by pkvi
Gromath 2 points ago +2 / -0

In Mexico our president who is anti-neoliberal is constantly smeared by corporate media. I'm familiar with this lady but I'm not getting what's being said here, is it her last name?

Gromath 2 points ago +2 / -0

I couldn't find this tweet so probably it's fake but there's a lot of other tweets talking about blood since 2017

Gromath 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would NOT want to see the contents of that camera..

Gromath 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting point. Maybe there can't be no heroes without villains

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the important takeaway here are the archetypes. If you take the studies of Jung about archetypes (which in my opinion are the "old gods" or Watchers as described in the dead sea scrolls and other ancient texts) and also writers like Tsarion or occult guys like that who say that both symbols and idols gather energy when being focused on (a basic principle in magick), this would mean that perhaps there could be an artificial or subliminal intention to provoke mass idolatry behind this, not only for the purpose of perhaps worshipping some deity but rather of the energy that would be behind it thanks to the massive attention given to it.

Take for example anime.. I'm not a fan of anime or stuff like that so I'm not familiar with most of it. But I have noticed both on regular anime as in "hentai" that they fetishize angelic and demonic figures and even use enochian or occult symbolism not only that but they play around with abrahamic religious figures and history. I find that this might be in the same effect as the media you describe except that even more brazen and direct plus you have also a very dangerous problem which is that sexual energy is also being exploited along with a story followed by symbols and idols. If this was the case then it would be like feeding occult propaganda oof whoo knows what force behind it in order too control or even manifest reality itself.

by pkvi
Gromath 2 points ago +3 / -1

Musk is a hypocrite. He boasts about being able to make Coup d' etats and then pretends to side with the people like he wasn't part of the problem. Fuck you Elon, you're just another lying shitty billionaire

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, many ancient cultures seem to tell similar stories, the best one I know would be the book of enoch but I've read very similar stories in places that were very far and very unknown to prehispanic cultures at the time.

Basically, we were created by a supreme force and set to live in the earth,. Meanwhile on the "heavens"/ afterworld , etc. there is another race of beings who disobey God and come to earth to mate with women and rule as kings, which they do. Some even as relatively benign rulers.

But at this point that there's an interesting parallel with the archetypes that Carl Jung describes in his studies of the human mind. In these works he describes how humans seem to be drawn to archetypical figures that he describes as psychological pre-configurations that later man would portray in his myths and legends, except that what if these "myths" were actually true? there could be a chance that humans became so obsessed with these archetypes because the demo-gods that came to earth astonished and mesmerized us with what to us seemed god-like powers, beautiful appearance and perhaps even their celestial nature. Perhaps these beings we considered Gods and Heroes existed and humankind became enamored with them.

All mythology- Norse, Greek, Mayan and not to mention the later abrahamic religions and many others talk about Giants, Demi-gods and Godfigures which are often described as eventually becoming selfish, moody and thirsty for blood, lust and power; they begin defiling all of God's creation because they are bored of being invincible and all mighty in this realm, humans also follow these behaviours since we seem to be magnetized to idolatry. But God is unhappy about this and sends a cataclysmic flood to drown all creation which has noo hope as it has become defiled and corrupted due to the Gods and his offspring bloody ways.

The flood happens and it's like a nuclear holocaust: All progress and advances that these demigods once help flourish is left in the past and mostly erased. Ages later only vague instincts of these bloody times remain in our ancestral DNA. This might be what the Shaman is referring to.

Remember, Humanity was mostly down with these beings: they seduced us with their might and power. The Human women they took as wives were taught witchcraft and secrets of the heavens, other fallen angels taught humans how to make war, build weapons and much more. They transformed the world into chaos and suffering and carved their lustful existence in our genes. Think about the archetypical dragon or snake, think about the titans, giants or nephilim. The DemiGods that were and are idolized. Could they still be alive? it's a possibility. Top of my head I can just tell you that most "bigfoot" sightings match the description of what the nephilim looked like: gigatic, red headed and with 6 fingers on hands and feet. They survived in caves where they fled God's flood and as of the Demigods, well, just see the world and you'll find that someone is still seducing humanity and ruling from the underground. They cannot rule directly anymore but the humans that get seduced by their old ways replicate what they once were: thirsty for blood, lustful and corrupted.

Gromath 9 points ago +9 / -0

We just need to empty 1%.

Gromath 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well it does look dark. Is that normal?

Gromath 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't trust her. She says things like this but voted for Pelosi, voted for stimulus to the rich..wouldn't use leverage to force the vote on medicare for all, etc. Poser.

Gromath 7 points ago +7 / -0

Exactly, this is the scam that was intended to be exposed, now they're crying "Regulation"! It's hilarious.

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

His son Hunter is also a great representation of NPC youth. No principles or humanity; pure hedonism, perversion and drug addiction from the lack of living in the actual real world instead of being a pampered, spoiled child.

Gromath 3 points ago +3 / -0

The slightest critique on Lord Biden gets you gaslighted as "Qanon" now.

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

holy.. I hadn't seen this one, this is big

Gromath 2 points ago +2 / -0

ah yes huixafa huixafa, something like that. I remember that, it was a fake school bombing or something

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not a Trump supporter nor american but his boogeyman status is beyond absurd, he's practically the new osama bin laden. What people don't understand is that the Donald Trump who first came into office is not the same Donald Trump that he is today. He made huge mistakes including getting involved with swamp stablishment types and being a loud mouth against issues that weren't the real problem of the US but eventually he started to understand how much he had been lied to and how grave the situation really was. True, perhaps you can't call him a pure anti-establishment because he is a rich person who had and still has extremely shady aquaintances but ideology and partidism aside I truly believe he was trying to to the best for the US even if it was only in his own perspective which wasn't completely partial. Also the huge amount of gaslighting between reps vs dems caused a huge polarization issue that I and too many others always have said: this is divide and conquer 101 and it worked. Why? because you americans hate each other so much, except that's not because you're "american" or "white" or whatever but because the american people, like most of the rest of us have lived under inhumane, extreme circumstances blanketed by regulated freedoms and slave fueled progress.

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fighting against monopolic practices used to be a big deal, not anymore.

Gromath 4 points ago +4 / -0

Reddit has been dead for years now, and unfortunately the last breath of what r-conspiracy was is about to get snuffed any day now starting from Axoyotl's removal.

Gromath 1 point ago +1 / -0

new strawmans for 2021

Gromath 3 points ago +3 / -0

Based. He was also the only president that offered Assange asylum and asked openly for his freedom, he's also constantly smeared in r/mexico and all neoliberal media, much like Trump.

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