turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's one of their goals to also control Ukraine after emptying it out. They have a LONG grudge against the Ukrainians but I wouldn't count on them discarding their plans to control Palestine and the middle east and all moving there. They literally spent at least hundreds of years to steal Palestine.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here is the difference. I am not 100% certain they didn't but I realize that fact. There is no way changing your mind on this now. Reality is hard to accept. Very difficult to accept that you are enslaved by Jews and their shabbos goys like Trump. Here is the deal, a year from now after he wins. How do you expect him to really SAVE America? Do you think anyone even if he was good (Which he isn't) can easily clean the American establishment and ALL corporate and ALL the military industrial complex from Jewish infiltration?

Trump when he comes is going to take it against anyone who is anti-Jew. Probably Arabs/Muslims inside America first. Then he is going to take it against any white Christian Americans who made any posts against Israel or Jews all while supporting Israel and involving you in bigger wars and worst living standards and while at it he might even pull another pandemic hoax or CBDC all while everyone applauds because they think he is the white American who is gonna save them forgetting he is completely in bed with Jews.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not sure I would call 9/11 a failure for Jews. They made Christians turn on Muslims, further destroyed Iraq and the middle east and made a gigantic push in transforming society into a security apparatus.

Yes, the seed of the truth movement started there but on the ground Jews achieved a lot so far. They are not going to stop there. They are almost fully exposed but they are now turning into open tyranny mode.

Netanyahu's speech in congress had the feeling that we are at North Korea stage. Many of those congress members clapping for Bibi knew it was wrong but they had to do it. Just like any communist party member. Facades are off and its brute force tyranny and tyranny is not easy to break. Look at those in Bangladesh now trying to liberate themselves.

Jews will lose and I believe they have already reached the peak of their power. Only downhill for them now but don't expect it to be a walk in the park. Exposing them is the first step but not the last.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you 100% sure they shot his ear. Be honest. Are you 100% certain? No point arguing this. Soon enough he will become the "savior" but I suppose those who failed to see that he pushed the vaccine last time will fail to see what he will do next and how it won't be in their best interest.

turtlebam 5 points ago +5 / -0

The way I see it is if there is any conflict it's the:

Greater Israel Jews


Leftist Globalist Jews

Trump is the Chabad Lubavitch crazy Jews man. They want to rule the world from so called Greater Israel.

The other leftist Jews are the ones who are happy with their control of the world and do not want any further mad wild schemes. They don't really take Judaism or the Talmud seriously.

Leftist Jews are not as powerful as the first faction.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Civil war is a possibility, but here is what I found out after long experience: The Jew spends YEARS and years to put you in a situation where both outcomes will fit their agenda! Just like chess. Putting you in a corner without you realizing it.

Assad is still in power in Syria. Did the Jew want him to remain? Did the Jew want him out? Well, the Jew wanted to destroy Syria. If Assad lost the war Syria would have been destroyed by Isis completely. A second best would be a long stalemate where Syria is destroyed by the never ending conflict with the same result of being divided and weak. Same result two different paths.

America is the "First Foundation". (i.e. from Issac Asimov foundation book). The WHOLE purpose of the USA is to support Israel. It's already under its complete control. Maybe they will bring in Trump and have him do changes, maybe they will divide it. The Jew has flexibility because he makes the first move while everyone else reacts.

turtlebam 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's incredible that they are still trying to pull this one off.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drumpf obviously. With his popularity he is going to do things that people thought were impossible to do. Not in a good way of course.

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

What makes this one different is that it's the very first one to be live broadcasted all over the world in all of its gory details.

Sure they did bigger ones in terms of numbers such as the holodomor for instance. But really not many knew about it while it was happening.

This Gaza genocide is surly a very terrifying milestone in Jewish atrocities.

turtlebam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jews will Jew. This is relating to Haman's ears and Purim. Movies are nothing but an expression of the Jewish mind. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamantash

No one else in the entire today's world would actually celebrate cutting people's ears and make desert out of it except for Jews.

turtlebam 1 point ago +2 / -1

Appealing to those who still fall for him. Believe it or not they still justify it and say he is planning to have his "revenge" from the Jews even after that appointment! They say he still needs some of them on his side. (Facepalm)

Let time do its work. My personal prediction is that he will enact new measures and laws that no one else could do. All against the common American and pro Jews. All this might be part of a bigger play. This guy has an interesting take where he believes Jews are setting things for a MUCH bigger war in the middle east. This time involving Turkey as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_8SGervUjo

turtlebam 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is a clip of Trump asking for the death penalty for those who notice the Jews. From October 2018.

Did he have a change of mind? I guess we will all know soon enough.

You can use any Instagram downloader if you cannot access instagram.

turtlebam 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's very difficult to listen to these Jewish imbeciles but it's interesting that your long time supposedly "American Jew" spy Jonathan Pollard "predicted" it.

Note: If you can't open Youtube just use any Youtube downloader easily found from a search engine

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is unfortunately actually ALSO a Zionist propaganda film! It really does not depict the Nakba. There are many better documentaries about this and about Jewish crimes. A documentary made by a Jewish director of all people called Tantura (The story about one village the Jews attacked actually better depicts Jewish depravity: https://ugetube.com/watch/tantura-full-documentary-with-english-translation_QClgihf4Y7Ci2MW.html)

Farha on the other hand really downplays the massacres the Jews committed and instead is a feminist propaganda film focusing on the oppression of the girl by her father.

Jordan is a dictatorship which has Israeli, American, British, German and French military bases all over the country. The king is half British (three quarters Jewish) who learned Arabic only after he took the job. He would not allow any real movies about the Nakba. That country is run by foreign intelligence services and NGOs. They have also been busy in supplying Israelis with munitions and food during the Gaza genocide.

turtlebam 1 point ago +2 / -1

Jewish lies, promoted by a Jewish website (Daily Mail) and posted by a Jewish account (DrLeaks2).

turtlebam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is a shocker. Many cancer patients in Gaza have miraculously self cured! Basically they were unable to take their chemo and they didn't have much food to eat. Some of those have gone outside of Gaza and once they did a check up the cancer was gone!

turtlebam 6 points ago +6 / -0

Recent events and more research have led me to believe this is over simplified. It also demoralizes anyone fighting Jewish tyranny. It's the direction Jews want to push people who are already Jew wise into.

You can look up these names (That is if you can find anything on them):

-Jamal Al-Zibdeh: He worked at NASA and left lucrative opportunities to help build Hamas' rockets. He worked with his son. Both were assassinated. But he did help develop new rockets.

-Mohamed Zouari: He is from Tunisia and helped develop drones and was also assassinated.

Yassin 105 and Shawaz anti tank weapons meant heavy development from Hamas. You think it's easy but it isn't when you have no access to chemicals.

Simplifying things like that is the equivalent of saying Yasser Arafat or Hitler were Jews which neither one of them were.

AND BTW it's not just "Hamas" fighting Jews, you have Islamic Jihad (Saraya al Quds), You have al Aqsa martyrs, you have the PFLP, the Muhajideen movements and more.

Jews have lately been over reliant on technology for their supremacy. Every solution had a technological solution. All the Jewish "elites" have pursued lucrative tech startups to solve military problems instead of real work. This is why they are losing and will lose.

turtlebam 2 points ago +2 / -0

But "They" (i.e. the ones at the very top) are most certainly Jewish or of Jewish blood if you have it that way.

Jews are more prominent everywhere now because their numbers have increased and they keep hiring each other (nepotism)

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