report as spam. sooner or later the mods will do something about fwoc
did you watch vid?
OP, make a threadreaderapp of tweet please, so entire thread can be seen.
weird article. a bit stretchy to make it's point.
regardless, the Elliot Page thing is fucked up. never could laugh or ridicule her. just pity and sorrow for her.
Eisenhorn is a FUD/D&C account
yes. this is correct. SR died at the hospital. the gunshot wound/location was not an immediately life threatening one.
their timing is where they want it.
get everyone mad at their respective governments, angry beyond simple revolution, more like guillotine/blood-in-the-streets mad. chaos everywhere for awhile, then when everyone is worn out and the rage has blown itself out, a "savior" comes in to rescue us through a one-world govt.
there's a /pol/ greentext on this that made alot of sense.
>still proselytizes climate change
>doesn't name le' jew
RFKjr is a wrangler/sheepherder/controlled oppo as much as Bernie, Warren, and Trump
that article is a bunch of pseudo-science mumbo jumbo
the energy field of wool flows from left to right, while that of linen flows in the opposite direction, from right to left.
in what spatial orientation? linen takes the left-hand path? sounds like wool is more righteous, in a metaphysical sense.
it only takes few generations to breed imbeciles
ahhh... now i understand American "law enforcement" and 3-letter agencies
don't interact with it. it just shits up the comment sections with r/iam14andthisisdeep pseudo intellectual bullshit.
mice; not rats
OP, c'mon... archive link b/c jew media:
surprising no one.
all the "law enforcement" agencies are criminal institutions at this point, the agents are parasites who view civilian Americans as insurgents and prey.
How do you explain the NPC mindset?
go along to get along; comforts and convenience over conscience; belief they can outsource their own agency to a third party authority
ADL got it's start in the 1910's, defending/rehabbing/whitewashing the legacy of a jewish rapist/murderer who was convicted despite there being another suspect, a negro, available.
Put another way, the evidence against the jewish business owner was so preponderant and overwhelming that Southern redneck racist nigger-hating jurors in the early 1900's decided the black guy was innocent.
Polishing the image of the rapist/murderer and trying to rewrite history is how the ADL got it's start. And the ADL has continued to build on a foundation of lies and bullshit.
don't waste your time on Eisenhorn. that's not a legit, organic user. look thru it's comment history. that account is just here to FUD and D&C.
we've got one. what we don't have are enough patriotic Americans willing to water the tree of liberty with either their own blood or that of tyrants.
maybe the problem they're having with clones is they're kind of stupid or socially inept.
a) no. they aren't.
b) even if, what is the average American?
there's a shitload of fighting age chinese males coming thru with the illegals crossing on our southern border.
it's a reference to it being overwhelmingly women who vote for the politicians that push for trans acceptance and other "woke" bullsh*t