everyone is invited to anwer, especially the Owner of conspiracies.win.


Hey guys, been redpilled for a while now and have been awoken to many lies that are fed to society. However, I have never been down the flat earth rabbit hole. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction to find some good information on the topic. Thanks

If the Earth is flat - how it’s possible:

You can make the following flights, starting at 9am, finishing at 3pm (or earlier) and staying at the hotel till the next day:

  • London, Uk => New York => Los Angeles => Tokyo => Doha => London, UK

  • The above series of trips starts and ends in the same place.

  • All the time, while flying, you’ve got the Sun on the left hand side.

You can only explain that in 2 ways:

  • Earth is a globe as we know it, or

  • Earth is flat, but then it needs to have a shape of a donut where the sun is in the center of it, so you fly around it.

The second would mean: when you fly South of London you should cross the middle of a donut (which is the Sun) after 12 hours of trip.

Let’s fly towards the sun:

London, UK => South Africa => the Sun.

Unfortunately, after 12 hours you end up in an extremely cold area.

On the first day of spring and fall the flat earth crowd believes the sun travels over the equator. The heading of the sunrise at Portland, Maine is due East. The simultaneous heading of the sunrise in Santiago, Chile which is South of the equator (but also at 70 West longitude) is also due East. These facts are indisputable. So either we have two suns or the sun is millions of miles away. If the sun is far away then a flat earth would have sunshine 24 hours a day.

I know FE is not a popular topic around here, but I'm looking for something that I think was posted here. There was this flat earth map with global sea currents (like the Gulf Stream, etc.) overlaid. Does this ring a bell? Does anyone have a link to this, or to a video showing it?

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