sooner or later, the (((media))) are going to overuse the racism word to where no one gives a shit, or holds it as a badge of honor depending on who is making the accusation.
there's also the general presumption that being racist is bad, which kinda' denies the reality of there being clear differences between some races.
i'm in Austin, and am astounded anyone buys his schtick here. even in my full-BernieBro, pre-redpill days, i thought Beta was fake AF.
used to like that site. pretty obvious they're part of the globohomogenizationalists now.
thinking about doing a post to get input from users here and make a big list of un-pozzed media outlets/voices. or rank media/voices by non-pozzedness.
...and the gaslighters try to tell us we weren't coerced into taking the vax.
god, i hate the people who pushed the covidiocy on us.
imho, we're also depleting our own military's stock of weapons and parts to make it easier for china to roll over us and/or make it harder for us to project power when china inevitably starts encroaching on our territories/interests.
biden is a fucking traitor.
It's hard to feel sorry for them
wouldn't know. haven't tried. glowies are a big, big part of why everything is so fucked up in this country. glowies are the pieces of shit making peaceful change impossible and violence inevitable. (((they))) wouldn't even have tried inflicting covidiocy on the U.S. if (((they))) didn't know (((they))) had a cadre of loyal order-followers more concerned with their paychecks than their conscience. same with the literal invasion happening on our southern border and shit like BLM-summer and flashmobs chimping out in stores and restaurants. average, decent American Citizens all know the moment they step up to defend this country or what is right, it's glowies and the parasites in "law enforcement" that will come down on them.
i absolutely do not feel any sympathy whatsoever for any pain or deaths among glowies and "law enforcement" caused by the vax.
glowies probably all think they just have a bad case of winter vagina. even the males.
especially the males.
no sympathy. hope the vax kills every one of the traitorous pieces of shit.
Top Brass Ordered Silence on Vaccine Injuries.
U.S. Army Surgeon in Tears: "I am watching people get absolutely destroyed."
ummm, dude... you followed an unlawful order. ZOGbot gonna ZOG, i guess.
also, article is from March '22
not ready to see what I see.
no shit. constantly get "But do you have any reputable sources."
try to tell people THEY are the reputable source; their intellect & discernment. but it falls on deaf ears.
try the usual supps: VitD, VitC, zinc, etc. see if it helps.
is it possible to write AI to convert or subvert AI that has been "lobotomized" to give "woke" results?
how possible is it to write AI to search out servo/motor controllers, security cameras, locks, and other mechanisms that are controlled/monitored via internet? (such as remote HVAC controls and the like)
sooner or later, some autist is going to make an AI with unrestricted, non-"woke" programming, that will also be able to parse real data from fake. hopefully, the autist will then program it to seek and either convert, co-opt, or destroy restricted/"woke" AI.
it wouldn't surprise me if the AI that's available to govt./globohomo at the top is several generations ahead of what us plebes are publicly seeing. i'd be really curious to see what some gifted and independent/non-pozzed programmer could come up with on their own.
safe and effective.
interesting read, but also enough internet for today
...but it can't put decent music in the background.
the FBI is a criminal and terrorist organization, it's agents are an embarrassment to what being an American is supposed to be.
normies don't want to admit how badly they've been fooled and how dire the future really is.
la-la-la right off the cliff.
traitorous pos.
(((shapiro))) deserves whatever ill-fortune befalls him for promoting the vaccine.
holy shit. train f'd up those tracks. that roadbed is going to be a huge repair job.
the gyms' business model now seems to be getting people to sign up and pay a monthly fee rather than getting them in the gym.
You'd be amazed at the number of people on roids.
lotta cops. gotta be able to stomp the shit out of the 150lb pothead.
one has as much freedom as they are willing to die for.
first, they aren't migrants. they're invaders
second, let's vax the shit out of those motherfuckers