Major websites (including banking websites) pretending to be hacked, exposing personal information or login credentials.

Thoughts on the motive?

They did the math (
posted ago by Dps1879 ago by Dps1879

(WGHP) — Recovery efforts in western North Carolina are being disrupted by safety concerns following threats against federal responders, including FEMA workers. While local officials confirm that no threats originated in some counties, FEMA has made operational changes across the region out of caution.

FEMA teams continue to help residents register for disaster assistance, but some personnel have been moved to secure locations rather than conducting door-to-door outreach. This change follows the recent arrest of William Jacob Parsons, 44, of Bostic, who was charged with making threats against FEMA employees in the Lake Lure and Chimney Rock areas. Deputies found Parsons armed with a handgun and a rifle.

The threats came after Parsons posted a message on Facebook calling for people to “overtake” the FEMA site in Lake Lure based on what he says were social media reports that FEMA was withholding supplies from hurricane survivors.

“We the people are sick and tired of the BS. We the people are seeking volunteers to join us and overtake the FEMA site in Lake Lure and send the products up the mountains this Saturday. We the people are done playing games. It’s time to show who we are and what we believe. They want to screw our citizens. Now, we return the favor,” Parsons said.

When asked about his post, Parsons explained that he believed FEMA was failing to help residents in need.

“I viewed it as if our people are sitting here on American soil, and they’re refusing to aid our people,” he said. “So we were going to go up there and forcefully remove that fence.”

Upon arriving at Lake Lure, however, Parsons said he realized the situation was different than he had imagined.

“I went up and saw that there was absolutely nothing there, so I stayed, and I volunteered all day,” he said.

Law enforcement officials, already alerted to the threat, arrested Parsons at the scene. He insists he was simply exercising his Second Amendment rights.

“They want to sit here and lie and say I was carrying guns around. I had one gun on me, which was legally owned and sitting on the side of my hip, and I had a rifle and another pistol that were in my vehicle that were both lawful and legal to own,” Parsons said.

Parsons was charged with going armed to the terror of the public and released later that day on a $10,000 secured bond.

In response to the incident, FEMA has adjusted its operations across the region to protect both workers and residents. The agency emphasized that these changes are temporary and stressed that they continue to provide much-needed assistance to communities affected by recent storms.

Misinformation has been a major factor in heightening tensions across western North Carolina. Some residents, swayed by false reports online, have refused aid from FEMA and expressed distrust in government relief efforts.

Local authorities have addressed these concerns, urging the public to remain calm and focus on recovery efforts. The Ashe County Sheriff’s Office released a statement clarifying the situation.

“We wanted to address the current issues being spread about FEMA in Ashe County. As a response, they have been here to help and assist those in need. Recently in the mountain region, there have been threats made against them. This has not happened in Ashe County or the surrounding counties. Out of an abundance of caution, they have paused their process as they are assessing the threats. Stay calm and steady during our recovery, help folks and please don’t stir the pot,” Sheriff Phil Howell said.

The Avery County Sheriff’s Office also confirmed that FEMA operations had been affected by the incident.

“We have had no credible threats or received any information pertaining to threats toward FEMA in Avery County. We are aware of the threat that was made in Polk County and that the individual was arrested in Rutherford County. It did affect FEMA operations here as it did in several counties,” a spokesperson said.

Helping people after the fact is one thing, but it doesnt seem like there was any help at all during this event. I remember a time we would send in the national guard but since fema has taken on their new responsibilities after 911 it doesnt seem like they do that anymore. I am also curious, how does misinformation hamper people getting donations or insurance money? I am rather confused over this, sure its a annoyance, but how do people losing their shit on social media affect how quickly the government doles out relief efforts. lmao. They are appalachians, they were distrustful of government and their "promises for help" for a long time now.

Some of the stories coming out of this event are insane. This one stuck out to me.

A 75-year-old North Carolina man was swept away by Hurricane Helene floodwaters after clinging to a tree for hours as neighbors and family heard him crying for help, but were unable to reach him.

Family, friends and neighbors then looked from afar as Tipton clutched onto a nearby tree for about seven hours. Though it was hard for many to spot him, they could hear his calls for help.

This one too.

"He was able to get the rope to the tree and tie it around the tree, and he put them on his back," said Carrie. "He walked them back over here, which is when somebody came from the road with a jon boat and put them in the boat."

Carrie said she and her family's legs were beaten by the numerous things floating in the water, telling WLOS her boyfriend's legs were "completely scabbed up" after the cuts he sustained while saving the children.

Although Hurricane Helene left the family with nothing to salvage from their home, Carrie said she remains strong and chooses to reflect on "what truly matters."

"We lost all of our things, but we didn't lose us," said Carrie.

Can anyone even post one story where the government saved anyone during the hurricane? All the pr seems to be about now is the recovery efforts. They sure are bragging about their pittance of 20 million. A billion a year on the war machine and spying apparatus, nothing for the american taxpayer being fleeced of all their money.

WASHINGTON -- As search and rescue, power restoration and communication capabilities remain top priorities throughout the Southeast, FEMA has already helped thousands of Hurricane Helene survivors jumpstart their recoveries with more than $20 million in flexible, upfront funding.

Blows my mind that normies defend this. I guess they better pray they never find themselves in the middle of a natural disaster.

The message to me is clear, you cannot depend on daddy government to save you when shit hits the fan.

clemaneuverers cares more about letting pedophiles recruit children than he cares about this forum and I'm sick of his pedophile shit. you could have easily banned lightbringerflex but you decided you wanted to allow him to recruit more children to be raped. FUck you pedophile piece of shit.


I'm really disgusted by Kamala's inversion of the truth in the Fox news interview

When Trump talked about "an enemy within" he was talking about the shadow government which works against the American people by subverting the nation in favor of the NWO agenda which can't truly proceed until the USA is dissolved.

Kamala, hoping to be installed by the Operation Mockingbird machine, plays the usual kayfabe and refuses to acknowledge the true meaning of Trump's statement: our government has been hijacked from within and is now being used against us

She's propped up by the hijackers so twists the statement into, "he's coming after you, the American people!"

Sadly, this probably flew over the heads of a lot of people. Even a good portion of Trump's supporters have no idea what he meant by "an enemy within" because they can't conceive of a shadow factions using their own government against them. My parents are perfect examples of that.

Shhh, its a secret. (
posted ago by Dps1879 ago by Dps1879

Some key bits here.

TORONTO (AP) — A homeless man refusing long-term care, a woman with severe obesity, an injured worker given meager government assistance, and grieving new widows. All of them requested to be killed under Canada’s euthanasia system, and each sparked private debate among doctors and nurses struggling with the ethics of one of the world’s most permissive laws on the practice, according to an Associated Press investigation.

As Canada pushes to expand euthanasia and more countries move to legalize it, health care workers here are grappling with requests from people whose pain might be alleviated by money, adequate housing or social connections. And internal data obtained exclusively by AP from Canada’s most populous province suggest a significant number of people euthanized when they are in unmanageable pain but not about to die live in Ontario’s poorest and most deprived areas.

Some of the requests from the forums were approved and acted upon. Others were denied. But the discourse about patients who are poor, disabled or lonely shows a fraught process where medical professionals test the limits of what conditions warrant euthanasia. The controversial cases in the forums have never been disclosed through Canada’s oversight system, even in an anonymized manner.

When Canada legalized assisted dying in 2016, officials said they wanted to reduce suffering and support individual autonomy and freedom of choice — and polls have consistently shown public approval. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised then that safeguards would prevent vulnerable people from being euthanized “because you’re not getting the support and care you actually need.”

But experts tasked with delivering euthanasia to people who aren’t dying have called it “morally distressing” and say the legal provisions are too vague to be protective, obliging doctors and nurses to at times end the lives of people they believe might otherwise be saved.

“I don’t want (euthanasia) to become the solution to every kind of suffering out there,” a physician wrote to colleagues on one of the private forums.

The nonprofit organization Inclusion Canada regularly hears from people with disabilities who are offered euthanasia, including one disabled woman whose physiotherapist suggested it when she sought help for a bruised hip, said executive vice president Krista Carr.

“Our response to the intolerable suffering of people with disabilities is: ‘Your life is not worth living,’” she said. “We’ll just offer them the lethal injection, and we’ll offer it readily.”

When euthanasia was legalized, doctors and nurse practitioners set up email discussion groups as confidential forums to discuss potentially troubling cases, with limited patient details for privacy. They’re now run by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers.

Association President Dr. Konia Trouton told AP via email that providing euthanasia for vulnerability or financial reasons alone is “completely forbidden.” Trouton said doctors and nurse practitioners consult with one another on the forums “to gain insights and learn from the experiences of others.”

The participant who shared some of the email discussions with AP provided dozens of messages raising questions about the medical and ethical complexities of euthanasia requests from people nationwide who weren’t terminally ill.

A middle-aged worker whose ankle and back injuries made him unable to resume his previous job told his doctor that the government’s measly support was “leaving (him) with no choice but to pursue MAiD.” His doctor told forum participants the patient met legal criteria, with severe pain, strained social relationships and inability to work. Others agreed and assured the doctor the man was clearly in pain. But the doctor was hesitant because the man cited reduced government payments as a key factor.

Cases of homelessness appear regularly and spark some of the most heated debate. One doctor wrote that although his patient had a serious lung disease, his suffering was “mostly because he is homeless, in debt and cannot tolerate the idea of (long-term care) of any kind.” A respondent questioned whether the fear of living in the nursing home was truly intolerable. Another said the prospect of “looking at the wall or ceiling waiting to be fed … to have diapers changed” was sufficiently painful.

The man was eventually euthanized.

One provider said any suggestion they should provide patients with better housing options before offering euthanasia “seems simply unrealistic and hence, cruel,” amid a national housing crisis.

“The question about who gets euthanasia is a societal question,” said Kasper Raus, a researcher at Ghent University’s Bioethics Institute in Belgium. “This is a procedure that ends people’s lives, so we need to be closely monitoring any changes in who is getting it.

“If not, the entire practice could change and veer away from the reasons that we legalized euthanasia.”

Health Canada, the government agency responsible for national health policy, publishes yearly reports of euthanasia trends but hasn’t released any review of cases that triggered ethical concerns.

Marie-Pier Burelle, a spokeswoman for Health Canada, said in an email that “lack of access to social supports or to health services is not and would never be part of eligibility criteria” for euthanasia. Burelle cited “stringent safeguards to affirm and protect the inherent and equal value of every person’s life.”

In private, though, Canadian officials have examined worrisome cases.

A document from the Ministry of the Solicitor General in Ontario sent to all euthanasia providers in the province in May noted two cases of “lessons learned” in nonterminal cases. The document was shared with AP by a doctor on condition of anonymity because it wasn’t authorized for release.

In one, a 74-year-old patient who’d suffered high blood pressure, a stroke and blindness, among other difficulties, was increasingly dependent on their spouse and “expressed their interest in MAiD to their family physician, due to their vision impairment and loss of hope for improvement of their vision and quality of life.”

The report cited three instances where legally mandated safeguards were not met. Among them: No assessor or expert versed in the nonterminal condition was involved, and efforts to discuss alternatives to death were “limited.”

The report also said the procedure was scheduled “based on the spouse’s preference of timing.” Officials questioned whether “the patient’s death was genuinely voluntary and free of coercion.” Independent legal experts said those breaches could constitute violations of criminal law.

When a health worker inquired whether anyone had euthanized patients for blindness, one provider reported four such cases. In one, they said, an elderly man who saw “only shadows” was his wife’s caregiver when he requested euthanasia; he wanted her to die with him. The couple had several appointments with an assessor before the wife “finally agreed” to be killed, the provider said. She died unexpectedly just days before the scheduled euthanasia.

Nah, seems legit, what could ever go wrong here.

Just a reminder that nova scotia wants to discipline doctors who refuse to refer people to other doctors willing to give maid.

Should a doctor refuse to provide a referral and a patient lodges a complaint against that doctor, he/she could be subject to disciplinary action including a mark on their record, a fine, and possible loss of their medical license.

Without getting into too much detail for younger readers that never question the premise that things are like they always were only a bit different, things are most assuredly not like they always were. In this instance, what goes in your ears and how it gets there has changed drastically in the last couple of decades. Surprise not surprise, it’s for the worse in every significant way.

Briefly, in the 1990’s the recording industry as it had been known for decades was dying. Yes, learned conspiracy theorists know that “They” controlled it: Aleister Crowley on the cover of “Sgt. Pepper”, The Grateful Dead and LSD, grunge promoted as if it was good music, gangsta rap, the rise of Puff Daddy, Jim Morrison/Rush Limbaugh and the rest of the Laurel Canyon gang, the list goes on and on.

Beyond the artists, “listening” was in reality a fairly small universe. There were a few recording companies and small number of indy labels. Even those weren’t pure, as we came to realize about Miles Copeland Jr., Frontier Booking International, and IRS Records. There were independent terrestrial radio stations scattered across the land, no networks until the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (thank you, Bill). You listened to the radio in your car and maybe a bit at home. If you really liked what you heard, you went to the record store and bought the LP or cassette.

But it all began to suck so bad that They could no longer shove it down people’s throats. Prince complained he was getting ripped off by the record companies, getting only a small fraction of the money he was making for them. Well, kinda. You see, one act like Prince or Michael Jackson or Madonna had to support the next ten or twenty acts on the label that were all losing money. It was unsustainable.

It had to be sustained, of course, for purposes of social engineering. But you can’t just give it away, that’s too obvious. Limp Bizkit at 99% off makes people think too much about how valuable an artist Fred Durst really is in the first place. What to do? Enter Napster.

The scheme was brilliant. In the spirit of rock and roll, people were going to “stick it to The Man”. Or was that really to whom it was getting stuck? Napster started the sequence that reshaped… everything.

Let’s take a look at the model that absolutely predominates today: people subscribe to a streaming service and listen to music and podcasts through it on their smartphone. Do you already see the enormous difference? “They” know exactly what you’re listening to, and exactly when you listen to it. Worse, “They” now control the platform, and have the power to de-platform as and when desired. (History may include incidents of records being pulled from store shelves, but I certainly could not tell you about such an instance.) Worse, “Their” algos are shaping on an individual level what goes into your ears at all times. None of this power existed before.

Now let’s put some meat on those bones.

If you know something about the history of podcasting, you may think of former MTV VJ Adam Curry as “The Podfather”. True, but the organization that has come to dominate podcasting is iHeartMedia. As a minor sideshow in all this, with the hiring of Adam and the other VJs, MTV went from showing music videos to melting people’s intellects right out of their heads. I documented who was responsible for that in:

The new CEO of NPR is an obvious spook, but not obvious at all is that the CEO before last, Jarl Mohn, was a secret Nazi billionaire (not a metaphor) ( 4/19/2024)

As long as that post was, I said that Jarl hired the VJs but I didn’t mention who hired Jarl himself. It was Robert Pittman (media executive). Do you know what Bob is doing now? He’s the Chairman and CEO of iHeart. (I’d tell Adam Curry all this because he has no idea and I think he’d like to know, but my emails to him have been… tampered with.)

As I mentioned, though, this transformation all began with Napster. If you’re pretty old and have a good memory, you may recall the name Shawn Fanning. Another name has been lost to the popular conscious, which is the way They hide Themselves. Wiki remembers, though:

Napster was founded by Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker.

Say it ain’t so. Another Parker? For anyone familiar with my numerous previous posts, the name stands out like the red flag that it is. For those unfamiliar, just consider it as alarming as seeing the last name “Crowley-Rothschild” or something. You can read his obvious bullshit backstory for a laugh, but I’ll relate one personal anecdote.

Back in 2015 or so, I didn’t know any of the stuff I’m relating now or even who Sean Parker was. He had been a decade out of the spotlight by then but I happened to catch him in short video of some sort of NYT panel discussion. After about ten seconds of looking at him and hearing him talk, I thought, “Jesus, this guy is a clearly a spook. Didn’t anyone else ever pick up on that in all these years?” Nope. Not then and not yet.

So Napster was the primitive beginning and you can read the wiki for the details on how Sean was the low-profile money guy that made it all go. Now, as mentioned, all the cool kids listen on Spotify. Do you want to guess the name of the low-profile money guy that made it all go? Don’t let me spoil the surprise but you’ll find it in the wiki.

Here’s another fun one—not directly related to the recording industry—but have you ever heard of the cultural rat poison known as Facebook? Of course! The internal monologues of all the conspiracy theorists are saying “Zuckerberg” and “Winkelvoss twins” right now. If they’re advanced, then “DARPA LifeLog” is rattling around in there too. Okay, but do you know the name of the low-profile money guy that made it all go? The answer is once again in the wiki.

Before we get to the bonuses, I have to interject one thing: in the conspir-o-sphere, people lose their skulls over the “startling revelation” that J.D. Vance worked with Peter Thiel for a while back in the day. How does that compare with what we’re learning here? I just shake my head a lot these days.

The first bonus requires a preface. In many earlier posts on various Parkers, I have referenced that they are a family of generational Satanists up to no good for centuries. We add to their nefarious activities here, but the link to the Satanist part comes from the information related by a member of one of those families:

Jay Parker | Satanic Ritual Abuse, Entity Invocation, & The Power of Consciousness (The Higherside Chats 12/9/2017)

Hmm, “entity invocation”? Wouldn’t it be weird if we found such a thing in the material we covered in this post? I refer you to this interview, starting about 13:45:

True Scary Story Talk with Edwin Covarrubias - The Paranormal Podcast 853 (Jim Harold 10/15/2024)

For background, this is a very popular, mainstream podcast about the paranormal, nothing to do with conspiracy of any type. If you don’t want to watch the video, the interviewee—a fellow paranormal podcaster—relates a story he personally finds disturbing even to talk about, where on two separate occasions a novelty sign in his studio flickered when he said the word “demon”. You can see another version of the sign behind him. The sign is the logo of and was sent to him by (you got it) Spotify. Please, someone say this is mere coincidence.

Second bonus: If you’re a careful reader and a critical thinker, you should have noticed I didn’t do the usual genealogy work on Sean Parker to tie him to the Parkers in question. I have something else for this one that I personally find more convincing.

Take a look at the profile photo of Sean Parker used on his wiki page. Take particular note of his hair color: a medium-dark reddish-brown. It’s actually pretty distinctive, isn’t it? Now take a look at the photo used in this other article:

Newtown Father Looks Beyond Investigator's Report (WBUR 11/26/2013)

Normies think he’s a father who happens to laugh after the murder of his child. Conspiracists think he’s a douchebag crisis actor They grabbed off the streets. If you’re like me, you now know it goes deeper than any of that.


Posts made by one user about another user, accusing them of something, without solid evidence, will be considered bullying and actioned accordingly.

A recent example of such a post has caused a user to delete their account. This is regrettable and I should have intervened sooner. In my defense I am the sole mod here at the moment, I have a day job and I do non-internet things with my time off - so my attention is split.

Anyway, continue to bitch and accuse and have your petty arguments in the comments (free speech and all), but making an entire post singling out another user, especially without STRONG evidence for your accusations, is not permitted anymore and will be punished accordingly.

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