I'm glad that we can agree that the Holocaust was a hoax.
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Well, jews are called the children of Satan for a good reason.
They practice his tricks
So did Hitler. He was into theosophy and Helena Blavatsky (i.e witchcraft).
He was a Christian.
Hitler was the only one who arrested a Rothschild. Not buying it.
Your English is terrible, Schlomo. It only took the entire world to stop him.
You think you're smarter than everybody because instead of believing in God you believe in cabal that works in mysterious ways?
Elvis called himself a Christian too. Elvis was very much into the occult and a reader of Blavatsky's work.
Regarding Hitler's racial ideas, look at this from Blavatsky:
And look at the work of Himmler. Tell me where in here, you find anything resembling Christian doctrine:
That sounds much more like Satanic Talmudic Judaism than anything in the New Testament.
Elvis worked for JewMedia, he was not a leader.
Read Trotsky's White Negros, they planned on infesting Europe with race mixing of these sub human species.
You know the difference between National Socialism and communism? National Socialism didn't kill 66 million people, jew communism did.
I notice how none of that is refuting anything I said.
Other races are not other species, and other races are not sub human. You talk to people all the time who you don't know and that may be smarter than you and who aren't "white". That includes right now.
I've never met a cat or a dog smarter than a human, but you've probably met or interacted with many "sub humans" who were more intelligent than yourself. Doesn't that give you pause that perhaps you're living a lie?
And isn't calling yourselves the true humans and others sub human exactly what Jews do to you? Do you have no qualms about imitating Talmudic evils?
Retarded take. You also need to review c/RaceRealism
Hitler met the same fate as Jesus, retard. Only he robbed the Jews of their opportunity to crucify him. He saw what they did to Mussolini and he wasn't going to give them the satisfaction.
Hitler was indeed Christian. National Socialism was Christian. They celebrated Christmas and Easter. Spot the difference. Hitler modeled Germany after Rome. And he predicted today's diversity crisis
I love how you ignore proof that c/HitlerWasRight because c/CommunismIsJewish. I think you're a (((fellow Christian)))
You already denied Jesus Christ, so you have no say on who is or isn't a Christian.
Useless Hitler shill.
Look what happens when people are challenged to debunk it
Why did Hitler celebrate Easter?
Why are jews so spiteful? Unless c/HitlerWasRight
Why are people waking up?
TWF they admit it
Hitler cast the money changers out of the temple just like Jesus did
inb4 retard screaming "it's different when we do it!"
"and by we I don't mean jews. My fellow white people"
OOops! 6 million gorilions! That's not a genocide then , is it?
Gaza is the first time I saw kids into pieces. Bombing civilians did that.
The Israel/Palestine conflict has been burning and exploding several times.
I knew that the Isreali have been murdering random Palestine people. Usually by zionist settlers. But the army-snipers are also famous for their random shooting.
From their own words, they consider Palestinians like animals that should be exterminated. And that is long before this happened.
The Palestine people first accepted Jews in their country, because they saw them as refugees. They thought that they could live in peace together.
From hostage to Oscars, oy vey! The unexpected benefits perks from being Hama's "hostage"
They've exhausted their cognitive abilities when you can win the argument by agreeing with them
My problem was that "genocide" in public school meant trying to extinct a whole race.
Then we have today, where genocide is any time two people from the same city are killed.
It's a sorting-by-race vs sorting-by-location word game.
By modern parlance and definitions, every war is a genocide except for the USA's--because only they represent all races in their army.
Not that either side here today is less detestable, just pointing out how the Arabs have been working for a thousand years to erode our language to meaninglessness.
Ass a llama lickin', or lick his ass alone. Peace brother.
Not entirely. It was just covered up from the beginning due to German opposition to state euthanasia.
To be fair, wignats call it "white genocide" when they see commercials with interracial couples. Jews actually had people dying in concentration camps and ghettos they were forced into.
If you don't think ww2 had a genocide against the jews because you can't verify all 6 million deaths, then shut the fuck up about calling Gaza a genocide until you count and verify all 30-gorthousian dead arab babies....
If you miss even one it's a hoax and the whole thing never happened.
Jdif account just joined.
We don't think ww2 has a genocide against the Jews because it simply didn't happen. Why would they lie? Because Jews have received payments from the German government for their "suffering", the state of Israel and the coveted shield of "antisemitism". Whatever sympathy the Jews could claim from the holocaust they have lost in their obsessive diabolical genocide of Palestinians. Jews are genocidal maniacs.
Check out this documentary on the fake holocaust:
So is this a fake picture? Because if it's not, that's all the evidence needed to prove mass murder.
And they liked it! Oy Vey!
Why would she lie about family members dying at Auschwitz? What have the Jewish people received in return for the Holocaust narrative?
That's $1.4 Billion to 'survivors' in the year 2023 alone....
We can only hope that the Israeli government, and future decedents of the Jewish people, will pay the victims of the Palestinian genocide for generations to come. These payments will have to continue through the next diaspora where the descendants of Israeli will financially compensate all those who suffered under the genocidal Israeli government regime.
Joe Biden lied about his son dying in the gulf war....
Does that mean there was no golf war?
Cherry picking liars proves nothing other than the fact that people lie.
Why are you ignoring a picture of a mass grave with a final victim having a gun pointed at his head? That is evidence of SOMETHING is it not?
No... Start a war and lose, your people suffer as a result. That's reality. It's not the victors job to compensate the losers for losing.
Just as Palestinians would massacre all the jews and give them nothing if they could, that's the same level of consideration they can expect back.
After what I saw happened on October 7th all my sympathy for any Palestinian grievance went out the window and it's never coming back.
They chose violence, now violence is what they get.
Isn't there a metzitzah b'peh you need to perform on 40 beheaded babies?
calling everyone who disagrees with you a jew tells me that most likely you're nothing more than a savage muslim goat fucking piece of shit...
as statistically speaking every other ethnic and religious group understands that the jewish homeland is Israel and they were there long before any arabs.
If "Palestinians" want their homeland back they should march their savage arab asses back to arabia and get it back from the king. I'm sure there's plenty of sand there for them...and they should change their name while they're at it too because they have fuck all to do with the Philistines who actually were native to that land...
You're a jew?! I never would have guessed? I'm just looking for these 40 beheaded babies that might or might not have been baked in an oven. I didn't bother to read the rest of your bleating.
I don't
I don't