clemaneuverers 6 points ago +6 / -0

Buildings 1,2 and 7 collapsed completely, practically into their own footprints

Buildings 6 and 5 were heavily damaged, but didn't collapse in the same ways as 1,2 and 7. However there was some interesting damage to those buildings seen in over head shots that didn't make a lot of sense. For example a giant gaping, roundish hole in the roof that went right down to ground level, cause unknown.

clemaneuverers 3 points ago +5 / -2

Sounds good. Hope they are not flatties.

clemaneuverers [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I do not like this so I am going to report it"

Yes, this is what the vast majority of reports made here have always been.

clemaneuverers 10 points ago +11 / -1

It's actually the other way around,, this footage was about a few years ago. This is Epstein's mansion in Manhattan, sold to him by Les Wexner for $1, and Andrew is hanging out inside with some young girls (all over 18 I'm sure). The infamous pictures of Epstein and Andrew walking and talking very seriously in central park are from this same time period.

clemaneuverers 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street.


I see the hyper link, but the page 6 website wont let me read that article unless I turn off ad block.

clemaneuverers 5 points ago +5 / -0

The numbers on screen during the video refer to his sources list, all linked in the video description on the youtube url for the video.

clemaneuverers 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well first thing I notice about that particular footage is it has been cleaned up in digitization, maybe even upscaled. Note the edits within the first minute or so - film edits don't look like that. It's not just a straight negative scan to screen.

Next, the first edit is strategic - it cuts from the astronaut moving about beside the rover to them sitting inside it. Nowhere in any of the apollo landings footage do we see them climbing onto the rover. There is always an edit. This is because they could not climb onto the rover without the help of at least 2 people. This was the case on earth. The usual defense of this is that the gravity was less strong there, but this doesn't cut it IMO, they were in bulky, pressurized suits that greatly limited maneuverability. That was the reason they could not climb onto and sit into the rover. Note how many times they fall over while out and about. They had a lot of trouble properly maneuvering themselves. Of course, the wires helping them back up when they fell over is another story beyond this clip.

Next, the edit I mentioned before also serves another purpose: cutting between live, "real size" footage of men in suits walking about the rover - to possibly scale model, stop motion animated footage. It's the exact same scale model effects employed by Hollywood to this day. It is very effective, and given an enormous budjet, beyond what any Hollywood film has ever had, it stands to reason it would be even better than most example, possibly the best that's ever been produced.

A quite convincing case is made for the driving around footage being scale model (radio controlled scale model rover, scale model dummys,; both to a scale of about 1/8, or 1/6, so not toy doll small) in various other footage. Since this one has been cleaned up, it is not as obvious. Their movement is smooth, not jittery like the originals. When I say "upscaled", this footage has had frames added that don't exist on the actual footage, to make it smoother. That's my guess anyway. The real footage is generally much more jittery.

When picking footage to examine you have to be careful - NASA have been working on it constantly, well into the digital age. They infamously clean up photos as anomalies get pointed out, for example. Only certain reproductions of the moving footage is deemed completely unedited, and it is often not the stuff you encounter on YouTube. A NASA contracted company called "StarCraft Films" sells the official, complete DVDs of all the footage of each mission and these are completely free (so it goes) from editing beyond scanning of the negatives. The original scans. Though that is still not the whole story.

clemaneuverers 4 points ago +4 / -0

How about Zelensky. Wasn't he there recently? Guy sure has the sniffles quite often lol

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not against transparency. Why do you say that? Seems like a strawman argument to me. My eyebrow is raised because the The xaviermgk dude is lying out his ass about me, flinging unsubstantiated accusations.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are a liar. You know that you are. No point pretending to be all upset about it.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you don't want others to read and reply to your comments, don't put them on a public forum where anyone can read and reply to them.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why don't you provide links? Quotes? Call in some witness to my tyrannical reign of terror.

This is pathetic. There would simply be no pleasing user like you as a moderator. You fabricate things to get annoyed about.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Simply put - nothing you claim here is true. Not one word of it.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it's the post I'm thinking of, I believe I answered at the time that it seemed like a high effort post so I stickied it. Someone in the comments then said it was a copy paste from reddit. Is that the one?

Anyway, the answer remains the same. I didn't put any more thought into it than that. Most posts here are low effort linking. If you hold a grudge against me over that my advice is to let it go, it's simply misplaced. Anytime a user asks for a post to be stckied I have generally obliged. Yes, even if you were to suggest one.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

Evasion. So, were you being intentionally vague because you can't back up your claims? That's my guess anyway.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

My impression is Axo made me a mod because he didn't want to look after the place, but since all other mods were not active, it would be unmoderated. He randomly messaged me to ask did I want to mod and I said yes, and that was that. In a couple of sporadic messages he expressed approval of my moderation, in particular the setting up the sidebar links.

but I don't ever remember that username, and I have a damn good memory

Sure, I'm not as long time a user of Conspiracy as you were, but obviously your memory is not good enough memory to remember over 1.5 million usernames, which is about how many subscribers Conspiracy had when I started contributing posts from about 2016/2017.


The search wont call up my earlier posts unfortunately. It seems to be limited in time span to about 3 years. I was banned in 2020 and have since lost access to the account, so I'm not sure how to access my earlier stuff.

clemaneuverers 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did all the actual moderating because no other mod was here to do it. For long stretches other mods did not show, and when they did it's only very briefly. I put that raised eyebrow dude in the sidebar. And this conversation is raising my eyebrow right now.

There's a sentence about people that "cleverly manuever" themselves into moderating positions

Lmao, my user name is even more clever than that, I'm afraid. Try again.

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