This is actually a good point. The polling stations could have other purposes to. I know in some places they do use municipal buildings such as fire stations and such. This is something to think on.
America is a pile of shit expecting to smell nice.
Not really helpful... well except for stress relief I suppose.
When the government offers candy, it is usually laced with poison. ...If they want to stop drugs, tell them to stop importing it with their CIA goons.>
I cannot disagree with the truth of these statements.
They seek to get us to agree to this so they can expand Genocide in the future.>
Judicial based genocide where large groups of citizens are declared human traffickers and drug dealers? I really think that is a very inefficient method to use as well why is it any better than the methods that are used today?
Gov has no right to kill.>
No but the do have the right to execute justice and sometimes a person is deserving of death. When these 2 paths become concurrent then the Government can levee an execution. IMhO.
I think this is to break the comparison that is done between voting and the lottery. Every conversation I read about or hear about involving the elections system and delays includes a snippet similar to "if we can know the Lottery winner within seconds of the numbers being drawn then we should be able to know the winner of elections within seconds of polls closing."
This comparison, while admittedly small, is damaging in a great way and is useful for waking up people to the reality of election rigging. It is a simple comparison issue. "If we can do this why can we not do that? " Is simple enough for the common person to comprehend and yet a powerful enough statement to drive further questions.
Which is easier for the state murdering someone or framing them and murdering someone. Framing is for when they want to discredit the persons reputation. This allows the questioning or outright disregard for anything the person may have already said or may have arranged to be released later.
Murder is to silence.
As well consider that there is already plenty of crimes they can frame a person for that lead to a death penalty.
While I do recognize this kind of rhetoric is really just a tool for division, and as such it is hardly worth serious consideration, human traffickers and drug dealers literally destroy lives for generations of people. Most of them not even the victims they have harmed. The punishment should be harsh.
The way I see it, anyone stating "fix the system" or "clean out the garbage" or "Drain the swamp" and they do not mean start over from scratch does not understand how ingrained the corruption is in the system.
It is possible to have fabric that is so dirty that it cannot be cleaned in any reasonable way. The best option then is to dispose of it and get new fabric.
As large a problem as we have now, I would say ban all elected officials and non-elected leadership appointments from all public servant positions for life without exception in a new system.
Yes this would be crazy difficult and chaotic but we allowed ourselves to get here.
What do you mean? The Jews are blamed for everything and have been for a long time. It is like blaming China for spies or the southern boarder for drug trafficking. These things maybe true but it should never be assumed. It needs to be proven. The pictures are not receipts. Someone took pictures and pasted Stars on the people and declared them a Jew because of what receipts?
The same thing has been done with white people in America. They are the slavers and bought the slaves and kid napped them. Never mind that the first slaves where indigenous people and Irish and Scottish people. Never mind the first slaver owner was African/Black.
There is not a global Jewish conspiracy there is a global conspiracy and people that claim to be Jewish or have "Jewish last name" or are related to Jews might be involved.
Claiming all Jews are the same is like claiming all white people are the same. It ignores all of the variances and lumps the sins of the minority on to the shoulders of the majority.
Blaming all corruption on a single group of people is the same as blaming all slavery in America on white people.
There is large differences between Jews that are secular, Jews that are religious, and people with a "Jewish last name".
They also all have hair and most are white. Do these things matter or just that they seem Jewish? Is there a differentiation between religious sect or if they are European or African Jews? Or is it just they have some "Jewishness"?
With all the conspiracies this board looks at, is it really a stretch to think that an entire Ethnicity/Religion could be setup for persecution because they are easy targets?
I did post this on the other posts like this.
Blaming all corruption on a single group of people is the same as blaming all slavery in America on white people.
There is large differences between Jews that are secular, Jews that are religious, and people with a "Jewish last name".
They also all have hair and most are white. Do these things matter or just that they seem Jewish? Is there a differentiation between religious sect or if they are European or African Jews? Or is it just they have some "Jewishness"?
With all the conspiracies this board looks at, is it really a stretch to think that an entire Ethnicity/Religion could be setup for persecution because they are easy targets?
I did post this on the other posts like this.
Blaming all corruption on a single group of people is the same as blaming all slavery in America on white people.
There is large differences between Jews that are secular, Jews that are religious, and people with a "Jewish last name".
They also all have hair and most are white. Do these things matter or just that they seem Jewish? Is there a differentiation between religious sect or if they are European or African Jews? Or is it just they have some "Jewishness"?
With all the conspiracies this board looks at, is it really a stretch to think that an entire Ethnicity/Religion could be setup for persecution because they are easy targets?
I did post this on the other posts like this.
Blaming all corruption on a single group of people is the same as blaming all slavery in America on white people.
There is large differences between Jews that are secular, Jews that are religious, and people with a "Jewish last name".
They also all have hair and most are white. Do these things matter or just that they seem Jewish? Is there a differentiation between religious sect or if they are European or African Jews? Or is it just they have some "Jewishness"?
With all the conspiracies this board looks at, is it really a stretch to think that an entire Ethnicity/Religion could be setup for persecution because they are easy targets?
I did post this on the other posts like this.
Glad to see someone else state this.
AI today should be an acronym for Algorithmic Intelligence and not Artificial. There is a big difference.
Quantum Computing should be thought of as make believe pseudo-science with no actual real world implementation. Read the fine print on all supposed quantum computers. It states it is using virtual q-bits as we are not yet able to harness the actual monitoring of particles in real time as described by the definition of quantum entanglement.
There is so much that is not accurate or taken in to consideration with this statement. I really do not know where to begin. I am just going to say there are 2 very important things that are not taken in to consideration.
1st. Consider the resource consumption and logistics that would be required to lead an invasion across 2 oceans and to hold the land.
2nd. Consider the total waste of resources to try and bomb even with nukes or biological weapons with the intent of killing all of a population spread across a land as vast as America.
Regardless of philosophical, political, or religious Ideologies, physics is physics and no amount of belief or desire changes it. The real concern should be the breakdown of global trade and cooperation which will lead to stagnation and withering of knowledge. This has actually happened int e past. This will cause a reduction in quality of life and a forgetting of achievements. Their will be greater isolation and so localized pockets of Despots and oppression, but not the global level oppression that people fear.
As I see it the idea that hyper-sonic weapons or super-sonic weapons as they where known by in the 80's is a real thing. Super-sonic is Mach 1 and Hyper-Sonic is Mach 5. So it is really just a "fast vs faster" description. The nonsense is that the USA, UK, and Israel does not also have them. When analyzing other super-sonic craft, such as the Blackbird, removing the pilot and cargo capacity and replacing with some kind of armament is a trivial design change that would easily result in increased efficiency. What really made this possible is the removal of human guidance and the use of AI guidance. (AI as in algorithmic intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a buzzword farce) This enabled targeting and micro adjustments in the short time frames needed to successfully pilot the weapon.
Anyone who has ever been on an airfield where a Blackbird was either waiting to fly or waiting to be stored will remember it was kept as far away from everything as possible. This was often credited with the need for secrecy. The reality is these things leaked fuel like a wet sponge. The material the craft was made of expanded at super-sonic speeds and this required for everything to be slightly "loose" and not as tight together. This is not an issue with the current weapons as they are designed differently and without the need for cockpits, storage, as much fuel, better propellants, and other improvements.
The reality is they have reached the point of diminishing returns. How much more does one really gain with MACH5 vs MACH4 when the distance between launch and target is less than 1000 miles away.
This point of diminishing returns is showing up in other technologies as well. Particularly computing technology.
All in all the propaganda is definitely swirling around all of the military/war talk. Has been for a long time. For all the discussion of these "advanced weapons" everything is destroyed/killed the same ways. You either crush it, stab it, starve it, or burn it. Every weapon is just doing one of these things.
The result they are wanting is an uprising. Both "sides" want him gone it is part of their plan. He is bait pulling out those that will not kneel and will be openly or directly "rebellious". So either side "winning" is irrelevant as they appoint politicians; there is no election. He is not about a "side" winning and there is no separation of R and D. Trump does what he has always done cause movement among the common man and aggravate those that think they are the elite.
Why the same thing over and over though. I understand there is only so many ways an eye can be covered but why the same gimmick artists HATE gimmicks. I get the artist will stomach stuff for money but there seems to be so much of it. As well it seems to most often be covered in the same ways a hand covering it. Yes there are pictures of feathers and random junk being used but the majority of those people also have a picture of a hand covering it.
Other people could be copying it as well without knowing the meaning but I suspect the photographer or editor knows the meaning and is coaching them in to it.
I understand what you are saying, but consider the rigging could be in and telling your opponent/populace that they are going to win "Biggly" just to pull the rug out from under them as a discouragement and demoralization. That is what is really going on.
If a DS or lizard people or what ever massive control group has this much power for this long then they can keep a secret. They are letting things out to demoralize the population so they are less resistant and give up just to do what they are told.
Could be they allowed encouragement and even enthusiasm to grow to motivate the population to justify or explain the technological progress that has been made in the last 200 years. Now we are reaching its peak. The advances from here out will only be incremental and mostly efficiency and not real technological break throughs. So it is back to maintenance mode for the population and that is easiest to do when people have given up.