posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +3 / -4


the ark.. how big was this thing and how many animals were in there


Noah’s Ark, as described in the Bible, was quite massive! It was said to be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high12. In modern measurements, that’s approximately 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high12. To put that in perspective, it’s about one and a half football fields long and as tall as a four-story building1.

As for the number of animals, estimates vary. Some scholars suggest there were around 6,744 animals on the Ark34. This includes various “kinds” of land-dwelling and flying creatures, which is a broader classification than modern species34.

It’s fascinating to think about the logistics of such a massive undertaking, isn’t it? Do you have any other questions about the Ark or related topics?


was it just the noah guy who built it by himself or his family helped


Noah didn’t build the Ark entirely by himself. According to the Bible, Noah’s three sons—Shem, Ham, and Japheth—likely helped him with the construction12. Some scholars also suggest that Noah might have hired additional help for such a massive project3.

Building the Ark was a monumental task that took many years, and having his family’s support would have been crucial. It’s quite a story of perseverance and teamwork, isn’t it? Do you have any other questions about Noah or the Ark?


so 4 guys?


Yes, according to the biblical account, it was primarily Noah and his three sons—Shem, Ham, and Japheth—who were responsible for building the Ark. So, it was indeed a team of four. Given the size of the Ark, their task must have been incredibly challenging and time-consuming.

It’s quite impressive to think about, isn’t it? If you have any more questions or if there’s another topic you’re curious about, feel free to ask!


and then it was all just cutting down trees and somehow like what.. glue that together?


Building the Ark was indeed a monumental task! According to the Bible, Noah and his sons used gopher wood (a term whose exact meaning is still debated) and covered it inside and out with pitch to make it waterproof12. Pitch is a sticky substance derived from plants or petroleum, which would have helped seal the wood and prevent leaks2.

The construction process likely involved cutting down trees, shaping the wood into planks, and then assembling these planks into the structure of the Ark. The use of pitch would have been crucial to ensure the Ark was watertight23.

It’s fascinating to think about the ancient engineering and craftsmanship that would have been required for such a project, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, just let me know!


how many feet long was this thing and it had like "levels" in it?


Noah’s Ark was approximately 510 feet long1. It was also about 85 feet wide and 51 feet high1.

Yes, the Ark had multiple levels. According to the Bible, it had three levels or decks23. These levels would have helped organize the space for the animals, supplies, and Noah’s family.

It’s quite an impressive structure, isn’t it? If you have any more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


how many feet is a football field


An American football field is 360 feet long and 160 feet wide1. This includes the 100-yard playing field and two 10-yard end zones on each side1.

It’s quite a large area, perfect for all the action-packed plays! If you have any more questions or want to chat about something else, feel free to ask!


oh so it's like only half as wide as a football field but like 2 football fields long?


Exactly! The Ark was about half as wide as a football field but nearly one and a half times as long. To be precise, it was 510 feet long, which is about 1.4 times the length of a football field (360 feet), and 85 feet wide, which is just over half the width of a football field (160 feet).

It’s quite a massive structure when you think about it! If you have any more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


how many levels did it have in there?


The Ark had three levels or decks. These levels would have helped organize the space for the animals, supplies, and Noah’s family, making it more manageable to care for all the creatures on board.

It’s quite fascinating to think about how they might have arranged everything, isn’t it? If you have any more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


did they put the animals in cages or what?


Yes, the animals on Noah’s Ark were likely kept in enclosures or cages to manage them effectively. These enclosures would have helped keep the animals safe and organized, making it easier for Noah and his family to care for them12.

The Ark Encounter, a modern recreation of the Ark, suggests that the enclosures could have included features like slatted floors or multiple levels to help with cleaning and ventilation1. This setup would have been crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of the animals during their time on the Ark.

It’s interesting to think about the logistics of such a massive undertaking, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


so you're saying there was like 6744 animals in there.. but they had a girl and guy type of each? So like 3372 types of animal species? They just did animals not plants or bugs?


Yes, the estimate of around 6,744 animals would imply about 3,372 pairs of animals, assuming each pair consisted of one male and one female12. This number is based on the idea of “kinds” rather than modern species classifications, which could encompass broader groups of animals.

As for plants and insects, the Bible doesn’t specifically mention Noah taking them on the Ark. Many plants could have survived the flood through seeds or floating vegetation3. Insects and other small creatures might not have been included on the Ark, as they could survive in various ways outside of it12.

It’s fascinating to think about how they managed all these details, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


so even elephants and giraffes?


Yes, even large animals like elephants and giraffes would have been included on the Ark. However, it’s likely that Noah took younger, smaller animals rather than fully grown adults to save space and resources1. This would have made it more manageable to care for them during the journey.

It’s fascinating to think about how they might have organized everything, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


oh so they were younger types and not full grown


Yes, that’s the idea! Taking younger, smaller animals would have been more practical. They would have required less space, food, and water, and it would have been easier to manage them during the journey. This approach would have helped ensure that there was enough room and resources for all the animals on the Ark.

It’s quite a clever solution, isn’t it? If you have any more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


So he went trekking around africa to get all these animals and had them parked in cages in his back yard for when he was done his boat?


According to the biblical account, Noah didn’t have to travel around the world to gather the animals. Instead, it is said that God brought the animals to Noah12. This means Noah didn’t need to trek across continents like Africa to find them. The animals came to him, which would have made the task much more manageable12.

It’s quite an interesting aspect of the story, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


oh yeah they got herded or something, eh. So he had cages so like normally one type of animal would eat another, but for some reason they all got along and like what did they all eat that whole time. How long were they all on the boat?


Yes, according to the biblical account, the animals were brought to Noah, so he didn’t have to gather them himself12. They were likely kept in enclosures or cages to prevent them from harming each other12.

As for their diet, Noah was instructed to bring every kind of food that is eaten and store it away as food for both his family and the animals3. This likely included a variety of plant-based foods, grains, and possibly dried meats for carnivorous animals34. Some theories suggest that God could have temporarily altered the animals’ diets or that they might have been in a state of hibernation to reduce their food needs4.

Noah, his family, and the animals were on the Ark for about one year5. This includes the time it took for the floodwaters to rise, cover the earth, and then recede enough for them to safely leave the Ark5.

It’s quite a story of survival and logistics, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


so the meat wouldn't go bad or whatever.. it was dried like beef jerky


Yes, exactly! Dried meat, like beef jerky, would have been a practical solution for preserving meat over a long period. Drying meat removes moisture, which helps prevent spoilage and makes it easier to store and transport. This method would have been essential for ensuring that the carnivorous animals had a stable food supply during their time on the Ark.

It’s fascinating to think about the ancient methods of food preservation, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


what do these vegans think about how noah was feeding these animals meat and they weren't doing what vegans thinks is the "right" way to operate? Means noah's bad, according to them?


The perspective on Noah feeding animals meat can vary among vegans, especially those who consider their beliefs in the context of religious stories. Some vegans might view the story of Noah’s Ark as a historical or allegorical account and focus more on the broader message rather than the specifics of animal diets.

From a vegan standpoint, the idea of feeding animals meat might not align with their principles of avoiding animal products. However, many vegans understand that the story of Noah’s Ark is a religious narrative from a different time and context. They might not necessarily judge Noah as “bad” but rather see it as a reflection of the practices and beliefs of that era12.

It’s also worth noting that some interpretations suggest that the animals on the Ark might have been fed plant-based diets or that their dietary needs were miraculously altered during the journey1. This could align more closely with vegan principles.

It’s an interesting topic that bridges faith, history, and modern ethical beliefs. If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


so did they get plants too that would be wiped out from if you'd put them under water, they'd die. So if it's water all over.. you'd lose all those plants?


That’s a great question! According to some interpretations, many plants could have survived the flood in various ways. For example, seeds and plant debris might have floated on the water or been buried in the sediment, allowing them to sprout once the waters receded12. Additionally, some plants might have survived as cuttings or in the mud left behind by the retreating waters3.

The Bible doesn’t specifically mention Noah taking plants on the Ark, so it’s believed that the plants either survived through these natural means or were able to regrow after the flood12.

It’s fascinating to think about how resilient nature can be, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


and how long were they on the boat?


Noah, his family, and the animals were on the Ark for about one year. Specifically, they were on the Ark for 370 days12. This includes the time it took for the floodwaters to rise, cover the earth, and then recede enough for them to safely leave the Ark12.

It’s quite a long time to be on a boat, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


a year.. that's quite a bit of food you'd need for that many animals. Anybody try to calculate like if you'd even have enough room on this football field sized boat for that long? How high was this thing.. you said like what 4 levels.. so how many storeys in today's sized buildings


Yes, the logistics of feeding and housing all those animals for a year is quite a challenge! There have been feasibility studies on this topic. One notable study by John Woodmorappe in his book “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study” suggests that the Ark could have housed around 16,000 animals, including provisions for food and water12. According to his calculations, this would have required about one-third of the Ark’s volume, leaving plenty of space for provisions and Noah’s family2.

The Ark was approximately 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high3. It had three levels or decks34, which would be roughly equivalent to a modern four-story building3. Each deck would have been about 17 feet high, providing ample space for the animals and supplies.

It’s quite fascinating to think about the ancient engineering and planning that would have gone into such a project, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


how long did it take them to build that boat, these 4 guys?


The exact time it took Noah and his sons to build the Ark isn’t specified in the Bible, but estimates based on biblical chronology suggest it took between 55 to 75 years12. Some interpretations even suggest it could have taken up to 100 years3.

Given the size and complexity of the Ark, this extended period would have allowed them to gather materials, construct the vessel, and prepare for the journey.

It’s quite an impressive feat of ancient engineering, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!


and noah was like still around when it was done or he was obviously dead at that point if it was 100 years


Noah was indeed still around when the Ark was completed. According to the Bible, Noah was 600 years old when the floodwaters came12. He started building the Ark when he was around 500 years old, so it took about 100 years to complete23.

It’s quite remarkable to think about someone working on such a massive project for so long, isn’t it? If you have more questions or want to explore another topic, feel free to ask!

[continued in comments.. lol]