It's never ever going to happen. Think about it, people don't WANT to face the truth. If they did, they would already be hunting medical staff and killing them on the streets.
Instead they're just happy they are vaxxed, otherwise it would be much worse in Ukraine.
I don't understand how the hospital ignored the parents wishes on blood transfusion. I was raised JW, and as soon as I learned that there were non blood alternatives I have JW on my medical charts specifically so I would never be given a blood transfusion.
“He had an operation to fix an issue in his throat he was born with. He did not need a blood transfusion during the operation. Most babies do not.”
“Later on, after our authorization had expired (we only authorized a blood transfusion in case of an emergency during an operation). The doctor gave him a blood transfusion because his hemoglobin levels were a little low. We had not given permission for this and the doctor knew we did not want vaccinated blood because we were worried about blood clots. The next day after the transfusion, they discovered a blood clot,” Hertzler said.
Ty, I didn't see the link. Money won't bring their baby back, but it'll make this doctor and others who put policies or politics before a patient think twice.
I won't bat an eye when people start hunting medical staff in their own homes.
It's never ever going to happen. Think about it, people don't WANT to face the truth. If they did, they would already be hunting medical staff and killing them on the streets.
Instead they're just happy they are vaxxed, otherwise it would be much worse in Ukraine.
take errryting from me... and i get real dangerous.
I don't understand how the hospital ignored the parents wishes on blood transfusion. I was raised JW, and as soon as I learned that there were non blood alternatives I have JW on my medical charts specifically so I would never be given a blood transfusion.
Could you elaborate a bit on the 2nd part please?
No one wants a religious discrimination lawsuit.
OP linked the TGP article this came from.
Ty, I didn't see the link. Money won't bring their baby back, but it'll make this doctor and others who put policies or politics before a patient think twice.
I'm pureblood and O-. I will donate blood one day.
Aren't those two different color babies?
The blood clots probably blocked blood flow (used up blood is darker ) causing the darker skin
Jaundice (failing kidneys) will do this. My kid looked hispanic when he was born. Few days later, white as snow.
Jaundice is caused by a failing liver.
Good catch, thank you. My point was that organ failure can result in serious skin discoloration.
Dead is another color. Ever see a dead person without makeup that funeral home applies for a wake?
This enrages me.
you can read more here:
What's the doctor's name? It's time to start naming the guilty.
If begging doesnt work. Demand.
As in demandate.
Not trying to be a dick here but, a child requiring a blood transfusion probably isn’t doing so good to begin with right?
Learn how to spell, you spergtastic retard.
u w0t?
I tried finding an obit and failed. There is a gofundme. I would be hesitant in sharing.
OP linked the TGP article.
Yep. And it didn't have a link to an obit either.
Is the child mixed race? I know its more important for organs but it makes it harder to find donor matches
Edit: What in my comment was derogatory to deserve a downvote?
I suspect it is because if you need blood, you need a lot. A single donor cannot provide enough, no matter what they say in the movies.
It is possible to pre-donate your own blood for major surgeries, but you have to donate over many months to build up enough supply.
Just looked up Sorry for the SJW site . Even liberal site admit seems its more an issue with bone marrow and organ donors. But possibly for blood I believe One parent might match .