MSM waking up? lolwat
MSM is propaganda, whatever they do, is calculated and not in your best interest
Thanks for the book recommendation, libgen'ing that shit now...
i love "Wagging the Moondoggie" series... It's the most complete red pill...
crypto is surveillance money inflated by jewish speculation... no need for them to ban
ever wondered why there are no big wins in monero? ain't no money in true privacy...
no... walk away from the game entirely
i expect this to happen but I'm convinced the VACCINATED will be the death targets (with immuno weak unvax as secondary targets), because not only this accelerates the depop, but also the propaganda and fear machine when people truly see a mass die off.
i live in a country with high vaks rating and the amount of ambulances and people collapsing i see here is off the charts since the vaks rollout...
i think that would be a great way to make people reflect on the matrix
would dissidence and resistance also be a way to remain imprisoned?
all the porn kinks in one... nice
Read Ingo Swann's "Penetration" (no porn) book on remote viewing and you'll understand why NASA was freaked out when it went to the dark side of the moon...
yes, I'd love to inject a digital whip on my slave body... :3
you'll never be a daughter
are you new to the deep state, son?
what in the actual fuck
i'll take that into consideration, let's watch next year unfold...
mortality already increased a lot worldwide
it actually contributes to blood clots, specially when mixed with alcohol
and these neurotic people are the vaks suxxers, they will just collapse soon
good eugenics
omicron is a funny way... to spell... ANTIBODY DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT
a jew friend of mine is all high and mighty about coveed vaks, i found a reddit account of her (by accident, the gods are on my side, ha) and she was complaining about weird heart related symptoms
these people will die and never admit it
a bizarre but hilarious show will come in the next years
on stage... like an actor... like he always was
doing nothing is better than getting vaksd, so while these studies are interesting they are also a scary symptom of our world...
you are not schizo enough for the woo
lol get vax'd normies
materialism is a lie
if the serfs knew this they would live life freely and playfully and would laugh at the face of people trying to control them through fear and pain
there's a reason that along with all gatekeeping cosmovisional gatekeeping with "scientific experts" is also an important part of their agenda
lol, the stupid schlomo who accidentally told the goyim the vaks DO alter your DNA
goddamn low IQ schlomo quotas, ha
and for the schlomo shills reading this: there's only one stage in my book, it's called ABSOLUTE INFORMED REJECTION