LOL, Stupid, Well-Known Flatearther Travels All The Way To Antarctica To Prove His Theory Only To Discover The Earth Is Round
Flat Earther travels all the way to Antarctica to prove that the Earth is flat only to find out that it's not.Flat Earth YouTuber Jeran Campanella went on a $35,000 trip to prove that there was "no 24-hour sun.""Sometimes you are wrong in life and I though...
The Sun Rotates 360 Degrees Around The Horizon Of Antarctica, Flat Earthers Devistated
That's cool. Though this is the first time we have seen this in our life time. And would be possible via plasma reflection theory of the black sun, and crater earth theory. And the last versions of this we saw were fake, as those versions faked blending of cloud cover in one version, and the second version showed no dip as the sun traveled parallel to the earth with no dip.
The Lost History Of The Flat Earth: 📺, 📺
Have you seen the sun higher or lower at different times of the year at any lattitude on Earth? This is just the extreme end but yes, we have all seen this every single year.
You have no idea what I believe. Why ask your Question of me?
The flat/hollow Earth larp is designed to deter investigation into what they're doing in Antarctica. It's a demilitarized zone, yet the US Marshalls have an office there.
I did a thread on it a while back, shits deep man
No. That's just you being gullible. Earth is not a globe and the giant universe is a hoax
Why did Epstein's plane ping from Antarctica?
How should I know, part of some psy op maybe, they are always throwing out bad info to keep us distracted from the obvious truth.
They didn't throw that info out, they were supressing it. Remember when Buzz Aldrin went to Antarctica and posted a pic of the pyramid calling it evil, then the tweet was immediately deleted? Then he had to be evacuated out of there?
Why would a frail old man be going to such a hostile and desolate place? 🤔
I don't remember. Ya, why would he
They'll never admit defeat - it's a near religious belief for them. As you see in the video, all that he concedes is that their map is wrong.
No, it's not. You're just still in the globe deception so I can't think otherwise.
Been there. It's a trap
Exhibit B:
Can we finally put this to rest now... and stop giving these idiots space to drown important signal with their useless noise?
I think it's an important step for all budding conspiracy theorists to learn about FE so they can differentiate actual, fact-based conspiracies from fantastical speculation.
You sound like the agenda pushing agents who arranged this
Anyone who let's others think for them
Yup the globe spins at 666,000 miles per hour...😳😂
You gotta be a gullible fuck to believe this shit. Why does seeing the sun go around you prove the earth is a ball in space?
Literally hundreds of other obvious methods can determine the earth is not a globe and space is a hoax. And fuck all you agents who protect this deception
Not justifying FE but there’s zero evidence of their physical location. It’s just some dudes talking.
Ok. That’s the south pole, but what about the north pole? could one pole have a 24 hour day and not the other?
There is a wobble... The arctic has a 24 hour day in the summer
You can take a literal cruise ship to the North pole if you want to.
Nate and Kara Vblog
Not to mention, the Northwest Passage during the summer exist.
South pole is a perimeter north is a pole. Study some FE model
So there's an edge then, that you call a perimeter. An edge at the South Pole. Is this the only edge? What shape would that make the 'flat' earth? Wouldn't that create a triangular or cone-like shape? Are there people living on the inferred bottom side?
How would anyone know that?
All we can tell using logic, scientific method, etc is that globe and space cannot be possible as they have told us.
That's it
I'm aware of these logic and scientific method concepts.
They seem to counter the flat earth theory and 'them'.
Space exists by definition as what exists between two objects.
Perhaps you refer to what is called Outer Space.
Which is a condition that doesn't contain an atmosphere.
Unless there is an object there, whirling, which creates spheroids.
Flat earth is a psy op not a theory.
The theory is that despite everything looking flat, and feeling stationary, that we are actually on a curve hurtling through a universe. The burden of proof is on the globe theory.
'Curve theory' is a slider that hangs.
Where are the locations of the endpoints to the curve?
Surely you mean 'round', as a curve needs endpoints.
Does the sun revolve around the earth? It would have to in order to satisfy this substitute 'theory'.
The globe theory has been satisfied to reason through demonstration.
...and the pitch.... See 'jump from space' - Youtube.
A mere statement doesn't qualify as a theory.
"I have an invisible frog on my head, burden of proof on you to prove me wrong" is neither a theory, nor sane.
The Earth is not a spinning ball and this dead forum hosts kike shills spouting off the same talking points over and over and retards for the most part.
Jeranism has been a disinformation agent playing the long game in the FE community for a while and was called out a long time ago.
Witsit I don't know much about but mostly everyone has a price.
Hurr durr flat earth is to make all other conspiracies look bad, shut up faggots and move onto your next talking points.
Anyone who believes the globe earth model at this point is actually stupid, lazy or a shill.
It's amazing how hard the establishment has to push against FE. That tells you all you need to know.
Where's the curve faggot shills? You still wear NASA jammies to bed? Your brains are kiked.
Just because space travel is fake and gay doesn't make the earth flat...
This forum has been dead for a looooooong time...
The user "constantinecensors" is the same as "b1-66er" and is an alt of the many "TallestSkil" bot accounts. He deleted his own account shortly after being exposed -
The forum was dead about the time when Axeotl_Peotl decided to leave... Regretable, he was a really strong person, who got removed from r/conspiracy because he was actually making a difference. In contrast, the current cuck, I mean mod, is someone, who would willing promote the shills and silence those, who expose them - e.g. (do you want to guess if "TallestSkil" got removed from the sub for this? :D
Check the posts in here. There is no real discussion. Only "a reminded that obvious thing is obvious", or some old information that everyone knows for easy upvote grabbing.. Nothing new. It's dead. Deceased. Burried. And forgotten. About 99% of the users are just a broken record that goes on and on about the same information from 2020 and before that... Go ahead and check and prove me right.
Do you really think people in here have the capacity to actually review the freezing temperature of oxigen and prove that there is an ozone dome even based on NASA physics?
Do you think people in here have the capacity to study plain destinations and figure out that they don't work on a spinning globe?
Do you really think people in here have the capacity to review actual NASA documents and see that even NASA doesn't believe the Earth is a spinning globe?
Or just zoom in the ocean and bring the boats back? :D
Basically, what I'm saying is this - Don't be mad because this forum is full of shills and moderated by an incompetent person.
The truth is the truth, even if no one believes it. And lies are lies, even if everyone belives them.
Don't get angry with the tiny brains - pity them. Be grateful that you're not like them. And never stoop to their level.
THIS curve or another one?