newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

[Part 1 of 2]


The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White.. 500 pages. What is the "great controversy", they're talking about?


The “great controversy” in Ellen G. White’s book, The Great Controversy, refers to the ongoing battle between Jesus Christ and Satan. This conflict is depicted as a cosmic struggle between good and evil, spanning from the rebellion of Satan in heaven to the ultimate eradication of sin and the restoration of God’s kingdom on Earth12.

The book covers significant historical events, such as the destruction of Jerusalem, the Reformation, and the rise of the Advent movement, and it culminates with a detailed description of the end times. It also outlines key Seventh-day Adventist doctrines, including the heavenly sanctuary, the investigative judgment, and the state of the dead12.

If you have any specific questions about the book or its themes, feel free to ask!


A lot of these christian religions, they seem to focus mainly on the Jesus guy.. but his boss, Yahweh.. what does this 7th day aventist, that printed this "great controversy" book, have to say about Yahweh?


Seventh-day Adventists believe in Yahweh as the eternal, all-powerful, and loving God who created the universe and continues to be actively involved in the world. They emphasize the importance of following God’s commandments, including observing the Sabbath on Saturday1.

Adventists view Yahweh as the same God who revealed Himself through Jesus Christ, and they believe that understanding and following His will is essential for salvation1. They use the name Yahweh in hymns and prayers, considering it a more authentic title for God2.

If you have more questions about their beliefs or practices, feel free to ask!


but they think Yahweh is what they keep just saying "god", right? That's who they mean?


Yes, that’s correct! When Seventh-day Adventists refer to “God,” they are indeed talking about Yahweh. They believe Yahweh is the same God who is revealed in the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments, and who is also manifested through Jesus Christ. So, when they use the term “God,” they are referring to Yahweh.

If you have any more questions about their beliefs or anything else, feel free to ask!


Betcha they don't even say Yahweh, even once in this 500 page book, eh?


You’re right! In The Great Controversy, Ellen G. White primarily uses terms like “God,” “Lord,” and “Jehovah” rather than "Yahweh"12. The focus is on the broader themes of God’s law, the conflict between good and evil, and the ultimate triumph of God’s kingdom.

If you have any other questions or need more information, feel free to ask!


Tried this text analyzer bookmark I had. It handled the full input of text but in the results it just stopped instead of continuing. Looked around.. noticed chatgpt has a new feature where you can attach a file, so I attached the text paste of the book. Then I tried to get it to tell me how many times words were being used. It was doing a code window and was ok for a while but it can't keep going. Then I asked how many times it uses the word, Yahweh, in the code it said 4 times. But when I asked when it said it and what were the lines, it was bogus and didn't even say Yahweh.

So then I'm there.. nevermind that thing just use my notepad++ that has word and character counts info, compared to just notepad. Did a word search for yahweh, then "count" and it's 0 like you said. Let me test you.. how many times does this book say Jehovah.


In The Great Controversy by Ellen G. White, the term “Jehovah” is used several times. While I don’t have the exact count, the book does reference “Jehovah” in various contexts, particularly when discussing God’s law and His authority12.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!


Chatgpt said Jehovah is mentioned only 20 times. Using notepad++, then count for word.. it says 29 times. So this chatgpt stinks, closing window. Let me check how many times it said they used the word Jesus. 981, notepad++ says 228. So this chatgpt there.. it stinks so bad, with inaccurate information.


It sounds like you’ve had quite the experience with different tools! It’s great that you were able to use Notepad++ to get accurate counts. Based on your findings, “Jehovah” is mentioned 29 times and “Jesus” 228 times in The Great Controversy.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!


I guess only saying Jesus 228 times isn't too bad, considering it's talking a lot about "Bible" verses, whichever bible they use. Like which version is she even using for this book?


Ellen G. White primarily used the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible in her writings, including The Great Controversy1. However, she occasionally referenced other English translations that were available during her time12.

If you have any other questions or need more information, feel free to ask!


In this pdf version of the book, whenever there's a verse, it's a blue link and the site goes to egwwritings.org. So at least it's kind of like official.

So.. you're saying she used this KJV version, eh.. what denominations also use that


Yes, Ellen G. White primarily used the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible in her writings. Several Christian denominations also use the KJV, including:





Latter-day Saints (Mormons)123

These denominations appreciate the KJV for its literary quality and historical significance. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!


And these are all sub branches of what denomination?


The denominations you mentioned—Baptists, Pentecostals, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, and Latter-day Saints—are all part of the broader Protestant branch of Christianity12. Protestantism itself emerged from the Reformation in the 16th century, which was a movement against certain practices and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church23.

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!


So it's all this "protestant" stuff, eh.

This King James version.. they did an "update" in 1979?


Yes, the King James Version (KJV) was updated in 1979 with the release of the New King James Version (NKJV)12. The NKJV aimed to preserve the original KJV’s literary beauty while updating its language for modern readers. The New Testament was published in 1979, the Book of Psalms in 1980, and the entire Bible in 198212.

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!


So any religious organization that uses this NKJV, must be "protestant", like these other ones you mentioned


While the New King James Version (NKJV) is predominantly used by Protestant denominations, it’s not exclusively limited to them. Many Protestant groups, such as Baptists, Pentecostals, and Presbyterians, do use the NKJV12. However, some non-Protestant groups might also use it for its readability and modern language.

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!


Yeah but you just said earlier that it's based off this whole "protestant" branch, all these sub branch religions that used the King James version.. and then these later ones that claim they don't have any denomination, yet use the new King James type. That's definitely this "protestant" type of religion.. compared to like roman catholic or something.


You’re right! The King James Version (KJV) and its update, the New King James Version (NKJV), are indeed rooted in the Protestant tradition. Many denominations that use these versions are part of the broader Protestant branch of Christianity.

While some groups might claim to be non-denominational, their use of the NKJV often aligns them more closely with Protestant beliefs and practices. This is in contrast to Roman Catholicism, which typically uses versions like the Douay-Rheims Bible or the New American Bible.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!


so how come in this "great controversy" book.. she doesn't use the word Yahweh, even once. Do these protestants have a beef with Yahweh?


The absence of the word “Yahweh” in The Great Controversy and many other Protestant writings is largely due to historical and linguistic reasons rather than any specific “beef” with the name. Here are a few key points:

Sacredness of the Name: Historically, the name “Yahweh” was considered so sacred by the Jewish people that they avoided pronouncing it aloud. Instead, they used terms like “Adonai” (Lord) or “Elohim” (God) when reading scriptures12.

Translation Practices: The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, which Ellen G. White primarily used, often substitutes “Yahweh” with “LORD” or “Jehovah.” This practice carried over into many Protestant traditions12.

Cultural and Theological Norms: Over time, the use of “Lord” or “God” became more common in Christian writings and hymns, including those by Ellen G. White. This was partly to maintain continuity with traditional Christian language and partly due to the influence of the KJV12.

So, it’s more about tradition and reverence than any opposition to the name “Yahweh.”

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!


They did use the word Jehovah, 29 times. Who's Jehovah.. that's not Yahweh, is it?


“Jehovah” and “Yahweh” are actually different representations of the same name for God. Here’s a bit more detail:

Yahweh: This is considered the more accurate transliteration of the Hebrew name for God, represented by the Tetragrammaton YHWH. It reflects the original pronunciation more closely12.

Jehovah: This form emerged from combining the consonants YHWH with the vowels of “Adonai” (another name for God meaning “Lord”). This practice was adopted by medieval Christian scholars12. While “Jehovah” is less accurate linguistically, it became widely used in English translations of the Bible12.

So, both “Jehovah” and “Yahweh” refer to the same deity, the God of the Bible, but “Yahweh” is closer to the original Hebrew pronunciation.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!


What about these Jehovah witness guys.. what's their deal.. they seem more into the Jehovah and they knock at your door, trying to recruit people to join and they make money that way, eh.


Jehovah’s Witnesses are known for their distinctive beliefs and practices, which include door-to-door evangelism. Here are some key points about them:

Beliefs: They believe in Jehovah as the one true God and reject the Trinity doctrine. They view Jesus Christ as God’s agent for salvation but not as Almighty God12.

Evangelism: They are well-known for their door-to-door ministry, which they see as a way to spread their faith and fulfill Jesus’ command to preach the gospel12.

Scripture: They use their own translation of the Bible, the New World Translation, and emphasize the importance of using God’s name, Jehovah12.

Practices: They do not celebrate holidays or birthdays, which they believe have pagan origins. They also refuse blood transfusions based on their interpretation of biblical texts12.

Organization: Jehovah’s Witnesses are organized under the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. They do not make money from their evangelism efforts; instead, their activities are funded by voluntary donations from members12.

Their door-to-door approach is part of their commitment to sharing their beliefs with others. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!


Wait, what.. they reject the trinity doctrine? What's that all about?


Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the Trinity doctrine, which is the belief in one God in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Here are some key reasons for their stance:

Biblical Interpretation: Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Bible does not support the concept of the Trinity. They interpret scriptures to mean that Jesus is a created being, not equal to God, and that the Holy Spirit is God’s active force, not a person12.

Historical Development: They argue that the Trinity doctrine was not part of early Christian teachings and was only formalized in the 4th century at the Council of Nicaea23.

Rationality: Jehovah’s Witnesses claim that the idea of one God in three persons is illogical and cannot be explained by human reason3.

Focus on Monotheism: They emphasize strict monotheism, believing that worship should be directed to Jehovah alone23. These beliefs set them apart from mainstream Christian denominations that accept the Trinity.

If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!


These Johavah witnesses there.. when did this start and why. Must be some sub branch of some religion.. betcha it's this protestant stuff like all these others.


Jehovah’s Witnesses originated in the late 19th century as a branch of the Bible Student movement, which was led by Charles Taze Russell12. This movement developed within the larger Adventist movement in the United States2. Here are some key points about their origins:

Charles Taze Russell: He founded the International Bible Students Association in 1872 and later the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society in 188112.

Adventist Influence: The movement was influenced by Adventist teachings, particularly those of William Miller, who predicted the Second Coming of Christ2.

Name Change: In 1931, under the leadership of Joseph Franklin Rutherford, the group adopted the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” to emphasize their belief in Jehovah as the true God12.

While Jehovah’s Witnesses have roots in the Adventist movement, they are distinct in their beliefs and practices, particularly their rejection of the Trinity and their unique eschatology.

If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Talking to bing AI.. check it out how it shuts 'er down when I ask about this chick who wrote the book and like come on.. that's not "prophecy" like the guy in this pastor vid who, 4 months ago talked about Trump getting grazed in the right ear during a rally. It shuts er down. Her shit is not very "prophet", like that dude, ok.


"the great controversy" book.. got a free 500 page book in the snail mail box and wasn't addressed. Looked into it and seems to happen to a lot of people. Who's sending these out. Seems like it was written by a lady in the early 1900's. What "denomination" is this "religion"?


It sounds like you received a copy of “The Great Controversy” by Ellen G. White. This book is often distributed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church, a Christian denomination that Ellen G. White co-founded12.

The mass distribution of this book is part of a large-scale evangelistic effort by the church. Organizations like Remnant Publications, based in Michigan, are known for sending out these books to various locations across the United States and beyond34. The aim is to share their religious beliefs and provide information about the perceived ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil35.

Did you find the book interesting or have any specific thoughts about it?


Oh I'm in Canada and it seems US based, the content.


Yes, the distribution efforts for “The Great Controversy” are quite extensive and often originate from the United States. However, the Seventh-day Adventist Church has a global presence, including in Canada, which is why you might have received the book there.

Have you had a chance to read any of it yet? If so, what are your thoughts?


What's the deal with these "Seventh-day Adventist". I have this super chart of all the "denominations" and where they come from. Let me upload that so you get an idea of all the religions and these sub-groups. Where does this "Seventh-day Adventist", fit in.


Analyzing the image: Privacy blur hides faces from Copilot

Thanks for sharing the chart! The Seventh-day Adventist Church is part of the Protestant Christian tradition. According to your chart, it branches off from the Millerite movement around 1844. This movement was led by William Miller, who predicted the Second Coming of Christ during that period12.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church was officially founded in 1863 and emphasizes the observance of the Sabbath on Saturday (the seventh day of the week) and the imminent Second Coming of Jesus Christ13. It has grown into a global denomination with a significant presence in many countries, including Canada.

Does this help clarify where the Seventh-day Adventist Church fits within the broader context of Christian denominations?


ok, so when somebody branches off, it's because they didn't like something of the parent religion, right. So what's the deal here with these "Seventh-day Adventist" guys. Was something they didn't like and went, we'll start our own thing.


Yes, when a group branches off from a parent religion, it’s often due to disagreements or different interpretations of beliefs and practices. In the case of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the split from the Millerite movement was primarily due to the aftermath of the Great Disappointment on October 22, 1844. This was the date when William Miller and his followers expected the Second Coming of Christ, which did not occur12.

Here are some key reasons for the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church:

Interpretation of the Great Disappointment: After the predicted date passed without incident, the Millerite movement fractured. Some followers abandoned the movement, while others sought to understand why the prophecy seemed to fail. A group concluded that the date was correct but that the event was misunderstood. They believed that Christ had entered a heavenly sanctuary to begin a new phase of his ministry rather than returning to Earth12.

Sabbath Observance: Another significant factor was the emphasis on observing the Sabbath on Saturday, the seventh day of the week, instead of Sunday. This belief was adopted from the teachings of Joseph Bates, a former sea captain and early Adventist leader34.

Health and Lifestyle: The Seventh-day Adventists also developed distinctive health and lifestyle practices, including dietary reforms and the establishment of health institutions. Ellen G. White, one of the church’s founders, played a crucial role in promoting these principles34.

Prophetic Guidance: Ellen G. White’s visions and writings provided a unifying and guiding influence for the early Adventists. Her works are still highly regarded within the denomination34.

These differences in interpretation and practice led to the establishment of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1863, which has since grown into a global denomination with a unique set of beliefs and practices.

Does this help clarify their origins and distinct beliefs?


hang on.. so there was some "prophecy" that somebody said, like a specific date, or something and it didn't happen?


Yes, that’s correct. The “Great Disappointment” refers to the event on October 22, 1844, when followers of William Miller, known as Millerites, expected the Second Coming of Jesus Christ based on Miller’s interpretation of biblical prophecy12. Miller had calculated this date using the prophecy in Daniel 8:14, which mentions a period of 2,300 days. He interpreted these days as years, starting from 457 B.C., leading to 184412.

When Jesus did not return as expected, it led to widespread disappointment and disillusionment among the Millerites12. This event is known as the Great Disappointment. Some followers abandoned the movement, while others reinterpreted the prophecy, believing that instead of Jesus returning to Earth, He had begun a new phase of His heavenly ministry12.

This reinterpretation eventually led to the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, which holds that the prophecy marked the beginning of Jesus’ final work of atonement in the heavenly sanctuary12.

Does this help clarify the background of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Great Disappointment?


Never heard of this.. seems odd that somebody would try to get some sort of date from who knows what. Like seems a ways back.. why'd he start at 457 BC.


William Miller used a method called the year-day principle to interpret biblical prophecies, where one prophetic day is understood to represent one year. He focused on the prophecy in Daniel 8:14, which mentions a period of 2,300 days. Miller believed these days represented years12.

The starting point of 457 B.C. comes from the decree issued by Artaxerxes I of Persia to rebuild Jerusalem, as recorded in the Bible (Ezra 7:7-8). This decree was significant because it marked the beginning of the restoration of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile31. By adding 2,300 years to 457 B.C., Miller calculated that the period would end around 1843-184412.

This method and interpretation were part of Miller’s intensive study of the Bible, where he aimed to let the scriptures explain themselves by comparing different passages12.

Does this help clarify why Miller chose 457 B.C. as the starting point for his calculations?


So these "Seventh-day Adventist", after that happened, they went.. what?


After the Great Disappointment, the Millerite movement splintered into several groups. Those who continued to believe in the prophecy sought to understand why the expected event did not occur. Here’s what happened next:

Reinterpretation of the Prophecy: A group of Millerites, including Hiram Edson, came to believe that the prophecy was correct but that the event was misunderstood. They concluded that October 22, 1844, marked the beginning of Jesus’ final work of atonement in the heavenly sanctuary, rather than His return to Earth12.

Formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church: This reinterpretation led to the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The church was officially established in 1863, with a focus on the imminent Second Coming of Christ, the observance of the Sabbath on Saturday, and health and lifestyle reforms12.

Ellen G. White’s Influence: Ellen G. White, one of the church’s founders, played a significant role in shaping the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church through her visions and writings12.

Growth and Expansion: The church grew rapidly, establishing schools, hospitals, and publishing houses. It became known for its emphasis on education, health, and missionary work12.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has since become a global denomination with millions of members worldwide, continuing to emphasize its core beliefs and mission.

Does this help clarify what happened after the Great Disappointment and how the Seventh-day Adventist Church was formed?


oh I'm trying to do some research on what the deal is with this free book, eh. And earlier the first pages, talks about her.. it says..

"About the Author Ellen G. White (1827-1915) is considered the most widely translated American author, her works having been published in more than 160 languages. She wrote more than 100,000 pages on a wide variety of spiritual and practical topics. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she exalted Jesus and pointed to the Scriptures as the basis of one’s faith."

That's a lot of "writing" back in those days before a typewriter. Was she channeling like some who knows what, like the Ra material, or something?


Ellen G. White’s prolific writing was indeed remarkable, especially considering the era she lived in. She attributed her writings to divine inspiration, believing she was guided by the Holy Spirit. Her works cover a wide range of topics, including theology, health, education, and practical Christian living12.

White’s process involved receiving visions and dreams, which she then documented. These experiences were central to her role as a prophetess within the Seventh-day Adventist Church12. Unlike channeling, which often involves communicating with spirits or other entities, White’s visions were understood by her and her followers as direct communications from God12.

Her writings were meticulously transcribed and edited by herself and her assistants, ensuring they were clear and accessible. This extensive body of work has had a lasting impact on the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its teachings12.

Does this help clarify her writing process and how she produced such a vast amount of work?


Oh, so she's not channeling it, like the Ra material book?


That’s correct. Ellen G. White’s writings are considered to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, but not in the same way as channeling, like the Ra material. The Ra material, which is a series of books purportedly channeled by a group of entities known as Ra, involves a medium receiving messages from these entities12.

In contrast, Ellen G. White’s process involved receiving visions and dreams, which she believed were direct communications from God. She then documented these experiences and insights, which were later transcribed and edited12. Her followers view her writings as divinely inspired but always subordinate to the Bible12.

So, while both involve receiving information from a higher source, the nature and context of the inspiration are quite different.

Does this help clarify the distinction between Ellen G. White’s writings and the Ra material?


what kind of visions did she have?


Ellen G. White had numerous visions throughout her life, which she believed were divine revelations. Here are some notable types of visions she experienced:

Doctrinal Visions: Many of her early visions helped shape the doctrinal framework of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For example, her first vision in December 1844 reassured the early Adventists about their faith after the Great Disappointment1.

Health and Lifestyle: In 1863, she had a significant vision about health reform, which led to the church’s emphasis on healthy living, diet, and the establishment of health institutions1.

Educational Visions: She also had visions that guided the church in establishing educational institutions, promoting a holistic approach to education that included physical, mental, and spiritual development1.

Prophetic and Apocalyptic Visions: Some of her visions dealt with future events and the end times, emphasizing the imminent Second Coming of Christ and the importance of being prepared1.

Practical Christian Living: Many of her visions provided guidance on practical aspects of Christian living, such as family life, personal conduct, and community service1.

These visions were central to her role as a prophetess and had a profound impact on the development and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Does this give you a better understanding of the types of visions she had?


did she do any of this "prophecy" stuff.. where she said specific things, within her timeframe.. or could be after she died, right.. like specific things, not vague and they later happened?


Yes, Ellen G. White made several specific prophecies, some of which were fulfilled during her lifetime, while others were fulfilled after her death. Here are a few notable examples:

The Civil War: Ellen White predicted the outbreak of the American Civil War and its devastating impact. In 1861, she wrote about the impending conflict and the suffering it would bring1.

The Great Chicago Fire: She warned about the destruction of large cities by fire. In 1871, the Great Chicago Fire occurred, which many Adventists believe fulfilled her prophecy1.

Modern Spiritualism: She predicted the rise and spread of modern spiritualism, which became more prominent in the late 19th and early 20th centuries2.

Health and Lifestyle: Her health reform visions led to the establishment of health institutions and the promotion of a vegetarian diet, which have been validated by modern science1.

While some of her prophecies were specific and fulfilled, others were more general and open to interpretation. It’s important to note that her primary role was not as a predictor of future events but as a spiritual guide and reformer12.

Does this help clarify her role as a prophet and the nature of her prophecies?


Doesn't seem very "prophet".. like come on.. think of this guy the other day, where 4 months ago he specifically says that Trump would get grazed in the right ear during a rally and it's on youtube with the upload date.


Looks like I can’t respond to this topic. Explore Bing Search results.

It might be time to move onto a new topic. Let's start over.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is pretty odd here.. how, out of the blue, I get this book lately. I just scrolled down the pdf in the middle, glancing around. I'm there.. this is the same shit, same pile as this pastor "prophet" shit, I was researching this week. It's these same guys. And for whatever reason, these fools who distribute this free book, feel like they gotta totally ramp it up these days and try to get their shit out there. Same fucking camp as those guys in that trump prophet video, where he "predicted" he'd get his right ear grazed in a rally. Like what the fuck is this shit here, in this book. What are they trying to get you to do. What's their "agenda".

Like what fuckin bible are they using in here.. cause it wasn't that shenanigan 1979 one. Lemme ask Bing AI what "denomination" this shit is.

Gonna do this in another comment. Lots of text.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gonna take a look at this shit by pdf instead. Looked around for it. Not sure if it's the same thing.


Go through this shit while eating meals. Apparently it's this chick that wrote it.

"About the Author Ellen G. White (1827-1915) is considered the most widely translated American author, her works having been published in more than 160 languages. She wrote more than 100,000 pages on a wide variety of spiritual and practical topics. Guided by the Holy Spirit, she exalted Jesus and pointed to the Scriptures as the basis of one’s faith."

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh, ok.. that makes sense how it wasn't the shot that hit his ear. Case closed.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

ok what do you have here with prophecies like this one, where it was stated in advance, then happened. Specific things like this guy talking about how he'd get his right ear grazed. ok..

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

And I live in Canada, too. Here's the full sized image, if you didn't realize you click the thread link for that. Price says $14.99 on it.


Apparently this book was first published in the 1880's. Like what fucking shenanigan religious organization is this.

It's cause of Trump.. they're all worried about something. And what's up with the timing now.

Searched my city subreddit, no mention about "the great controversy". Checking all of reddit.. they're doing this all over the place!

The great controversy 83 points 131 comments submitted 23 days ago by Plastic-Pension7263 to r/portlandme Just know your mail carrier hates delivering them as much as you hate receiving them. Sincerely a Portland mail carrier.


The Great Controversy 276 points 67 comments submitted 1 year ago by Sea_Slice_1449 to r/burlington https://v.redd.it/7cp2x6jkj9v91


the great controversy- great dog enrichment 126 points 18 comments submitted 14 days ago by Lmaoemilyy to r/portlandme my roommate gave my pup the book to stress chew tonight bc he wouldn't take any of his toys. worked out great for all :)


Anyone else find "The Great Controversy" in their mailbox? 42 points 35 comments submitted 1 month ago by sha-la-la to r/saskatchewan A copy of this book showed up in our rural PO box today 40km outside of Moose Jaw. Anyone else around the province get a copy? According to Wikipedia it's basically evangelist propaganda written by a "prophetess" in the 1800s and somebody out there likes to drop ship them in certain locations from time to time. Anyone have any insight?

more https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1d3s79p

Fuck man.. are they ever getting "desperate" out there, these guys.

Found!How and why did we get this? Religious book called the great controversy 1 point 6 comments submitted 28 days ago by yeemangames12 to r/HelpMeFind Question from above. Arrived like this just with a shipping label on the back. For more context, me and my family are all atheists, I and my sister have never been to church, and my mother and father haven't been in 20 years or more. It was addressed to my father and don't know why. Would be glad for more context on how and why we got it.

more https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1dl7f2c

Who else received a book titled "The Great Controversy" even though they didn't buy it? wtf? 143 points 115 comments submitted 2 years ago by rocknrollsteve to r/WestVirginia https://i.redd.it/shk6ntaxr4g71.jpg

I finished reading The Great Controversy. Here are some of the highlights 80 points 55 comments submitted 2 years ago by Sensitive-Fly4874Atheist to r/exAdventist https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w323km

DiscussionHas anyone else gotten the "the great controversy" book that's shown up at their door? 10 points 16 comments submitted 4 months ago by Mrtoaster_breaker64 to r/ontario So basically this religious book called "the great controversy" showed up at my doorstep and I've done some research on it for a while now but I found that most of the stuff that I got was in america and so Im just wondering if im the only one.


Books in the mail? "The Great Controversy" 0 points 10 comments submitted 11 months ago by KCarriere to r/HuntsvilleAlabama How many people got this book in their mail? I googled and saw that it's been mailed out in other cities. Whats the story here? Why are we wasting so much paper? Who sent these out? Can we donate them or something? What the hell?


Anyone else get a free copy of "The Great Controversy"? 0 points 42 comments submitted 1 year ago by kosmonautinVT to r/vermont https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/advent-of-religious-paperback-puzzles-some-in-vermont/Content?oid=36795125

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well there was that one earlier today with the 6:11.. did you catch that? Lemme go get it. That chick in the prophet video, was checking her instagram profile. Saw a post where she talked about,

Ephesian 6:11.. time of shot.. 6:11!

The Whole Armor of God

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Oh, plus saw earlier today that he was late an hour. Who fucking does that to a crowd of fans. Imagine waiting somewhere for a whole hour for them to show up. I'd be pissed off. No wonder this guy wanted to shoot him. Might of been to some other rally and thought about doing that later.

Only asshole I've heard who shows up late like that, was Axl Rose. lol.

But Trump might of been late here to be at this 6:11 to match that verse. It adds to this whole "religious" fever thing, months later, at this time. As these religious people start discovering this stuff, this summer., it's gonna turn into like religious fever with "prophecies" that came true. As we saw with that comment in the prophecy vid, it's even suckering in Muslims. And you can't get to them otherwise. Start throwing in some symbolic, numerology, bible verses like this coming true and it'll really get these religious nutzos fired up.

newfunturistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

This isn't something that changed direction, the way it's so straight. Saw a few things today about how, like the high speed you'd need for that. Then this thread he's talking about just the distance it's travelling, compared to the speed of the camera. It's like way faster than what the bullet should have travelled. And he's only got 2 upvotes.


What exactly is that trace? Let's try to analyze it. (self.conspiracy)

submitted 11 hours ago by moonatron


I am trying to figure out what exactly is that trace that photographer Doug Mills captured.

First of all that was not the bullet that grazed Donald Trump as you can see from the projection of its path. No projectile goes in a straight line but in this case the speed is so high and the distance covered so small that we can safely assume it’s straight. It passes very low while Trump was injured on the upper ear.

Now from all our options this is definitely not a bullet trail. A bullet trail is created with a change in atmospheric refraction, caused by the bullet, along the bullet’s path. It looks like the bullet trails you have seen in the movie Matrix without the pulsing effect. It is like a transparent distortion. It is also very long, so this is definitely not it.

The second option is for this line to be a bullet vapor trail but this again is not possible because these trails leave thick white ~long~ lines similar to airplane contrails and they need a dark background and low angle lighting in order to be seen clearly. These vapor trails are extremely rare and you need to have exactly the right conditions. Air temperature and dew point need to be very close. Humidity needs to be very high, which was not (it was 34%) or you need projectile speeds more than 4000 fps which again we did not have (it was less than 3000 fps). Also in bullet vapor trails you can clearly see the spiraling effect of the bullet. So this was not a bullet vapor trail.

The third option is for this line to be the actual bullet captured on camera, similar to a long exposure photograph, but if we examine this case we run into more issues.

Assuming this was the case, let’s try to calculate the speed of the bullet from the actual trace on the photo. We first need to find the length of that trace in real life. The height of Donald Trump is 190 cm. The height to shoulder ratio of the average male is ¼, so we can approximate his shoulder width to be around 47.5cm in real life. From that length and taking into account the slanted angle of his body as well, we can calculate that the actual bullet trace was approximately 28.9 cm or 0.289 meters.

Now, the photographer specifically stated that he used a 1/8000s shutter speed which means that the image sensor was exposed to light for 0.000125 seconds. In that time, the bullet covered a distance of 0.289 meters, so the actual speed of the bullet was approximately 2312 m/s or 7585 fps which is crazy.

If the shooter used the most common AR-15 rounds which are the NATO M855 62 grain and with a ballistic coefficient of 0.349, then the bullet left the muzzle with 3020 fps and its speed dropped to 2671 fps when it reach D. Trump. Not 7585 fps… Even if we miscalculated some of the variables especially Trump’s shoulder width, we cannot reach the 2671 fps. Not to mention that capturing a bullet trace with the specific camera and settings is extremely rare.

Something is not right.

So what is that on the photo?

Is it fake?

newfunturistic 1 point ago +2 / -1

Haven't checked the comments over at that vid in a few days. Sort them by most recent. Like.. just saw this one.

"@MKaganBayrak 43 minutes ago I was muslim and a slightly became atheist after i got into science, after i saw this video bow im very confused i want someone to help me"

So.. that's what this is about too.. gettin them muslim guys suckered into their shit.

Somebody wanna give me a run-down of all the "prophesies" this guy talks about in this vid. I think there was like a few of them besides the Trump one.

Hey look, we got somebody wondering this..

"@nastybadger-tn4kl 4 hours ago

This video must have been reuploaded with old date. edited part to make it like 4month old"

I don't think you can do that.. add shit or something to an old vid. The only way this is possible is for the entire shooting shit to be "rigged" so this stupid vid would come into place.

Here we got another one wondering that but you can't add to an old vid.

@viridianwarrior 6 hours ago This video was edited and reuploaded. There is not one comment older than saturday. Dont fall for this grifters grift.



6 replies

@tpav1994 6 hours ago If you were here early enough like I was, you'd have seen them. Now though they're swamped under all the new ones. You can't upload a video and then add to it and still have it say 4 months ago. That's not how youtube works.



@clip-it7741 5 hours ago I was saying this was fake news but I scrolled so far down the list I found comments from 4 months ago so now I'm thinking is this a hack is YouTube in kahoots with this scam or is this real because how can there be a comment from 4 months ago in the comments I'm confused what do u think



@ben-menashe 4 hours ago (edited) @clip-it7741 Matthew 24:24 warned long ago that this would begin.



@allenloares6819 2 hours ago keep scrolling, man. i saw some 4 months ago comments that we're chatted


@allenloares6819 2 hours ago ​@ben-menashe quite right. i feel no discernment from these guys, though, so im quite chill to trust them do you feel the spirit saying otherwise ben?


@ben-menashe 1 hour ago (edited) @allenloares6819 Every prophecy has a purpose. Every false prophecy also has a purpose. They differ in their tasks. Now we see the task of attracting the attention of newcomers and non-believers. This is how the bait is served. They will swallow it and become believers... in man. After this, their faith will be in the hands of that spirit so that the rest will be fulfilled. The rest will also come true - the election of Trump and the super-crisis. The sixth seal, the wound on the 7th head of this world, the wound on the USA. After this, everyone will believe it. Everyone will pray - and the mortal “wound” will be healed, and an economic boom will come. This is how the religion of the Antichrist is created: everyone will pray for

Next comment.. one that "gets it" a bit more about what the deal is with this shit. lol.

@sr5726 6 hours ago So it was planned 3 months ahead

No.. more like these guys are involved with them so this chump seems like a "prophet".

Then I thought of checking out wayback to see when this vid page was first archived. May 6, 2024.


Says it's from 1 month ago, at that point. Has 102k views. The vid plays but I wonder if it uses the current page. Looks like a different player. Right click in vid says "About JW Player 6.4.3359 (Premium edition)".

The comments are still spinning circle and none loaded after like a couple minutes.

The current vid you can only sort comments by newest or top. You'd have to keep expanding down to get to the earlier 12k comments.

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Up to 29 minutes.. this chick and her knowledge.. totally knows about the occult. Child sacrifice.

"I'm like Lord is this it yeah because even Biden was talking about it in his speech and the state of the union talking about dividing Jerusalem and making a two-state solution and doing all this stuff and I thought does this guy know what he's this well no I mean you know because that's a direct attack on the covenant on the covenant God may favor him so when someone wants to divide land that God made a covenant on he takes that personally and that's exactly what they want to do um I believe an election is going to be triggered in Israel so I believe that's coming in the very very near future because Israel and America are attached by a vein in the realm of the spirit we see what's happening in America Israel I believe is going to soon follow uh another interesting thing about the eclipse is that if you take the eclipse of 2017 the the full solar eclipse take the full solar eclipse of 2024 and you look at what it the path of what it makes over the nation and makes the ancient Hebrew letter aliph which stands for the revelation and presence of God in the earth and so you know the Lord is speaking are we listening that that's the question he is speaking you know and the interesting thing about Nineveh was that the one of the issues with Nineveh's Ishtar's hub was in Nineveh the main temple of Ishtar was in Nineveh and what were they doing that was so egregious well first of all they had men dressing up like women in ceremonies for Ishtar that was first secondly what they were doing is so egregious was trial sacrifice wow and so the Lord had seen these things in the and the hub of Ishtar was there so like I'm saying it's no mistake they took that statue and they moved it from New York City now into Texas uh but because that hub was there that's why God was judging it and warning them 40 dates and you'll be destroyed so you know all of these things aligning are by no mistake and there are no coincidences with God this is the Lord speaking"

newfunturistic 0 points ago +1 / -1

See, they're all worried about that, cause they're secretly into the witchcraft so they're concerned about those witch hunts like back then.

first of all we had seven salems that were crossed by the 2017 solar eclipse that was the witch hunt that you're talking about that Trump really had to go through the meat grinder to realize that's probably what a lot of Americans go through just the the injustice the meat grinder of the court system that's been rigged the decisions have been predetermined before they even got there that's what millions of Americans have already faced Trump now understands that personally he could have understood it by probably listening to the word of God going to church but he didn't he didn't get it from the Bible he's getting it through personal pain that's how you know two ways that you can learn wisdom or personal pain that's the indication of the seven salems because in American history for the internationals that don't know the Salem witch hunt or witch trials was a famous event in US history unfortunately blamed on the Christians or the Puritans at that time who were too legalistic and they misused the Bible and they were you know going on witch hunts they throw people on the river and say if you if you sink then you're not you're not a witch but if you float then you're a witch and will kill you so either way you're going to die that was the witch hunt so it's exactly what Trump's going through either way whatever you say we're going to get you we're going to try to bankrupt you the the second eclipse the the one that's total eclipse is actually three the second one is annular so let's say the third grade American solar eclipse that's about to come on April 8th this one starts an equal pass it goes across 11 Nineveh's so I counted them so we see one of the reason people don't get all 11 is because one of them is misspelled it's a Nineveh Kentucky is misspelled but you've got 11 so how many Nineveh's are there in Canada there's two the solar eclipse goes over both how many Nineveh's are there in the United States I've looked at this and somebody can correct me if they find more but we see nine and the path of total totality goes across all nine wow so there are only 11 from the United States to Canada and this eclipse marks out all 11 that's amazing in that amazing and then you time it with with the Hebrew calendar what you've said Amanda you've gonna you're gonna have the eclipse on the last day of the religious year the next day becomes the new year then what does Nineveh tell you that's the book that refers to the book of Jonah where the reluctant prophet goes in and he prophesies now there's some history to this around 537 BC before he goes and prophesies there was a total solar eclipse over Nineveh and they took it as a sign back then they said this is judgment this is not a good sign it's judgment on the Gentiles then there was an earthquake so I believe that there's going to be after this an earthquake that will shake America and it might be at the new Madrid fault line because one of the exes the three exes marked out on you know on the map only for America that's in Little Egypt Illinois which is where the new Madrid fault line is and there was a great earthquake back in 1811 to 1812 correct which a Native American prophet actually spoke about did you did you know about that one now I didn't so Tecumseh was considered a Native American prophet obviously he's not biblical you know but I believe that anyone who seeks God you know God will talk to them and he said that because you don't believe that I'm a prophet God's gonna stomp his feet on this land and there was a series of earthquakes at the new Madrid fault line from December 1811 to 1812 history says that 80% of the buildings were leveled so that's you know history prophecy that's what's happened before now the good news is I think the good news is because it's Nineveh Jonah went in to a prepared place they knew the earthquake sign they knew that judgment was coming and they were humble and and he says if you you know judgment's coming in 40 days he didn't really want them yeah he didn't want them to be saved but they were prepared so he said you got 40 days now the amazing thing about that is you look at the Hebrew calendar okay it's not gonna tell you but you look at the Christian calendar 40 days from the solar eclipse is the evening you know we count the day from starts at the evening is the eve before Pentecost so you can say it's it goes to Pentecost it points to Pentecost on our calendar it's our Pentecost so what's that that's the birth of the church that's the Holy Spirit descending that's revival that's a lot of good sign for the United States even though the earthquake would shake us even though there's a warning and this is the final warning for the United States no other countries getting three solar eclipses marked out only on their territory matching the Hebrew calendar and the Christian calendar we're not nobody's getting this again until Jesus comes as far as we know so this is it guys I mean you need to listen to the prophetic voice and listen to Jesus now you know part of the vision one of the visions I've had I saw the New Madrid earthquake yeah and I saw you know and it's so big when it happens that the Mississippi River is actually it goes out in another direction did you know if that happened in 1811 did you know that no I'm not a student of that so it's there's so many fault lines it's like you normally like like California you see one fault line but geologically there's so many fault lines in that area so when the earthquake happened um you know it's like something like uh only magnitude seven you know it's it went on even this was a eight or nine right the Lord showed me a 10 so the rivers the Mississippi starts to move the other way wow yeah it goes it flows the other way well when this happens I saw I saw that the that it would it was so big that they actually were flying in Chinook helicopters from the west coast to bring in aid to the people and the Chinooks were flying solo that they were shaking the houses and I remember going outside in the Lord's it was it was a bigger event you know how of course you know when 9-11 happened there was no planes in the sky it was completely um like steel everybody was freaked out this was similar to that event and I saw everybody in their houses and they were trying to watch the tv's they were trying to get information on what happened but you could smell smoke in the air there would I could I could visit visibly you know I'm physically filled outside I could see the trees I could because I went out of my porch I could see uh the the sun coming up where it was coming up and when this had been happened and the the the shaking in the morning yes okay that's very important yes it was in the morning yeah and there was there was actually uh I've seen the sycamore leaves on the trees and I could see tree the leaves are trying to come out on the trees like it was there were fresh and I could see the sun coming up and everything and I remember I mean that's that's winter spring we're going into spring that's exactly the season right this year it's happening very soon it would it would be yeah and it would and the lord told me he said when they divide when they try to divide Jerusalem with the two state solution I saw this major this event happening he said in three days after this is announced when they tried to do this all this stuff with Jerusalem and with Israel and the Gaza and all that stuff he said you will see a three-day window and he said that's from time for the people to flee because this will be a major major major earthquake so do you mean a tremor comes first no I saw the earthquake happening but from from Tex Arcana to Tulsa to where we are right now the the um there was a 6.0 bigger 6.5 whatever and it was so big there was 1800 people that died just from here to Tex Arcana going going south and all the houses on cinder blocks were completely shaken to the to the foundation just fell down because of how big this earthquake was but it was an aftershock it was it was the one that happened on the new Madrid and then this one was set off so it was a chain reaction to these major earthquakes that were coming and so um I saw that they were not able to bring in supply trucks from the from east to west because there was no bridges so they had to fly in um airplanes they were flying in supplies from the airplanes and if they shouldn't have care of helicopters trying to bring in stuff so because a lot of the supply including food and medicine has to be transported up the Mississippi well it well I don't know necessarily that probably yeah that's that's what happens yeah so but all that was done and so they were flying in the boat they were flying in on the hill the helicopters and the airplanes trying to bring in groceries to these towns like us you know in Oklahoma and all these other areas but it was so bad I remember it lasted for months and the stock market the was a focus on the lion's face and I didn't know what he was talking about at the time but I saw a stone face on this building and on this building uh there was a lion it was a it was a mouth in the lion's face it was open and everything and so I went and looked into the New York Stock Exchange and there was tumbleweeds going down the uh the street of main street the of Wall Street it was going to tumbleweeds and and there was complete it was completely quiet there was nobody out in New York which is unheard of and so um the Lord would show me this stuff and that's when I've prayed over it you know and uh here we are with these these eclipses coming like what we're talking about he's telling me something and I'm like Lord is this it yeah because even Biden was talking about it in his speech and the state of the union talking about dividing Jerusalem and making a two-state solution and doing all this stuff and I thought does this guy know what he's this well no I mean you know because that's a direct attack on the covenant on the covenant God may favor him so when someone wants to divide land that God made a covenant on he takes that personally and that's exactly what they want to do um I believe an election is going to be triggered in Israel so I believe that's coming in the very very near future because Israel and America are attached by a vein in the realm of the spirit we see what's happening in America Israel I believe is going to soon follow uh another interesting thing about the eclipse is that if you take the eclipse of 2017 the the full solar eclipse take the full solar eclipse of 2024 and you look at what it the path of what it makes over the nation and makes the ancient Hebrew letter aliph which stands for the revelation and presence of God in the earth and so you know the Lord is speaking are we listening that that's the question he is speaking you know and the interesting thing about Nineveh was that the one of the issues with Nineveh's Ishtar's hub was in Nineveh the main temple of Ishtar was in Nineveh and what were they doing that was so egregious well first of all they had men dressing up like women in ceremonies for Ishtar that was first secondly what they were doing is so egregious was trial sacrifice wow and so the Lord had seen these things in the and the hub of Ishtar was there so like I'm saying it's no mistake they took that statue and they moved it from New York City now into Texas uh but because that hub was there that's why God was judging it and warning them 40 dates and you'll be destroyed so you know all of these things aligning are by no mistake and there are no coincidences with God this is the Lord speaking do you see an earthquake happening do you think one will I believe when there are signs in the heavens many times you see shakings on the earth you do they just seem to follow in tandem of each other and so we are seeing siftings happening on the earth I call them siftings in the United States of America right now we see these siftings happening in the church we see siftings happening political arena you well part of sifting is shaking you know so we're beginning to see that happen and it would not surprise me one bit if after this eclipse there was a major shaking in the earth because I remember the Lord had in a dream October of 2022 he took me up in the realm of the spirit to a very high mountain and there was a stone building and there were open windows and there was an angel on an enormous white horse dressed in old centurion Roman garb standing in front of me watching and guarding and when he spoke he encompassed the room like it was like stereo sound every ounce of the room his voice was in it it's like the wildest thing and he told me to look to the left and there was a city engulfed in flames and he said Sodom is burning to the ground and then he said look to the right and I looked to the right and I saw these horrific storm clouds coming in and he said there is a great flood that was about the earth now that's in 2022 and then we started to see all this flooding happening in 2023 but a great flood was about to hit the earth and that's why he had to bring me up here to show me this because of what was about to happen well I will say this when you have earthquakes you have fire they go they kind of go on tandem of each other so that was back in on October of 2022 that that happened what would you say a lot of people might be listening to this and it just seems like it's such a grand picture it seems way out there trying to save the nation trying to you know prepare for the second coming and they're just struggling personally and struggling in their lives what's a practical you know preparation or practical thing that people can take away from our time together you know what are we what would you like to say to the viewers the word of God every single day every single day and make him first I'm first thing in the morning after the animals I quickly feed the animals at the sanctuary and I am in the word of God and not only that but write down record you know scripture speaks to you know write it down keep notebooks by your bed because the Lord wants to speak it's that we have to listen and and getting in the word every day that's your real soul food fried chicken and grits and collard greens are amazing I hear but that's your real soul food is the word of God and that actually sharpens your soul to hear his voice and know his voice and as strangers you will not follow it is a it is the sort of the spirit it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart and in order for us to grow we have to get into the meat of the word to run this next leg of this race this is such a good word yeah I agree I agree all of us have to do that I agree with everything she said I think it's right

newfunturistic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know about numbers but this 6:11 seems like 9/11. But then this 7/13/2024, not sure about that. Then, when did that Jesus guy get taken out.. like you see in the horror movies.. 3:14am but him it was pm. Seems like something around there. But 3 hours later.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who's this chick here.. That pastor, prophet vid sure has been getting a hell of a lot of views since the other day.


what's the deal with Amanda Grace,


Amanda Grace is a prominent figure known for her work in Christian ministry and prophecy. She is the founder of Ark of Grace Ministries, an organization dedicated to spreading the gospel and caring for rescued animals1. Amanda’s journey into ministry began during a challenging period in her life when she faced severe health issues. During this time, she started receiving prophetic messages, which she now shares with a wide audience1.

She is also active on YouTube, where she shares prophetic words and teachings2. Her messages often cover a range of topics, including current events and spiritual insights3.

Are you interested in her prophetic messages or her ministry work?


how come she's on the same Cioccolanti show with Brandon Biggs


Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs, and Steve Cioccolanti have collaborated on shows to share their prophetic insights on various topics, including significant events like solar eclipses12. They often come together to discuss their interpretations of these events from a Christian prophetic perspective2.

Their collaboration allows them to reach a broader audience and provide diverse viewpoints on spiritual and prophetic matters. This synergy helps in delivering a more comprehensive message to their followers.

Are you interested in their discussions on specific topics or just curious about their collaboration?


you don't know why they have her and Brandon Biggs at the same time?


Amanda Grace and Brandon Biggs often appear together on Steve Cioccolanti’s show to provide a range of prophetic insights on significant events, such as solar eclipses12. Their collaboration allows them to offer diverse perspectives and interpretations, enriching the discussion for their audience2.

By bringing together different voices, the show aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the prophetic significance of these events. This approach helps engage a broader audience and fosters a deeper exploration of the topics discussed.

Is there a specific topic or event you’re interested in hearing their insights on?


oh there's other shows where he has them both at the same time?


Yes, Steve Cioccolanti has featured Amanda Grace and Brandon Biggs together on multiple occasions. For example, they have appeared together to discuss the prophetic significance of solar eclipses12. These collaborations allow them to share diverse insights and interpretations on various spiritual and prophetic topics.

Is there a specific episode or topic you’re interested in?

Vid is paused, looking at them.. the look on their faces.. fuck are these 3 people ever setting off my scam detector vibe.

5 minutes in.. when they say "God".. they mean their god, Lucifer, eh.. it's like the cabal. These guys are born into the illuminati. It's like what Svali, ex illuminati programmer talked about. How they can be lower level people like your neighbor. Luciferian.

Up to 8 min.. the stuff this chick was talking about.. she's a witchcraft witch.. she knows shit about that and you know it.

Then this Brandon guy said only a few words but my "bad actor" bell got rang pretty good just from those. lol.

Up to 11min.. yeah this spreading like fire. lol.. devil worshippers.

Really on fire for Jesus.. um.. a little too much fire stuff lately and we know that the good guys don't do that burning it's the devil, right.

When he's talking about "the lord", it's their god, eh.. like on the dollar, in lucifer they trust.

So he says the trump stuff then he gets into how it's gonna go bad. So this is what they like.. do that fake prophecy then people 'll go, ok this 'll for sure go on after, too.

"I saw Trump and I saw the I saw a red wave coming out of Michigan and then I saw Oklahoma and there was embers of people and they were all on these these they had torches all throughout Oklahoma and they were raising up these torches that looked like fire and they were bringing forth a new patriotism upon the nation and it was coming it was being birthed and it just kept spreading like fire all throughout America all throughout and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord he got radically born again during this time frame I'm talking people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming and then I saw people interceding when he and I see him I saw him winning the the presidency through great the Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff but there would be a stop to it and their things would start to to break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash I saw they had a great economy plan a crash worse than the the Great Depression and the Lord warned me about this it would be a great dark time "

Up to 16min.. I gotta go to bed for work, I'll resume at a later time.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

So what's going on with this guy here.. he's obviously set up in advance. That means.. this whole thing with the shooter was set up? This is why the cops, who were in on this.. didn't take the guy down. When they had all these minutes where they could have. Plus their aiming in that direction the whole time. This whole thing stinks. But the worst is this pastor 4 months ago. Claiming Trump is all religious for Jesus. Meanwhile, him hanging out with these Luciferian raping guys.

I checked if Donald Marshall had anything to say about Trump in recent months. He's got a few posts. Says he was at cloning going after him like the rest but how he died in recent years and it's somebody else running his cloned body. Also has some posts about his son, how he's not too bright or something.

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

[part 3 of 3 of that pastor vid 44min transcript]

and so we are seeing siftings happening on the earth I call them siftings in the United States of America right now we see these siftings happening in the church we see siftings happening political arena you well part of sifting is shaking you know so we're beginning to see that happen and it would not surprise me one bit if after this eclipse there was a major shaking in the earth because I remember the Lord had in a dream October of 2022 he took me up in the realm of the spirit to a very high mountain and there was a stone building and there were open windows and there was an angel on an enormous white horse dressed in old centurion Roman garb standing in front of me watching and guarding and when he spoke he encompassed the room like it was like stereo sound every ounce of the room his voice was in it it's like the wildest thing and he told me to look to the left and there was a city engulfed in flames and he said Sodom is burning to the ground and then he said look to the right and I looked to the right and I saw these horrific storm clouds coming in and he said there is a great flood that was about the earth now that's in 2022 and then we started to see all this flooding happening in 2023 but a great flood was about to hit the earth and that's why he had to bring me up here to show me this because of what was about to happen well I will say this when you have earthquakes you have fire they go they kind of go on tandem of each other so that was back in on October of 2022 that that happened what would you say a lot of people might be listening to this and it just seems like it's such a grand picture it seems way out there trying to save the nation trying to you know prepare for the second coming and they're just struggling personally and struggling in their lives what's a practical you know preparation or practical thing that people can take away from our time together you know what are we what would you like to say to the viewers the word of God every single day every single day and make him first I'm first thing in the morning after the animals I quickly feed the animals at the sanctuary and I am in the word of God and not only that but write down record you know scripture speaks to you know write it down keep notebooks by your bed because the Lord wants to speak it's that we have to listen and and getting in the word every day that's your real soul food fried chicken and grits and collard greens are amazing I hear but that's your real soul food is the word of God and that actually sharpens your soul to hear his voice and know his voice and as strangers you will not follow it is a it is the sort of the spirit it is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart and in order for us to grow we have to get into the meat of the word to run this next leg of this race this is such a good word yeah I agree I agree all of us have to do that I agree with everything she said I think it's right now if you are not keeping your lamps full of oil and seeking him like she's talking on a daily basis you're missing it you I'm gonna be real with y'all and I'm just gonna be as bold and as blunt as I can be if you are not keeping your lamps full of oil for what I've seen coming you're not gonna make it you have got to find and have a relationship with the Lord like you've never had before it's time to stop playing church it's time to get on fire for Jesus for the king is coming and people are asleep and you know the in the parable we had five we had five virgins that had their lamps not full and we had five that had them full and and and look at the look at the results they were left I'm just going to tell you it is a time an urgency of the hour to seek Jesus like we've never signed him before I believe it with all my heart it's it's a series hour and and all these signs of the times that we're seeing right now is just the beginning we're just this is the beginning of the sorrows we're just beginning the sorrows when he talks about the core fill wars in just a second what we saw about the the major yeah thank you for reminding me I forgot about the so we never finished the green horse so I've been preaching at the you know the Brownsville Revival happened in Pensacola and that was under the ministry of pastor John Kilpatrick and he then took that he left and went to Alabama so almost across the street and then started the Lord started another revival in Mobile, Alabama and so I've been preaching for Pastor John a few times and he invited me he literally called me and said can you come preach for me it's the second time and I said I said when pastor he said like you know this weekend and I had about two days to try to find a flight I couldn't find any flight because my family's with me so a friend of mine just decided okay let's hop in the car and go so we drove about 10 hours and we got there the next day I preach about end times you know not every church welcomes that but I preach about end-time prophecy at the end of it we were sitting and pastor John recovering I won't say from what but he's recovering from something and and he said he just had a brief moment with me and he said I had a dream the night that I came he had a dream at four o'clock in the morning and he said I saw he said he opened his eyes so his surgery was actually for his eyes so his eyes are not singing like he can't read and write right now so I came in to fill the pulpit and he said he woke up and this wasn't a dream he said it was a vision a green horse came into his room oh wow and a clown was writing it oh what a clown a clown and he said it was a demonic looking clown with lipstick I know exactly what he saw you saw that I have seen that I don't like clowns even when they're it almost looks like the Joker but demented like the Batman Joker yes worse than the Batman Joker I don't even watch that movie so there was a clown that came and kind of just laughed and he said it was a laugh like nothing will stop this he was a laugh that he knew that so many people were like under his grip and he's gonna get his way and and he was so afraid he said he was shook him up and he said but you know in the Bible there's no green horse I said no there is a green horse I've been having to say this because Americans get taught certain things and you know it will be like 99% true but you still need to update you still need to be open to learning more from the word of God because revelation is progressive so we're gonna learn more as we get closer to the time I said no pastor there is a green horse he says well there's a there's a white there's a red there's a black and but there's no green it says pale I said yes it says pale in English but you go back to the Greek it says chloros and every church I have to try to convince people chloroform chlorofil you know it's what makes it makes leaves green anyway he says but the thing that was even stranger than that dream is he has his granddaughter staying at his house that night and she says you know hey grandpa grandpa last night I was woken up I had a dream and I had a dream at four in the morning and and he said well what did you see and she said I saw a clown oh man yeah so he said wow this this is a confirmation but the clown said welcome to the arena and the words were written in blood welcome to the arena wow so that's the the green horse is the full-on persecution of Christians and I have this word for for leaders for leaders pastors I know that there are pastors ministers who won't even allow other ministers to know each other it's almost like guarding your rolodex or something like that you know not here you know we're really different like we help each other we interview each other we got you know we help each other's platform it's it's the kingdom work but right now in America there's like an almost possessiveness and a and a guardedness and a fear and I don't know what people's ambition are but you know you're going to be equally threatened you are under equal threat it doesn't matter if you hide it doesn't matter if you don't talk about bible prophecy it doesn't matter if you don't mention politics you are under equal threat we are all under the same threat and they'll come for the Coptic as much as for the charismatic they'll come for the brethren as much as for the Baptist they want all Christians to pay a heavy price and they want to kill Christians when the green horse comes thank god in in my understanding of the book of revelation we have a few years yeah not a few years to play around toy around look at pornography play around with sin no they have a few years to get really serious about obeying Jesus yes in our family in our lives in with our finances with our ministry really obey then lean times will come then after that it's it's an all-out persecution the green horse is persecuting the believers so it's not a plague well green green it says clearly that that he comes in fact there are two horses but i don't say this often it says that the rider is called death and Hades follows him actually that's two riders yeah it is that's actually two two riders and that which should should mean two horses okay and green represents and he can represent Islam the color of you know the color of Islam is green it can represent the green agenda the climate change agenda i think it represents both because both are about death you know both are anti-human they kind of um they kind of link up a little bit in certain areas they do and they link up in Saudi Arabia the whole project the greatest construction project on earth right now is called neon it's like a futuristic green city and guess who's building it the greatest you know the biggest Sunni country in the world that has Medina and Mecca they want to build it in the land of Moses which about Musa is i've gone up three times i want to take you guys there before all this happens it's actually very safe right now because they want the world to believe it they want the world to believe this is a place of peace technology no carbon footprint cars won't even be there they're building this grandiose scheme and that that's what i believe is going to get destroyed in revelation 1718 so i think that's the Babylon people can't guess what it is because it's being built right now so um Pastor John Kilpatrick's dream even though he didn't know there's a green horse he saw it come into his bedroom and it frightened him and both he and his granddaughter saw this clown this like murderous not very funny clown and he was ugly and his his lipstick wasn't on right and he said it looked like i really asked him i said tell me what he looks like he says it looks like imagine like a clown but his face is pulled back it sounds like the Illuminati clown have you ever seen that that one to all the rap stars try to find it they give them the lyrics to the new songs and i was listening they they actually seek this thing it's a clown they actually look for this demonic spirit that's a clown to talk to them to give them lyrics for their songs it's the same thing that possesses Sasha Fierce with a um Beyonce there you go it's the same one that she says she talks to and it gives them the the music lyrics so that's a clown's demon looking thing and that's strange they look different they do i've seen them look with silver skin and staffs and fiery eyes i've seen them look like the Joker i've seen them you know some of them were human looking some of them have more animal-like qualities so yeah they're the only way you can be prepared is to actually believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and believe that his blood protects you you know people say they ask me like is the Lord gonna protect us from the fires from the earthquake i said look the Lord is protecting us from hell fire from eternal fire so i believe that there's protection for those who are walking in obedience but in the end if we lose our ability to buy and sell you know if we if they confiscate our property if we have to flee somewhere in the end you don't lose anything because you have heaven as your home you have Jesus as your Lord so i just want to make sure that everyone understands after all this stuff that we talk about it's pointless unless you believe in Jesus as the only savior he's not one of many saviors he says he's the king yes not multiple king is one king so there are many gurus many teachers many religions okay fine but he's the king of the universe he's the savior and there's no other religion that even offers guaranteed salvation and Jesus does it because he's sinless and he paid for your sin so i just want to pray for you before we go and make sure that if you'd like to accept jesus you'd like him to solve the problems that you know you can't solve in your life surrender to him give your life to him times gonna get hard but jesus gonna be with us and when i listen to his voice you can't listen to him if you have sin in your life so when a confessor sinan ask him to save us right now okay let's do that if you pray close your eyes and pray loud enough that you can hear your voice and say with me dear lord jesus please forgive me of my sins i surrender my life to you i ask you to come into my heart and wash me clean by the blood i believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sins i believe you rose again after three days and you are victorious over all my enemies thank you for saving me defending me protecting me i give you my life in jesus name i pray amen amen have you prayed that for the first time the bible says jesus that heaven is your home you've been born again you're accepted in the family of god you've got to deal with rejection and things like that but never from god he will not reject you and you need to get into the bible get into a good church if you can't find a good church you know we have the longest running first worlds online church yes discovered church that online and we welcome you we have all the mentors all the counseling all the prayers everything that you could expect in a physical church we got it running brandon comes on sometime yeah praise with us so it's a great community it's an international 24 seven online church so we still want to meet you physically want to encourage fellowship but um we're also here for you online so please come check it out discoverchurch.online god bless you thank you for visiting with us online and we'll see you next time bye shiara shalom shalom

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

[part 2 of that pastor vid 44min transcript]

I remember that was what the word the Lord gave me before the 2020 election you are about to enter turbulence and I said he ain't going to this is this is not going to be good what's about to you know before but the Lord was allowing it purposely he allowed it he allowed what happened in 2020 you know people need to understand that God allowed it he sat back and he allowed it you know why because none of this would have ever been peeled off this would have stayed hidden and they would have been percolating and 2024 would have came about and it would have been disastrous so I believe the Lord allowed many things to occur over the next over the past four years in order to get people to not only and you know try to get them in order in the church but to get that hard correction to happen so people snap back into alignment with God's word and with who he is and what he stands for in that he is a God of truth and he is a God of trust us and he rules righteously from his throne he is a righteous judge and so he had to allow these things to happen you know a brilliant chess player allows the baiting to occur to bait the opponent into a trap so they can then go okay now it's checkmate the bait was put out in 2020 it looked lost the bait was put out yeah and all these exposure really actually is galvanizing the conservatives I think a lot of the people who are sitting on the fence realize now the country is heading the wrong way let's come back to the solar eclipse I think that if it goes across by the way it goes across more than seven it goes across 11 I've counted 11 in of us under the path of totality so that means 89 percent to 100 percent darkness through the blocking out of the sun and Jesus mentions that right he says that in the last days you're gonna have to look up look up don't look down look up and there'll be great signs and wonders in the heavens and people's hearts will fail them for fear the sun will be dark and the moon will be turned to blood so what what does it mean so we've got first of all we had seven salems that were crossed by the 2017 solar eclipse that was the witch hunt that you're talking about that Trump really had to go through the meat grinder to realize that's probably what a lot of Americans go through just the the injustice the meat grinder of the court system that's been rigged the decisions have been predetermined before they even got there that's what millions of Americans have already faced Trump now understands that personally he could have understood it by probably listening to the word of God going to church but he didn't he didn't get it from the Bible he's getting it through personal pain that's how you know two ways that you can learn wisdom or personal pain that's the indication of the seven salems because in American history for the internationals that don't know the Salem witch hunt or witch trials was a famous event in US history unfortunately blamed on the Christians or the Puritans at that time who were too legalistic and they misused the Bible and they were you know going on witch hunts they throw people on the river and say if you if you sink then you're not you're not a witch but if you float then you're a witch and will kill you so either way you're going to die that was the witch hunt so it's exactly what Trump's going through either way whatever you say we're going to get you we're going to try to bankrupt you the the second eclipse the the one that's total eclipse is actually three the second one is annular so let's say the third grade American solar eclipse that's about to come on April 8th this one starts an equal pass it goes across 11 Nineveh's so I counted them so we see one of the reason people don't get all 11 is because one of them is misspelled it's a Nineveh Kentucky is misspelled but you've got 11 so how many Nineveh's are there in Canada there's two the solar eclipse goes over both how many Nineveh's are there in the United States I've looked at this and somebody can correct me if they find more but we see nine and the path of total totality goes across all nine wow so there are only 11 from the United States to Canada and this eclipse marks out all 11 that's amazing in that amazing and then you time it with with the Hebrew calendar what you've said Amanda you've gonna you're gonna have the eclipse on the last day of the religious year the next day becomes the new year then what does Nineveh tell you that's the book that refers to the book of Jonah where the reluctant prophet goes in and he prophesies now there's some history to this around 537 BC before he goes and prophesies there was a total solar eclipse over Nineveh and they took it as a sign back then they said this is judgment this is not a good sign it's judgment on the Gentiles then there was an earthquake so I believe that there's going to be after this an earthquake that will shake America and it might be at the new Madrid fault line because one of the exes the three exes marked out on you know on the map only for America that's in Little Egypt Illinois which is where the new Madrid fault line is and there was a great earthquake back in 1811 to 1812 correct which a Native American prophet actually spoke about did you did you know about that one now I didn't so Tecumseh was considered a Native American prophet obviously he's not biblical you know but I believe that anyone who seeks God you know God will talk to them and he said that because you don't believe that I'm a prophet God's gonna stomp his feet on this land and there was a series of earthquakes at the new Madrid fault line from December 1811 to 1812 history says that 80% of the buildings were leveled so that's you know history prophecy that's what's happened before now the good news is I think the good news is because it's Nineveh Jonah went in to a prepared place they knew the earthquake sign they knew that judgment was coming and they were humble and and he says if you you know judgment's coming in 40 days he didn't really want them yeah he didn't want them to be saved but they were prepared so he said you got 40 days now the amazing thing about that is you look at the Hebrew calendar okay it's not gonna tell you but you look at the Christian calendar 40 days from the solar eclipse is the evening you know we count the day from starts at the evening is the eve before Pentecost so you can say it's it goes to Pentecost it points to Pentecost on our calendar it's our Pentecost so what's that that's the birth of the church that's the Holy Spirit descending that's revival that's a lot of good sign for the United States even though the earthquake would shake us even though there's a warning and this is the final warning for the United States no other countries getting three solar eclipses marked out only on their territory matching the Hebrew calendar and the Christian calendar we're not nobody's getting this again until Jesus comes as far as we know so this is it guys I mean you need to listen to the prophetic voice and listen to Jesus now you know part of the vision one of the visions I've had I saw the New Madrid earthquake yeah and I saw you know and it's so big when it happens that the Mississippi River is actually it goes out in another direction did you know if that happened in 1811 did you know that no I'm not a student of that so it's there's so many fault lines it's like you normally like like California you see one fault line but geologically there's so many fault lines in that area so when the earthquake happened um you know it's like something like uh only magnitude seven you know it's it went on even this was a eight or nine right the Lord showed me a 10 so the rivers the Mississippi starts to move the other way wow yeah it goes it flows the other way well when this happens I saw I saw that the that it would it was so big that they actually were flying in Chinook helicopters from the west coast to bring in aid to the people and the Chinooks were flying solo that they were shaking the houses and I remember going outside in the Lord's it was it was a bigger event you know how of course you know when 9-11 happened there was no planes in the sky it was completely um like steel everybody was freaked out this was similar to that event and I saw everybody in their houses and they were trying to watch the tv's they were trying to get information on what happened but you could smell smoke in the air there would I could I could visit visibly you know I'm physically filled outside I could see the trees I could because I went out of my porch I could see uh the the sun coming up where it was coming up and when this had been happened and the the the shaking in the morning yes okay that's very important yes it was in the morning yeah and there was there was actually uh I've seen the sycamore leaves on the trees and I could see tree the leaves are trying to come out on the trees like it was there were fresh and I could see the sun coming up and everything and I remember I mean that's that's winter spring we're going into spring that's exactly the season right this year it's happening very soon it would it would be yeah and it would and the lord told me he said when they divide when they try to divide Jerusalem with the two state solution I saw this major this event happening he said in three days after this is announced when they tried to do this all this stuff with Jerusalem and with Israel and the Gaza and all that stuff he said you will see a three-day window and he said that's from time for the people to flee because this will be a major major major earthquake so do you mean a tremor comes first no I saw the earthquake happening but from from Tex Arcana to Tulsa to where we are right now the the um there was a 6.0 bigger 6.5 whatever and it was so big there was 1800 people that died just from here to Tex Arcana going going south and all the houses on cinder blocks were completely shaken to the to the foundation just fell down because of how big this earthquake was but it was an aftershock it was it was the one that happened on the new Madrid and then this one was set off so it was a chain reaction to these major earthquakes that were coming and so um I saw that they were not able to bring in supply trucks from the from east to west because there was no bridges so they had to fly in um airplanes they were flying in supplies from the airplanes and if they shouldn't have care of helicopters trying to bring in stuff so because a lot of the supply including food and medicine has to be transported up the Mississippi well it well I don't know necessarily that probably yeah that's that's what happens yeah so but all that was done and so they were flying in the boat they were flying in on the hill the helicopters and the airplanes trying to bring in groceries to these towns like us you know in Oklahoma and all these other areas but it was so bad I remember it lasted for months and the stock market the was a focus on the lion's face and I didn't know what he was talking about at the time but I saw a stone face on this building and on this building uh there was a lion it was a it was a mouth in the lion's face it was open and everything and so I went and looked into the New York Stock Exchange and there was tumbleweeds going down the uh the street of main street the of Wall Street it was going to tumbleweeds and and there was complete it was completely quiet there was nobody out in New York which is unheard of and so um the Lord would show me this stuff and that's when I've prayed over it you know and uh here we are with these these eclipses coming like what we're talking about he's telling me something and I'm like Lord is this it yeah because even Biden was talking about it in his speech and the state of the union talking about dividing Jerusalem and making a two-state solution and doing all this stuff and I thought does this guy know what he's this well no I mean you know because that's a direct attack on the covenant on the covenant God may favor him so when someone wants to divide land that God made a covenant on he takes that personally and that's exactly what they want to do um I believe an election is going to be triggered in Israel so I believe that's coming in the very very near future because Israel and America are attached by a vein in the realm of the spirit we see what's happening in America Israel I believe is going to soon follow uh another interesting thing about the eclipse is that if you take the eclipse of 2017 the the full solar eclipse take the full solar eclipse of 2024 and you look at what it the path of what it makes over the nation and makes the ancient Hebrew letter aliph which stands for the revelation and presence of God in the earth and so you know the Lord is speaking are we listening that that's the question he is speaking you know and the interesting thing about Nineveh was that the one of the issues with Nineveh's Ishtar's hub was in Nineveh the main temple of Ishtar was in Nineveh and what were they doing that was so egregious well first of all they had men dressing up like women in ceremonies for Ishtar that was first secondly what they were doing is so egregious was trial sacrifice wow and so the Lord had seen these things in the and the hub of Ishtar was there so like I'm saying it's no mistake they took that statue and they moved it from New York City now into Texas uh but because that hub was there that's why God was judging it and warning them 40 dates and you'll be destroyed so you know all of these things aligning are by no mistake and there are no coincidences with God this is the Lord speaking do you see an earthquake happening do you think one will I believe when there are signs in the heavens many times you see shakings on the earth you do they just seem to follow in tandem of each other

newfunturistic 3 points ago +3 / -0

[part 1]

Lemme do the full transcript of that 44min vid in parts. 43k text characters.. so won't be too long. Cutting it in 15k.

I'd love to invite you to come and see General Michael Flynn, a patriot and also myself at Winter Haven, Florida on April 6 or in Branson, Missouri on April 11. The way you can get there and see the premiere of the Flynn movie, a documentary that you don't want to miss, is to go to our link discoverchurch.online slash Flynn. The link is actually in the YouTube description box below or rumble and you're going to be able to get a private access to Michael Flynn if you wish or you just come and enjoy the movie and I'll be outside. You don't need any special ticket to meet me. I'll be right there. I'll sign books. I'll meet you. I'd love to see you there. General Flynn is really somebody that is worth supporting. Anyone in the orbit of Donald Trump, they have been trying to take down harassment with lawsuits. They've been trying to break them, break their bank accounts and I just think that it's time to support a good cause. So not only will you be supporting General Flynn, you'll also be supporting us. One of the big news right now that's going on is Peter Navarro, President Trump's former economic advisor, has been ordered to go to jail on March 19. It's really a travesty. It's an injustice. What crime did he commit? Well, it's simply a technicality. They called it a contempt of Congress and of course many people if they were treated fairly, they would also be going to jail from the Democrat side because they have refused to turn over evidence from the FBI, from the CIA, for Hillary Clinton's destruction of deletion and destruction of 30,000 emails and the telephones that held them. But why isn't there justice for that? So we need to believe God at this time. We need to band together under the word of God. I'm going to quote to you Psalm 37 before we go to my very special guest. We got two special guests on Bible prophecy speaking about the soul of eclipses. You're going to enjoy them so much. You know them, Amanda Grace and Brandon Biggs. But before we get there, I want to give you this word. Psalm 37 verse 6 says he will vindicate you or we need that. Peter Navarro needs that but they need to humble themselves. They need to humble themselves. I know Andrew Tate right now just also was arrested and he's going on and on about Islam now and Allah. No, he needs to come back to Jesus. Anyone who will humble themselves, God will vindicate. He said so in Psalm 37 verse 6 he says he will vindicate you in broad daylight. Oh, that's good. It won't be hidden and he will publicly defend your just cause. You've got to be on the right side of justice and I believe that Donald Trump is. But what God is waiting for is a humbling of the heart. You know, we need to get on our knees. Each of us doesn't matter how big our name is. Each of us has to humble ourselves, get on our knees and say you know what we surrender our ambition, our agenda, our ways of defending ourselves to you and Lord, we want to serve you in our generation. We know Jesus is coming back very soon and this is why I'm here. This is why I've been to 11 states in 11 days and I've been with General Flynn. I'm going to be with him again. Why? Because I believe in the cause of America. I believe in the cause of the church. But we have so much to do. We have a great awakening. We have to awaken the church. You know, the church represents over 300,000 congregations. If the church alone just woke up and the church spread the truth, preached the Word, took a stand for morality. There's nothing we couldn't do. We're really on the winning side. The Lord is king. The Lord is the winner. But when when there's an activity, you know, we need to go out there together and be a part of it. So please come. Even if I'm not there at Winter Haven or Branson, General Flynn's going all over the United States. All right. Use the link that's in our description area or come to my website. Just come to discoverchurch.online.com and you're going to be able to pick the city where you want to come and watch the premiere of this documentary. I think it's going to be really worth it. And I want to mention there are others that are fighting the good fight. There are three people that we know of that have not bowed down to the Dominion lawsuits. General Flynn's one of them. Michael Lindell is the other. And so I want to say I support the MyPillow guy. I support Michael Lindell. And if you want to get Mike Pillow and his bed sheets and pillows and all his good stuff, would you please consider using the promo code pastorsteve. That's right. Just use the promo code pastorsteve. It helps him out. It helps me out. And everyone wins. Let's support good Christian causes together. And now please let's welcome and enjoy the prophetic ministry of Brandon Biggs and Amanda Grace as we were just recently together talking about the solar eclipse. Hey Discover Church. I'm here with two special friends that I know you know well Amanda Grace and Brandon Biggs. So we just want to get into the prophetic right now and share God's heart. Whatever God's revealed to each of us about this critical time in US history. So we know that the solar eclipse is coming. And I just want to hear your heart. What do you think? I mean it's obviously very critical, very important. Amanda what do you think? The interesting part about this is that this eclipse first of all is sandwiched right in between two major Jewish holidays. So literally this sandwich between Purim and Passover which are two holidays that have to do with deliverance for God's people holy days on the Jewish calendar deliverance for God's people and judgment not only for the wicked but high government officials right and those nations. So this eclipse we find ourselves sandwich right in between and happening two weeks to the day before Passover. Another interesting thing about this eclipse is that yes we've heard about the seven Ninevas and it's passing through seven Nineveh cities in the United States of America and one in Canada Nova Scotia. But in Texas we know the hospitality is Eagle Pass, Texas and not only is the immigration issue erupted in Eagle Pass but there was a major civil war battle fought on that ground. But there is something interesting near Nineveh, Texas. It's actually closer to the capital Austin. There is a Jonah Texas that is near the capital Austin. So you have a Jonah and a Nineveh in Texas. Each will be able to view this eclipse. Do I think all of this is an accident? No I don't. It passed through seven Salem's the last eclipse seven years ago. Now it's passing through seven Nineveh's. Something else interesting that's going on with this is that there's a statue that was in New York City. Beginning of January 2023 around January maybe 23rd or 26th they placed this golden statue above the New York City Courthouse and it eerily resembled Ishtar. It was in honor of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and they had headlines that said move over Moses. There's a new female law giver in town. Now this was right before the indictments came down a couple months before the indictments. There was a larger version of this statue made that was placed in a New York City park. They have conveniently over the past week and a half taken this statue and moved it from New York to Texas. Wow. They have moved this statue now to the University of Houston in which protests erupted about this. So they had to cancel the opening ceremony for this. But you have New York and Texas now connected not only by this statue but by the fact that they both have the Nineveh cities in it where the eclipse is going to pass right through where it's going to be viewable. Wow that is amazing. Yeah. I didn't know that. What the Lord has showed me about this eclipse is that he said basically when I was praying a couple weeks ago he said to me he said Brandon I want you to watch Passover. For when Passover comes there's going to be an acceleration of things even more so from what it was from Roshana to Roshana. He said but this will be a time of great acceleration and he said you'll see acceleration in the in the financial realm and he said you're going to see acceleration in the politics and you're going to see acceleration in war and he told me he said these things are going to it's it's like it's it's he said oh for he said for my son's return is imminent and he told me this he said it would that when this happened when Passover this time of Passover happened there would be such a great is almost oh and and he told me about weather and he told me he said there'll be great temperature rising in Chicago through New York and some of the other areas up east and he said there'll be record breaking temperatures during this time frame and he warned me about storms long track tornadoes and for the body of Christ to take their authority over these storms because they would be long these tornadoes there will be the largest tornadoes we've ever seen in history potentially be being long track tornadoes and then he said microburst he's talking about a hundred and fifty mile an hour per hour winds would come out of these microburst and he was talking about taking authority over that and praying over that but I just saw a great acceleration of things from even from Passover to Roshana going into the fall and that there would be through the United States and then and then I saw that's I seen I saw you pass receive the Lord said that he was opening up major doors for you more than what you realize and that you were called more into the political arena than than whatever you expected that this would be a season of great promotion with with open doors and that you would go and you would start speaking at churches and it would you would have an anointing on you like the old patriots you said you saw me as an old guy yeah but it was not necessarily an old guy it was it was like an a mantle of telling people in these old churches like trying to reform America again bringing back America because the Lord told me he said I am not done with America he said there's going to be a new wave of patriotism coming out and that's whenever I saw Trump and I saw the I saw a red wave coming out of Michigan and then I saw Oklahoma and there was embers of people and they were all on these these they had torches all throughout Oklahoma and they were raising up these torches that looked like fire and they were bringing forth a new patriotism upon the nation and it was coming it was being birthed and it just kept spreading like fire all throughout America all throughout and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord he got radically born again during this time frame I'm talking people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming and then I saw people interceding when he and I see him I saw him winning the the presidency through great the Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff but there would be a stop to it and their things would start to to break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash I saw they had a great economy plan a crash worse than the the Great Depression and the Lord warned me about this it would be a great dark time but I saw paddles coming upon America's soil like a shocking of the soil and I saw Donald Trump praying in the office of the of the Oval Office and he was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head like this but he was weeping and there was ministers and people I don't know if they were senators or or congresspeople or whatever they I just saw them pacing and back and forth inside of the the the White House and I'm sorry the the what is the White House but it's the Oval Office and they were interceding all inside there and I could feel the presence of the Lord so strong on this and then I could see that darkness that was the heaviness upon America with the with the the financial crisis of what I saw coming it started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue and the and the things coming back out in the green times and the good times coming back again but the Lord said it would be fourth a time of a season of a shaking and it would be a shakening to awaken and in this there this would basically that he was not done with America there would be a great revival come and there's it's it's not all doom and gloom that's what you said the sky's not falling if there's a time of it's like people would say this is judgment and then Lord said do not call this judgment it's not my judgment it's a correction there's correction coming I want to ground it in the Word of God the timing of what Brandon just said is very much in the Revelation 6 timeline we've gone through the white horse we're going through the red horse the black horse is the next one I want to talk about the green horse afterwards remind me that the black horse is the the financial crisis great depression and I hear people who follow prophetic ministry saying oh no you know if Trump comes in it's going to be great everything's going to work out great we're all going to be rich but about nothing nothing corrects Americans you know hitting hitting them in their pockets so I think that's the correction to try something if he gets in you have to expect they will and the timing is is exactly that timing in the Bible so I predict that within two years into his term so we we all agree we he's going to win by a landslide God's called him as an agent of justice you're going to win by a landslide when he get what we want but then when we get what we want a lot of people are going to be prepared there's going to be a great financial disaster yeah so lean times lean times but you know these are pockets just like their pockets of revival there'll be pockets of difficulty pockets of I believe terrible civil war terrorism but nothing engulfs the whole world what was you going to say pockets of turbulence

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the full sized image, if you click the thread link:


Now.. let's get that text from the other post. The original vid was over here:

3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs Cioccolanti

Steve Cioccolanti & Discover Ministries 376K subscribers

Mar 14, 2024...

Skip time to around 11min.


Seems like they're talking about solar eclipses or something. It's 44 min, I don't have time right now.

But this was the Trump getting shot in the ear, section and later the other guy mentions these 4 horsemen and what phase we're in.

and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord he got radically born again during this time frame I'm talking people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming and then I saw people interceding when he and I see him I saw him winning the the presidency through great the Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff but there would be a stop to it and their things would start to to break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash I saw they had a great economy plan a crash worse than the the Great Depression and the Lord warned me about this it would be a great dark time but I saw paddles coming upon America's soil like a shocking of the soil and I saw Donald Trump praying in the office of the of the Oval Office and he was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head like this but he was weeping and there was ministers and people I don't know if they were senators or or congresspeople or whatever they I just saw them pacing and back and forth inside of the the the White House and I'm sorry the the what is the White House but it's the Oval Office and they were interceding all inside there and I could feel the presence of the Lord so strong on this and then I could see that darkness that was the heaviness upon America with the with the the financial crisis of what I saw coming it started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue and the and the things coming back out in the green times and the good times coming back again but the Lord said it would be fourth a time of a season of a shaking and it would be a shakening to awaken and in this there this would basically that he was not done with America there would be a great revival come and there's it's it's not all doom and gloom that's what you said the sky's not falling if there's a time of it's like people would say this is judgment and then Lord said do not call this judgment it's not my judgment it's a correction there's correction coming I want to ground it in the Word of God the timing of what Brandon just said is very much in the Revelation 6 timeline we've gone through the white horse we're going through the red horse the black horse is the next one I want to talk about the green horse afterwards remind me that the black horse is the the financial crisis great depression and I hear people who follow prophetic ministry saying oh no you know if Trump comes in it's going to be great everything's going to work out great we're all going to be rich but about nothing nothing corrects Americans you know hitting hitting them in their pockets so I think that's the correction to try something if he gets in you have to expect they will and the timing is is exactly that timing in the Bible so I predict that within two years into his term so we we all agree we he's going to win by a landslide God's called him as an agent of justice you're going to win by a landslide when he get what we want but then when we get what we want a lot of people are going to be prepared there's going to be a great financial disaster yeah so lean times lean times but you know these are pockets just like their pockets of revival there'll be pockets of difficulty pockets of I believe terrible civil war terrorism but nothing engulfs the whole world what was you going to say pockets of turbulence I remember that was what the word the Lord gave me before the 2020 election you are about to enter turbulence and I said he ain't going to this is this is not going to be good what's about to you know before but the Lord was allowing it purposely he allowed it he allowed what happened in 2020 you know people need to understand that God allowed it he sat back and he allowed it you know why because none of this would have ever been peeled off this would have stayed hidden and they would have been percolating and 2024 would have came about and it would have been disastrous so I believe the Lord allowed many things to occur over the next over the past four years in order to get people to not only and you know try to get them in order in the church but to get that hard correction to happen so people snap back into alignment with God's word and with who he is and what he stands for in that he is a God of truth and he is a God of trust us and he rules righteously from his throne he is a righteous judge and so he had to allow these things to happen you know a brilliant chess player allows the baiting to occur to bait the opponent into a trap so they can then go okay now it's checkmate the bait was put out in 2020 it looked lost the bait was put out yeah and all these exposure really actually is galvanizing the conservatives I think a lot of the people who are sitting on the fence realize now the country is heading the wrong way

So who the hell is this Brandon Biggs, guy. Checked google and not much but saw pastor.

However.. what do I think.. well Trump would obviously be part of the cabal, like how can he not. Wasn't he hanging out with Epstein island. Like come on. He's not a "good guy", right. But this pastor is making it look like he's all religious. So I'm not buyin that either. Maybe for the devil like the rest of them, right. And probably this fucking guy too, right. haha

newfunturistic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Saw about this in one of those compilation videos. I'm there.. where's this from. Found the vid and good to see you posted it because I was gonna make a clip of that segment. But this has the time stamp of Mar 14, 2024.

He's describing exactly what went on with this bullet grazing that same side of the head. He said his ear drum got messed up though when seems like just the outer lobe part, not inside. Maybe that's what he meant.

So.. after that you gotta wonder, what else this "pastor" saw in those visions. Lemme get a text transcript of this area of the vid.

and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life that this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the Lord he got radically born again during this time frame I'm talking people say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what I saw coming and then I saw people interceding when he and I see him I saw him winning the the presidency through great the Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff but there would be a stop to it and their things would start to to break free come toward the fall and then I saw him winning the election through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash I saw they had a great economy plan a crash worse than the the Great Depression and the Lord warned me about this it would be a great dark time but I saw paddles coming upon America's soil like a shocking of the soil and I saw Donald Trump praying in the office of the of the Oval Office and he was weeping before the Lord with his hands on his head like this but he was weeping and there was ministers and people I don't know if they were senators or or congresspeople or whatever they I just saw them pacing and back and forth inside of the the the White House and I'm sorry the the what is the White House but it's the Oval Office and they were interceding all inside there and I could feel the presence of the Lord so strong on this and then I could see that darkness that was the heaviness upon America with the with the the financial crisis of what I saw coming it started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue and the and the things coming back out in the green times and the good times coming back again but the Lord said it would be fourth a time of a season of a shaking and it would be a shakening to awaken and in this there this would basically that he was not done with America there would be a great revival come and there's it's it's not all doom and gloom that's what you said the sky's not falling if there's a time of it's like people would say this is judgment and then Lord said do not call this judgment it's not my judgment it's a correction there's correction coming I want to ground it in the Word of God the timing of what Brandon just said is very much in the Revelation 6 timeline we've gone through the white horse we're going through the red horse the black horse is the next one I want to talk about the green horse afterwards remind me that the black horse is the the financial crisis great depression and I hear people who follow prophetic ministry saying oh no you know if Trump comes in it's going to be great everything's going to work out great we're all going to be rich but about nothing nothing corrects Americans you know hitting hitting them in their pockets so I think that's the correction to try something if he gets in you have to expect they will and the timing is is exactly that timing in the Bible so I predict that within two years into his term so we we all agree we he's going to win by a landslide God's called him as an agent of justice you're going to win by a landslide when he get what we want but then when we get what we want a lot of people are going to be prepared there's going to be a great financial disaster yeah so lean times lean times but you know these are pockets just like their pockets of revival there'll be pockets of difficulty pockets of I believe terrible civil war terrorism but nothing engulfs the whole world what was you going to say pockets of turbulence I remember that was what the word the Lord gave me before the 2020 election you are about to enter turbulence and I said he ain't going to this is this is not going to be good what's about to you know before but the Lord was allowing it purposely he allowed it he allowed what happened in 2020 you know people need to understand that God allowed it he sat back and he allowed it you know why because none of this would have ever been peeled off this would have stayed hidden and they would have been percolating and 2024 would have came about and it would have been disastrous so I believe the Lord allowed many things to occur over the next over the past four years in order to get people to not only and you know try to get them in order in the church but to get that hard correction to happen so people snap back into alignment with God's word and with who he is and what he stands for in that he is a God of truth and he is a God of trust us and he rules righteously from his throne he is a righteous judge and so he had to allow these things to happen you know a brilliant chess player allows the baiting to occur to bait the opponent into a trap so they can then go okay now it's checkmate the bait was put out in 2020 it looked lost the bait was put out yeah and all these exposure really actually is galvanizing the conservatives I think a lot of the people who are sitting on the fence realize now the country is heading the wrong way

newfunturistic 5 points ago +5 / -0

The philadelphia experiment was known during this time.. by the mainstream movie. But the real story was later with Al Bielek, going on the coast to coast am radio show late at night.

So this guy putting this image on the album cover that same year, before the mainstream movie came out.. you got some red flags because people wouldn't have known about it until the movie.

The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)


newfunturistic 3 points ago +3 / -0


"Wang Chung" "Points On The Curve", album cover from 1983.. this ship with energy circles around it. A bit odd how they'd do this, where it doesn't seem to have anything to do with points on the curve. But it did have lots to do with the philadelphia experiment, where in 1943 the navy ship was trying to get off radar with electric and magnetic fields and dissappeared and went to that same year 1983.. but can't find anything on the internet about the correlation


The album cover for Wang Chung’s “Points on the Curve” (released in 1984) features a ship with energy circles around it, which does seem quite intriguing1. The Philadelphia Experiment, an alleged event in 1943 where a Navy ship supposedly became invisible and teleported, has been a popular topic in conspiracy theories23. However, there doesn’t appear to be any direct correlation between the album cover and the Philadelphia Experiment.

The Philadelphia Experiment story involves the USS Eldridge and claims of invisibility and teleportation, but it is widely regarded as a hoax23. The album cover’s design might simply be an artistic choice rather than a reference to this event.

It’s fascinating how these elements can spark curiosity and lead to such interesting connections! Do you have any other favorite album covers or stories behind them?


well it's obviously what it's showing but can't find anything on the internet about connection with the two.. and even any info about the album cover and why this ship


It seems like the connection between Wang Chung’s “Points on the Curve” album cover and the Philadelphia Experiment is more speculative and not officially documented. The album cover, designed by Barney Bubbles, features a ship with energy circles around it, which could be interpreted in various ways1. However, there isn’t any concrete information linking it directly to the Philadelphia Experiment.

Sometimes, album art can be quite abstract and open to interpretation, allowing fans to draw their own connections and meanings. It’s possible that the imagery was chosen for its visual impact rather than a specific reference.

If you’re interested in more about the band’s creative process or other album covers, I’d be happy to help! Do you have any other albums or artists you’re curious about?


Looking into Barney Bubbles.. he offs himself shortly after designing this album cover


Yes, Barney Bubbles, born Colin Fulcher, was a highly influential graphic artist known for his work in the music industry. Sadly, he passed away on November 14, 1983, at the age of 411. He struggled with manic depression and had significant personal and financial difficulties, which contributed to his decision to take his own life23.

His work, including the album cover for Wang Chung’s “Points on the Curve,” remains highly regarded for its creativity and impact. Despite his tragic end, his legacy in graphic design and music continues to be celebrated.

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask.


when did he design this album cover.. not very long before


Barney Bubbles designed the album cover for Wang Chung’s “Points on the Curve” in 19831. This was shortly before his tragic passing in November of the same year2. His work on this album cover, like much of his other work, continues to be appreciated for its unique and impactful design.

If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask.

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