ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

JQ = jewish question, meaning anything related to jewish crimes, historically or current.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

The modern form of circumcision is vastly worse than the Biblical form of circumcision. In the past, only the very tip of the foreskin was removed, and it was such a minor surgery that a man could be circumcised in the morning, and be able to fight a battle later that day. Today's circumcision removes the entire foreskin, requiring stiches, and weeks of recovery.

And, Biblically, Paul explicitly states in Galatians that circumcision is no longer required for Christians. To even entertain the idea that circumcision is necessary, invites Christians to become slaves to all of Hebraic law again, which does not save us, and only serves to condemn us, as no one can be perfectly saved by the law (of man). Jesus nullified all of the Hebraic laws. In Galatians, Paul was specifically rebuking the Galatian churches that had begun to judaize (the first Christian heresy), where jews of that day were trying to force the new gentile Christians into now defunct Hebraic laws.

Galatians 3:1-7

O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified. 2 Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? 3 Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh? 4 Did you suffer so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? 5 Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith— 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness”? 7 Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham.

Galatians 5:1-6

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 2 Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.

Galatians 6:11-16

See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. 12 It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh who would force you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13 For even those who are circumcised do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. 14 But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. 16 And as for all who walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ever increasing brown tide causes much more problems than it "solves" for the "bankers". It leads to a competency crisis, a steady degradation of the high trust society, crashing levels of social cohesion, men dropping out of society, military and LEO recruitment way down, comforts being taken away at a steady pace, increase in crime rates, reduction in wages, reduction in high IQ workers, increase in welfare rates, more takers and fewer producers, more social strife and violence, more racial awakening in White people, more collectivization of White people, more stringent and unapologetic White ethnic enclaves, more talk of local and state secessions, more money printing, more inflation and monetary devaluation, fewer people being able to afford to merely live, increasing numbers of people getting uber pissed and ready to revolt. In every conceivable way, this all leads to a civilizational collapse and boog 2.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

True, but any idea on how they'll be able to maintain the prices high, while everyone is selling and no one can afford to buy?

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Possibly, but the farther along this entire charade circus goes on, the worse off investing in the U.S. will be, except for those in on the fraud. When the collapse hits, it doesn't matter how much land or fake money these idiots have. It'll all become worthless over night. The collapse won't just be in Western civ, but the entire planet, because of how stupidly interconnected the globalists and bankers have made it.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep. Civilizational collapse and Boog 2 will fix that, too. There are no feminists in war and hardship. Women automatically go back to tradwife the moment life gets hard. Feminism has been the largest contributing factor for the fall of birthrates, as instead of women getting married and having kids, they've been pushed into the workforce en masse, during the most fertile years of their life, and only want to "settle down" in their 30s.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Once boomers start to die off en masse, and younger generations can't afford a house, the housing bubble will burst. The bankers in charge will certainly try to mitigate it, probably by bailing out the housing sector, to keep prices high, and mass importing even more foreigners and giving them those houses.

Hopefully, by that point, enough downward trends will join and all of Western civilization will collapse, allowing us to boog 2 our problems away.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

That would require force, because they have the Samson option. They'd rather genocide people, even their own allies, than to disarm or abide by any just morality or logically sound and consistent laws.

Fail by dukey
ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's not really a "fail", considering that Trump is a false savior for the dissident right, propped up by the (((string pullers))) to placate and corrale us, while still supporting Israel and jews, and continuing to implement the Kalergi plan. He was successful in duping millions of White right wingers. All he had to do was say the right things, make empty promises, and improve the economy a little bit, while making zero effective long term solutions (like eliminating usury, central banking, rooting out systemic corruption, killing the NGOs and traitors, stopping the Kalergi plan, etc.), since all of his executive orders will be undone in 4 years. After he leaves, we'll be right back at square one, but the White population will be lower than it is right now, and the normie right wingers will still tell us "vote harder".

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is one of those openly discussed, widely known conspiracy theories. Engineers brag about their ability to design things that will fail at specific dates. This is why modern roads suck and fail quickly. This is why LED light bulbs, which should last a really long time, burn out quicker than incandescent light bulbs. This is why the adage "they don't build them like they used to" is true.

Our ancestors were driven by love of their people, and through that love, built things that were beautiful, strong, and meant to last, things that were cherished, increased the beauty of the community and nation, and could be handed down to subsequent generations. Now? It's all cheap garbage and literal poison that is designed to be thrown away as quickly as possible, and rebought, to enrich CEOs and make us destitute. It's a natural consequence of capitalism, which prioritizes the pursuit of money above all else, seeking cheaper and cheaper ingredients, components, and labor, while selling for the same amount, or more. It's a never ending death spiral of greed and mammonism, and is antithetical to Christianity.

Jesus commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors (people) as ourselves. The foundations of capitalism is a contradiction of both commandments. It's just that many people have been fooled with the false choice dichotomy of economics of the last century, of capitalism vs communism, believing that basic market dynamics of free trade, ownership of goods, competition and merit, specialization of labor, and the like are somehow intrinsically associated with capitalism, and didn't exist for thousands of years before that usurious economic system was implemented. Corruption, lobbying, government subsidies, usury, bankers, obsolescence, inflation, outsourcing, globalism, open borders, mass immigration, cheap foreign labor, pushing women into the workforce, reduction of children per couple, these are all natural consequences of capitalism. It's just that many right wingers pray to idols, like mammon, will abandon their people so long as the stock market and GDP go up, and refuse to connect some of the worst aspects of modern society to their side of the false choice dichotomy of econonics, to "own the commies".

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pretty much the entirety of the Syrian "rebels" were created, funded, armed, trained, and led by Western governments, via the CIA and Mossad. This is why ISIS was so brutal and killed so many Christians. It also explains why ISIS, a supposedly militant Islamic group, apologized after accidentally attacking Israeli forces. And it explains why Western governments and media lied about Assad using chemical weapons, when it was the rebels doing it, or the attacks were entirely faked, with the help of Western media. Oh, and it also explains why the ISIS propaganda and execution videos were filmed with Hollywood level equipment, and it even looks like they were directed, produced, and edited by Hollywood personnel, at a time when all video coming out of the Middle East were little more than flip phone potato quality videos.

The entire Syrian civil war was Western (i.e. the U.S. and Israel) caused, from top to bottom.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Real and hetero.

Once I started seeing the worship of money, I see it everywhere, even in "right wing" spaces and people, even self professed Christians. Absolutely bonkers how upside down the world has become.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Traditionally party politics has been just 2 sides of the same coin, but Trump seemed to create a 3rd side, organically, and it has pulled from both these sides; I would say predominantly from the right.

Right vs left politics is a classic case of a false dichotomy, a control mechanism used to keep people within the carefully curated cage the people in power want us in, where both of the options we're given are controlled, and regardless of what we pick, we lose, and the cabal wins. There are, of course, exceptions and "wins" occasionally, but this mostly pops up in state and local elections.

Don't forget, however, that the false choice dichotomy isn't the only control mechanism being used against us. Over time, people do wake up to the false choice dichotomy, and exfiltrate themselves from the system, seeking alternatives. These dissidents don't have a home, and will either make it themselves, or find it. The left tried this with Occupy Wallstreet and Bernie Bros. The right tried this with the Tea Party movement and now MAGA. They were all co-opted, and slowly, over time, brought back within the fold of the Overton window.

Also, leaders act as condensation points for people. Political leaders are no different. When the dissident movement becomes big enough, false leaders are offered to us to condense us onto that false savior, someone we think is working in our interests, but is actually serving the people in power. This can happen if the false savior is genuinely on our side, but weak, stupid, and naive, or if they're disingenuine and actively working with our enemies. A genuine but weak leader can be propped up by the people in power, offered to us as a false savior, because they know that leader, and anyone that follows him, will fail, and can be manipulated into serving the people in power due to their naivety, stupidity, and weakness. Whether Trump is genuine and weak, or disingenuine, is up for debate. There's evidence for both. But, I whole heartedly think Trump is a false savior, and he's effectively neutering the dissident right for 4 more years, while the cabal's plans are advanced further, and we do nothing to stop them.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are probably some other corruptible reasons for providing "aid" to Afghanistan, as other comments point to, but never forget that all foreign "aid" is primarily a giant money laundering operation.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because Trump has widespread support among a lot of the cabal/globalists/zionists/Israel dual citizens.

Most people erroneously think the cabal are monolithic and unified. That's not the case. They hold every anti virtue imaginable, which makes any groups they form inherently unstable. They war with each other all the time, it's just that we often don't hear about it, and it's not broadcast on the news. Different people and organizations within the cabal have different interests, plans, and pathways to achieve their end goals, which often conflict with other members/groups of the cabal.

It's most likely that one part of the cabal wanted to stop Trump (i.e. the assassination attempts, if those attempts were actually genuine), while another part of the cabal wanted Trump to become president, because of how pro-zionist, anti-White, and pro-globohomo he is. Trump is a perfect candidate for a false savior that the cabal can prop up to placate the dissident right, while advancing their agenda for another 4 years, while the dissident right sits on their collective ass doing nothing to stop it.

This would explain why the election cheating affected the Congressional races moreso than the presidential race, giving another fake hurdle/excuse for why Trump can't enact some of his stated plans which are antithetical to globohomo (like mass deportations of illegals, ending the fed, ending the DoE, lowering taxes, gutting the deep state from government, etc.). Since Antifa was founded by, funded, and run by the same people behind the Soviet Union (i.e. jews), Antifa won't riot against Trump, because they're the ones that propped up Trump as a false savior and put him in office to do their bidding. Trump's cabinet picks and rhetoric surrounding Israel, antisemitism, and further allusions to Middle East wars which help Israel, all support this assertion.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

True. They all speak of this openly, but still, so many refuse to believe it, even here.

ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pretty wild how so few people, even on a conspiracy board, don't know about the Kalergi plan, as they keep advocating for ideas, behaviors, policies, and philosophies which help advance the Kalergi plan.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

The left will never, ever do this. Some of the useful idiots, the grunts, may harp about it, but the political leaders, absolutely not.

They know that if they open that can of worms, if they start a secession, balkanization, civil war, or revolt, it will result in violence, it will escalate, and their entire house of cards will crumble, robbing them of all their control mechanisms, fully awakening White people to the charade and the cabal's crimes. They war game this stuff constantly. It always ends the same way. If violence starts, they always lose and we win. Thus, they're trying desperately to delay any violent scenario for as long as possible, in the hopes that when it does happen, White people will be in such a minority that we'll have very little chance of winning.

This is why they're pushing the Kalergi plan so fervently, and using shills to call anyone advocating for violence "feds", while simultaneously pushing ideas like "vote harder [current year]", "vote for ____ false savior", and keeping people operating within the confines of the curated, controlled, corrupted system.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't matter?

The truth matters. The truth is the only thing we seek.

It matters what the truth of the moon landings are. It matters if voting is a charade or not. In every conspiracy, in every idea and philosophy, the truth is the only thing that matters.

Only through truth can we properly view the world, make correct decisions, protect ourselves, exfiltrate ourselves from false paradigms, charades, and control mechanisms, and most importantly, only through truth can we properly identify and fix our problems.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +3 / -1

I upvote him because I like him and appreciate what he's doing, and it makes some people repeatedly question how he can get so many upvotes, which I find comical.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nepotism is antithetical to merit. Merit is a foundational requirement for any group to be successful.

However, some groups (White people) are capable of being understandably nepotistic (like raising your sons to follow in your footsteps in whatever profession you're in, passing on your inheritance to your offspring, or preferring the people of your own community than that of outsiders). However, the above exceptions to nepotism can easily, and often better, be described by other traits than "nepotism", as they're logical behaviors for healthy people and communities to keep, so that they remain healthy. Nepotism, generally speaking, is what happens when people entirely eschew merit, usually for the purposes of retaining undue power, purely for power's sake, and such people are usually corrupt and destructive to the people around them, hurting whatever group they're a part of. Whereas healthy "nepotism" improves whatever group they're a part of.

This isn't really a refutation of what you said, just an exploration of it, as there are other considerations.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +5 / -0

The only evidence needed is to just drive on the roads.

I do agree with OP that the internet is filled with tons of bots and shills, and has been for a while.

However, there are absolutely a lot of stupid people out there. The whole NPC meme that hit a few years ago highlighted that a whole lot of people don't have inner monologues. Through extensive debates, that I've had and seen, to research into conspiracy theories, seeing how people react when their ideas are challenged, it's obvious that there's a large section of the population that aren't creative. They're more like human robots, that are programmed, and merely repeat what they've been programmed to. If you challenge their beliefs, they merely repeat their programming. You could present them mountains of evidence to the contrary, and they'd reject all of it, with ease. They even get angry at you for daring to change their programming.

At a certain level, it has to be wondered if that kind of person is somehow beneficial for human populations, because it's either a majority of the current population, or a very large segment, that it's somehow a genetically selected and predisposed behavior, somehow benefitting the species. Because, if society were healthy, these people would be (hopefully) parroting the truth, defending it. However, since the liars took control, all they do now is repeat and defend the lies. That, or what we're seeing is conditioned, meaning not natural, either through diet, chemicals, brainwashing, or a combination. It could also be a consequence of the rise and fall of civilization. When civilizations peak, the people are comfortable, with numerous barriers erected between themselves and nature. This prevents stupidity from being rightfully punished and weeded out. This stupidity grows, and will get big enough to weigh down civilization, where it will slowly at first, and then accelerate toward collapse, because of the stupid. This is almost always paired with corruption, too, where the corrupt take advantage of peak civilization, and gain/retain power through dumbing down the population, or intentionally trying to make us dumber, usually by feeding us lies.

In any case, objectively, there are a lot more stupid people put there today than there were 50 or 100 years ago. Then again, there are still also a great number of good people. It's just that they're largely drowned out by the stupid and/or censored and not on social media. Social media has enabled the stupid easier access to spreading their stupidity, and it's arguable that social media attracts the low and mid wits more, especially in the normie spheres of the internet, which makes it appear like the stupid is more common.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't always need to overtly censor stuff to ruin a forum. This forum gets a similar treatment to r/conspiracy and 4chan/pol. After 2016, r/conspiracy and 4chan/pol were inundated with shills constantly shitting on conspiracy theories, theorists, and genuine users, wildly manipulating vote totals, preventing genuine discussion (posting porn and useless topics on 4chan), and driving genuine users away. This forum is experiencing something similar, to a lesser degree. There are quite a few "users" here doing the same thing as the shills on r/conspiracy and 4chan, which have mostly been captured and ruined.

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