Simply put - nothing you claim here is true. Not one word of it.
If it's the post I'm thinking of, I believe I answered at the time that it seemed like a high effort post so I stickied it. Someone in the comments then said it was a copy paste from reddit. Is that the one?
Anyway, the answer remains the same. I didn't put any more thought into it than that. Most posts here are low effort linking. If you hold a grudge against me over that my advice is to let it go, it's simply misplaced. Anytime a user asks for a post to be stckied I have generally obliged. Yes, even if you were to suggest one.
Evasion. So, were you being intentionally vague because you can't back up your claims? That's my guess anyway.
My impression is Axo made me a mod because he didn't want to look after the place, but since all other mods were not active, it would be unmoderated. He randomly messaged me to ask did I want to mod and I said yes, and that was that. In a couple of sporadic messages he expressed approval of my moderation, in particular the setting up the sidebar links.
but I don't ever remember that username, and I have a damn good memory
Sure, I'm not as long time a user of Conspiracy as you were, but obviously your memory is not good enough memory to remember over 1.5 million usernames, which is about how many subscribers Conspiracy had when I started contributing posts from about 2016/2017.
The search wont call up my earlier posts unfortunately. It seems to be limited in time span to about 3 years. I was banned in 2020 and have since lost access to the account, so I'm not sure how to access my earlier stuff.
I did all the actual moderating because no other mod was here to do it. For long stretches other mods did not show, and when they did it's only very briefly. I put that raised eyebrow dude in the sidebar. And this conversation is raising my eyebrow right now.
There's a sentence about people that "cleverly manuever" themselves into moderating positions
Lmao, my user name is even more clever than that, I'm afraid. Try again.
it's Clem banning people that talk about specific shills, especially if they make a post about it.
Explain this vague quote in more detail, I dare you.
some articles that summarize pizzagate and the main stuff discovered pretty well for people who don't have time to do a lot of trawling
Leave hollowers and Lemurians out of this, they accept that the earth is a sphere of known circumference.
Please be respectful here and refrain from attacking the user.
There was a news article last week, I think, that said some scientists had discovered as much as 1/3 of the covid vaxx given out in Europe was placebo. I also recall the European Medicines agency in their leaked emails complained to Pfizer, before they granted emergency auth, that the samples provided to them didn't contain as much of the active agent as Pfizer had specified they would; and in reply the CEO of Pfizer just ignored their concerns and told them to get the finger out and authorize it to save the world.
Just 2 examples of how it is not as clear cut as "got the shot, going to get sick/die". Perhaps it's done so to give themselves plausible deniability if something goes wrong with the shots - "well this entire group of people got the shots and nothing happened to them, so the shots can't be to blame". That argument certainly sways less skeptical people quite easily, and those who got multiple shots and don't want to think too deeply about all this.
Here's a tip: just having the last word doesn't mean you've made a good argument.
My intention was to prove myself right, and that you were full of shit. Mission accomplished. This reply of yours above also helps in that regard.
nobody ever knew or mentioned before.
You just don't quit with the bullshit, do you? You annoyed me so much with this utter bullshit post and your spurious bullshit comments I decided to go find the post to prove you are full of shit.
From there I examined the thread. Did you ever do that? Of course not.
It was thread no 15 in the pizzagate/PAC investigation threads being made on 4chan at the time. Scanning through those threads, and the links they give to 8chan threads, (and they mention reddit threads too but don't link them) you can read numerous different people gradually working out their guesses for the meaning behind each of the words (words which are used bizarrely in the emails) given in this list. There is back and forth and argument, new words suggested, context provided etc etc.
The list of words and guesses of their meanings wasn't just pulled out of this one users imagination like you claim. He was summarizing the deductions of many different users made on 3 different fucking board websites.
Here are the links:
The LAST in that list is the one that contains OPs screenshot
there is no proof for anything you claim in this thread. You describe pizzagate as a "4chan LARP", but you don't know the meaning of that acronym, since you misuse it.
A LARP is when an anonymous user on the internet pretends to be a specific person or type of person, to have specific factual knowledge, or tell a supposedly real story; but it turns out they are not that person, or are making that knowledge or story up completely out of nothing.
Your screenshot user makes no claims to be anyone specific, makes no claim to be privy to specific knowledge, nor tells any story they claim to be real.
They write that the words listed, as used in the wikileaks email dump, MAY be double-speak - and potential meanings are given. They dont' say where they got that list nor anything else really.
YEs, pizzagate originated on 4chan, ie. users of 4chan were the first to notice the weird language in the emails and discuss them. Not every word they name as a code word works out in all cases, but that is only the tip of the iceberg.
You are attacking the source/appealing to authority, rather than addressing the evidence the 4channers (and redditors) found, laid out in detail in the articles I linked. I will say though, that I too was once skeptical, since not everything I saw that was pointed out was valid or compelling. However that is simply the result of so many different people online participating over time and wanting to find the next big item of interest. When all the chaff is removed, however, a good case for organized pedo shit is made, on the whole.
the first 2 articles are reposts of old blog articles that combined and summarized all the evidence found at the time in the pIzzagate investigation that you have clearly never gone through. Unz rehosted them because he found them to be compelling and the best summary he could find, and he addressed the topic in the 3rd link with his own, even more succinct summary
Yes, the people who first noticed the weird pizza speak stuff in the wikileaks DNC emails were on 4 chan. No one was "live action role-playing" as anything other than anonymous users of 4chan - you might want to look up the meaning of "LARP" and read the articles I stickied, because you are poorly informed such matters.
God damn man are you that fucking dense?
Please be respectful and refrain from attacking the user in arguments.
I found an explanation of this on twitter which sounds reasonable and maybe explains the vagary. I don't know, but I'll just paste here anyways:
Twitter's rate limiting is not what everyone is thinking it is. It is not to punish non-paying users.
"Data scraping" is a big deal. This is where automated systems load the website or app and pull your tweets/data. It's a huge security issue. Automated systems are pulling every tweet/word/user account information to store in an unknown database somewhere else.
This could be state actors like China, the US Government, Australia, or other bad political actors like PAC's that are trying to gain access to everyone's information to analyze and use for nefarious things. Manipulating what is said on the site can be done at scale with data scrapping.
It could also be used to figure out the identity of Anons or to punish people in their country for what they tweet. Looking at you #Australia and #Canada and #UnitedKingdom
The temporary measures of limiting tweets is to protect users just as much as it is to protect the entire Twitter network from going down. They are currently scrambling to get ahead of this and tune their network security to block it from happening again.
It's also important to note that twitter has 500,000+ servers. That's not free. In cloud data centers, the companies that use them have to pay for what is called "ingress and egress" of data going "in and out" of the servers. A data scrapping event that is large enough for them to start limiting means that it was a MASSIVE event that could be considered an attack on the site.
[interupting the quote to point out a massive spike in TOR clients in various European countries recently, could be related:]
It would also put massive load on their servers and cost them so much money it could threaten the site's financial ability to keep running. It could be on purpose to put twitter out of business from cost alone.
Many people are misunderstanding why @elonmusk wants people to pay for twitter or for the twitter API (a programming interface that can pull data for other sites and apps).
The reason he wants people to pay is because if China or porn companies want to create massive bot farms of fake accounts, it is currently free. These bad actors are highly skilled and operate like a business. They have professional staff that continuously change their tactics and Twitter engineers have to fight 24/7 to stay ahead of them. If they have to pay for every account or pay to use the API, it would cost them A LOT of money. This limits the amount of people who could create bots, put automated porn on here, and the hacking/scrapping/DDOS attacks on the site. It protects you.
It also guarantees twitter will continue to exist without bloating it with tons of ads. This is all a part of the plan to create a free-speech place we can enjoy without being controlled by outside actors or advertising companies. I know $8 is a lot to some people but, it is for many reasons. None of the reasons are to hurt or punish people.
Here's the users twitter profile:
Sorry, I don't know why, but the "Global Filter" bot removed this comment. It doesn't even contain a link, so it's very strange that it happened. Anyway I restored it.
u/Eisenhorn reported this post and said it's a "made up story". Make of that what you will.
Very vague. What system manipulation?
Remember Vicki Polin on the Oprah Winfry show:
One of the "woo" theories is that they had a way of "liquifying" rock and casting it - hence the similarity in detail to modern metal-cast sculptures.
Found on the CODOH forum: