>What the fuck did I just read?
iknorite? i don't personally buy alot of what i post (i.e., The Lacerta Files), but the underlying ideas might have some core of truth to them. like, though the CIA probably didn't target this guy, the CIA isn't just capable of mind-fucking people in a bajillion ways, they get off on it.
just found the site myself.
.win links don't work there. mods can't even approve for their own subs.
sounds like a good target patriotic Americans should make a note of.
wood gassification is about to make a comeback. probably homebrew hydrogen electrolysis tech as well.
lol. i've wanted to post that but figure i shitpost enough. glad someone else did.
nice she's figuring it out now, but she did tacitly support those who wanted to fine, put in camps, imprison, and execute those who chose to remain purebloods.
make a post!!! i'm sure i'm not the only one here who has rarely or never heard of this idea.
a large part of "law enforcement" is conning American Citizens into believing untruths and inaccuracies.
thank you!
I would really, really like to see if there's been a decline in enlistees average ASVAB scores over the last 20 years or so.
edit: lol
more lulz: "offer 90 days of training to prospective troops who don’t meet aptitude test"
...and then one day for no reason at all Germans voted Hitler into power.
great post!!! i've wondered about the '04 Indian Ocean tsunami.
...and then one day for no reason at all Germans voted Hitler into power.
cue the soundtrack of Wizard of Oz to start with the two kids necking, and Michael Meyers' eyes reflect a Pink Floyd laser light show
upvoted for "whatever is on other side of the ice". interest piqued; links? better yet, do a post.
no kids but most of my friends had kids during the teletubbie era. caught parts of the show a few dozen times and was kinda surprised and disheartened that so many parents allowed something so insidiously mindless access to their kids. wouldn't watch enough to figure out what was wrong, per se, but the show clearly had some sort of hidden, ulterior motive.
cruise for moonbabes?
"lied about the moon landing" or "lied about landing on the moon"?
one small step for verbiage, a giant leap for paradigm :)
I've got a screencap that supports some of what you're saying. No time to find/post now, but if you don't see a relevant post by me in the next few days, you're welcome to remind me.
>Or dont carry a can of fixaflat.
that stuff works great on electronics