I believe it, I seen more than a few comments like this during the first couple waves of vaccines.
Most of them were like nurses, or professors, or dentist's. People you would consider "educated".
Totally bought the pharma advertising, which is super disappointing. Many of them still are repeating the same lines.
Seen many of them say, they didnt want to undermine others trusts in the system and that everyone needs the vaccine. So they didnt tell anyone about what happened to them.
Took a year before my own spouse opened up to me about it. Not because they thought I should get it, which is funny because their sibling's spouse's uncle was forced to take the vaccine or his wife was going to divorce him. Wasnt anything crazy like that, no it was because they fucking hate it when im right. I hate being right too.
This is some scary shit I dont think some of the members here fully realize the implications if this does go fucking sideways. Like I said, your fucked if you take it, your fucked if you dont. We all agree it was the largest mass clinical trials ever performed, but none of us seem to agree on why.
Just visit some of the corona/vaccine subs, youll prolly still find a comment.
r/covidlonghaulers , strangely has many people talking about vaccine side effects. I will also mention that alot of the symptoms I see in there are likely the effects of phosphorous/magnesium/calcium depletion. But yet I never see anyone ever talking about this.
r/vaccinelonghaulers , which is quarantined, of course because its reddit.
r/covidvaccinated, which used to be very "anti anti vaccine" seems to have lost control at some point, or the admins just gave up.
It aint good man, I just cant shake this feeling that this is how species destroy themselves.
If its not designing virus's to have total control, its proably trying to engineer more perfect beings. We barely know what were doing and these idiots think they can make something like this and unleash it upon the world and control it 100%. Its the definition of foolish.
I will also say this again. If covid 19 is man made, and it does indeed look that way. Then there is a very, high probability that a real vaccine exists. One that actually gives you immunity like the mmr vaccine does. But is there any guarantee that the vaccine wouldnt become useless after millions of mutations. Im not a biologist, I dont really know the answer to that question.
The people behind this whole operation are not fools and covid wasn't their first rodeo. They know exactly what the virus is because they engineered it and what the gene therapy (aka vaccine) is and does for the same reason.
The ultimate goal is control and establishment of a centralized biometric technocratic government (Brave New World style) but the more immediate purpose is depop through higher background excess mortality and lowering of fertility. This is corroborated by many writings of the Club of Rome, UN, CFR, Royal Society "experts" and has been an obsession of the cabal since Thomas Malthus made a dumb experiment with flies in a jar, concluding the world's resources can't support another billion and we're all going to die if we don't act (back in 19c the population reached 1 billion). The climate hysteria is ultimately about the same thing and it's propagated by the same people.
Remember that everything we're seeing in terms of the truth about the damage caused by the shots slowly creeping into the mainstream was predicted in the Event 201 whitepaper. They gamed the whole pandemic back in 2019 and it's documented. The smarter conspiracy researchers like Axo knew what was going on in January 2020 and made threads on r/conspiracy.
Liberals have a strange sense of morality. They place allegiance to the socialist-authority (hive-mind) as the highest form of morality. The vaccine put you in the hospital? Irrelevant. That doesn't matter because the hive-mind stated the vaccine was good. Did you personally witness black violence? Irrelevant. The hive-mind states blacks are an oppressed people and your negative experience with them has no bearing upon your outlook.
In modern liberalism; one's entire outlook is not dictated by personal experiences but instead dictated by the commands of the hive-mind.
The vax pushers apparently lost their self-preservation instincts. Imagine shilling for Pfizer for free? I see a darwin award in the near future
I see a bot botting it up. Beep boop beep.
Exactly, no way this is a real person. Either a bot or a shill running a script of setting an example of desirable behavior of self-censorship.
You never know with reddit. I kind of feel they are that dumb. The covid propaganda was so effective it disconnected the logic part of peoples brains.
I believe it, I seen more than a few comments like this during the first couple waves of vaccines.
Most of them were like nurses, or professors, or dentist's. People you would consider "educated".
Totally bought the pharma advertising, which is super disappointing. Many of them still are repeating the same lines.
Seen many of them say, they didnt want to undermine others trusts in the system and that everyone needs the vaccine. So they didnt tell anyone about what happened to them.
Took a year before my own spouse opened up to me about it. Not because they thought I should get it, which is funny because their sibling's spouse's uncle was forced to take the vaccine or his wife was going to divorce him. Wasnt anything crazy like that, no it was because they fucking hate it when im right. I hate being right too.
This is some scary shit I dont think some of the members here fully realize the implications if this does go fucking sideways. Like I said, your fucked if you take it, your fucked if you dont. We all agree it was the largest mass clinical trials ever performed, but none of us seem to agree on why.
Just visit some of the corona/vaccine subs, youll prolly still find a comment.
r/covidlonghaulers , strangely has many people talking about vaccine side effects. I will also mention that alot of the symptoms I see in there are likely the effects of phosphorous/magnesium/calcium depletion. But yet I never see anyone ever talking about this.
r/vaccinelonghaulers , which is quarantined, of course because its reddit.
r/covidvaccinated, which used to be very "anti anti vaccine" seems to have lost control at some point, or the admins just gave up.
It aint good man, I just cant shake this feeling that this is how species destroy themselves.
If its not designing virus's to have total control, its proably trying to engineer more perfect beings. We barely know what were doing and these idiots think they can make something like this and unleash it upon the world and control it 100%. Its the definition of foolish.
I will also say this again. If covid 19 is man made, and it does indeed look that way. Then there is a very, high probability that a real vaccine exists. One that actually gives you immunity like the mmr vaccine does. But is there any guarantee that the vaccine wouldnt become useless after millions of mutations. Im not a biologist, I dont really know the answer to that question.
The people behind this whole operation are not fools and covid wasn't their first rodeo. They know exactly what the virus is because they engineered it and what the gene therapy (aka vaccine) is and does for the same reason.
The ultimate goal is control and establishment of a centralized biometric technocratic government (Brave New World style) but the more immediate purpose is depop through higher background excess mortality and lowering of fertility. This is corroborated by many writings of the Club of Rome, UN, CFR, Royal Society "experts" and has been an obsession of the cabal since Thomas Malthus made a dumb experiment with flies in a jar, concluding the world's resources can't support another billion and we're all going to die if we don't act (back in 19c the population reached 1 billion). The climate hysteria is ultimately about the same thing and it's propagated by the same people.
Remember that everything we're seeing in terms of the truth about the damage caused by the shots slowly creeping into the mainstream was predicted in the Event 201 whitepaper. They gamed the whole pandemic back in 2019 and it's documented. The smarter conspiracy researchers like Axo knew what was going on in January 2020 and made threads on r/conspiracy.
Crabs-in-a-bucket mentality, stay away from these people.
Because he doesn't want to die alone?
Liberals have a strange sense of morality. They place allegiance to the socialist-authority (hive-mind) as the highest form of morality. The vaccine put you in the hospital? Irrelevant. That doesn't matter because the hive-mind stated the vaccine was good. Did you personally witness black violence? Irrelevant. The hive-mind states blacks are an oppressed people and your negative experience with them has no bearing upon your outlook.
In modern liberalism; one's entire outlook is not dictated by personal experiences but instead dictated by the commands of the hive-mind.
It's true because some text on an image says so!
It's true because the jew is attacking it!
Explain the difference between this logic and you believing in space travel and moon landings.
Of what? SPAAACEE?
Do you believe all videos you see?
I asked about the logic difference. He doesn’t accept the “text on an image” but he’s A-OK with accepting whatever his TeeVee shows.
That’s true. I corrected my typo.