BigtiddyMeatloaf 6 points ago +7 / -1

Who the fuck buys a painting like that. Or let alone paints that?

Spirit cooker...

BigtiddyMeatloaf 3 points ago +4 / -1

Bro you’re doing great work. Knowing that you’re a part of this page while being the black sheep of /con gives me hope.

Thank you for bringing that shit to light, and thank you for staying string throughout this war on our minds through this fucking social media.

Keep that shit going, I’m behind you 100%

BigtiddyMeatloaf 11 points ago +15 / -4

Yes let the anger flow through you. No one can be banned for not agreeing with your shill bullshit.

P.s. I’ve never seen racism on this site. Nice try

BigtiddyMeatloaf 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the comments are making fun of anti maskers, anti vaccines, and anti fauci.

I mean it’s nothing new that Reddit is full of shills and bullshit to push propaganda. Just sucks that we lost our infamous subs to this shit. Years ago this meme would have been attacked on any conspiracy sub.


BigtiddyMeatloaf 8 points ago +10 / -2

This is a serious breath of fresh air