At least, it was the straw...
This morning I was given a "permanent suspension" (wtf, isn't that an oxymoron?) after 10+ years on reddit.
I was easily one of the most prolific posters in the history of /r/conspiracy, in addition to being top mod. I spent a shit ton of time on that place, not gonna lie. Fortunately, I saw this coming and only last week I archived and copied some of my best threads here on (phew).
Despite being one of the most shilled and harassed accounts on reddit, I was really careful about not flying afoul of the admins.
I learned this lesson the hard way a couple of years ago when I casually used the phrase "shoot the messenger" when describing a whistleblower getting unfairly punished. I received my first warning ever from the admins for "inciting violence" for literally using a common metaphor!
It's hard though when entire communities (like TMOR) constantly feature threads with thousands of upvotes telling folks to mass report my account to the admins.
Fast forward to one day before the election in November, and I received my first suspension ever on reddit, and for 7 days. No reason was given for the suspension, though I suspect it had to do with using an link of a ZeroHedge article, a url which had just been banned sitewide a week prior.
I honestly didn't realize that using like this was against the TOS, but whatever...I stopped doing that and just abandoned ZH altogether.
And then yesterday I received a warning for sharing a tweet from (blue check) Kyle Becker about the protestors yesterday using their Constitutional rights. It wasn't remotely inflammatory, but I took heed of the warning and noted to myself that I wouldn't share tweets like that anymore.
This morning, I received a final warning and then immediate suspension for a self post I called "night of the digital long knives" in reference to the big tech crackdown we're currently going through. There was no call to violence, and I'm assuming the admins used a similar "semantic" justification for the warning and then ban.
Their claim that I've received "multiple" warnings for infractions in the past is absurd on its face, and I guarantee you they won't be transparent about them, because I've literally just detailed the complete extent of disciplinary action taken against my account in 10 years.
That brings us to Italygate:
People are beginning to wonder what happened to the Italygate post.
Now, over the years I've gotten really good at telling which conspiracies drive the shills bonkers. I post nonsensical conspiracies all the's fun to speculate, duh!
The actual nonsense conspiracies get ignored, but the juicy conspiracies get buried, and a keen and trained eye can easily spot the difference.
I first posted an Italygate thread on /r/conspiracy a day after week later I posted another and via search found only one other thread on the sub on italygate...folks weren't really posting it at all.
I soon noticed a very aggressive brigade pattern on italygate threads, prompting me, naturally, to post way more. And they got way more buried.
So I stickied one. It's my ultimate trump card and I think my becoming increasingly brazen with it was my undoing (which is fine, great way to go tbh).
What happened after stickying it was very different. There were 30 awards last I checked...easily a recent record on /r/conspiracy and a record for me in my entire history...and over 1,000 comments.
...and it was firmly at 0 points...AND the #1 most controversial thread on /r/all if you sorted by "controversial".
Not only that, but it was an extremely active thread. After 2 days I was still getting multiple comments per hour, and mostly from non-conspiracy users shitting on me, the sub, or the post.
This was more than just a typical SRD/TMOR brigade too...there were MANY italian speakers to a very strange degree...the weird thing is some said this was COMPLETELY true (they seemed genuine), and others were throwing very obvious ad hominems and forum slide attempts directed at their distaste for former Italian PM in question, and how the story couldn't be true because he was so incompetent or some nonsense like that.
Something different was happening to that thread, and therefore in can only be assumed that something different was happening with the story.
Here's where it gets juicy. Allegedly, a signed affidavit was delivered to congress exposing italygate yesterday at 1pm, around the same time the building was breached.
And then when Congress resumed, a Senator started talking about republicans believing "reddit conspiracies"...
This is a HUGE red flag.
What reddit conspiracies? When have any conspiracies on reddit gained traction lately? When has reddit been in the news? The boston bombing was 7 years ago, but when have "reddit conspiracies" been in the news recently enough for that to be a remotely relevant phrase on the senate floor?
During the entire crazy events over the last few days, the Italygate thread was stickied.
Were her remarks an attempt to "get ahead of the story" so to speak?
Where they anticipating italygate being brought up during the hearing at some point, perhaps, and her remarks were meant to preemptively discredit it?
...but it never came up because they were able to scare enough senators to limit actual debate on the states, so the appeal to "reddit conspiracies" wasn't necessary.
What if the plan was, if italygate was brought up by the GOP, to say "you mean the story at the top of reddit conspiracies right now"?
Even if that scenario is too specific, you can NOT tell me that unilaterally removing the (contentious) head moderator of /r/conspiracy less than 12 hours after the phrase "reddit conspiracies" is evoked on the Senate floor is NOT connected.
And now I've been removed from the /r/conspiracy mod team and my italygate sticky taken down.
Interestingly, I was not removed from /r/ufos or any of the other subs I moderate, and the admins explicitly instructed the current /r/conspiracy team not to add me back under another account (wouldn't want to, good fucking riddance).
I pinned a thread on /r/conspiracy saying Obama/ex-Italian PM stole the 2020 election, with receipts
it was brigaded more than almost any thread I've ever seen on reddit
evidence of this theory was allegedly delivered to congress yesterday
congress was breached, disrupting the ability to present evidence when they reconvened
senator warns about "reddit conspiracies" on senate floor
within 12 hours, the head moderator (me) of the /r/conspiracy sub is removed
pinned italygate thread is taken down by remaining mods
good riddance to that garbage pit, I'm sure it stung having all those years erased, but brighter and more unified future in store here, imo.
Yeah this will only become a catalyst for a bigger migration.
You can create a new account in about 3 minutes. Not really clear that there's anything on Reddit that would make me want to post there anyway.
The true test for this site is whether or not you can openly call out the jew
You can on consumeproduct, definitely can't on tdw.
It's the litmus test of free speech.
You can be ip banned
And if you have a dynamic IP address, we all know how traumatic that can be. :P
Because we know how many users are using static IP addresses, am I right, bro? :P
If all the tech giants can come together to ban trump, I'm willing to bet every publicly available VPN for purchase provides no privacy in reality
I noticed r4chan has taken a decidedly-left turn (careening, if you will) as well. Don't even recognize the sub anymore... after just a few days.
But yea whatever, it's reddit. We've seenit and haddit with reddit.
I stopped engaging with r/conspiracy after the 2016 election. It was hilarious to watch the dumbest conspiracy theories from the corporate media suddenly shoot to #1 within an hour, with a bunch of highly upvoted posts from people who never posted to r/conspiracy.
It was sad to see. Glad more people are using .win now.
You were directly over the target with Italygate. Icing on the cake that Italy being involved in election fraud is a perfect excuse to use EO 13848.
It's starting to be come clearer I think.
I still think it was surreal to hear "reddit conspiracies" in Congress, see everyone go "uh-oh", and then basically wake up to a ban and removal from the mod team. bam.
haha when I saw Patrick Byrne's first italygate tweet a couple of weeks ago I'll admit I was so tired of election conspiracies I only reluctantly shared it.
I probably wouldn't have touched it again if I didn't notice the pushback.
I'd probably still be mod but the way this went down is actually super poetic and actually makes me feel OK about things.
Think about how the one guy that made a Pepe meme that was shown on CNN feels. Kek.
You did the right thing man, and the fact that reddit admins took such egregious action over simply sharing the story SHOWS that they're afraid of something. Over the target.
Streisand effect in full... effect now too. I didn't really care to hear another conspiracy (true or not), and now I'm digging into it.
It would be nice if trump would compose himself and get down to the business we hired him for.
People are noticing:
You're welcome and great to have you hear!
tbh I made sure to set this up partly because I saw the writing on the wall, for me and for /r/conspiracy in general.
One of the great things here is you can still see the actual up/down ratio of votes here, so you can see when/where the shills are active.
When reddit hid that feature, it was the beginning of the end.
We're currently working on a system here to combat shills but maintain the spirit of free speech.
Pieces are coming together. Obama was finally their guy.
Hillary was a decoy and to be quickly removed.
They thought Trump would be easier so they let him win. Russiagate failed
China released a virus to help the mail by fraud and that sent Trump packing.
I think Trump just caught the by surprise. Remember, they stopped counting the votes in the middle of the night in 2016 for a couple hours, but didn't have their steal infrastructure prepped, and then it was to late there was nothing they could do and he had to be declared the winner.
The remaining mod team left a very nice message about you, and your one ask was to leave the Italygate thread stickied. The fact that it is not stickied tells me that the reddit admins were behind its removal - the mod team would have honored your ask.
Yeah, I deleted my reddit account shortly after coming here. Fuck reddit
.win for the win.
.win for the world fren. We got to think big. I long for the day that there's a knitting .win.
When that happens, ill know we have won.
I had my whole reddit account nuked for a post I made about covid with regards to a freedom if information request. I appealed the ban and got my 10yo account back. Then recently I got banned from /r/pics for questioning the effectiveness of masks when 95% of the public are using them but we are seeing record covid cases anyway. There also seems to be zero correlation to mask mandates and covid cases. I asked what rule I broke and the admin couldn't answer. He just said misinformation which isn't a listed rule. What they are really doing is just banning anyone that doesn't support the establishment narrative. They are turning reddit into an insane echo chamber of only establishment/msm views. This is why reddit needs to fucking die. It's just a propaganda platform now, with pics of cute cats mixed in with nonstop democrat talking points.
That's because idioms don't translate into chinese
at first i dismissed this italygate story as another BS allegation, but seeing it being deleted from all over the internet now is absolutely insane. no matter how you try to find it on google, you either find somehting completely different or articles dismissing it as "ultra-right conspiracy"
Isn't it funny how they don't bother to disprove the accusations, but instead suppress them? If they are just b.s., why not prove it?
Either because they can't, or because they're lazy. Or because they're trying to cause division by not allowing opposing viewpoints to collide.
That's how you know its legit
Yeah the negativity and toxicity is the reason to leave, and every sub is like that. It’s got to be intentional, it’s like they want people to be even more depressed.
I think its partley international and partly ,if you ignore that reddit is mostly bots now,a bunch of maleducated children and child adults that have no life experiance are barley socialized with less common sense than a chipmunk in a bubble that are low t and so self centered and dullwitted they cant figure out how to be happy.there lack of understanding of history is a contributing factor
You were probably being shadow-banned anyways. I would always check my posts in a different browser to see if they actually were posted....often times they'd be removed with no warning or message or anything. I would message the mods and they would ban me for catching them doing that, even though no rules were broken. FUCK REDDIT/CCP.
But also, who needs the CCP when local commie mods in local subreddits would do the banning for them?
this is off the charts fucking bizarre
Italygate archived I don't think it caught all the comments...
Interesting how postwar Italy was where the nazis went with their ratlines, then it became the center of operation gladio, now this.
r/Conspiracy is overrun with Neo-Liberal shills, anyways.
Is the tread posted here to read ?
no, honestly it just linked to a twitter thread and I included a few extra links. It was dangerous because it was stickied and something attracting a lot of attention from outside reddit, and I still don't know how.
Links to what went down were posted over on gab, too, but everything I saw was from users who get how messed up reddit is & weren’t pleased with how things played out.
FFS. Somehow, AP, you & you alone, were responsible for everything TMOR & AHS dropped in the comments (& then linked/posted in their respective subs) as proof of the awfulness of both you & the sub.
Only in bizarro clown world do accusations equate to guilt.
yes, but instead of R/ blah blah, its blah blah .win, Swipe left or Right on your phone and you should see a side bar. or use a computer.
Too bad many shills will also migrate.
Reddit is dead bro, try to get as many free thinkers over to here.
It's crazy if that douche in Congress was talking about your ItalyGate post. Don't give up!!!
That's definitely what happened.
looks like that forum is now being flooded with shills and bots, worse than usual.
That's only temporary...there's a massive circlejerk of hate at reddit about me rn so they're flooding here. They're move on when they find another outlet for their 2 minutes hate.
This you?
HA! Yes.
Yea reddit has that autoban feature now. If a certain number of people report you then you are banned for a set amount of time.
They got me with the 3/7 day so far for really tame posts. I think you leaving should be the nail in the coffin over there.
honestly its for the best. reddit is a shithole and the quicker they ban all of the subs and mods the quicker the ship sinks
Any news on #ITALYGATE ?
The story broke on the evening of the 5th (eastern time) and there is an affidavit. I have seen a couple of videos talking about it, but no other tangible action or effect. Have I just missed some of the fireworks?
It's still accessible but completely buried and no longer pinned.
Great minds of reddit .what a fucking joke .they say you are inciting terrorism .ffsake not once did you say anything to make people go out and attack others .they are a bunch of nobs mate
One key item is that Obama is involved. He is behind the scenes on quite a lot, and I am only now realizing just how bad it is. He's not a genius but he is the spider in a lot of subversive webs. But more important as to Reddit, I think his people are very active. Probably you became an embarrassment to him in regard to Italygate. I now believe that it is Obama who was the thrust behind installing Biden, as his puppet. Things I used to think Hillary was behind, as more likely to be fueled by Obama. Many of the 'suicides' - the CIA with orders from Barry. Online trolls, many mostly likely paid by the cabal, Obama high level director of the operations.
Now they just kill you with covid
I'm not american neither Trump supporter but it's obvious to me that this election was stolen not from Trump but from americans. I have been following american elections and the democratic nominee elections closely and was expecting shills in the sub but not like this. Most of these people are pure sociopaths fore hire, I got in an argument against one shill who was paid to defend pedophile Joe Biden by calling Trump on his persona and at the end he ended up calling xenophobic slurs at me, other are ai bots trained to fake a real conversation and will "comment" when triggered by keywords. It's laughably awful.
One of the things I noticed was Axo being often downvoted and attacked passively aggresively especially these last months. Anyway fastforward today and Trump has been censored on twitter, facebook. Parler is down, other independent and conservative media have been permabanned and there's much more that's going to happen after Italygate..
The leftists dont understand they got robbed too
They stole Bernies nomination
Definitely. It's cute they think they will still pay lip service to them now that they dont need voters.
Bro you’re doing great work. Knowing that you’re a part of this page while being the black sheep of /con gives me hope.
Thank you for bringing that shit to light, and thank you for staying string throughout this war on our minds through this fucking social media.
Keep that shit going, I’m behind you 100%
Screen captures of banned sites work really well.
Good riddance. Your ban got lots of us to jump ship here, such as myself
"Ultimate trump card" was a brilliant phrase to use in that context. Bravo.
They may be accelerating the bans. Today I got banned based on someone's phony report. Not worth doing an alt anymore. Also the number of news lies there now is massive. It's gone full bore attack mode, just insane hate.
Don't even look back, friend! They will simply self-combust over there now. It's not on us to save them from themselves.