muhqtardtho 0 points ago +4 / -4

Imagine being so poor you take a work from home job to post nonsense on a dead board with 5 schizos using multiple accounts because they've been purged from every mainstream social media page relentlessly. Just imagine.

Don't get mad he gets paid for the shit you do for free. That just means you're bad at it.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah bro they killed the health director who approved Obama's birth certificate in a plane crash caught on a passenger's gopro for nothing. Clearly.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Duh. This is why they have the guy in a shitty mission impossible mask with the random chin balls making appearances. Oh right that's a qtard talking point so it can't be true.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Had the displeasure of hearing her talk at my nephews school. She donated a ton of money for their arts department and would regularly spread her TDS on stage while accepting her random awards and shit for buying votes. It was so fucking disgusting to hear the NPC seals clapping away even when it was her random aide speaking on her behalf because she was 'out fighting in dc' against orange man. It's sad too because that was the 'good' school my sibling's kids worked hard to attend. Sounds like another case of Died Suddenly.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

That last name could smoke in the rain.

muhqtardtho 5 points ago +5 / -0

Prob wanted to shop the footage around but didn't get any takers since there's an abundance of free footage already.

muhqtardtho 0 points ago +2 / -2

This is the most likely take. These anti circle jerk morons claiming it was faked to push trump are retards. The frame of the bullet whizzing by is clear as day. The reaction from their target is genuine. It's not even the first attempt on his life and these supa smaht users claiming it's staged are just contrarians. I'm more likely to believe they didn't plan it themselves but saw a good opportunity to let a TDS soldier take his opportunity before putting him down. A true to life mk ultra attempt would have been done by an actual sharp shooter with a bolt action high powered rifle.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Counting shots based on audio is always a fools errand. It's why eyewitness shot counts always vary so much because they echo and sounds like more shots than they actually are. Unless you can find the casings you'll never know an accurate count.

muhqtardtho 0 points ago +2 / -2

Guys guys my girlfriend found my account so I deleted it and made a new one with exactly the same name. Chilllllll.

muhqtardtho 0 points ago +2 / -2

Hey look more noise. Don't make me put you on the same list as the forum slider who thinks j6 was a ruse to get him removed from a reddit mod team.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whoa buddy be careful. You might pull something if you stretch that hard. The real reason is for deniable plausibility since he's the obvious fall guy for the crime syndicate that runs the country. But yeah it's totes about a fucking sexual blackmailer that worked the music industry lmao.

muhqtardtho 0 points ago +1 / -1

Halp an opinion piece is being reported as fact. Gonna need you to learn how to discern the noise from the signal. Crazy activists social media posts on their employers websites don't mean anything. You of all people remember the stupid ass Hillary vs jdt poll they had lmao.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol this guy still thinks shills are real life people. They're bot armies run by digital mercenaries that do not get high on their own supply. Step it up anon.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0


Hey guys Nancy Pelosi tried to get me removed from the r/con mod team by organizing J6 despite it being a sub that has been compromised for 10ish years before mom let me use the family computer without supervision.


muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Feels weird always being years ahead of the news cycles.

muhqtardtho 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol primate actually fell for gooner bait. The amount of double speak that has come out of this particular controlled opposition can't be ignored.

muhqtardtho 5 points ago +5 / -0

How is it a question if the people who create money out of thin air will pay a ransom with funny money? Lmao.

muhqtardtho 3 points ago +3 / -0

Even non citizens have to get a tax ID number. It's how illegals pay taxes to bolster their citizenship application and prove they've been in the states for x years and paying into the system and not mooching off it.

muhqtardtho 1 point ago +1 / -0

What are your opinions on the patents that are classified by the government? A lot of conspiracy minded people think our energy problems have already been solved but since it would collapse an entire part of the economy by providing low cost energy to the masses it's been hidden. Anything too revolutionary that affects the status quo can easily be kept from the public while the inventor gets the old Pablo Escobar question

Silver or lead?

Meaning you can take the payoff or disappear.

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