The new subtle Jewish propaganda line is this: "A lot of what you see is BS with actors playing the parts seen in supposed news footage."
While this may indeed be true in some case, NOT EVERYTHING IN THE UNIVERSE IS FAKE!
Jewish Israelis are using this subtle line to convince many that no one is dying in Gaza and that the Genocide is fake, war is fake, nothing happening there, Israelis are not genociding anyone, etc.. So that you live in a fairy land disconnected from reality. Disbelieving everything in the universe, taking no action, caring about nothing until Jewish boots stomps on and then you will really know not everything is fake.
I've seen this Israeli propaganda line get success here while being promoted by known sub-humans such as vpnsurfer:
That guy they try to pass as an actor is a VERY famous instrgramer who takes videos in all sorts of manner, nothing special about it, they only fake couple of photos which do not look like him, the Jews have been quite shoddy in creating this meme but I guess it worked!
I've seen this line being pushed heavily by other shils such as Jim Rizoli and many more. There propaganda is subtle but they know what they do and the demographic they target.
To know reality implies perceiving (effect) perceivable (cause). Others suggest HAP'PEN, verb - "to come by chance" as the inversion of being effect (life) within cause (inception towards death).
Consenting to suggested happenings, positions one into a "happenstance", hence taking a chance aka gambling ones life one chance.
Sleight of hand: "If you change your mind (take a chance)...(Take a, take a chance-chance)...I'm the first in line...Honey, I'm still free (take a chance)"
Line (inception towards death) implies fall of men (life)...falling (loss) offers momentum for raising (growth) raise (resistance) while falling (velocity) requires adaptation by choice (frequency).
Repeat aka RE (response to) PETO (being driven forwards)...
Being implies one (life) different from one another within same (inception towards death)...others suggest norms to tempt consenting ones to respond alike instead of as differences.
a) everything (perceivable) can be ignored for nothing (suggested)
b) ignoring perceivable (need) for suggested (want) positions one within a conflict (want vs not want) called "reason". While ignoring everything; one is being tricked to just take the opposite side within conflicts of nothing aka reasoning about suggested, instead of adapting to perceivable.
c) inception and death are not adverse (in opposition) to each other, but coexist as momentum within the same direction of motion for those living within. Ignoring this, while holding onto something suggested, puts oneself into an adverse position.