by pkvi
AK_Tree_Frog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Indeed. The CFR for that age range is in the realm of 1/100 to 1/1000 of a percent. So that means the "vaccine" barely needs to be effective to make this claim.

by pkvi
AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think humans have been somwhat free, namely before agriculture and the rigid dominance hierarchy and resorse accumulation that followed.

Also freedom is much more substantial without a debt based currency sytem. Real money constrains govt and tyranny considerably.

Most govs only became brutally oppressive once they began debasing their currency and taking on loans. Thus they are enabled to whatever ends they desire, with minimal dependancy on their subjects complicity or output.

AK_Tree_Frog 0 points ago +1 / -1

Still no explaination for why newtonian physics predict tides with perfect accuracy. Why do they not use wind to predict tides? Why is moon phase exactly correlated with tide amplitude if not for newtonian physics? If you can demonstrate several examples of using wind to predict a tide time and range, many months in advance, it would help. I looked and cant find a single example. I use tide tables daily, and they are NEVER wrong, even slightly. They are not calculated based on wind and can predict years into the future. Why is that?

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not true. Ever heard of the doldrums? Having spent a great deal of time at sea, there are times when there is zero wind locally, sometimes for days on end. While there is always wind somewhere, it is way to variable to predict tides. If its the wind, why do lunar/ gravitational tide charts get it 100 percent accurate, even months/ years/ decades in advance.

AK_Tree_Frog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is not as easy as that, tide times and amplituded vary wildly from year to year for any given date. This is due to the fact that orbits are elliptical and the earths spin is at a tilt and also wobbles. So exact relative position is rarely repeated and impossible to predict- without newtonian physics. And yes , we can predict where the moon will be for thousands of years into the future, down to the millimeter, using basic newtonian physics.

Is our understanding of gravity perfect? No. Gravitational therories break down at the quantumn scale, this is true. However, observational data shows that the newtonian model is highly accurate at our scale. This is why we have sattelites, areoplanes, raines and cars. Because the math derived from newtons laws predicts the motion of objects so well, we can use them to predicably engineer the tech we use daily. If they didnt work, how come planes fly, satellites can be launched into orbit, and why tide tables are perfectly accurate?

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +1 / -0

how do you explain how we can use math derived from newtonian physics ( the moon) predict tides with stunning absolute precsion accuracy? Why does the tide occur when there is no wind?

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jupiter and the gas giants have solid cores, larger than all of earth. That provide the dense mass needed to keep their gas from floating away. The sun is also mostly gas, and by your reasoning then should also dissipate into space.

Also the van allen/ ionosphere does a hell of allot to keep out atmosphere put.

The reason why the atmosphere ( which do have a tide) isnt as effected by tides as much as the oceans is the fact that gravitational pull is proportional to the masses involved. Therefore the earth oceans have a stronger gravitational pull than the atmosphere. Also due to inverse square law. As the distance between two gravitatioal bodies increse the gravitational force decreases exponentially. So that means that the earths gravitational pull on the atmosphere, oaceans and us is way higer than that of the sun, even though the sun is way bigger, and why we all dont float away.

The tides are a wave. The oceans are not being pulled straigt up and down, they are more sloshing back and forth in rythem with the sun and moons gravitaional influence. Almost like how if you put a glass of water on a table and than tilt the table back and forth sligtly, it would begin to slosh back and forth creating a wave.

Similarly as the reltive strength of the moon and suns gravitational pull rythmically ocillates with the elipical orbit of the moon and rotation of the earth, ( inverse sqare law) it creates just enough force to cause the oceans to slosh a tiny bit - the tides. If this was not true than why are tidal predictions perfecly accurate? Im a captain and use them daily wit zero discrepancy.

Also the tide is highly influenced by ocean topography. In the open ocean the tidal range only a few inches. It is only due to the venturi effect ( the velocity of a fluid increases as it flows through a constriction) that they become pronounced near shore. Thats why the tides in a fjord can be 15 ft + and only a couple feet on a broad open coast.

AK_Tree_Frog 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am a professional mariner who studies and experienced the tides on a daily basis. You can litterally see the moon in different positions and see the tidal variation. It is not bullshit. If it was we wouldt be able to calculate tide tables to a fraction of a second. Tidal forecasts are wildly accurate because the science and math are so inbelivably sound. Hell the ancient greeks even knew the math and created the Antikatheria Mechanism.

What is your alternate therory? Show me how it can be used to predict the timing and amplitude of tides with milisecond accuracy. And than trust your life on the sea to it.

AK_Tree_Frog 2 points ago +2 / -0

The tides are caused by a wave that is caused by the moons orbit causing shifts in its relative gravitational intensity ( newtonian inverse square law) , creating a sinusoidal wave in the earths oceans. Because the moon orbits the earth in about 24 hrs, the moon is directly overhead and directly under us in 12 hr ( aprx) intervals. The moon is in line with either horizon at 12 hr (aprx) intervals as well. Thus the moon is at a relative apogee/ perogee relative to the surface of the sea in 6 hr intervals, each associated with a high/ low. An idealized example- at 12 noon moon is overhead- high tide. At 6pm moon is on western horizon ( low tide) at midnight it below- high tide, at 6 am at eastern horizon ( low tide) and at noon its high tide again. Thus two highs and two lows in a 24 hr period.

Due to eliptical orbits and the orbital period being not exactly 24 hrs the tide time shifts with the day. Additionally the sun has an influece on tide as well- thus the amplitude of the tide is variable and correlated with moon phase ( spring vs neap tides). Furthermore, underwater topography can have a profound complicating effect, especially due to the venturi effect.

by pkvi
AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +1 / -0

You should post this on consumeproduct

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting indeed. I have long thought that BTC was either a trial baloon for or.early competetor against the eventual FED coin. It will likely unveil with an inflationary crisis/ stock collapse/ banking boondoggle Bitcoin and other cryptos will reach redonculous highs and truly threaten dollar hemogeny accutely. The gov will likely ban freerange cryptos like fdr confiscated gold in 33 or try to artificially supress their price through complex means in order to protect the interests of the central bank.

Unless we give them a fuck you.and somehow return to sound banking.

by pkvi
AK_Tree_Frog 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dude needs to be piloried, tarred , feathered, and finally kicked in the ass into a pile of hog shit, forever banished to live under a bridge.

AK_Tree_Frog 6 points ago +6 / -0

No action? She worked her ass off to challenge voter fraud in multiple jurisdictions, took cases to the supreme court, defended Flynn, and more. While she did not get a result, and probably could have done better, the fact of the matter is that she has done a tremendous amount of work.

The issue is not with Sidney Powell. It is with the activist judges who have usurped the judiciary since the late 1960's. Who has done more?

AK_Tree_Frog 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hess is good. Reading Narccisus and Goldman now. You kings would like.

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +3 / -2

You are no better. Have you ever contemplated the depths of your hypocracy? All you do in here is hurl low iq ad hominem attacks like so much monkey feces. I have noticed you rarely offer any genuine critique. Mostly insults and slander. What specific critique do you have of jack and rush? You like to style yourself as some rightious paragon of truth and knowledge, but in reality you are maaybe a bit above average. You spend your free time trolling a shit teir conspiracy board for fucks sakes. And worse than that you dont even offer any genuine counterpoint. Just personal insult.

Take a look in the mirror.

Not everyone agrees with what everyone thinks here. But they dont ridicule them for that. Instead they offer a counterpoint and move on- treat people with respect and decency. Furthermore this is a .win. So no fucking shit its right winged. This is where the folks on the right who were banned from reddit came. There are plenty of lefty conspiracy websites out there. They are just as slanted. If you want to find a conspiracy forum devoid of political animus i would suggest looking somewhere beyond this planet. If you are just looking to hurl insults at strangers, you can kindly find the door.

AK_Tree_Frog 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with you on point number one. Especially when it pertains to important contemporaneous political information. Tick tock can be very damaging, especially when it is meddles in organic social movements.

I think that most people in general don't care for the pursuit of truth, as long as they are comfortable. Only a small percentage can or will contemplate outside of their predominant conditioning. That is true here as well. But it is not unique to this space. It is fully innate in humanity.

AK_Tree_Frog 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. That's why I moved to rural AK. SE AK is a rich and wild land.

AK_Tree_Frog 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of us do not invest in the sort of Q type conspiracies to which you refer. See if you want that sort of religious fervor and blind abandonment of reason. To me so called "conspiracies" are simply exercises in free thought. Striving for hypothesis to give meaning and structure to the world. Some of us are not comfortable just accepting prevailing wisdom. There is plenty of historical precedent for gaps between what authorities propose and the truth. Questioning the status quo is extremely healthy for stimulating constructive debate and smashing the walls of our echo chambers.

Are our hypothesis and theories always correct? No. But neither are the establishments various schemas. And most of the people here are more capable of contemplating multiple perspectives than most. It not as if we give full stock to every "conspiracy". Who is to really say that what you believe is not just a "conspiracy theory". Live a little. Lighten up.

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +2 / -1

I do remember that. What a god damned journey. Imagine what we woul think of now then. Ha

AK_Tree_Frog 3 points ago +3 / -0

And not just you but also household members and other advocates need to visit the psych. Add in the rubio bill and we will all be investigated for terrorism and banned from owning guns and have them forecably confiscated ( they will try). NOT INFRINGED.COLD DEAD HANDS.

AK_Tree_Frog 2 points ago +2 / -0

The worst part is how the fees in his sceme are payable directly to the US AG. Thus creating a massive slush fund for the legal persecution of thier enemies.

AK_Tree_Frog 1 point ago +1 / -0

And it can burn in a vacuum due to oxidisers.

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