TL;DR: In the assassination “events” of Lincoln, JFK, Reagan, and Clinton, there is someone named Foster very close to it, others with names that go back to the phony Salem Witch Trials, and a beyond odd recurrence of the name “Rose” in various contexts.
Advisory: As brief as I will try to make it, this will be another long post. I thought it best to keep this bizarre confluence together for maximum impact of the weirdness. Also, big chunks of this will be things you’ve never heard of before which I will summarize and link as best I can. Thus, we aren’t here to argue the particulars of any aspect because there is simply no room.
Make of all this what you will, but my best thesis is that the same generational Satanist families that have been here since before the Mayflower have stood just outside the spotlight as They arranged various forms of Presidential assassinations. “Rose” must be some crazy occult bullshit They throw in. It goes back at least as far as the “Wars of the Roses” and is perhaps some reference to the Rosicrucians, although all that remains for another day. It comes up way too often to be mere happenstance, as you’ll see. Although it’s all strange, it seems best to go in chronological order….
Lincoln's Assassination was also a manufactured event (Miles Mathis 2/19/2014 36-page PDF)
I’m not going to give you the usual caveat about Mathis as a disinfo agent because I’ll be giving you practical examples. That’s a pretty long and detailed paper about the event, but you’ll find no trace of what I’m presenting here. This is a prime example of high-level disinformation. At the cost of presenting you with some juicy truths, you will never be able to proceed from what you are handed to any important, deep Truth. Typically, you’re guided down a fascinating path and—at the end—metaphorically pushed off a cliff into a canyon of bullshit conclusions.
For those now thinking that this writer is doing just that by drawing from the CIA’s deep, dark pool of enticing and intriguing small-T truths to expend, I always like to explain how I got here. I was preparing a post about Project Blue Book, which was created by Charles Cabell. His wiki page mentions John Foster Dulles. I thought, “Foster? His brother was real close to the JFK assassination. I wonder if….?” And here we are.
Have you ever heard of LaFayette Sabine Foster (1806-1880)? Neither had I before today, when I went searching for anyone named Foster related to the Lincoln “assassination”. An important form of disinformation is something like an induced amnesia, where it is arranged that we are not reminded of those things from history that would lead us to the truth. Here it is admitted he was forgotten, and I’m just saying it was on purpose:
The forgotten man who almost became President after Lincoln (National Constitution Center 4/15/2024)
According to the rules of presidential succession in 1865, only Vice President Johnson, and not Seward or Grant, was in line to replace Lincoln if he died. If Johnson had died, an acting President would be appointed until a special election could be held to elect a new President (and not a Vice President). The acting President would have been the president pro tempore of the Senate, Lafayette Sabine Foster of Connecticut.
Did you catch the double-whammy about Andrew Johnson? He did in fact assume the Presidency. About Foster, though, I must also note that he was born in Franklin, Connecticut. (You won’t find the name “Franklin” in the list, but Bethshua/Bethsheba Folger-Pope, the maternal aunt of Benjamin Franklin, is very important in include. You have no idea how many Franklins I’ve found.) Foster attended Brown University, and his predecessor as President pro tempore of the United States Senate was Daniel Clark.
To close out Lincoln, you will also note that there were at least four people named Foster involved at the Salem Witch Trials, one of them being Rose Foster. Additionally, there were at least four people named Booth, which may ring a bell. Even more additionally, there were at least seven people named Wilkins. You may not want to score that a hit until you hear that one of them was named Elizabeth Wilkins-Booth. I mean, c’mon.
Even though he wasn’t involved in the assassination, I feel compelled to cram in one of Lincoln’s generals in the War of Northern Aggression: John Watson Foster (1836-1917). His wife was Mary Parke McFerson. Am I reaching by thinking that “Parke”, which is neither a feminine nor a masculine given name, is actually “Parker”? Well, let me add that as President of the Daughters of the American Revolution (an event in which these Salem Witches were up to their nipples), Mary was preceded and succeeded by Letitia Green Stevenson. Also, she was born in Salem, Indiana.
Mary was also the grandmother of the aforementioned John Foster Dulles (1888-1959). You may fondly recall Mary’s other grandson and his brother, Allen Dulles (1893-1969), for advancing classic American values with projects like the overthrow of Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954, MKUltra, and the Bay of Pigs. (Let me also just sneak in here that their father was Allen Macy Dulles. No Macys were at the SWTs, but the sister coven of Salem was Nantucket, where Thomas Macy was a founder. Yes, the department store Macys.)
In deep appreciation of Allen’s efforts, and following his promise to “splinter the C.I.A. in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”, JFK fired Allen as CIA Director in 1961. Note that at the same time, JFK also fired Allen’s deputy, Charles Cabell, with whom this particular trip beyond the looking glass all began. Almost exactly two years later, JFK died suddenly.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s mother was Rose Kennedy. Getting weird, isn’t it?
We come now to the attempt on the life of Ronald Reagan. Wait, did it just now occur to you who was involved in that? Don’t worry, I didn’t make the connection either until today:
Jodie Foster is another “star” manufactured by the Illuminati, prototype of the MK-MOUSEKETEER ( 2/18/2024)
Really, you can see the proof of my last statement in that post: there’s no trace of any of this larger context. I only got as far as the negative, “There’s no way she was just some rando innocent bystander”. But I live and learn and now I’m showing you more of the picture as I discover it myself.
How about the “Rose”? You’re going to love this one. In my post, I finger the culprit as George Walker Bush. His wife was Barbara Bush, and recall that she was born Barbara Pierce. Now, you won’t find a Pierce on your list, but you will find a Peter Tufts Sr. (abt. 1617 - 1700). His wife was Mary Pierce. Oh, and Barbara’s Chief of Staff as First Lady of the United States was Susan Porter Rose. Susan was succeeded in that same office by Margaret Ann Williams. Real weird, right?
Maggie was thus in service to First Lady Hillary Clinton, and so we finally come to the assassination of Bill Clinton. Excuse me! I mean by Bill Clinton. Okay, fine, all I can say is that their place of residence, the White House, was the last place anyone saw Vincent Walker Foster Jr. alive. Note that Walker was the middle name of both 41 and 43, so we have a delightful bracket of murder going.
The water gets a bit deep here, but there are deep points about disinfo to be made. I had always simply thought—and I suspect you did too—that because Vince had been Hillary’s law partner, that was why he went to Washington with them as deputy White House counsel. That’s the popular understanding, isn’t it? Well it’s true, but it’s not the whole truth. Creating an incorrect or incomplete popular understanding is its own form of disinformation. You see, they had indeed been long-time law partners, but far more important was that:
Vincent was a childhood friend of Bill Clinton, then known as Billy Blythe. Clinton, a year and a half younger than Foster, resided in an adjoining property to Foster's with his grandparents while his mother was often away studying nursing.
It seems incredibly suspicious that Bill did not seem to have any interest whatsoever in the mysterious death of his close life-long friend. Should we also coin the new term “generational handler”? Hang on to that for a sec, because the going gets really rocky if you want to get to the truth:
The Monica Lewinsky Scandal was Faked (Miles Mathis 3/5/2016 25-page PDF)
There, Mathis concludes that the man we are told was born William Jefferson Blythe III is a sort of constructed Intel legend, and is actually the son of a military intelligence officer named Col. William Jackson Blythe Sr. (<- who obviously did have a son). Then, in a later paper about Seth Rich, Mathis (or, technically, a guest writer published by MM) reveals that the “real big secret” about Clinton is that he’s a member of the British Aristocracy.
Well, that was some bullshit and exactly where he tried to run his readers into the ditch. That’s how disinfo works and you always have to stay on your toes. On a little known social media site that Mathis frequented—and that I did also until I figured out it was full of people gullible enough to hang on his every word—a reader calls him out (gently) and Mathis and his acolytes get into an argument. You can read both the accurate story of Bill and the argument at:
To round this out and finish it off, I hope you did not forget that Vince and Hillary worked together for many years at the Rose Law Firm. Super weird, right?
Bonus: Maybe you thought the link between Lincoln and “rose” was weak, so allow me to bolster that with a discussion of “Presidential” roses. You can mentally create the Venn diagram between the lists given in these two documents:
List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots
You have to subtract out the obvious BS psyops. My all-time favorite is the attempt on the life of the Jimmy Carter by Raymond Lee Harvey and Osvaldo Espinoza Ortiz. Priceless! Anyway, the overlap is surprising, and I think it provides something of a guide to interpreting history.
On my scorecard, only Coolidge and Eisenhower got roses without someone actually trying to kill them. As for Wilson and FDR, both had some fairly murky circumstances regarding the latter parts of their Presidencies, so this may be an “occult” confirmation that not all was as we were told with them, you see?
Each President got one rose, but there are four named after Lincoln. Hmm. One of those is the Souvenir du Président Lincoln:
Bred by the famous French rose breeders, Moreau-Robert, and named to honor our president upon his death in 1865....
I mean, that’s some pretty quick work, isn’t it? It seems particularly suspect when we read up on:
The Hidden Lincoln in French Opinion (American Studies Journal, Number 60, 2016):
Abraham Lincoln has never been very popular in France. No statue of Lincoln graces Paris, Lincoln Street is a small street near the Champs-Elysées, much smaller than Washington Street in the same neighborhood, both named in 1879…. Many great Americans have been hailed and celebrated in France, some for their links with France, others for their own greatness.
Fourteen years for a small street but he got that rose right away, didn’t he?
Double-bonus: This article on Presidential Plants features a photo of a species of Texas bluebonnet named after Lady Bird Johnson. To refresh your history, her husband Lyndon Baines Johnson became President after JFK lost his mind.
The fact that men named Johnson became President as a result of assassination is always included in any version of that conspiracy favorite, the Lincoln–Kennedy coincidences urban legend. You may now perhaps be of the view that not all those coincidences were coincidental. (Miles Mathis focuses on the evidence for the Johnsons being crypto-Jews, if you were wondering.)
Hope it was worth reading to the end of this very long one. In any case, thanks very much!
I think people are too quick to assume someone in the media or alt media is a "shill" who is knowingly deceiving people. We have to ask ourselves, how many of these people are themselves brainwashed, hypnotized and/or MK Ultra tools?
For example, we see some of the strange behavior of Joe Rogan. We see how he worships Elon, how he brings on Alex Jones, yet also has access to so many random billionaires who are clearly establishment, and of course became such an overnight sensation. Maybe he is programmed to like Elon/Alex, and when the narrative shifts his programming is updated. That way he is not acting and his reactions appear to be genuine.
I think this is a real possibility to explain some of the inconsistencies with some media figures.
And how about Tucker Carlson? He's a man who went from being an establishment shill to a supposed anti-establishment maverick. But what's with his strange laugh? Is it some strong dissociative mechanism? What about that odd semi-hypnotized facial expression he has when listening to people. And what about his recent alleged encounter with a demon where he had physical marks on himself? How much of this might be programming? That might explain why he is still alive after supposedly crossing the establishment.