posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +7 / -4

Was gonna try to watch that whole 44min vid..

3 PROPHETS Explain 3 American SOLAR ECLIPSES | APRIL8 SIGN | Amanda Grace, Brandon Biggs Cioccolanti

Where at 11min it gets into this Brandon Biggs, there.

The other day started watching this and he's talking about this Flynn (2024) movie, documentary. I finished watching that earlier today. It was ok.. and I don't do politics. I suggest checking it out.

Was wondering who this Production company: "Aquidneck Island Productions", was. But now you're getting into other characters and let's try to stick to these guys from the pastor prophet vid. I started on that and it was some woah.

Hang on, let's do a bit of this "Aquidneck Island Productions". Checking where they're located, and why there. Not that big of a building.


who owns 501 Fifth Avenue, in NYC


The current owner of 501 Fifth Avenue, also known as the Astor Trust Building, is Abramson Brothers Inc1. This historic building, constructed in 1917, is located at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, directly across from the New York Public Library2.

Is there anything specific you would like to know about this building or its history?


what tenants are in there.. it's not that high, eh


501 Fifth Avenue, also known as the Astor Trust Building, is home to a variety of tenants. Some notable ones include:

Reliable Staffing Caserta Abramson Brothers Inc. BedRock Real Estate Partners LLC Efstratiadis Liana1 The building is 22 stories high, which is relatively modest compared to some of the towering skyscrapers in New York City2.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about this building or its tenants?


how come you didn't talk about "Aquidneck Island Productions" in there


I apologize for that oversight! Aquidneck Island Productions is indeed one of the tenants at 501 Fifth Avenue. This production company, known for its work on various film projects, is currently involved in producing the documentary “FLYNN,” which tells the story of General Michael T. Flynn12.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about the building or its tenants?


why would they be in this building..


Aquidneck Island Productions likely chose 501 Fifth Avenue for its strategic location and the prestige associated with being in the heart of Manhattan. This building offers a prime address near major landmarks like the New York Public Library and Bryant Park, which can be advantageous for networking and business opportunities12.

Additionally, the building’s amenities and the professional environment it provides make it an attractive option for companies in the creative and production industries.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about Aquidneck Island Productions or the building?


sounds like there's a place called Aquidneck Island why would they use this same name but it's not there


Aquidneck Island is indeed a real place located in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. It’s the largest island in the bay and is home to the towns of Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth1. The name “Aquidneck” is derived from the Narragansett name for the island, though its exact meaning is unclear1.

As for why Aquidneck Island Productions might use this name despite being based in New York City, it could be for several reasons. The name might hold personal significance to the founders, or they might want to evoke a sense of heritage or connection to Rhode Island. It’s also possible that the name was chosen for its unique and memorable qualities, which can be beneficial in the entertainment industry.

Would you like to know more about Aquidneck Island or the production company?


well who runs Aquidneck Island Productions


Aquidneck Island Productions is led by Victor Mellor, who serves as the executive producer12. The company is also associated with notable figures like Scott Wiper, a producer and director known for his work on various films, and General Michael T. Flynn, who is involved in the production of the documentary "FLYNN"12.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about Aquidneck Island Productions or its projects?

But yeah.. let's stick with this pastor, prophet vid. Back to that. They're involved with this Flynn guy though.. he starts by saying he was on tour with him. So you gotta look into those guys too.

The documentary movie, Release date April 19, 2024. And this pastor prophet vid was from March 14.

You seems to be with this discover ministries. Steve Cioccolanti. Who are this organization and what denomination?


Discover Church Online is part of Discover Ministries, led by Pastor Steve Cioccolanti. Discover Ministries is an Australia-based Christian organization focused on equipping and inspiring people through the Word of God12. Pastor Steve Cioccolanti has been serving as the senior pastor of Discover Church in Melbourne, Australia, since 20002.

Discover Church Online is a non-denominational, autonomous group that collaborates with other churches for missions, evangelism, and support3. They offer a variety of online resources, including Christian mentoring, discipleship, and fellowship opportunities12.

Is there something specific you’d like to know more about regarding their teachings or activities?


so they're not like whatever branch of religion?


That’s correct. Discover Ministries, led by Steve Cioccolanti, is non-denominational. This means they don’t align themselves with a specific branch or denomination within Christianity, such as Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic. Instead, they focus on a broader Christian message and collaborate with various churches and organizations for their missions and activities.

Is there anything specific about their teachings or practices you’re curious about?


how come they're saying bible scripture.. which version is that from?


Discover Church Online, led by Steve Cioccolanti, primarily uses the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible for their teachings and scripture references1. This version is known for its balance between maintaining the traditional language of the King James Version and providing a more modern, readable text.

Is there a specific scripture or teaching you’re curious about?


When was this NKJV written?


The New King James Version (NKJV) was developed to modernize the language of the original King James Version while maintaining its literary quality. The New Testament of the NKJV was published in 1979, the Psalms in 1980, and the complete Bible was released in 198212.

Is there a particular passage or aspect of the NKJV you’re interested in?


1979.. where have I heard of other "religions" using this version.. wasn't it like this springs church here in Winnipeg?


Yes, you’re correctSprings Church in Winnipeg also uses the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible for their teachings and services12. This version is popular among many Christian organizations for its balance of traditional and modern language.

Are you interested in learning more about Springs Church or their activities?


ok so when you look at a chart of all the various religions.. and christianity, how it splits off into whatever sub groups.. you're trying to tell me that this discover ministries isn't a sub group of any of them.. yeah, like you said, for example.. Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic... but there's tons more of these sub groups of all christian religions. So these guys aren't a part of any of these, eh?


That’s right! Discover Ministries, led by Steve Cioccolanti, identifies as non-denominational, meaning they don’t affiliate with any specific Christian denomination or subgroup. While many Christian organizations align with particular branches like Baptist, Methodist, or Catholic, non-denominational groups like Discover Ministries aim to focus on a broader Christian message without being tied to a specific tradition or set of doctrines.

This approach allows them to collaborate with a variety of churches and organizations, emphasizing unity and inclusivity within the Christian faith.

Is there anything else you’d like to know about their beliefs or practices?

Fuck, have you ever got a red flag with these guys, with any shenanigan organization that uses this bullshit, "New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible", that was written in 1979. lol. Fuck, is that ever some "cult" shit, man. That place in town there.. wow. They don't have a good reputation in the city. It's like a "cult", man. So these guys are like that.

Then it starts by saying they're from Australia but you get this foreign guy.. Phillipino, to try and sucker them in.

I'm like 3 minutes into this shit and buncha red flags already setting off my "shenanigan" detector. lol.