The new subtle Jewish propaganda line is this: "A lot of what you see is BS with actors playing the parts seen in supposed news footage."
While this may indeed be true in some case, NOT EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS FAKE!
Jewish Israelis are using this subtle line to convince many that no one is dying in Gaza and that the Genocide is fake, war is fake, nothing happening there, Israelis are not genociding anyone, etc.. So that you live in a fairy land disconnected from reality. Disbelieving everything in the universe, taking no action, caring about nothing until Jewish boots stomps on and then you will really know not everything is fake.
I've seen this Israeli propaganda line get success here while being promoted by known sub-humans such as vpnsurfer:
That guy they try to pass as an actor is a VERY famous instrgramer who takes videos in all sorts of manner, nothing special about it, they only fake couple of photos which do not look like him, the Jews have been quite shoddy in creating this meme but I guess it worked!
I've seen this line being pushed heavily by other shils such as Jim Rizoli and many more. There propaganda is subtle but they know what they do and the demographic they target.
I'm learning how little it takes to "convince" someone of anything they are already predisposed to believe.
I was listening to today's "No Agenda Show" where they were covering the war. One of the many very poor points they made was, "In the protests over the weekend, there were a lot of preprinted signs. That indicates the whole thing is manufactured just to manipulate you. Be smart like us and don't buy into any of this."
The war has been going on for a month, which I would consider ample time to get signs printed. What I can see is that John and Adam are heavily invested in "being too smart to fall for tricks". Even more importantly, I can see they they are very heavily invested in not choosing a side, alienating part of the audience, and losing donations.
The path of least resistance and highest revenue is that "it's all fake" and "no one could possibly know what's really happening". This turned into a rant, bur I guess my point is that that viewpoint sells itself to many.
Frankly, though, it's so sickening and disappointing that I may have to stop listening to a show I've faithfully followed for it's entire 16 year run. I always wondered how it would end.
This: "No one could possibly know what's really happening". They keep repeating this line over and over again and people are falling for it.
I am thinking most people in conspiracy/truth circles are not very different from normies. It's terrible. It's as if they just take the opposite side of everything without thinking just like the normies, as long as they are opposed to the majority they think they are smart.
Yeah, you hit a few nails right on the head, at least as far as I've been able to figure out.
I think that the fundamental difference between the average normie and the average conspiracy theorist is that the normie takes the default mainstream as the "authority" and source of truth, and the conspiracist is handed a range of alternative authorities from which to choose. "They" flood the zone with disinfo agents and you may choose freely, because they're all wrong!
Also, the normies are comfortable because they're moving along with the herd. The conspiracists are comfortable because they're made to feel "smart" and "in the know". Well c'mon, neither of those is the path to digging out the truth. And of all the truths I've managed to dig out, zero of them made me feel more comfortable in any way.
Finally, interesting point about taking the opposite side: I postulate that may be the mechanism of why so many buy into Flat Earth. I think they dynamic is something like, "We've been lied to about everything. Now someone on YouTube tells me the damn Earth is actually flat. Well you're not going to fool me on this one any longer, NASA, no sir!"
What times we live in.
Being implies enabled as figure (life) within (inception towards death)...others suggest rhetoric (able to figure out) as the inversion thereof.
Using such rhetoric implies ones willing consent to it, hence enabling a figure of speech aka a golem controlled by others (those suggesting rhetoric).
That's me holding a mirror to your mind on contradiction. Only oneself can discern to be within (partial) outside (whole).
Foundation of differences (partials) implies sameness (whole)...ones consent to suggested THE-ism tempts one to ignore that by placing self under the authority of another, hence marking a difference as ones foundation.
a) Consenting to a suggested norm implies taking hold of it.
b) norm; normal; perpendicular aka at right angles (life) to the horizon (inception towards death) aka temporary growth within ongoing loss.
Latin perpendere - "balance carefully"...choosing to hold onto, while balancing carefully, implies balancing self.
In short...following any suggested orders (norms) tempts one to ignore resisting (living) natural order (process of dying). Suggested tempts taking; perceivable inspires giving.
Aka authorizing another by ones free will of choice, hence establishing a chosen one with ones choice.
Flood (motion) generates zone (momentum) for transformation within, hence establishing form (life) within flow (inception towards death).
Does being (life) within cause (inception towards death) offers comfort for following along or does one need to resist to reinvigorate (comfort) self?
...willingly consenting to suggested the-ism and conspiracism, hence following suggested orders, while ignoring to resist natural order.
A sleight of hand for being (perception) within known (perceivable)...with the parasitic suggestion (the-ism) hiding in plain sight THE know. That's media (Latin medius; middle) aka the suggesting middleman in-between perception and perceivable.
What if path (inception towards death) forces in (life).
a) How could digging within loss (inception towards death) make growth (life) more comfortable? How deep into loss will you dig until you realize that you're burying growth?
b) who suggests ONE "zero"? Another ONE? Putting ONEself under another ONE, when consenting to suggested "zero"...there ain't much growth in that.
Others sell suggested theism (the); mechanism; collectivism (many) and progressivism (so, into) to tempt ones consent to buy into it; while ignoring the implication (if/then) of perceivable..."of why".
Why within? Because out of! If within; then within outside. One can discern this, but juggling four -isms suggested by others doesn't help ones self discernment.
a) Does plane (inception towards death) of existence (life) sound circular?
b) Does ones consent to suggested permit others a sphere of influence?
c) KIKE; noun - "circle; ring; a visible sign of an invisible bond; no beginning; no end"
To know reality implies perceiving (effect) perceivable (cause). Others suggest HAP'PEN, verb - "to come by chance" as the inversion of being effect (life) within cause (inception towards death).
Consenting to suggested happenings, positions one into a "happenstance", hence taking a chance aka gambling ones life one chance.
Sleight of hand: "If you change your mind (take a chance)...(Take a, take a chance-chance)...I'm the first in line...Honey, I'm still free (take a chance)"
Line (inception towards death) implies fall of men (life)...falling (loss) offers momentum for raising (growth) raise (resistance) while falling (velocity) requires adaptation by choice (frequency).
Repeat aka RE (response to) PETO (being driven forwards)...
Being implies one (life) different from one another within same (inception towards death)...others suggest norms to tempt consenting ones to respond alike instead of as differences.
a) everything (perceivable) can be ignored for nothing (suggested)
b) ignoring perceivable (need) for suggested (want) positions one within a conflict (want vs not want) called "reason". While ignoring everything; one is being tricked to just take the opposite side within conflicts of nothing aka reasoning about suggested, instead of adapting to perceivable.
c) inception and death are not adverse (in opposition) to each other, but coexist as momentum within the same direction of motion for those living within. Ignoring this, while holding onto something suggested, puts oneself into an adverse position.
The money is made through polarization which is what the governments and their media outlets are doing. There’s no money in having a neutral opinion and just pointing out the bs. That’s why no one does it. When this is finished and the truth comes out, you will be one of the people crying “there’s no way I could have known!”
The truth is already out, there is no doubt Jews are genociding non-Jewish children. What you are doing is pushing a different form of the exact same Jewish line. (Perhaps you are doing it consciously?)
It's not about money, Jews are spending all the money in the world to push one side and when they can't persuade you with their line, they will at least try to keep you on the fence just like what you did here.
The House of Representatives just passed a $14.3 billion aid package for Israel and you think this is not about money? There’s a sucker born every minute.
No it's not about money, you just have been thoroughly judaized and started to think just like them.
The Rabbis at the top have all the money in the world. They print it. The money is just to grease the dumb goyim and they can do it anyway they want.
I would like to know who left a bucket of Palestinian flags on the Washington & Lee campus this weekend, though.
Oy vey it’s anuddah shoah!
a) Suggested convinces ones consent to ignore perceivable...if one gives in and takes it.
b) the trick to sell suggested is to utilize implication (to convince; to overpower) against the buyer by making him believe that if being convinced, then being overpowered by others.
In reality...underling (consent) chooses overlord (suggestion) or resists and thereby grows self.
Thanks for finding his account. I've added a "misleading" flair to the original post and a stickied comment.
Thank you! And not just for this one, but for all of the work you do here.
Meh, I've been saying this since day one, of Ukraine. News to me that I'm Jewish.
With any contemporary war, it's going to be next to impossible to get any accurate information until the dust settles. You aren't there, and literally everyone who is has skin in the game. With Covid, we were all in it and could see firsthand what was happening on the ground, but if it were happening in only Malaysia, say, it would be nearly impossible to confirm or deny anything. The lesson was: governments lie, people lie on behalf or governments, especially "experts" and "news media", and we shouldn't believe anything we can't verify ourselves.
That said, I would say that Israeli propaganda is by far the more outlandish, but is pushed by more "experts", and most people will believe it without question (six gorillion dead babies, anyone?).
I try to look at this from a historical context, rather than looking for "proof", at least while the conflict is still hot (although now would be a good time to figure out exactly what happened in Ukraine). From that perspective, this looks a lot like Israel pulling some shennanigans to heat up their pet conflict with Palestine.
I don't particularily believe that Palestine flew into Israel unimpeded and proceeded to terrorize the populace for hours, with zero plan for dealing with the inevitable counter attack. I don't buy that Israel wasn't keeping an eye on all the weapons and equipment that recently entered the black market from Ukraine and Afghanistan. I could believe some of the atrocities committed by the Palestinians (and pretty much all the ones committed by the Israelis) because they both have a history of savagery and disregard for human life.
But I don't know for sure, so I can't really say and my default answer to any conflict like this is "we should withdraw all support and boycott both sides until the conflict is settled". We have no interest here and both sides are our enemies, ideologically. I wouldn't even send peacekeepers, because we could be roped into taking more refugees later because of our involvement.
That, and anyone in the West who is chearleader for either side should be sent to the conflict zone on a one-way ticket.
Ya, pushing the let's stay unbiased line that would benefit the Israelis the most. I have to hand it to you. You sure follow your manuals and know what you are doing.
Only thing is, I know for certain what is happening in Gaza and anyone who knows anyone from Gaza knows for certain what is happening. Ya but let's just watch while Jews genocide non Jews until it's your turn.
For anyone else reading this, check this manual, Jewish propaganda is subtle, the above WeedleTLiar is a good case example:
Yes, and I've been noticing it plays quite nicely into the Q crowd as well.
Don't worry. White Hats control everything. All the polititians are replaced clones. Real ones have been arrested and executed long ago. Just enjoy the show and trust the plan! Everything is under control. Yada, yada...
Damn, I've been literally told that Gaza is being cleaned up by White Hats (who control everything, obviously)! Something, something about tunnels, trusting the plan, being in control and such...
Shit people believe these days is absolutely crazy!
The main question no one of those believers have properly answered, though, is this one: If literally everything is fake and staged, then what is the point of it all? Why go to such insane lengths to fake absolutely everything if the good guys are already in control?
So glad this sub is here now that GA has been taken over.
One of the mods is supposedly some pedoapologist from Canada. Would make sense considering both of my accounts have been suspended there.
It’s definitely fake bro.
To see implies "to perceive by the eye"...not consenting to watch as suggested by others.
PerSEEving...watching implies attending (to await); instead of being (to adapt).
Life can only "react" to being passed from inception towards death...ones consent to suggested actors tempts one to ignore that.
Propagation of line (inception towards death) sentences life.
It's 5th generation warfare
EVERYTHING is fake by the time you see it
And yes, the Palestinians have an industry of providing staged clips to presstitutes
Watch. Pallywood according to Palestinian sources. It's the same vintage as islamic rage boy
So you have to insert your Jewish Israeli propaganda here even when you are outed!
When Jews are genociding non Jews, it's interesting that you are putting all of your energy into demonizing non Jews.