Also carnivores like hyenas and lions are more well developed for eating raw meat. Our tongues cannot rip an antelope hide, like a Lions can. A Hyenna can literally digest bone because the stomach acidity. People eat raw fish and meat alot. Sushi, Ceviche, Liver fuckin King.......
I am not a scientist...not trying to argue flat earth....but doesnt the ozone act as sort of a directional lense? Like in LED technology? We use directional lenses in Reef keeping for our leds. To diffuse/redirect light/focus the light to penetrate the water refraction.
AGAIN not shitting on your theories....only offering an idea
Right but when we start having out thoughts "groomed" to a certain lifestyle/agenda from childhood. It is then beyond the persons control to see what the big picture is. When you teach a child only feel nothing else matters, Men ARE women! "Thats a womans cock your sucking"!
What I am saying is. The things,people, charge of molding this reality. Have done quite the good job of deceiving us, and keeping us at bay from learning that this world is an illusion.
They keep our minds busy with which God we choose to associate with, What color our pigments are, Which sportsball team is gonna kick the ball in the hoop. Which asshole is going to be President.....
They control all the culture that enables us to search for truth, and bury it. Media, Medicine, Schools, Pharma, Inter-fucking-net!
So yea.....dont think is rant covered what you said....but O_O Keep posting I like your posts. It makes one think. Even more outside the box :D
I would say this is the "Purgatory" Where we need to learn out lessons to Ascend. Thats my own opinion on it. We need to learn to overcome all this humdrum of day to day bombardment. And find connection to Source/God/Spirit...whatever you call it.
If they can make the tech somehow not combust after multiple charging...these might be fun........That take off speed is going to be fuckin nuts. Except for I bet the Police state cock suckers are gonna have a "killswitch" or some shit to stop all the tech from operating. So "criminals" cant take off
It's not specific to Priests..even tho most are closet fags. It's most adults in positions of power and trust with children. Add in the fucking stupid celibacy shit from the Religion...and got a ass raping, child molesting recipe. This time happens in the church. So boom they not only force the child, remove the free will, but do it inside an energy harvesting building. Holy shit. Yea this NEVER could have happened? Right?
His-stories are written by the victors.......Imagine how bad pre-history is??? This is somewhat modern history ww2....imagine how bad shit was lied about. during like crusades.......and all that bullshit. All the lies about "heathens" and shit. Simply so they could invade. And spread the "Word"........seemed an awful lot like rape and pillage........
Depends how much fat you have. Some people are born with more fat cells in their bodies. So I would probs go with the keto option/carnavore diet. Because carbs store in fat cells. as does phyto estrogens. Just my opinion
Never did they.......Fucking ever........They just made it easier for predators to get access to kids. But yea trans-agenda in schools is a bit much. I dont care if someone is trans or gay. But why teach it to children?
*Brought to you by 200 A.D. All Religions are written by the cabal. Edited by them. Yet you spread this shit on truth forums????
Religions were the first Goyim programming allowed to exist.......
And you all "researches" spread the word like a fucking cult.
I am still not your bitch. I made a claim sure. I told you how to verify it. Now it's on you. I dont give a fuck about indoctrination school policies/procedures. Dont wanna google my claims...dont. I could give a fuck less :D
Sun screen causes cancer too.....probs more than the "radiation" ever will. Infact I highly suspect the Sun gives cancer at all. And instead the "skin cancer" is a symptom of something else underlying inside the body. Poor lifestyle, diet, shit like this.