I just looked up what Iranian mothership theory, it's drone stuff so my below answer may not make sense with that theory in mind but I'm gonna say it anyway because I'm here to amuse myself (i wrote the below before looking up the term)
"Though they developed in comparative isolation, each of these areas does yield some evidence of cultural contact with its immediate neighbours and, in some striking cases, with developments in the centres of higher civilization in Mesopotamia. Trade would appear to be the principal mechanism by which such contacts were maintained, and often Elam appears to have acted as an intermediary between Sumer and Babylon on the one hand and the plateau cultures on the other."
I think these issues go way, waay back.
A reminder that anywhere and everywhere Babylon is, Babylon will fall, just something that comes to mind.
Civil implies public (plural); centre implies private (singular). Each one implies center of all...few suggest civil centers (cities) to draw many together, which positions few at center of many, with the sole power to cut off circumference (circumcise).
everywhere Babylon is, Babylon will fall
a) Only during fall (inception towards death) can one rise (life)
b) BA'BEL, noun (Heb) - "confusion; disorder" build up always collapses upon its foundation...within the natural order.
Confusion implies the fusing together (con) of many, hence dividing each thereof (dis) from natural order and against each other.
Psycho/psyche - "animating power" implies motion; velocity; forwards direction. It's those within (life) animation (inception towards death) turning against (verse/versus) each other, within conflicts of reason (logy/logic), that represent reverse psychology.
made to sell
Tempted (suggestion) to buy (consent), while selling self out (free will of choice)...
Ones choice can only sell self out by selecting/buying into a chosen ones offer.
Well, all the cradle of civilization and the whole Egyptians were tan colored has completely brainwashed even the most "intelligent" anthropologists. The ones who want tenure from the board of their corrupt institute.
a) A cradle rocks to and fro aka balancing the choice at center. A civilization implies many joined together around centers (cities), which imbalances each ones choice.
b) Rocking to and fro allows a cradle to mimic ones choice of adaptation as free will of choice (matter) towards (motion) balance (momentum).
Few "rock and roll" many together into conflicts of reason (circular logic) against each other.
A couple of related points from our occulted history:
The name "Ireland" similarly originates from "Aryan". For example, the Aran Isles are in the mouth of Galway Bay.
Maui the island is named after Maui the Navigator, the "culture hero" who explored and settled the South Pacific. He was not some fat Polynesian but an Aryan from Persia. There is to this day a segment of the Maori population in New Zealand who have blond or reddish hair and light-colored eyes.
yes, thats why the whole kiked world hates iran, because they are the craddle of the aryan forefathers, the survivors of the last great deluge.
and thats why hitler had strong connections with iran as well
No it does not. It means "shit-skinned primitives."
I just looked up what Iranian mothership theory, it's drone stuff so my below answer may not make sense with that theory in mind but I'm gonna say it anyway because I'm here to amuse myself (i wrote the below before looking up the term)
Fun with history:
"Though they developed in comparative isolation, each of these areas does yield some evidence of cultural contact with its immediate neighbours and, in some striking cases, with developments in the centres of higher civilization in Mesopotamia. Trade would appear to be the principal mechanism by which such contacts were maintained, and often Elam appears to have acted as an intermediary between Sumer and Babylon on the one hand and the plateau cultures on the other."
I think these issues go way, waay back.
A reminder that anywhere and everywhere Babylon is, Babylon will fall, just something that comes to mind.
I cant help but think of a winged sun when they say it though.
Civil implies public (plural); centre implies private (singular). Each one implies center of all...few suggest civil centers (cities) to draw many together, which positions few at center of many, with the sole power to cut off circumference (circumcise).
a) Only during fall (inception towards death) can one rise (life)
b) BA'BEL, noun (Heb) - "confusion; disorder" build up always collapses upon its foundation...within the natural order.
Confusion implies the fusing together (con) of many, hence dividing each thereof (dis) from natural order and against each other.
Hitler is a Talmudic reverse psychology agent made to sell the world to the United Nations.
Psycho/psyche - "animating power" implies motion; velocity; forwards direction. It's those within (life) animation (inception towards death) turning against (verse/versus) each other, within conflicts of reason (logy/logic), that represent reverse psychology.
Tempted (suggestion) to buy (consent), while selling self out (free will of choice)...
Ones choice can only sell self out by selecting/buying into a chosen ones offer.
...and Sumer still Phoenicians.
Well, all the cradle of civilization and the whole Egyptians were tan colored has completely brainwashed even the most "intelligent" anthropologists. The ones who want tenure from the board of their corrupt institute.
a) A cradle rocks to and fro aka balancing the choice at center. A civilization implies many joined together around centers (cities), which imbalances each ones choice.
b) Rocking to and fro allows a cradle to mimic ones choice of adaptation as free will of choice (matter) towards (motion) balance (momentum).
Few "rock and roll" many together into conflicts of reason (circular logic) against each other.
Sleight of hand: The pioneering rock song "rock around the clock" was written by Max C. Freedman (maximum seeing freed man)... https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/billhaleyhiscomets/rockaroundtheclock.html
A couple of related points from our occulted history:
The name "Ireland" similarly originates from "Aryan". For example, the Aran Isles are in the mouth of Galway Bay.
Maui the island is named after Maui the Navigator, the "culture hero" who explored and settled the South Pacific. He was not some fat Polynesian but an Aryan from Persia. There is to this day a segment of the Maori population in New Zealand who have blond or reddish hair and light-colored eyes.
Ar-yan aka or-ion aka OR (choice between alternative) ION (action)...
Aka alternating reactions (life) within action (inception towards death) aka the ship (matter) within the mother (momentum) of father (motion).