9035768regginwolg 5 points ago +5 / -0

it'll look just like the endgame the protocols of the elders of zion wished for.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +3 / -0

i managed a polling site in '04. i certainly didn't take it for granted, but it was a 16+hr day and it's hard to not be a little wiped out after the 10th or 11th hour.

then this 90+ year old lady comes in. her family came to America from China to escape some bullshit back in the 20's. she had a framed photograph of her and her family with whatever official administered their citizenship oath. she said she voted in every election, always in person, and always brought that pic with her. i had such a hard time not visibly tearing up while she talked. it was also one helluva motivator/energy boost for me.

there were a couple similar experiences, but that was by far the most moving. words can't express how much i hate those who fuck around with our elections and abuse the faith of average Americans who believe in this country.

edited to add: not that there weren't facepalm moments where it was hard not to ask a voter how they even managed to leave their house or if they even feed themselves, but...

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +4 / -0

imho, the different human species need to be considered in the Book of Enoch/Annunaki/Enki paradigm. i've no idea what primates/homonid versions were available when the Annunaki showed up and started mucking about, but (again, totally imho) it seems caucasians/nords/aryans were the final result. however, there's ample evidence to show neanderthals were around long before the Annunaki showed up.

or maybe the original, underlying, Ur-source of the conflict between j's and the aryan peoples is aryans were what happened when Enki (and, iirc, some being from Sirius or Pleiades) took out or improved on the fucked up neanderthal parts. if Enki (and that other being from Sirius or Pleiades) are the God of the old testament that metaphorically breathed life into/gave a piece of their spirit into Adam (caucasians/aryans) then it makes sense the remaining neanderthals would be a little torqued off about being "left behind", as it were, and why their spirits won't be returning to "the creator"; Enki (and the other being i mentioned).

this also all has to be considered in the context that the reptillian species were already here and established long before the Annunaki showed up. there might be something in neanderthal genetics that makes them more "user-friendly" to reptillians, and all the centuries/millenia of conflict between j's and every other human variant is a war by proxy. almost nothing is known about reptillians and their societies/philosophies and it's possible they have very long life cycles (individually and societally) and think in terms of millenia or even celestial eras.

it'd be really enlightening to know what the Nazis found in Antarctica.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +3 / -1

interesting. make a post!

9035768regginwolg 0 points ago +1 / -1

the same tucker that chilled out at Comet Pizza? and also said it was unpatriotic to question the govt.'s 9/11 narrative?

if tuck had been saying anything genuinely useful to the average American Citizen, he would have been killed. tucker is the "official" outlier of what (((TPTB))) consider to be acceptable "non-mainstream" thought. he's rachel madcow for the right.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

imho, the trial would have a possibility of beaucoup unintended consequences. i'd have my lawyer submit my entire /pol/ folder as evidence and the jury would be presented with every screencap i've got. the prosecution would have to argue against the truth/accuracy of every meme. my username(s) would have to be explained, which opens up the whole glownigger thing. not only would it be redpill after redpill, jurors would see my progression from dedicated lefty activist to whatever it is i am now.

...which is why i'd probably get Epsteined beforehand.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

the anti-russian accounts are almost certainly paid/inorganic. there's been a bunch of posts here and elsewhere about WEF and related firms/orgs hiring thousands to combat "misinformation".

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +3 / -2

meh. almost certainly co-opted if not an outright op by some 3-letter agency. this is mostly to give lefty media another thing to freak out about.

when real, genuine pushback/action starts to happen, it will occur in little, very decentralized pockets here and there all over. it won't be a group thing. it'll be someone angry enough to say "fuck it" like in Falling Down or the killdozer guy or the guy who kamikazeed his cessna into the IRS building.

THAT is what the government is really afraid of. Individual Citizens saying "fuck this shit" and inspiring others to be willing to die rather than face another day in servitude and bondage.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +1 / -0

wouldn't surprise me at all if God decided to take a breather from us. the overwhelming majority of us have spent decades choosing convenience over conscience. in the U.S., we've allowed all sorts of shit to be done to other peoples and countries as long as we could ignore it because it was happening "somewhere else". our factory farming processes, especially where meat is involved, is abominable and creates unimaginable levels of misery and despair for animals and a planet we are supposed to be stewards of. every facet of western/global society's consumption creates literal mountains of waste. there is no place on earth where the chemistry by-products and pollution of our conveniences haven't been found. we've allowed the banks and their (((owners))) to rule our lives for convenience. we've allowed other humans to fall into bondage and outright slavery so we can have cheap clothes and electronics.

given how little all of us say "no" to evil, it wouldn't surprise me at all if God did a Holy Face-Palm and decided to chill elsewhere for awhile.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +4 / -2

technically, also people who drive into thunderstorms with weather/atmosphere recording instruments.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +3 / -1

not a single leader saying no.

iirc, 4 did. they dead now.

9035768regginwolg 2 points ago +3 / -1

great post! didn't know about khomeini.

9035768regginwolg 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not sure where you're getting at.

Ok_'s comment history might enlighten.

also, i just recently started looking at scalar vs. hertzian waves. still wrapping my mind around scalar waves, but scalar waves might be relevant to your own wormhole interests.

9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +2 / -1

replaced by psyoped morons

and diversity hires. wonder if anyone at the 3-letter agencies is tracking/cross-reffing psy-op f-ups with personnel files...

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +6 / -2

yet another relevant /pol/ screencap i can't find when needed

<bangs head on keyboard>

by pkvi
9035768regginwolg 1 point ago +2 / -1

my pork mods stop at crisp :)

9035768regginwolg 4 points ago +7 / -3

it seems to have gotten your attention, jidf.

9035768regginwolg -3 points ago +1 / -4


is it?

edited to note Ok_Prag's account is barely out of handshake territory itself

9035768regginwolg 0 points ago +1 / -1

Since before World War 2, nations have experimented with biological agents as weapons of mass destruction. With the advent of nuclear weapons, some thought germs, although still pertinent, to be less vital than weapons that can reach across the globe in a matter of minutes to deliver a payload that can kill millions in seconds. But the real danger still lies with microorganisms. To quote actress Sinéad Cusack, who played Dr. Delia Surridge in V for Vendetta:

“Nuclear power is meaningless in a world where a virus can kill an entire population and leave its wealth intact.”

That quote, despite downplaying nuclear power, captures with prominence the gravity of the situation which unfolded across the globe, revealing the true power of an organism on a cellular level.

These lessons learned discuss the origin of SARS-CoV-2, why it was released, and provide an educational guide from events that have occurred during the pandemic. The compendium of work is not a scientific study. Rather, it is an unsolicited analytical intelligence product that incorporates an unclassified all-source approach utilizing public information from events, scientific studies, news articles, quotes, anonymous user posts, blogs, social media, memos, reports, and books, along with subliminal messages and hidden plots in movies to ensure an all-inclusive product. Due to the correlating and deductive reasoning techniques applied in this document, and because of a lack of information pertaining to events exactly as they unfolded in Wuhan, sections of that analysis are subject to change as new evidence is uncovered. The rest is conclusive.

9035768regginwolg 0 points ago +1 / -1

whites should get reparations for freeing the slaves and tolerating their culture of bicycle theft.

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