YES! I noticed that too! Google results are much worse.
I voted for Mad Max on the first day of advance f=voting. The election is rigged but we still have to do our part.
Yes the 6th leaf from the top right of the picture is 3/4" too far to the left.
Wow these guys are reaching
It's from The Inferno.
What is it called?
My workplace is forcing me to get vaccinated.
No they are not, because you are not getting vaccinated. If you think risking your life so you can keep a job they are probably going to fire you from in 3 weeks time anyways so they can replace you with an immigrant who charges half as much, you need to reconsider. At to the fact that governments all around the world are printing and giving away money as fast as they can, and working for money is pointless.
On both a spiritual and health-conscious level, I am frightened of getting the Covid death shot.
Health-wise, you should be frightened. It is extremely dangerous. Spiritually, there's nothing to be afraid of - God has a plan.
Every time I go to Reddit I become permanently autistic for 10 years for every 5 minutes I spend on it.
"a tooth is worth more than a diamond" don quixote
The dean of admissions has officially changed his stationary to begin all letters with "hey scum."
What about the earth being flat?
Because just maybe.
A better question is that if the authorities kicked down your door and seized you without a warrant, vaccine or not, would you or anyone in your neighborhood be able and willing to stop them?
This red-pills all those who are JUST a bit too smart to buy it.
Birds die all the time?
C...c...c'mon... c'mon man!
Could the missing line be a totally flat Earth, as viewed from the side?
She is dangerous. Dangerous to the phony president and dangerous to Facebook's own plans for hegemony.
Thanks I wasn't before but now I'm SURE I won't be getting it.
Damn you beat me to it
That means it's working.
I'm hoping she's more than just a pretty face.
I love the last part "If you don't believe in vaccines, Good for you, Move on."
Well, I don't have any blood clots, headaches, fogginess, swollen hands and feet, or death, so yes, it is mighty good for me, and I will be moving on, strolling on my own two healthy feet down the road at whatever pace suits me.
This would not happen in a country with a second amendment.