janglepuss 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm working my ass off toward that goal, my friend.

janglepuss 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's a good point, although they could have access to some other drug that actually protects them from it.

They have sprayed carcinogenic chemicals over major cities multiple times in the past, so it's not like they aren't fucking crazy, lol.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not someone I know personally but a coworker's sister in law developed multiple organ failure about a week after her second shot and died.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Taxation is theft", I hear people say.

Actually, taxation is slavery. Imagine if the government took 100% of the fruits of your labor and only gave back to you the basic necessities of life. That is the literal definition of slavery. Now look at the income tax rate. We're already halfway to full-blown slavery.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same here. Just seems to load nothing for half a second and it just stays on this page.

EDIT: Oh nevermind, the link just auto-downloaded a PDF in the background. Thanks OP, great job.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gonna have to check peoples vax status on first date now. You know, to make sure they're not vaxxed.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree that it's most likely BS but I do like this stuff. I see it as kind of a fun break from all the serious WEF/NWO doom and gloom shit.

But if Google were to "black out" an area of Antarctica like that it probably wouldn't be just a big black square. They would just edit in more ice and snow over whatever was there and blend it to look continuous so you wouldn't even know something was blacked out.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

What in the absolute fuck are you talkin about?

by pkvi
janglepuss 4 points ago +4 / -0

"This just in, President of the World Klaus Schwab has decreed that those people are to be ground into a paste which, when mixed with crickets and mealworms, can be eaten to confer permanent immunity. Eating the ground up people bug paste is mandatory"

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it's hilarious. And also kind of creepy. Probably the most accurate meme ever. What's funny is how quickly they shut that shit down. Like, the mainstream social media sites understood it enough that they knew they had to stop it. But who's gonna be offended by it? NPCs? They probably didn't get it. And if they did, and were offended by it, isn't it an acknowledgement on their part that they are, in fact, NPCs? Maybe simulation theory is real and it was threatening to tear the fabric of the simulation, hahaha.

janglepuss 11 points ago +11 / -0

Plot twist - the elites are actually ultra-based and are killing off liberals, NPCs, and now the gays, apparently.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it's a result of deliberate programming. All forms of media in the West (radio, news, tv, movies, music, social media, etc.) are used to create a false consensus that far left views are mainstream.

Most people don't get their views from internal dialogue and a careful consideration of the potential outcomes of a given worldview or the adoption of a given set of principles. Rather, they simply look around them for cues on what views to adopt. If they won't (or can't) arrive at their own conclusions, the safest move is to just adopt the majority (real or manufactured) position.

There are people who have a real interest in the destruction of the West and they know that leftism is the religion of self-hate and self-destruction. Forget traditional warfare. It's much easier to foment decadence, degeneracy and despair among the majority of people who cannot or refuse to think for themselves. To set forth a rot from within, until the structural integrity of the pillars upon which a society stands is so weakened that the entire thing collapses.

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're that inept at pattern recognition at this point I don't know what to tell you. Imminent threat of annihilation has been their M.O. for like a hundred years. The hole in the ozone layer, mad cow disease, sars, mers, global warming, swine flu, bird flu, zika, rising sea levels.


Can we say nigger here?

janglepuss 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not going to happen. I didn't even read the article. It's not going to happen. Nothing ever happens. I wish it would though. Take this shit down and let's party like it's 999.

janglepuss 2 points ago +2 / -0

The way I see it is that all this bullshit (vaccines, food shortages, fake climate crises, etc) being foisted upon us by traitorous and corrupt governments on behalf of WEF and other such groups... just represents another evolutionary pressure like everything else we've been through since the dawn of time.

So with vaccines, for example, those of us who were savvy enough to avoid the shots altogether will have the greatest chance of reproducing. Then, of those who took the shots, some may still reproduce, others will be unable due to reproductive harm, and others still will just die from acute adverse reactions or chronic health complications later on.

All of these categories essentially form a hierarchy of reproductive success not unlike those that have arisen in nature over and over again through our evolutionary history. There will always be evolutionary winners and losers and your chances of survival through any given filter are in many respects already predetermined by your IQ (pattern recognition, a>b logical reasoning, ability to conceptualize and plan for the future, etc) and your physical fitness (genetics, immune function, lifestyle, etc).

Essentially, what happens from this point forward, kind of just is what it is, and if you're equipped for it, good for you, and if not, there's not much you can do about it. Will be interesting to see it all play out, though.

janglepuss 3 points ago +3 / -0

Makes you wonder if they took a look at population projections by country and tailored the batches sent to each country accordingly.

So take for example Thailand, they determined based on population growth projections for Thailand that a 30% population reduction would be necessary, and so 30% of the doses delivered to that country were active, the rest blanks. The individual vials were randomized, thereby "absolving" the masterminds of the plan of having chosen who lives and dies ("it's the only fair way!").

Obviously I'm just speculating, but it would be interesting to see an identical study done in many countries and then a comparison of the rates of these types of injuries and compare those to population projections from, say, 2015 for each country. See if there's a pattern there.

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