Abiogenic hypotheses generally reject the supposition that certain molecules found within petroleum, known as biomarkers, are indicative of the biological origin of petroleum. They contend that these molecules mostly come from microbes feeding on petroleum in its upward migration through the crust,
...and then this:
Modern geologists think that commercially profitable deposits of abiotic petroleum could be found, but no current deposit has convincing evidence that it originated from abiotic sources
So.... abiotic oil exists, but the oil we have used to fuel industry is has not been abiotic.
I see a lot of weasel words: "generally reject", "convincing evidence" means some DON'T reject this, and there IS evidence (that's not "convincing" o_O).
I'm not an expert on this subject. but where there's smoke...
the "peak oil" thing always smacked of "muh climate change" control via memes.
I've read about old dry wells that suddenly start producing again....
Petroleum is not made from dead dinosaurs. It comes from very old algae and other stuff from long ago.
I'm not sure regenerate is the word should be used - oil wells, that were thought to be depleted, refilled. The implication being the oil seeps or upwells into those wells (accessible to us) from deeper within the earth; like it's oozing out of the mantle, contrary to it coming from bio-matter that came from the surface and was compacted and liquefied. Also implying there is far more of it than we believe and perhaps it goes on being made through some as yet unknown physical process.
I read somewhere years ago in a magazine my grandpa had that said that the mantle is mainly composed of oil and igneous rock. as the core spins and generates magnetic energy, it slowly pushes the oil upwards as spaces are emptied (i.e. by drilling). There is more oil within the earth than any other substance besides carbon, iron, and nickel.
Oil basically is C and H composition. Burning it you get CO2, H2O and energy. Both are food for plants, that consume them and using solar energy produce O2 and CH compositions. If you don't burn all plants that grow, that CH components have to go somewhere. CH plants remnants consumed by bacteria and other living species, they also leave CH remnants that have to go somwhere. Plants do not consume CH remnants of creatures, they mostly extract N, P, K and other stuff needed, along CO2 and water. So, where all that huge mass of CH compounds go? It could drown to the soil with rains and other stuff. Unerground streams of water collect that CH compounds in suitable areas, where they combined, filtered, washed and continue to soak deeper, to the layers with higher temperatures. High temperatures decompose complex CH compounds produced by plants and animals into simpier ones that finally turn into oil.
Short variant of that cycle could be observed in vegetable oil fuel production. The difference is that plants create oil-like CH compounds directly, but in very small quantities. It is very ineffective way of getting fuel, because only small parts of grown plants (seeds, fruits, etc) collect oil that could be extracted, but all other parts of oily plants continue large cycle described above.
So, oil is just a natural solar energy storage made by plants, much more effective than all that modern green shit, with magnitudes order higher energy density and efficiency than solar panels + batteries and other green stuff. Nature give us a perfect way to save and store solar energy, long before all that green bastards crawled out from their black holes.
There could be a very deep rabbit hole with CH compounds produced by plants. It is a unbeliveably huge amount of energy that just could not be consumed by creatures of Earth. Even when consumed, creatures leave a huge part of CH compounds as shit. It should not be hard to estimate possible amount of solar energy stored in CH compounds by plants over the Earth and think where are they really go.
And when Earth climate will return to normal, Eocene-like warm, mild and steady climate, and Earth become really green, from pole to pole, that presumed oil cycle will run at normal rate. So, that greenhouse global warming, elites try to avoid by any means, will be not only solution to nearly all humanity problems with food, habitable territory, whatever, but also to a "problem" with "fossil fuels" for trillions of people.
And burning oil is not something unnatural. We just returning stored CO2 to the Earth atmosphere, that was screwed by last Ice Age, when most plants died and oil creation process slowed down.
This is also what I think it could be. Came here to post that if you leave a pig sitting in the sun with sufficient heat and aridity that maggots cannot survive then it will slowly turn into essentially oil. It's gross but it's a well known phenomenon among rural regions
I don't believe it's regenerating at a meaningful rate
Try changing your perspective...Replacement Migration utilizing so called 3rd world birth rates to replace so called 1st world ones. That represents utilization of regeneration at a meaningful rate.
And what did they DJ say? "there's no trouble that I can't fix (tikun olam) cause I can do it in the mix (miscegenation)".
You think you are smart asking this rhetorical question, but I will bait and show to the above average reader who has some notions of physics, chemics and science in general how stupid and false equivalent this is...
When we use water it doesn't transform its physical of chemical properties. The worst we can do to it is mix it with other toxic stuff, but in an long enough timeframe, Earths systems will remove the toxic chemicals we put in water...
So we aren't transforming water, we aren't altering the chemical properties or EXTRACTING the energy in its chemical bonds.
We are doing that to oil, on the other hand.
And theoretically, in a long enough time frame, when enough bovine citizens like you are dead and their corpses rotten and pressed under enough pressure, sure Earth can create new hydrocarbons... but certainly this process as is well known would need millions of years to happen and is not fast enough to keep up to the requirement of the human plague.
Hope this answers your question, low IQ piece of meat.
I know about the abiotic theories coming out of china and russia, but this is the first I’m hearing of rockefeller paying people/scientists to call oil “fossil fuel” to encourage the myth of scarcity.
Do you have a source to support that claim? If so, please share it!
So it's well known that you can render animal water into petroleum. It's done to create a less biologically dangerous (ie less bacteria) way of disposing without the need for using as much energy as cremation. Same is true for plant matter. I think it regenerates but the location of the reserves probably changes related to changes in landscape and biosphere
because of ridiculous radiocarbon-dating. in reality, most of the worlds fuels are laid down each time there is a global cataclysm, such as a flood, an asteroid impact, or a hypervolcano (think 5 or 6 Mons Olympus blowing up at once). The earliest coal deposits were probably from when God created the earth and laid down adequate fuels for human consumption. As eons passed and humanity was nearly wiped out (once or twice or 40 times, who knows) by catastrophes, the extant plant and animal material was quickly buried and compressed into oils and coals.
a) as form (life) within flow (inception towards death)...flow represents the ongoing generation; form the temporary reaction. Many Reactors within one Generator.
b) RE (response) GENERA (propagate) -TION (through action).
c) GEN'ERATE, verb transitive [Latin genero. See Gender.] - "to beget; to procreate; to propagate; to produce; to cause to be"
What else produces? NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]
And what was that about GEN'DER, noun (Latin genus) - "sex" aka SEX, noun [Latin seco, to divide.] - "the distinction between male and female"?
d) now reconsider male (salt) + female (oil)?
e) "second-most prevalent liquid"...anyone noticed the over representation of "salt" water?
Anyway; here's the relevant sleight of hand: "there's no trouble that I can't fix cause I can do it in the mix"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtfZbj4J71A (Cause away goes trouble down the drain). Also; what's the position of form within flow; choice within balance? Indeep!
LIT'ERAL, adjective [Latin litera, a letter.] - "following the letter or exact words; not free".
You read something that doesn't follow the norm like all others; which calls itself "free-will-of-choice"; while showing no regard to the validity of the suggested meaning of words; to the point of implying that "before the suggested word comes the perceivable sound"...yet you suggest that this represents literal.
Scribble me this; doodle me that...who writes more like an illiterate brat?
BOT; ROBOT; noun (Latin robur) - "strength".
Resisting the suggestions of others grows strength; like for example the suggestion of dehumanizing others as robots; as artificial intelligence; while ignoring that there's no artificial (fiction) within natural (reality)...only ignorance.
A domesticated monkey that allegedly died in captivity...what's the implication of calling oneself that? Would you like a banana?
regenerates how...?
regenerates from what... ? from dirt? what are the ingredients?
look up "abiotic" oil, we've been on this for years:
oil has little or nothing to do directly with dying dinosaurs and a lot to do with what has been called "abiotic" production.
The Abiogenic Origin of Oil: The Fossil Fuel Myth and the Scarcity Meme
as oil is renewable and abiotic
From this link you provided:
It says both this:
...and then this:
So.... abiotic oil exists, but the oil we have used to fuel industry is has not been abiotic.
Is that what you understand, too?
Earth's core makes it and pushes it up.dont worry theres thousands of years of coal an oil around.
how ? do we know the specific process, or are you just presenting your assumption?
at what rate (i.e., faster or slower than humans consume it) ?
3. is there any downside to burning tons and tons and tons of oil (for cars, industry , etc.) ?
I see a lot of weasel words: "generally reject", "convincing evidence" means some DON'T reject this, and there IS evidence (that's not "convincing" o_O).
I'm not an expert on this subject. but where there's smoke...
the "peak oil" thing always smacked of "muh climate change" control via memes.
yup, i get it... thank you.
I've read about old dry wells that suddenly start producing again.... Petroleum is not made from dead dinosaurs. It comes from very old algae and other stuff from long ago.
doesn't mean oil is regenerating.
could be that existing oil is just shifting to fill the emptiness left by the first pumping.
i.e., not new oil - just shifting from one location to another
or do you know for a legit FACT that it's literally "new oil" (created within the last few years) ?
97% hydrogen and carbon with traces of elements like oxygen, sulfur, nickel, vanadium, and some others making up the rest.
do we know the source of the hydrogen?
everything else sounds like "soil"
Do you know what the mantle and core are actually made of, besides theories?
CO2 and Water in a vortex (draining)... allegedly.
Earths blood basically we don’t live on a spinning dirt ball
it's a globe
I'm not sure regenerate is the word should be used - oil wells, that were thought to be depleted, refilled. The implication being the oil seeps or upwells into those wells (accessible to us) from deeper within the earth; like it's oozing out of the mantle, contrary to it coming from bio-matter that came from the surface and was compacted and liquefied. Also implying there is far more of it than we believe and perhaps it goes on being made through some as yet unknown physical process.
I read somewhere years ago in a magazine my grandpa had that said that the mantle is mainly composed of oil and igneous rock. as the core spins and generates magnetic energy, it slowly pushes the oil upwards as spaces are emptied (i.e. by drilling). There is more oil within the earth than any other substance besides carbon, iron, and nickel.
Not sure but science is mysterious.
Just quick random theory:
Oil basically is C and H composition. Burning it you get CO2, H2O and energy. Both are food for plants, that consume them and using solar energy produce O2 and CH compositions. If you don't burn all plants that grow, that CH components have to go somewhere. CH plants remnants consumed by bacteria and other living species, they also leave CH remnants that have to go somwhere. Plants do not consume CH remnants of creatures, they mostly extract N, P, K and other stuff needed, along CO2 and water. So, where all that huge mass of CH compounds go? It could drown to the soil with rains and other stuff. Unerground streams of water collect that CH compounds in suitable areas, where they combined, filtered, washed and continue to soak deeper, to the layers with higher temperatures. High temperatures decompose complex CH compounds produced by plants and animals into simpier ones that finally turn into oil.
Short variant of that cycle could be observed in vegetable oil fuel production. The difference is that plants create oil-like CH compounds directly, but in very small quantities. It is very ineffective way of getting fuel, because only small parts of grown plants (seeds, fruits, etc) collect oil that could be extracted, but all other parts of oily plants continue large cycle described above.
So, oil is just a natural solar energy storage made by plants, much more effective than all that modern green shit, with magnitudes order higher energy density and efficiency than solar panels + batteries and other green stuff. Nature give us a perfect way to save and store solar energy, long before all that green bastards crawled out from their black holes.
There could be a very deep rabbit hole with CH compounds produced by plants. It is a unbeliveably huge amount of energy that just could not be consumed by creatures of Earth. Even when consumed, creatures leave a huge part of CH compounds as shit. It should not be hard to estimate possible amount of solar energy stored in CH compounds by plants over the Earth and think where are they really go.
And when Earth climate will return to normal, Eocene-like warm, mild and steady climate, and Earth become really green, from pole to pole, that presumed oil cycle will run at normal rate. So, that greenhouse global warming, elites try to avoid by any means, will be not only solution to nearly all humanity problems with food, habitable territory, whatever, but also to a "problem" with "fossil fuels" for trillions of people.
And burning oil is not something unnatural. We just returning stored CO2 to the Earth atmosphere, that was screwed by last Ice Age, when most plants died and oil creation process slowed down.
This is also what I think it could be. Came here to post that if you leave a pig sitting in the sun with sufficient heat and aridity that maggots cannot survive then it will slowly turn into essentially oil. It's gross but it's a well known phenomenon among rural regions
Try changing your perspective...Replacement Migration utilizing so called 3rd world birth rates to replace so called 1st world ones. That represents utilization of regeneration at a meaningful rate.
And what did they DJ say? "there's no trouble that I can't fix (tikun olam) cause I can do it in the mix (miscegenation)".
I know its delusional to think we will run out .
You think you are smart asking this rhetorical question, but I will bait and show to the above average reader who has some notions of physics, chemics and science in general how stupid and false equivalent this is...
When we use water it doesn't transform its physical of chemical properties. The worst we can do to it is mix it with other toxic stuff, but in an long enough timeframe, Earths systems will remove the toxic chemicals we put in water...
So we aren't transforming water, we aren't altering the chemical properties or EXTRACTING the energy in its chemical bonds.
We are doing that to oil, on the other hand.
And theoretically, in a long enough time frame, when enough bovine citizens like you are dead and their corpses rotten and pressed under enough pressure, sure Earth can create new hydrocarbons... but certainly this process as is well known would need millions of years to happen and is not fast enough to keep up to the requirement of the human plague.
Hope this answers your question, low IQ piece of meat.
Fucking bot.
The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels by Thomas Gold
The world's deepest oil well is 40,000 feet down because dinosaurs lived inside rocks. Pttth.
So now kids, if you ever read anyone who prints "fossil fuels" you know they are ass clowns.
I know about the abiotic theories coming out of china and russia, but this is the first I’m hearing of rockefeller paying people/scientists to call oil “fossil fuel” to encourage the myth of scarcity.
Do you have a source to support that claim? If so, please share it!
So it's well known that you can render animal water into petroleum. It's done to create a less biologically dangerous (ie less bacteria) way of disposing without the need for using as much energy as cremation. Same is true for plant matter. I think it regenerates but the location of the reserves probably changes related to changes in landscape and biosphere
Okay. So. Using the milkshake metaphor we saw in, "There Will Be Blood."
Yes the straw sucks up the magic milkshake from everywhere. However, we just have to wait for the earth to make more magic milkshake?
Maybe we should be checking decommissioned oil wells once in a while...
We do .we also horizontal into a lot of them
Lol. So I should avoid bowling alleys for the next couple of days. Gottit.
What about coal? Why is all the coal in the entire world 300 million years old.
because of ridiculous radiocarbon-dating. in reality, most of the worlds fuels are laid down each time there is a global cataclysm, such as a flood, an asteroid impact, or a hypervolcano (think 5 or 6 Mons Olympus blowing up at once). The earliest coal deposits were probably from when God created the earth and laid down adequate fuels for human consumption. As eons passed and humanity was nearly wiped out (once or twice or 40 times, who knows) by catastrophes, the extant plant and animal material was quickly buried and compressed into oils and coals.
Planet is like 4.5 billion years old.
this is retarded propaganda for morons
a) as form (life) within flow (inception towards death)...flow represents the ongoing generation; form the temporary reaction. Many Reactors within one Generator.
b) RE (response) GENERA (propagate) -TION (through action).
c) GEN'ERATE, verb transitive [Latin genero. See Gender.] - "to beget; to procreate; to propagate; to produce; to cause to be"
What else produces? NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]
And what was that about GEN'DER, noun (Latin genus) - "sex" aka SEX, noun [Latin seco, to divide.] - "the distinction between male and female"?
d) now reconsider male (salt) + female (oil)?
e) "second-most prevalent liquid"...anyone noticed the over representation of "salt" water?
Anyway; here's the relevant sleight of hand: "there's no trouble that I can't fix cause I can do it in the mix"... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtfZbj4J71A (Cause away goes trouble down the drain). Also; what's the position of form within flow; choice within balance? Indeep!
You read something that doesn't follow the norm like all others; which calls itself "free-will-of-choice"; while showing no regard to the validity of the suggested meaning of words; to the point of implying that "before the suggested word comes the perceivable sound"...yet you suggest that this represents literal.
Scribble me this; doodle me that...who writes more like an illiterate brat?
Resisting the suggestions of others grows strength; like for example the suggestion of dehumanizing others as robots; as artificial intelligence; while ignoring that there's no artificial (fiction) within natural (reality)...only ignorance.
A domesticated monkey that allegedly died in captivity...what's the implication of calling oneself that? Would you like a banana?