One of my friends just told me that they learnt to do telekinesis and has shared videos of her rotating a top with her mind with no fan in sight. She told me that can also do it with water and fire. I am going to meet her tommorow and see it for myself
Apparently she told me she has learnt that the government has known about this from released cia files and a document from the monroe institute.
I will only believe it until i see it with my own eyes. I am a Christian and do not believe in it, and if it is real, it is some sort of demonic witchcraft. My friend is a hindu though, and this only confirms her faith. What are your guys thoughts?
They really should have banned tik tok ^ ^.
Now im not saying its not possible, and maybe there exists someone out there who can do it. But people talk about me being delusional, some of these guys are something else.
This video kinda explains what im talking about. I think this is a girl lol. But they/her are kinda funny lmao. On a side rant, Whats not so funny is so many people think their sexual preference is a personal choice when the reality is our environment has been heavily poisoned by chemicals that are fucking our bodys up. Its amazing how they managed to spin a pollution/poisoning issue into a self empowerment of gays, bis, etc. Anyway.
Its funny, no one believes me about being poisoned with freon, but these people really think they are moving pieces of paper with the power of their mind, and not the air molecules being pushed around by their hand.
Well a Christian would probably say it's demons assisting. Is that what I believe? IDK. My programming runs deep with Christianity and I might always have a bias. That being said, Christianity could be a psyop to dissuade people from reaching their full potential. All though there is the verse that suggests such things are possible. The one that says something about ye of little faith and that if you believed you could move a mountain with your mind.
Through God all things are possible.
Thing is, God is Good. Even though God could, potentially, do anything He won't unless it is Good.
Do parlour tricks serve the Good? Does worshipping your own personal power serve Good?
If you're a Christian then you know all sorts of mystical shit is possible in this realm. One of the reasons the people of Jesus' time didn't think he was special is because all sorts of magik capable people were coming out of the middle east. He wasn't unique until he defeated death.
That wasn't unique. Hundreds of religious had death and resurrection stories: Osiris, Horas, Krishna. It's one of the most basic fundamental building blocks found in both polytheistic and monotheistic religious.
Yet only Jesus Christ has eye witness accounts all confirming his resurrection.
What about all the evidence missing? If Jesus is real he would be in the historical record, he's not. Only the Bible.
Truth is we don't know Jack s*** about the history. All of it could be psy op. Our population may have been implanted mostly since the 1860s
Jesus is well documented in secular history:
Allright.. so like.. you say you're Christian.. better check out those couple magician videos of how they do it. Cause the only thing they got to barter is their damn soul, ok. Better make sure that's not what's going on with this chick here.. cause.. who knows.. maybe it's like that "stranger things" tv series chick.. with these "indigo children" you'd hear about in the 80's.. Where they don't do a pact with a negative entity, like the magicians. Better make damn sure, dude. lol
John Chang. The Magus of Java.
inb4 you should have just made a post after meeting you friend?
Nice bait
Well.. you've got like.. don't know if you know about this guy.. you'd have to be my age.. growing up in the 70's and 80's.. before the internet came along around 2000. So, picture your life.. "no internet". What would you even do.
But yeah.. this guy was bending spoons with his mind. And that seemed to be like pretty much all you heard of him doing. Well.. he'd touch them though, eh. So.. why'd it stop there.
Uri Geller, Israeli-British illusionist and magician
And that was about it.. and that's all that guy could do.
Now.. you've got bits in movies.. but that's not real. What do we have that's like what you're talking about.. which is "real". Well, the magicians.
But they do this with a pact with a negative entity, you can't see, that moves the matter.
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Demonic Activity Caught On Video - YouTube
“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists (2020 Edition) - YouTube
But since CGI in movies.. they don't belive what they see on screen. So those guys are out.
What you're talking about here.. with this character.. where it's like "telekinesis", seems like you'd see in movies in recent years.. but that normal people can't do. I would think it'd be more like what's going on with the magicians.. with this pact with a negative entity, you can't see, that moves the matter.
Better watch those couple really long magician videos because you're likely dealing with the same principle.
Tele (operating over a distance) kinēsis (motion)...being implies operating (life) over a distance (inception towards death) within motion.
If being implies telekinesis, then choosing to watch what others show tempts one to ignore real (perceivable) for fake (suggested).
That being said...reality cannot be claimed; since it moves.
Sharing a video implies by suggestion; having sight implies ones perception.
Video/videre - "vision; to see" cannot be shared, hence each ones perception within all perceivable implying a unique perspective.
A suggested video (artificial) tempts one to ignore perceivable vision (natural).
To believe implies ones consent holding onto the suggestion of another, while ignoring that perceivable cannot be held onto, since it moves.
The vision of ones eyes implies adaptation (perception) to a moving origin (perceivable)...a process cannot be taken into possession (own) without ignoring the procession thereof. Ignorance can be easily exploited with suggestions, tho...
That implies being anointed aka separated from one another. Your consent to believe suggested information binds you to another, hence contradicting separation, hence tempting one to take a contrary stance to being anointed aka anti-christ.
Artificial trust (holding onto another) tempts one to ignore natural thrust (separation from one another), hence being (life) thrust (inception towards death) aka anointed aka being set free from one another when coming into being through the birth-channel.
a) Demon aka dai-mon - "divider, provider" implies all (god) providing the division of each one (christ) within.
b) Witch/wicca/wicker - "soothsayer" implies one who crafts artifice (words) within natural (sound) to distract others from natural (perceivable) with artificial (suggested).
Hindu/sindhu - "river" implies channeling (by suggestion) a perceptible current . Ones consent narrows one perceptible sight to the channel of suggested.
A jew does that by banking gentile trust aka utilizing a suggested currency (river) to bank (channel) trust (consent of sight to narrow itself).
Now.. looked up this Monroe institute. Heard that term before.. looked them up.. oh on insta.. couple real blondes among the quite a few I've been following over the years, were already there.
I do a search for Monroe institute on the bibliotecapleyades site, which is my main conspiracy research site over the decades.. here's what we got about them.. but it cuts off. Now who are these guys and what are they doing and how come this chick you're talking about, was wondering about them.
About 39 results (0.13 seconds) Sort by: Relevance What Is NASA Up To? - And Who Was Robert Monroe, Really? › luna › esp_luna_14 This proved to be just the first of many out-of-body experiences over the next few years. Not long after the first experience I contacted the Monroe Institute ... The Aviary › sociopolitica › hambone_info › places The Monroe Institute has done research on accelerated learning and foreign language learning through the use of altered states of consciousness for the C.I.A. ... Dr. Green and the Goblins of Langley › bluebook009 Back in 1982 or 1983, Richard Kennett at the CIA had been asked to consult with the Army on its involvement with the Monroe Institute. Kennett had declined ... People and Places - COINTELPRO, Remote Viewing, Mind Control › sociopolitica › hambone_info › index1 The Monroe Institute · National Institute for Discovery Science · Physics/Consciousness Research Group · PSI-TECH · Science Applications International ... Courtney Brown › esp_autor_courtneybrown_a Brown was trained in remote-viewing by Ed Dames, and took courses at the Monroe Institute. Brown's book details his psychic conversations with aliens, and ... Cosmic Voyage - 2 › vision_remota The second stage of training was a weeklong course at the Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. The third stage was training in remote viewing. Each stage ... Loosh, Phryll and the Feeding off Human Energy by Malevolent ... › ciencia_conscioushumanenergy660 Thumbnail image Dec 10, 2023 ... ... Monroe Institute Techniques - Rodrigues & Fiona Barnett · Phryll- The Universal Life Force. Screenshot from Monsters inc Scare floor - When you ... People and Researchers › sociopolitica › hambone_info › people1 Thumbnail image McMoneagle has done experiments in remote viewing and out of body experiences with Robert Monroe at the Monroe Institute. In an interview with Magical Blend ... Parasites on the Loosh › ciencia_conscioushumanenergy110 Thumbnail image The concept of loosh energy was more modernly articulated by Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, although the concept as a known reality has been around ... Alien Underground Bases and Remote Viewing › esp_sociopol_underground22 ... Monroe Institute: Joe McMoneagle runs his own Remote Viewing company Intuitive Intelligence Applications at, has written ... 1234 Search for "Monroe Institute" on Google
But yeah.. you guys can come visit.. bring her over here to Winnipeg, Canada.. I'll check out what she does.. i'll let you know if it's the devil.
Asking google gemini AI..
what's going on over at the, The Monroe Institute: Experiential Expanded Consciousness
it said:
I found the website for The Monroe Institute. Now, I'll browse it to find out about their programs and what's happening there. The Monroe Institute offers various programs focused on exploring consciousness. Here's a summary of the different formats they provide:
Residential Retreats: These are in-person, experiential programs that focus on personal exploration of consciousness. They offer different tracks, including guidance, out-of-body experiences, and the afterlife. Virtual Retreats: These are live, interactive online programs designed to help participants experience expanded states of consciousness. Online Courses: These courses provide tools and techniques for exploring and accessing higher consciousness from the comfort of your own home. Regional Workshops: These are typically 1-2 day, non-residential workshops led by certified trainers. They offer an experiential and transformative experience similar to the residential retreats. To get more specific information about dates and locations, you can visit The Monroe Institute.
Sources and related content The Monroe Institute: Experiential Expanded Consciousness ...
where are they located
Google Maps The Monroe Institute is located at 365 Roberts Mountain Rd, Faber, VA 22938, USA. It's about 1,979 km away from your current location. You can visit their website for more information: The Monroe Institute.
I betcha these guys pump you up with drugs. lol
Robert Allan Monroe,[1] also known as Bob Monroe (October 30, 1915 – March 17, 1995), was an American radio broadcasting executive who became known for his ideas about altered states of consciousness and for founding The Monroe Institute which continues to promote those ideas. His 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body is credited with popularizing the term "out-of-body experience".
Monroe developed Hemi-Sync which he claimed could facilitate enhanced brain performance.[2][3][4][5][6]
He was one of the founders of the Jefferson Cable Corporation, the first cable company to cover central Virginia.[7]
Monroe developed ulcers in young adulthood and so was classified 4F (unfit for service) during World War II. He spent the war years working for a manufacturing company that designed a flight-simulator prototype. He wrote for an aviation column in Argosy magazine and was given a job with the National Aeronautic Association (NAA), for whom he produced a weekly radio show called "Scramble!", the primary purpose of which was to interest youth in aviation.
In 1953, Monroe formed RAM Enterprises, a corporation that produced network radio programs, as many as 28 programs monthly, principally in dramatic and popular quiz shows.
In 1956, the firm created a Research and Development division to study the effects of various sound patterns on human consciousness, including the sleep state. Monroe was especially attracted to the concept of sleep-learning. This was a natural direction to take, applying to this new area the audio production methods used in the firm's commercial activity. The purpose was to find more constructive uses for such knowledge than was ordinarily available, and the results of this research have become internationally known.
First out-of-body experiences According to his own account, while experimenting with sleep-learning in 1958, Monroe experienced an unusual phenomenon, which he described as sensations of paralysis and vibration accompanied by a bright light that appeared to be shining on him from a shallow angle. Monroe went on to say that this occurred another nine times over the next six weeks, culminating in his first out-of-body experience (OBE). Monroe recorded his account in his 1971 book Journeys Out of the Body and went on to become a prominent researcher in the field of human consciousness.[2][3][4][5] Monroe later authored two more books on his experiments with OBE, Far Journeys (1985) and Ultimate Journey (1994).
Robert Allan Monroe, any relation to marilyn monroe?
There's no direct familial relationship between Robert Allan Monroe and Marilyn Monroe.
Robert Allan Monroe, also known as Bob Monroe, was an American radio broadcasting executive who became known for his ideas about altered states of consciousness and for founding The Monroe Institute which continues to promote those ideas. Wikipedia Born: October 30, 1915, Indiana, United States
Marilyn Monroe was an American actress and model. Known for playing comic "blonde bombshell" characters, she became one of the most popular sex symbols of the 1950s and early 1960s, as well as an emblem of the era's sexual revolution. Wikipedia Born: June 1, 1926, Los Angeles, California, United States
Just did a new post on this tangent:
"Out of body experiences.. you'd hear about this growing up in the 1970's.. no internet back in those days.. so unplug your internet and that's what it was like all the time, all year. So there was "books".. But yeah.. this "white light wormhole" to the heaven hideout.. hmm.. what's going on there."
Yes, it is "real". Read this book for one of the most documented examples in modern history:
I've seen macro-pk in front of my eyes, performed by a friend. No tricks.
You believe what you want to believe.
Bro you got to stop being so closed minded just because you're Christian.
There are really good arguments for Jesus being completely fake so don't get so high up on your horse.
Just keep your mind open. No one was around to confirm Jesus is real. its all Faith. Don't forget you don't know everything.
Nothing a demon likes better than an "open mind"; they just stroll right on in.