but it’s definitely taking place.
Do you have any hard evidence to base this on?
Sarcasm. Noted by the "/s".
I thought that was obvious.
Jesus did that....
I wish they'd all get another booster and fucking die already. What is taking so fucking long?
I've asked lots of people. They all say that they and everyone else they know are fine. I think they are lying, but I don't have any evidence either way. All I can do is hope they all die soon and quietly.... I'm trying to read.
So what? No one will be held accountable. At least not until we vote in more Republicans. /s
I can't wait for the mass die-offs..... Soon. Probably in about two more weeks.
Trump is controlled opposition.
I will make you cry.
Nice projection, nigger.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Trump's biggest supporters still rot in prison while Trump does nothing to help them or even say a single word to help raise awareness of their unconstitutional situation. At the same time, Trump has millions of dollars he raised in donations to help "Stop the steal" and he didn't fight very hard but kept all that money that was supposed to go to court costs... we call that a grift.
He took that money and ran.
Stop pretending that billionaires give a fuck about you. They don't.
an idiot piss off.
What's an "an idiot piss off"? English, nigger. We use comas in English.
You aren't the law to condemn.
People aren't laws and laws aren't people, retard.
We are at war, faggot. Have you not been paying attention for the past decade? Just because people aren't shooting at each other in the streets like your video games and anime, doesn't mean we're not at war. What a fucking dipshit....
It's funny seeing some of you kids still believing the bullshit "civics" they shoved down your throats in public schools. The world doesn't actually work the way they wrote about it in text books. It's all lies to keep gullible pricks like yourself docile and obedient. You'll figure that out when/if you grow up some day.
Very Christ-like of you. LOL
unless you're at war.
You clearly are not paying attention to the world we live in.
Justice please.
You keep typing this drivel like it means something. You sound like a BLM nigger.
That's what they get for being traitors and cowards.
Maybe this is the reason for chemtrails.
What a fucking nutter. Kill yourself, faggot. You are a waste of flesh.
I am drinking a nice bottle of vodka
Vodka is for woman and faggots. Real men drink whiskey. Maybe your gay choice of beverage is part of the reason why women don't respect you and why you are not deserving of respect. You are a pathetic worm. Just end it already, pussy.
I sense that you're testing me and you're a woman.
Your senses have failed you as you have failed every you've ever known.
SIMP on, faggot. It's clear that this waste of skin is incapable of improving his life, which is why he should end it. The fact that you SIMP for degenerate filth like him shows that you likely share his faults. There is no hope for you either.
Please follow his lead and chug bleach...
aren't you horrified and outraged it has been ordered.
Yes, but that doesn't mean you aren't being played for a fool by these grifting, traitorous clowns. NONE of these people give a fuck about you, the Constitution or human rights. ALL of these people are our swore enemies. They hate you and want you dead. Stop believing their lies. Stop playing their game. Stop waiting for someone else to save you. Save yourself.
Lots of words from an illiterate nigger. Triggered, huh? LOL