, since the very start of this thread: deflection, changing the subject, focusing on things that I've already explained and that have no bearing on this discussion, inverting reality, use ad hominems, create straw men, project, gaslight, use logically fallacious arguments, and talk strangely.
I wanted to know who the stalker is? I baited.
As I've said, I enjoy pushing people in a debate, to challenge them and their ideas, and to challenge myself and my ideas. You didn't "bait" anything. Refuting your lies and logical fallacies isn't "stalker" behavior. Are you suggesting that merely continuing a conversation/debate online amounts to being a "stalker"? That's a ridiculous and fallacious statement and you know it.
It wasn't me commenting.
You keep making really strange comments like these, with broken grammar and incomplete thoughts, that make your intentions behind them difficult to comprehend, leaving multiple possible explanations, given your behavior thus far. I posited the possibility that you're not a native English speaker, which you didn't answer. The only other possibilities are that you're mentally unhinged (you're denying reality, as it was your first comment that spurred on this entire exchange), or that you're a very poorly programmed chatbot. Given the prolific use of chatbots for well over a decade, especially in subversive circles, the latter explanation is becoming more likely, especially since you're fitting all the other criteria for a globalist subversive, which is what you admitted to being at the very start of this.
You're as bad and worse.
This is objectively not true, and you've presented no sound argument supporting this statement. You do realize that just saying something doesn't make it true? That's not how truth works. You keep making assertions that just aren't true, flinging poo against the wall hoping something sticks. It's a rather shameful display on your part.
You're on a conspiracy site yet you are as dystopian.
What a(nother) strange comment. Conspiracy forums always discuss topics which paint the world heavily dystopian, as the people in power are evil and corrupt, and are in control of most sectors of society, where the ordinary citizenry are subjected to propaganda their entire lives, so the people in power can manipulate us to think, speak, and act the way they want, believing in lies, and abandoning truth. The entire purpose of conspiracy theory forums, and the foundational purpose of language in general, is to pursue truth and share information. Are you denying all of the confirmed conspiracies that paint the world in a dystopic light? This is another indication that you don't belong on this forum, and are a subversive. You're just really, really bad at it. I imagine you just make inane comments to try and frustrate people, to get them to stop using the forums you corrupt. I'm not leaving.
Seeing as how you're not reading anything I'm typing, feel free to make another inane comment. This is getting weirdly funny. You're building a mountain of your own mockery.
You posted in your first reply to me. Read it. A big huge whiny letter like that other idiot Jack.
This was my first reply to you:
Thanks for at least openly admitting that you're a subversive. You're participating in a forum you hate, populated by people you claim are stupid. You're quite active in this forum, but say you hate it. Interesting.
This is what you said, which is what I replied to:
I don't care about your nigger forum. Little echo chamber of otherwise fucking stupid. You shout buzzwords. You're no different to the conspiracies you spew...Where are Jews gay? Provide it in their religion? Like any religion they're not. Oppossed to it. Until today's rights. This has been Western influence. Not Jewish. Liberalism. Globalisation...Threatening me with down votes? It doesn't do shit.
Your understanding of reality is clearly clouded and biased. Do you not remember what you, yourself, wrote?
It wasn't topical. It had nothing to do with the topic. It was an attack on me.
You're right, in that my response was an attack on you. By "attack", it was a well founded argument of what you are (a shill), what you think of this forum ("nigger forum" and "Little echo chamber of otherwise fucking stupid") and its users (implying that anyone who uses this forum supports the above negative positions), by using your own words.
You however are the resident Troon. I mean read your name.
You have this strange fixation on my name. The best assumption to explain why is that you have no defense, and instead try to attack, on the flimsiest of paths. Your behavior is quite transparent. I already told you why I chose my name, and being somehow subversive by including a masculine and feminine word in my username somehow means I'm a "troon" is laughable. Would you also suggest that all users of all gendered languages (like Spanish), where masculine and feminine form words are used in the same sentences, paragraphs, thoughts, and arguments, are all "troons"? Please say yes, as it would be hilarious.
I don't hate anybody.
Your words and behavior speak otherwise. This lends credence to you being a subversive shill. You're hypocritical, try to twist reality, gaslight people, and lie.
Have I down voted anybody? Ever? Not even once. Apart from a topic, ages ago, written by a schizo the entire forum had problems with. I didn't downvote them just their dumb topic. Haven't again.
I don't care what your voting patterns are like, nor does it matter. Strange that you tell me to "stay on topic" and yet you stray off topic. Your voting patterns don't matter, nor does it absolve you one way or another. Why are you trying to use voting patterns to try to prove anything?
I don't stalk people.
Good. Neither do I. This doesn't absolve you of anything, either.
I comment about the fucking topic.
Wrong. You're trying to invert reality and lie, again.
Until somebody dumb.
How original, everyone that you disagree with is "dumb". What an easy position to take.
Until somebody dumb. Look. Pisses me off by talking shit. Either stupid. Or insane. I don't follow them around this site afterwards. It is replied to in the topic about the topic or the relevant conversation.
Given how you write, are you a non English speaker? You don't misspell (which itself is odd within this context), but use very strange broken English and grammar.
You're not this forum.
You're right, that I don't use this forum a lot, or only, but that doesn't mean I don't really like the umbrella topic of conspiracy theories, or that I don't belong here. Furthermore, it's laughable that you accuse me of this, given your own words. My hobby in conspiracies started more as an interest in aliens, paranormal, weird ancient history, and cryptids, but the more time I spent in conspiracy forums the more I learned about political, wartime, and historic conspiracies.
What are you even trying to say? It's ridiculous.
I was initially saying that you're a shill. It's not ridiculous, and it's an incredibly easy assertion to make given what you said. Following that, what I've said has been in argument with your strange ramblings and disconnected tangents, which makes your accusatory "stay on topic" hilarious. Staying in a debate doesn't make me a stalker, it means I understand the purpose of debate, to explore truth. I've also learned that one can learn a lot by pressing people in a debate. When people get frustrated and angry, they admit to things they normally wouldn't, which makes identifying shills, subversives, and liars much easier. But, as I said in my very first reply to you, you just straight out admitted to it, so we could skip the entire process, which is why I said "Thanks for at least openly admitting that you're a subversive." It was said both in irony (subversives are liars by their nature, which makes your tacit admission odd) and genuine thanks.
The only reason I remain in this "debate" is to challenge myself and my ideas. People, like ideas, are honed through challenge. Weak people and weak ideas can't withstand challenge, they wither under scrutiny and react in very predictable ways, by becoming angry, by lashing out, by using logical fallacies, etc. I used "debate" in quotations because nothing is really being solved here other than to test myself in a rather meaningless discussion. Still, it helps me learn about my opponent, which in turn helps to build a repository of knowledge, even if you are a rather laughably weak opponent. I actually rather enjoy being challenged, as it forces me to up my game, and pushes me to do more research, to learn more. You haven't elicited that response.
I've already told you, repeatedly, that's not how blood looks when it soaks through paper. I've seen it for myself, numerous times, and you can see it in photographs of actual blood on paper. Stop gaslighting. You're not fooling anyone. Here's actual pictures of what blood looks like when it soaks into paper (since you're so intellectually lazy/dishonest to do a 5 second internet search):
LOL. No. Here are some pictures of what blood looks like in milk:
It doesn't produce "pink". It produces a lighter red coloration that is unique to blood.