Flat earthers are beyond retarded; they are intentionally setting themselves up to be a failure in life. A flat earther is lazy, will never think things through, and ignores empirical evidence by parroting other moron excuses such as 'perspective'.
The fact that you spelled 'continuous' as 'continues' might have something to do with it. AI is far from perfect and relies on historical word matching to provide answers. The fact that you have two typos instead of one typo will completely change the algorithm for which AI is trained. AI is trying to 'guess' the answer because you are feeding it nonsensical words. For these and other reasons, yes, I think you have a low IQ.
The second one tells you you spelled it wrong. Hover over the red line and a pop-up should explain.
The red box means you are a retard and can't comprehend the fact that the earth is a ball so on a curved surface, sun can never be exactly parallel, unless you are at the exact equatorial position and you look up and the sun is perfectly above your head, which, again, would only happen at exactly 12 noon, and only last for one second since it is forever moving. Please don't post things that leave everyone knowing you have a low-IQ.
When it is foggy, the wind is zero, so the airmass is stationary, so air pollution can increase fog density. So, first off, if you live near a source of air pollution, you will notice it way more when it is foggy. If you walk in LA on a very brown, hazy day, you will smell chemicals.
Nah, bro, you discredit yourself when you realize that he did that only a few times early in the campaign and stopped after he got 'informed' by the true scope of damage it did. He never forced anyone or stood behind any mandate.
All you faggots who dish on Trump and the vaccines ought to remember who brought the fight.
- Who started covid?
- What would you do differently?
- Did he push his people for a solution?
- Did he impose mandates?
- Did he rely on the deep state for help?
You all seem to forget that he was surrounded by traitors and had literally nothing to do with vaccine advocacy or effectiveness. He never pushed for any shutdowns and was sabotaged at every corner. Between a rock and a hard place - I would like to see any of you in his position.
Setting aside all the adverse reactions, covid vaccines had been reported effective, but really, only for about a month or so. The WEF and DAVOS crowd are the ones you should be mad at for starting this whole joke. Not Trump who, in my mind, did the best he could with the people around him. If only they stood up and put people's lives ahead of their profits. That is the true enemy.
Research what? A bunch of commie, ignorant leftists make a post about some ridiculous claim? Trump has endlessly supported religious rights for EVERYONE - especially Christians, so whatever 'conspiracy therory' you are investing is simple hyperbole.
LOL, the OP's post is the perfect example of a conspiritard who thinks anyone who is Jewish and successful must be the work of the devil. The fact is the guy lost over 200 employees (I'm too lazy to look up the actual number) and wants to help American's stay safe from the true evil that is the radical Muslim who are single handingly the ones causing all the shit. The OP would rather Democrats support terrorist regimes, (Like giving Iran over $1B which bolstered the attack on Israel, or cow tow to China and let them fly balloons over our country, steal our IP and drive our economy into the ground.
WTF are you on? The answers are similar and say almost the same thing. Are you a flat earther? You must be, because the original intent of your question seems to indicate you are. Anyone who thinks the sun can run around a flat disc in a loop is beyond retarded. Regardless of where you are on a flat disc, you would always see the sun. Stop being a fucking moron. And if you say 'perspective,' I will really know your IQ is below room temperature.