iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

That map is confusing as fuck, plus it's in Russian. There has to be a better one out there.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Truthfully I am not exactly sure exactly where Khazaria is although that map looked good enough.

However, I can tell you Khazaria is not, modern day Palestine/Judea.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

Has anyone confirmed it's a case of Swyer syndrome?

No and that's part of the issue related to the whole discussion. Lot's of conjecture, not a lot of detail. If you look at the IBA statement which you shared (thanks for that btw), it says the following:

"Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential. This test conclusively indicated that both athletes did not meet the required necessary eligibility criteria and were found to have competitive advantages over other female competitors."

They didn't say why the athletes failed eligibility, other than they used recognized testing that it wasn't testosterone examination. That statement leads me to believe it was a chromosome test and that Sywer syndrome seems like the most likely explanation. But ya, that's conjecture, not fact.

iloveturtles 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is not the same as 90% of althetes like you said

My point was that many (not all) olympians while not intersex, are genetically special. There are not many humans that can run a top speed of 27.8mph like Usain Bolt or swim the 200m butterfly in 1:54 like Michael Phelps no matter how hard they practiced and trained.

iloveturtles 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's not likely. The Y chromosome leads to expression of primary and secondary male characteristics including a penis, which could be underdeveloped

Based on what rudimentary reading I have done on the topic (I am the opposite of an expert), male genitalia on people with Swyer Syndrome does not develop at all. In other words, nothing needs to be cut off.

External Genitalia:

  • Individuals with Swyer syndrome typically have normal female external genitalia. They do not develop male genitalia because their bodies do not produce the male hormones necessary for male genital development.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). “Swyer Syndrome.”

  • According to NORD, individuals with Swyer syndrome “have normal female external genitalia.” The syndrome is characterized by the presence of typical female reproductive structures despite the presence of an XY chromosome pattern, typically associated with male development.

Reference Link:

iloveturtles -2 points ago +1 / -3

What if you have a Y chromosome but are born with a vagina and no penis. How do you square that circle? Historically (at least before genetic testing) gender was determined by what you have between your legs.

iloveturtles -2 points ago +1 / -3

The discussion online about this issue is borderline retarded. Women's rights, trans rights, yadda yadda yadda. The actual situation is a more interesting.

Imane Khelif was born a girl. She's not trans. Hormone replacement therapy and gender affirming care just isn't a thing in Algeria.

This isn't a situation like the college swimmer Lia Thomas who decided to change from male to female and compete against other women..

Now here is the interesting part: The olympic committee bases athlete eligibility on what gender their passport says and doesn't do genetic testing.

Another committee, the IBA tested her last year. She was disqualified from that tournament because it was believed the tests showed she was genetically male, but the IBA didn't release the results.

Here's the most likely situation:

She was born a girl, has a female anatomy, but also has something like Swyer Syndrome which gives her presenting female features, and male XY chromosomes. As she has grown, she didn't go through normal female puberty but instead exhibited more masculine development including more muscle and testosterone, etc. My guess is she doesn't have periods and is infertile. She's essentially a dude in a female body.

So, like 90% of the athletes in the olympics, she's a genetic freak. I mean Labron and Usain Bolt are both genetic freaks in their own right. Except we have a division for her type of genetic freakiness, it's called the male division.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish Charlemagne the stooge would have asked her what kind of hot sauce she carries around with her.

Here’s the clip for anyone wondering about the reference


iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Annnmd the US just recognized Gonzalez as the rightfully elected president of Venezuela

They did the same thing with Juan Guaidó last election

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you want to get a sense on what's really going on in Venezuela, I suggest giving Mike Benz' stream a watch. He's a former state department/national security official and now does twitter streams.


iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most politicians try to capitalize on ethnic/social advantages they have or that they don't even have. Remember when Hillary said "I don't feel noway's tired"?


iloveturtles 2 points ago +3 / -1

Put aside for a moment the fact she was trying to sound extra black and that her performance as district attorney was atrocious. It's clear that she could articulate her points and make a reasonable case for her (shitty) policy.

What happened between then and now? Her cognitive decline has all the earmarks of a heavy chronic marijuana user.


iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

The election IS a sham and Maduro is a shitty president. However the main opposition candidate, Edmundo Gonzalez, is a US favored interest working alongside the likes of María Corina Machado and Juan Guaidó. Which is probably the only reason this election is as big a deal for the US as it currently is.

Swamp creatures like Elliott Abrams and John Bolton have been trying to get at Venezuela for some time and expand western interests through their surrogates. This could be their chance. I didn't think Elon Musk would be on board with them too, but here we are.

The only real losers here are the Venezuelan people.

iloveturtles 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am going to be the asshole here and say that it's just two different perspectives of the same speech and background. The instagram video (on the right) is shot from a different (slightly higher) angle from a greater distance with a different more zoomed-in focal length. For that reason the background is also more zoomed in and more cropped So much so that the top part of the window behind him isn't visible in the shot and some of the background items are cut out from the shot. The trees are look a little different too because of the zoom. But it's all the same stuff in the background.

This video on focal length sort of gives you an idea of what I'm trying to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYaddCXcKvQ

TLDR, not CGI but probably pre-recorded

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's with this low energy shit-posting. You can find pictures and video of Loomer going back to when she was in early 20s.


She has just had a lot of work done and looks like garbage. But she's a woman.

iloveturtles 1 point ago +1 / -0

The air we breathe is composed primarily of nitrogen and oxygen, with nitrogen making up the majority. Specifically, nitrogen constitutes about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere by volume.

Composition of Air:

1.	Nitrogen (N2): Approximately 78%
2.	Oxygen (O2): Approximately 21%
3.	Argon (Ar): About 0.93%
4.	Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Around 0.04%
5.	Other Gases: Trace amounts, including neon, helium, methane, krypton, and hydrogen.

I'd relax a little if I were you.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kamala will solidify her allegiance by selecting Josh Shapiro as her VP which will help garner rust belt and AIPAC support. It probably won't be enough though, since Trump and Vance have made it clear that they are both Isreal first and have more populist support.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any CS admin will tell you that you can choose NOT to opt-in to auto-updates of the CS falcon agent software. Most large organizations have change management boards that approve these types of software updates and it can take weeks of testing before new versions are rolled out org wide.

So how the hell did this outage happen? It happened because it wasn't the result of a software update. It was a CONFIGURATION update that was pushed out that didn't have the same quality assurance testing or roll out process that the agent software update typically has. In fact, there is no way (as of now) to turn off automatic configuration updates.

That means that even the even most careful organizations (think govt and Fortune 500) who have falcon set to NOT auto-update got screwed in this outage.

I see a parallel of incompetence between the cause of the CS outage and what happened in Butler PA last Saturday. You can read into that statement however you want.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here is another decent analysis that sheds some doubt on the tower shooter theory. https://x.com/SoonMrWick/status/1814331626639516146

I am not making the case there wasn't a second shooter, I don't know for sure. I just don't think there was anyone up on the tower.

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will add that in the scale of IT fuckups, the fix actually is pretty straight forward and probably takes just a few minutes. It just gets hard when you have a lot of remote or virtual systems and can't automate a fix.

iloveturtles 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can. Crowdstrike t's antivirus software on lots of business computers and servers. The software updates itself regularly with the latest version. Someone fucked up with developing the latest version and it contained a pretty bad bug that got past testing. This bug caused the machine that it's on to blue screen and go into a reboot cycle. The only way to fix it is to manually boot the computer in safe mode and delete the updated version/file that has the bug.

It get's even more complicated if you use encryption software like bitlocker. You need to manually type in a 48-digit numerical password to unlock the encryption so you can delete the stupid file.

Imagine having to do this exact thing on 50,000 computers this weekend. That's how many systems are affected at just some companies. Millions of systems affected overall. Thank your stars you don't work in IT.

iloveturtles 3 points ago +4 / -1

CROWDSTRIKE is mentioned directly 19 times in drops

All related to the DNC Server Hack, the framing of Russia, connections to the Clinton Foundation, Obama, etc etc

Pause and read at your leisure. https://x.com/MJTruthUltra/status/1814287497171488812

iloveturtles 2 points ago +2 / -0


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