If they came illegally, they are by definition criminals
Dr. Zelenko along with Goldstein promoted “safe alternative” treatments that turned out to be extremely toxic for a virus that was never proven to exist.
Not sure I’d call anyone of those “covid freedom” grifters a good guy.
“Conservative” golemn confused why Mossad/CIA psy-op is leftist.
Vaccine = suppress your body’s innate detoxification system.
In other words, this is death repackaged as convenience.
It wasn't that "Americans" noticed their governments hate them that caused the ban.
It was that significant portions of White Americans noticed Jews subverted the U.S. and used immigration to destroy western civilization.
(((Larry Cohen))) - Bill Gates Manager
You can vote for more deepstate. You can vote for less deepstate. But never NO deepstate.
It was weird he was banned almost immediately on jewtube and google, but these other clowns (steve kirk, doctor malone, etc) were allowed to stay as long as they shilled for "alternative" covid treatments.
Probably some secret government shit going on there
IOW: there’s no virus and the government is poisoning their own people.
I don’t care. I’m still not buying it.
To fetishize mental illness. That’s all.
Alex “It’s the Saudis!” Jones
I’ll believe it’s real when someone finds death records for the named victims.
They're all fake. Never any confirmation that the "victims" are deceased.
Where is the virus.
Crisis acting at it's cheapest.
That makes them even fucking worse, dude. They inherited the best economy in human history and couldn't manage to save a fucking dime for their retirement... while also voting to rob the social security fund.
, that he was actually jealous of me and saw my success as a threat to his position.
Sounds like my boomer Mom. Hated her kids once they were more successful than her at anything in life.
Where is a virus anywhere?