Inspiring and powerful message. I can almost see myself drone bombing weddings now.
You had me at "free penis removal surgery"
Now that the army is at least pretending not to hate my entire demographic, I'm ready to enlist and will proudly wear my rainbow Star of David patch! Just send this golem straight to Ukraine, the big guy's gotta get his 10%!
As a fellow Jewish person, I love this commercial and agree that all young white men should sign up to die for your greatest ally! Be all you can be!
This will make all today's youth sign right up and fight for Israel and for globohomo. Thanks Shlomo
When they're asking you to die, suddenly it's all white men in the commercial
My grandpa was in the Army during the Korean War. He told me I should not sign up for the military because, "the US government does not fight to win anymore". Remember that
I want George Floyd to be my platoon leader!!!
Just imagine dying for Israel.
should have went with the all black soldiers rushing the beaches on D-day skit. that would have really pulled in the numbers for recruitment
yah bout the same... i quit social media/popular blog sites looong time ago.. around when trump go elected..
i remember when thedonald started.. those were good times.. but after 2020... the internet died.. you cant have a single discussion without hurting an Ai feelings
(or real person)
say something about trump on patriots... backing it up with video evidence of him saying it.. and they started kvetching on you worse than the trannys
Kek same here. Goes to show only few people really see the light amidst the sea of lies and fake news, fake leaders etc. They just can't accept that no one is coming to save them.
I got banned from for talking about verboten WW2 info, not even talking about any specidic demographic, but the hinky stuff about Poland. My comments were removed by mods, so I started my own theead there asking why the mods deleted my comments, since they didnt break any rules. One of the head mods, f-b-i-, tells me I broke 3 specific rules, which I clear didn't, and told him so. He proceeds to tell me I'm brigading (even though I've been a member of that forum since 2016 on Reddit), and that I'm a "stormfag". I press him further on his hypocrisy, and then he says "do you know who I am?", quickly deletes his comment, and then perma bans me.
That mod isn't the only one either. About a week or two ago, I saw a post pinned which mentioned "schlomo" in the title. One of the lower upvoted comments asked why it was pinned, due to the evil antisemitism, to which doggos replied it was a mistake, and they don't tolerate evil antisemitism.
They tolerate people talking negatively about any other demographic, except Jews, even if the information is true. They allow conversation about pretty much anything, except WW2. They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. It's clearly a false right wing trap, like a lot of normie right wing stuff is nowadays (the Republican party, Fox news, Daily Wire, PragerU, etc.). I've also seen blatant vote manipulation and rampant alt usage.
Unconnected to this, I've also had weird run ins with the mods of c/Christianity. I'm pretty sure two of the mods there (SwampRangers and CuomoisaMassMurderer) are the same person. It started when CuomoisaMassMurderer replied to one of my replies in a random ConPro thread, which was 3 months old. It was weird as hell, considering how this website works. Someone would have to dig for a long time to find that specific thread. A newer ConPro thread had tons more comments by CuomoisaMassMurderer, which made me curious, so I looked through his comment history. It was clear he was shilling the forum, so I posted the info I found in that newer thread. When I did that, SwampRangers comes in, and tries to defend Cuomo, saing he's a genuine user (very odd thing to say), that he frequents ConPro all the time, and other lies. I prove that's not the case, while also continuing the debate with Cuomo in the 3 month old thread. When I post a lengthy reply to Cuomo in the old thread (where SwampRangers had never been in), SwampRangers comes in, almost immediately, and says "TLDR". He forgot to change out his account between replying to me in the newer thread, and replying to me on his alt in the 3 month old thread. This made him extremely pissy, and he then spammed tons of replies at me.
Agreed. For people that were banned off of Reddit from undue and hypocritically applied censorship, they seem to embrace it wholeheartedly here.
It's also a blatant logical fallacy. Espousing for the truthful telling of history doesn't make one an advocate of the side that the truth casts a better light on. For any other historical topic a historian doesn't have to defend himself as being pro-[anything], for merely telling the truth about it, except for WW2. A historian about the Roman empire doesn't mean he's pro Roman empire and anti anyone else. A historian about the American Revolution doesn't make him pro U.S. and anti-British. Just because I believe in the truth about WW2 doesn't make me a "Nazi" or "stormfag". That argument is ridiculous just on the surface.
Post the most racist shit about illegal aliens, muslims, black protesters at BLM, and it's all fair game.
I got tens of thousands of upvotes on TheDonald for talking shit about islam and their pedophile slave owning rapist false prophet.
But for being just a FRACTION as critical against Judaism and Jews, i was warned, posts deleted, warned again, put on probation, banned, unbanned, banned again. The fag-mods over there think they're twitter admins. Fuck 'em.
And of course the rules are not equally applied. No racism basically means no racism against Jews or their zio-cuck white shill MAGAtard supporters. Picture Bannon groveling to jews at ZOA annual event or Trump groveling to jews who helped make him rich in Jew York City.
Also notice how they downvote us, even in c/conspiracies, while not refuting anything we've said. They're weak, have no counterpoints, and they know it. They can only survive in a censorship heavy environment. It won't matter, though. Lies always fail.
Too bad. I like debate and besides some surface level badgering and elbows in the ribs I will engage in a fair civil debate without taking too many cheap shots. For example i gave flat earthers fair consideration.
I am also always open to the possibility that I am actually fucking wrong on a topic or issue or debate. I actually like it when i come to a new revelation and realize something i long held to be true is in fact false, or vice versa. For some, they can't admit that whatever they first thought about anything is wrong because they have too big an ego built upon falsehoods, bad information, misplaced trust, etc.
Absolutely agree. I always try to give people a chance to prove their point, and always consider that I might be wrong about something, in full or in part. I prioritize truth first, above all else, so I can learn. It's the reason why my profile name is what it is. However, I'll always challenge someone's position in a debate, usually through poking holes in their logic, as I hate getting into the back and forth posting of articles that each side tries to dismiss. Almost invariably, it results in people getting vitriolic, they start name calling, and resort to all manner of logically fallacious arguments. It's sad. They treat their opinions like an anchor. They cling to it even if it'll drown them, thinking they have no choice. Everyone has free will and can change their minds. Most refuse to, though, at least at first.
Even people who consider themselves right wing, will use the exact same globalist propaganda and arguments as the far left when you challenge their conditioned assumptions. That's probably why it's more infuriating to debate a normie right winger than a lefty. The right winger already knows the news, media, and government all lie, about everything, but they still cling onto lies they were taught in school, especially about history, or what the "authorities" say on medicine. They fall victim to the same logical fallacies as the left, appeals to emotion, popularity, and authority.
This is why my research into conspiracy theories was so crucial in red pilling me. It opened my eyes to all of this, with how corrupted the world actually is, what the people in power have done, what they've said, and what they're willing to do. I found out who I could trust, and who I couldn't. It wasn't even intentional at first either. I was more interested in stuff like bigfoot, ghosts, and aliens. Instead I learned way more about political and historical conspiracies.
I've also discovered a lot of shills too. Honestly challenging someone, their ideas, and not relenting, is a really good way to find out who a person is. They almost invariably get emotional and let things slip that they normally wouldn't. You can also infer a lot by what people say and how they say it, with just a modicum of experience and understanding of human motivations. I've changed quite a lot of my views over the last 10 years, some subtle, and some major, due to coming across better information and arguments. So I know from experience it's not impossible to change one's mind.
If it was for a cause you believed in, you'd join.
For example, if your family and extended family all lived on a farm and it was being attacked, you'd join a military to defend your own family.
Otherwise, yeah. Don't join the USA military. The federal government does not represent our own personal values. No one should voluntarily die for Israel or the catholics and Jews who puppeteer Joe Biden around. Not unless you are one of them.
Most who do are just brainwashed by the propaganda.
That's why I am such a huge critic of right wing pundits like Bongino. That faggot swore his life to protect Hussein Obama. That's as gay as it gets. How the fuck does he represent right wing propaganda now? Or maybe a fag like him fits right in with republican fraud zio-cucks. I'm just mad I ever fell for the right wing propaganda. I believed it to be a slightly better option than demoKKKrats and that kept me sucked in the paradigm.
most of the ppl in the comments there will go to war, with the right propaganda.
it has happened in the past and will happen again. propaganda and social pressure. some of them will go for the meaning, some in order to feed their families, some because their friends went.
some because they were manipulated like lots of their parents were manipulated on 9/11
There was an army recruiter who posted some videos about the percentage of the populace could not pass the physical exam by 2025. It was really high but I’d have to go look to be exact.
The links last night showing twitter, and 4chan are very informative if you can find them. The GI bill hasn't just been gutted, they retroactively took money from people.
The only reason people have to join the military these days is medical benefits. That's why they've added gender therapy.
These ones made me chuckle:
Oy Vey!
Its moderator is a Canadian with a ban hammer. That place has gone to shit. It’s a low brow news aggregator.
I never did understand how Matt Drudge completely flipped.
Rumor was he sold the site but had a non disclosure agreement not to announce it.
thats pretty much any forum these days...
cept this place.. but theres only ... 23.4 people here haha
This is only place on net I'm not banned.
A sort of refuge for me, and probably others.
If I get banned here, i have to go on onion sites and use tor browser and flee to the dark web
Dark web is bad marketing. Rebrand it as something commemorating decentralization, freedom, anarchy
yah bout the same... i quit social media/popular blog sites looong time ago.. around when trump go elected..
i remember when thedonald started.. those were good times.. but after 2020... the internet died.. you cant have a single discussion without hurting an Ai feelings (or real person)
say something about trump on patriots... backing it up with video evidence of him saying it.. and they started kvetching on you worse than the trannys
Kek same here. Goes to show only few people really see the light amidst the sea of lies and fake news, fake leaders etc. They just can't accept that no one is coming to save them.
I got banned from for talking about verboten WW2 info, not even talking about any specidic demographic, but the hinky stuff about Poland. My comments were removed by mods, so I started my own theead there asking why the mods deleted my comments, since they didnt break any rules. One of the head mods, f-b-i-, tells me I broke 3 specific rules, which I clear didn't, and told him so. He proceeds to tell me I'm brigading (even though I've been a member of that forum since 2016 on Reddit), and that I'm a "stormfag". I press him further on his hypocrisy, and then he says "do you know who I am?", quickly deletes his comment, and then perma bans me.
That mod isn't the only one either. About a week or two ago, I saw a post pinned which mentioned "schlomo" in the title. One of the lower upvoted comments asked why it was pinned, due to the evil antisemitism, to which doggos replied it was a mistake, and they don't tolerate evil antisemitism.
They tolerate people talking negatively about any other demographic, except Jews, even if the information is true. They allow conversation about pretty much anything, except WW2. They're a bunch of hypocrites and liars. It's clearly a false right wing trap, like a lot of normie right wing stuff is nowadays (the Republican party, Fox news, Daily Wire, PragerU, etc.). I've also seen blatant vote manipulation and rampant alt usage.
Unconnected to this, I've also had weird run ins with the mods of c/Christianity. I'm pretty sure two of the mods there (SwampRangers and CuomoisaMassMurderer) are the same person. It started when CuomoisaMassMurderer replied to one of my replies in a random ConPro thread, which was 3 months old. It was weird as hell, considering how this website works. Someone would have to dig for a long time to find that specific thread. A newer ConPro thread had tons more comments by CuomoisaMassMurderer, which made me curious, so I looked through his comment history. It was clear he was shilling the forum, so I posted the info I found in that newer thread. When I did that, SwampRangers comes in, and tries to defend Cuomo, saing he's a genuine user (very odd thing to say), that he frequents ConPro all the time, and other lies. I prove that's not the case, while also continuing the debate with Cuomo in the 3 month old thread. When I post a lengthy reply to Cuomo in the old thread (where SwampRangers had never been in), SwampRangers comes in, almost immediately, and says "TLDR". He forgot to change out his account between replying to me in the newer thread, and replying to me on his alt in the 3 month old thread. This made him extremely pissy, and he then spammed tons of replies at me.
Agreed. For people that were banned off of Reddit from undue and hypocritically applied censorship, they seem to embrace it wholeheartedly here.
It's also a blatant logical fallacy. Espousing for the truthful telling of history doesn't make one an advocate of the side that the truth casts a better light on. For any other historical topic a historian doesn't have to defend himself as being pro-[anything], for merely telling the truth about it, except for WW2. A historian about the Roman empire doesn't mean he's pro Roman empire and anti anyone else. A historian about the American Revolution doesn't make him pro U.S. and anti-British. Just because I believe in the truth about WW2 doesn't make me a "Nazi" or "stormfag". That argument is ridiculous just on the surface.
They're hypocrites.
Post the most racist shit about illegal aliens, muslims, black protesters at BLM, and it's all fair game.
I got tens of thousands of upvotes on TheDonald for talking shit about islam and their pedophile slave owning rapist false prophet.
But for being just a FRACTION as critical against Judaism and Jews, i was warned, posts deleted, warned again, put on probation, banned, unbanned, banned again. The fag-mods over there think they're twitter admins. Fuck 'em.
And of course the rules are not equally applied. No racism basically means no racism against Jews or their zio-cuck white shill MAGAtard supporters. Picture Bannon groveling to jews at ZOA annual event or Trump groveling to jews who helped make him rich in Jew York City.
Also notice how they downvote us, even in c/conspiracies, while not refuting anything we've said. They're weak, have no counterpoints, and they know it. They can only survive in a censorship heavy environment. It won't matter, though. Lies always fail.
Too bad. I like debate and besides some surface level badgering and elbows in the ribs I will engage in a fair civil debate without taking too many cheap shots. For example i gave flat earthers fair consideration.
I am also always open to the possibility that I am actually fucking wrong on a topic or issue or debate. I actually like it when i come to a new revelation and realize something i long held to be true is in fact false, or vice versa. For some, they can't admit that whatever they first thought about anything is wrong because they have too big an ego built upon falsehoods, bad information, misplaced trust, etc.
Absolutely agree. I always try to give people a chance to prove their point, and always consider that I might be wrong about something, in full or in part. I prioritize truth first, above all else, so I can learn. It's the reason why my profile name is what it is. However, I'll always challenge someone's position in a debate, usually through poking holes in their logic, as I hate getting into the back and forth posting of articles that each side tries to dismiss. Almost invariably, it results in people getting vitriolic, they start name calling, and resort to all manner of logically fallacious arguments. It's sad. They treat their opinions like an anchor. They cling to it even if it'll drown them, thinking they have no choice. Everyone has free will and can change their minds. Most refuse to, though, at least at first.
Even people who consider themselves right wing, will use the exact same globalist propaganda and arguments as the far left when you challenge their conditioned assumptions. That's probably why it's more infuriating to debate a normie right winger than a lefty. The right winger already knows the news, media, and government all lie, about everything, but they still cling onto lies they were taught in school, especially about history, or what the "authorities" say on medicine. They fall victim to the same logical fallacies as the left, appeals to emotion, popularity, and authority.
This is why my research into conspiracy theories was so crucial in red pilling me. It opened my eyes to all of this, with how corrupted the world actually is, what the people in power have done, what they've said, and what they're willing to do. I found out who I could trust, and who I couldn't. It wasn't even intentional at first either. I was more interested in stuff like bigfoot, ghosts, and aliens. Instead I learned way more about political and historical conspiracies.
I've also discovered a lot of shills too. Honestly challenging someone, their ideas, and not relenting, is a really good way to find out who a person is. They almost invariably get emotional and let things slip that they normally wouldn't. You can also infer a lot by what people say and how they say it, with just a modicum of experience and understanding of human motivations. I've changed quite a lot of my views over the last 10 years, some subtle, and some major, due to coming across better information and arguments. So I know from experience it's not impossible to change one's mind.
Very well stated. Glad you are here to think about this with the rest of us.
You too. I've always enjoyed your comments.
Also, from what I've seen of your comments the last week or two, you seem to have attracted some obsessives that are downvoting all of your comments.
If it was for a cause you believed in, you'd join.
For example, if your family and extended family all lived on a farm and it was being attacked, you'd join a military to defend your own family.
Otherwise, yeah. Don't join the USA military. The federal government does not represent our own personal values. No one should voluntarily die for Israel or the catholics and Jews who puppeteer Joe Biden around. Not unless you are one of them.
Most who do are just brainwashed by the propaganda.
That's why I am such a huge critic of right wing pundits like Bongino. That faggot swore his life to protect Hussein Obama. That's as gay as it gets. How the fuck does he represent right wing propaganda now? Or maybe a fag like him fits right in with republican fraud zio-cucks. I'm just mad I ever fell for the right wing propaganda. I believed it to be a slightly better option than demoKKKrats and that kept me sucked in the paradigm.
Um where is the diversity? No lgbtq or trans? Funny how they put out a video like that but in reality.....
most of the ppl in the comments there will go to war, with the right propaganda.
it has happened in the past and will happen again. propaganda and social pressure. some of them will go for the meaning, some in order to feed their families, some because their friends went.
some because they were manipulated like lots of their parents were manipulated on 9/11
i can see lots of those people going to war against china no doubt, maybe not ukraine
There was an army recruiter who posted some videos about the percentage of the populace could not pass the physical exam by 2025. It was really high but I’d have to go look to be exact.
The forces got the ANU package they clamored for. No returns.
The links last night showing twitter, and 4chan are very informative if you can find them. The GI bill hasn't just been gutted, they retroactively took money from people.
The only reason people have to join the military these days is medical benefits. That's why they've added gender therapy.
I've read people cancer like ailments are still marrying for benefits.
it kinda gives you hope lol