Yep, most of the software in, say, 2005 was better programmed, ran better and was more functional than it is today. The same could be said about websites as well. Sure, few areas have experienced progress, but the basic functionality was much better back then than it is now.
I think part of the problem is in the fucked up development cycle, copyright stuff and the general environment of modern software development. Everything is being rewritten at the highest speed possible. Everything is being replaced at the highest rate possible. There's always frantic development and modernization going on while no one actually moves anywhere. No wonder that with each new iteration the quality is getting worse and worse. What's the point of doing something well if in some half a year or a year all of that shit is going to be replaced anyway? Hell, I'm still using scientific calculator app from 2003 and none of current shit can even approach the functionality and/or quality of that one!
Yep, I've thought about this as well. People are more concerned about being entertained than learning the truth. It's quite sad actually. Sure, sometimes it's ok to present serious material in an entertaining way, but it quickly turns into a slippery slope. At what point it all becomes a farce? When exactly memes that make you think in an engaging way turn into memes to simply gag about and nothing much more?
You seem "dis-illusioned", where you don't even have any hope about what's going on.
Yes, absolutely! I'm getting more and more disillusioned with each passing day. you can do this odd "no"... i don't wanna do what society is doing...
Yep, that's what I'm trying to do. Not always successfully, but stil...
I would also disagree that they don't give a fuck.
Well, yes. They do give a fuck, but not in a positive way. They want total control, they want to take away from us everything, last bits of freedom, individuality etc... They want our soul. In that sense, yes, they do give a fuck. I meant it more in a positive sense. There's a popular misconception that the main task of governments is to care about its citizens. Nothing could be farther from reality.
If majority of population eats that shit up, there is no point in trying to make it more believable. Why make it more believable if majority believes it anyway? I really do hope that at some point they'll overplay their hand and there will be some sort of mass awakening happening.
I have no idea what's going on with these cyber truck attacks. I'm not even paying attention to it.
Yep, that's exactly what I meant. What's the point of going over every new bullshit like it's something new, if we already know that it's bullshit? In a week or two, some other bullshit narrative will be launched and everyone will jump on that and won't care about cybertrucks anymore. And then, in some week or two, yet another bullshit narrative will be launched... And so it goes. Like some fucking insane merry-go-round.
We should try to look past all that, try to find some ways how to stop or slow down what's coming, try to break out of the system - things like that - instead of simply jumping non-stop from one psyop to another.
Well, Zelya is a jew. That's not a secret, it's open information. Perhaps, the other one is as well...
That said, they are not that similar, tbh. Check out some photos of Zelya without beard. All similarity disappears... because it's mostly in the beard.
Yes, absolutely. It works in many ways. My main point, though, was that wokeness as such has been engineered deliberately. Those people were made that way. With mindset similar to a little child throwing temper-tantrum in a store over some shiny toy. Building their whole identities around superficial shit (that doesn't really matter). All while believing everything some perceived authorities tell them.
They don't really believe everything, but mass media lies are actually directives as to how to behave and which lies to regurgitate. Think of them as social marching orders; non-compliance has a social cost.
That's a good point. I guess, the word "believe" can also be interpreted in a wider sense of that word. Some of them really do believe, but for some others the very act of believing is not important anymore. When indoctrination is so deep, that they do not need to be convinced of things anymore, they've kind of outsourced their critical thinking to the third party so actual believing or disbelieving something is not relevant.
That's quite a scary thought actually. You can still argue with someone who disagrees with you because he believes in some other things or has other values etc, but you absolutely can't argue with someone whose critical thinking is simply not there - if it's outsourced any meaningful discussion becomes impossible.
It actually illustrates quite well how power over the masses works. All you have to do is focus laser sharp attention of the masses on a single thing and the rest of the issues will simply fade away. They'll still kind of be there, but they won't make any difference in actual decision making of the average normie.
I don't know how this manipulation technique is called, but they did the same with covid, they did the same with war thing... they do this constantly. It's like a constantly moving and shifting spotlight that puts everything else in the dark.
Yep, it is heartbreaking... if you look at the face value of it. The conspiracy here is that some say Dave Dave actually is Michael Jackson. The idea is that Jackson faked his death and this character is just a joke on the public - kind of like a mockery or something.
Well, I don't know is this Dave Dave thing true or not, but the idea itself is quite fascinating. Also, this might not be the first time they've done it. Just look at this Jack Steven character! Hell, even the news ticker right under that interview and the fact that hosts pretend to not notice anything strange seems like a mockery!
If anything, It really does seem like a duper's delight. He even says "I feel like a part of me died." How much more obvious can it get?
Haha, yes, I just didn't want to use excessively strong words in the title, so I chose that one.
Regarding Jackson, yes, his case passed my mind as well. It is entirely possible that he was one of those who didn't want to cooperate. Smear campaign to cancel him started right at the time when he started to say something along the lines of entirely industry being corrupt or similar... All in all, I haven't looked into all that too much, but there are so many questions and so little answers... His looks and his behaviour, for one thing... How they tried to convict him, but didn't manage to do that. Also, do you know about the whole Dave Dave thing?
You might be onto something. People are oblivious to the fact that most of them are hopelessly addicted to their phones and social media. Phone checking is so normalized these days, most people don't realize that, no, checking your phone every five minutes and always keeping it within reach is not normal any way you try to justify it.
Also, it's quite refreshing to understand that only some 10 years ago most of that was not a thing. Yes, yes, only 10 or so years ago was when people started to get smartphones en masse and even then it was not immediately they all got addicted. So, basically there is a very strong correlation between mass smartphone (as well as social media) use and society going literally insane.
That said, I don't think any of that is being coincidental. This is not some grand progress or natural change. This is being done deliberately in order to achieve certain goals.
Well, I'll just say that I was once a believer as well. Until I started to critically examine the facts and research the topic. Also, my opinion did not change overnight. It was a slow change over some considerable time span.
Normies also believe that something was not quite right with 9/11. They just differ with conspiracy theorists in details, but all in all, 9/11 is almost mainstream now.
Covid scam is also almost mainstream. Many just don't want to accept it, but number of true and honest believers in official story is very miniscule now.
Something being (halfway) accepted by mainstream does not necessarily mean that it is not true. Devil is in the details, as the saying goes, and simply being contrarian just for the sake of it, is certainly not the right way to go about it.
By the way, are you impying that we did land on the moon? Minimal logic skills and few hours of research is all you need to understand that we did not. However, that does not exclude the possibility of it being kind of a double psyop. Like, we did not go to the moon, but that fact going mainstream right at this point in history could be deliberate as well. Perhaps, as a distraction or used for generating general distrust of local governments. After all they can't build their NWO without dismantling Old Order first.
It's similar with Epstein/Diddy as well. The fact that they are guilty as fuck does not exclude possibility that it is being used as a distraction. Both things can be true at the same time and one does not exclude the other.
Something being true or false does not mean that TPTB won't use it for their benefit when the right opportunity arises. Also, you might want to check out this thing called Revelation of the Method, which basically means that TPTB does some fuckery and then openly tells the public about it thus solidifying success of that psyop even further.
(By we I mean humanity in general. I'm not American.)
I agree, it's too vague, but it is at least some common ground with the normies. Kind of a conversation starter if you like. It's completely socially acceptable to say that there are corrupt politians who take bribes and steal. Once that is established, there may be some ways to advance discussion further into something more substantial.
Yep. Looking through Youtube frontpage without active login makes me loose any last hope in humanity.