icockmyglock 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. I sorted comments by best, top and controversial. It's all the same. It's all in support of vaccine mandates with zero discussion about the ramifications. The most controversial comment can be found here.

I'd seriously be surprised if any of the people allowed to post on Reddit's default subs are unpaid conversation drivers. There's absolutely no counter point discussion happening.

icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ever see that Rick and Morty episode where they create cronenberg world?

icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Coming? Shit man, I feel like I've been in a crusher since 2012.

icockmyglock 3 points ago +3 / -0

The expansion of the vaccine definition to include any medication the state wants to give you has convinced me that the media campaign against anti-vaxxers was a made up issue that was used to condition the populace for more than a decade. And that means this entire thing has been planned for decades.

icockmyglock 2 points ago +2 / -0

If your doctor isn't trained well enough to prescribe well studied widely available medications how the fuck is he trained to prescribe experimental genetic therapy vaccines?

by pkvi
icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Masks were never a magic bullet, but as a cronic nail biter & face scratcher I can tell you that they greatly limit those activities just by creating a physical barrier to dirty fingers entering mouths.

You people beating me up for not being surprised that the flu is greatly attenuated using techniques that have been known for decades to be affective at preventing the spread of the flu which is mostly transmitted via fomites and dirty fingers touching mucus membranes seem to be fixated on magic bullet solution or failures, but when taken as a whole it would appear that the techniques of washing hands, surfaces, wearing masks and distancing that we've been told for decades are effective at preventing transmission of the flu are actually effective at preventing transmission of the flu. And then you're getting all up in my ass like I'm a pro-mask-covid npc while telling me I'm wrong about a virus that is many times more infectious than the flu to what I'm saying about the flu. Please do me a favor and piss off with your infantile bullshit of absolutes.a

by pkvi
icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

B E C A U S E M O R E P E O P L E A R E B E I N G M O R E C A R E F U L W A S H I N G T H E I R H A N D S A N D S U R F A C E S , D I S T A N C I N G W E A R I N G M A S K S T H A N B E F O R E.

by pkvi
icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't answer your question based solely on the graph. However, the spread of flu has been well understood for several decades, so I'm not sure why you're taking issue with my statement about fomites, masks, hand & surface sanitation. These are all known to be effective combating the flu.

I do agree that there is lots of weeeeeeiiiiird and suspicious circumstances surrounding covid. And I also believe that deaths are being blamed on covid that should not be blamed on covid.

All I'm saying is I don't find it surprising that flu has disappeared while also having stated that I do find it weird that other illnesses that are not effectively treated wearing mask, washing hands and surfaces have also disappeared.

by pkvi
icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soooo why haven’t they


There has been discussion about just that.

icockmyglock 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the normal background fud.

by pkvi
icockmyglock 1 point ago +2 / -1

The story of influenza disappearing is an interesting result of covid mitigation. Being that influenza is a larger virus than covid, it main mode of transmission is in droplets from sneezing, coughing and other fomites. Those fomites then infect others generally by hand to face, hand to mucus membrane contact. It's not surprising that the flu would all but disappear in a world where there is social distancing, routine hand sanitation and surfaces being wiped down on a regular basis.

What is concerning is the almost complete disappearance of deaths from ailments that don't just disappear when washing hands frequently: heart attacks, stroke, cancer, etc.

icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's what gets me about climate change policy. Oh, plastics are bad? Ok, then why are there more and more stores (I'm looking at you dollar and 5 dollar stores), aisles with more and more plastic nic-naks that won't keep a child's attention for more than a few minutes before it's forgotten? Why is planned obsolescence of less than 10 years normalized for products like kitchen appliances and in most cases less than 2 years, for example? Why is disposable plastic container and cup usage expanding within corporate food businesses? There's no end in sight for the use of plastic water/soda bottles.

They're not serious about plastics. The move to get rid of plastic bags, straws and utensils is merely a "do something" effort that inconveniences you the most. When it comes to bottled water if they were serious about plastic waste then they would promote greater access to public water. If you take away access to bottled water our cities and suburbs are literally deserts when one tries to find access to water. Increased public access to water would reduce plastic bottle usage by huge amounts.

icockmyglock 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came here to say this.

by pkvi
icockmyglock 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. This has always been the case. Remember the slogan "jobs Americans don't want"? Typically it's applied to farm labor jobs. The truth of the matter is that those employers don't want Americans because their working conditions are deplorable. Immigrants typically live in labor camps where freedoms are restricted and basic sanitation is not met. Americans would force them to increase their expenses through better conditions and higher wages.

On the flip side is that the government is paying a not insubstantial number of Americans competitive incomes for low wage labor positions. Why make $290 a week making minimum wage minus the travel and misc. expenses when you can make $245 a week with current unemployment sitting at home? It makes zero economic sense. In all seriousness if I were fired and could claim unemployment I'd probably take a 3 to 6 month vacation.

icockmyglock 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are the odds that a truck carrying covid vaccine would over turn?

icockmyglock 7 points ago +8 / -1

Nothing. All you can do is enjoy the freedom while you have it, rinse and repeat.

icockmyglock 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're the "carbon" they want to reduce.

icockmyglock 2 points ago +2 / -0

Motrin = Ranger candy.

I first noticed a problem taking NSAIDs about 15 years ago. I went through a period of serious back pain and was taking ibuprofen regularly. Then I noticed some tenderness in my hip. I began questioning the cause because I wasn't doing anything strenuous at the time and started researching whether there was a link with pain killers and anti-inflammatories. I found a couple of documents that questioned the link, but didn't conclude the link. As things have progressed more and more documentation has appeared on the subject.

Now I don't take NSAIDs except when suffering excruciating pain.

icockmyglock 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's in a research paper somewhere. You can examine The FLCCC. It's on there somewhere.

icockmyglock 2 points ago +3 / -1

For use to fight covid, ivermectin is required in higher than normal levels to be effective.

icockmyglock 2 points ago +2 / -0

NSAIDs also damage cartilage, tendons, etc by inhibiting the cells that grow those tissues. Doctors will tell you to take NSAIDs for pain relief. What they don't tell you is they accelerate the damage to knees and hips increasing the needs to replacement surgery.

Stay away from NSAIDs unless you can't bear the pain.

by pkvi
icockmyglock 3 points ago +3 / -0

If DeSantis runs as a Republican and Trump as an independent you know the fix is in.

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