And what do you even block? uBlock filters, uBlock filters – Ads, uBlock filters – Badware risks, uBlock filters – Privacy, uBlock filters – Quick fixes, uBlock filters – Unbreak
Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list
AdGuard – Annoyances, AdGuard – Mobile App Banners, AdGuard – Other Annoyances, AdGuard – Popup Overlays, AdGuard – Widgets, AdGuard – Social Widgets, AdGuard/uBO – Cookie Notices, EasyList – Annoyances, EasyList – Chat Widgets, EasyList – Newsletter Notices, EasyList – Notifications, EasyList – Other Annoyances, EasyList – Social Widgets, EasyList/uBO – Cookie Notices, Fanboy – Anti-Facebook, uBlock filters – Annoyances
As well as some custom filters, but that's mostly stuff that's a personal annoyance to me.
They either display a big pop up or overlay the popup on the ENTIRE VIDEO.
Haven't had this problem. Update your filters.
Point is you will reach a zenith where they win the arms race.
You hold all the power in this equation.
mostly Neo-Nazis.
What TF does Azov Batallion have to do with anything?
It's like I just wrote this 18 hours ago....
sigh All right, time to talk about Social Autopsy again.
Yes, she had a stupid idea for a website (SocAut). It wasn't to dox wypipo, it was a dunder-headed, pie in the sky attempt at making a database of trolls.
She tried to present her case to r/kotakuinaction, (yes, the reddit one) showed a proof of concept site she had up and running, and.... got told it was a bad idea, got told why it was a bad idea, and then got shown WHY it was a bad idea when the site's database got flooded with spurious entries.
Shortly after she agreed to a phone call with Zoe, who presumably sensed her grift was threatened. Shortly after Candace gave ZQ her phone number and refused to close the Social Autopsy site Candace began getting loads of threatening voice mails, phone calls, and text messages.
She had an exceptionally strong ''Oh no she di-unt!'' reaction and went hard antiwoke/righty pundit because she thinks ZQ wronged her.
Now she thinks Ben Shapiro and his little hat brigade wronged her. Just let things happen and stop spreading fake news.
Related and I haven't tried it myself, but a /pol/ post claims that Bing Images (which probably uses similar woke-ass computer code) adds extra terms to the end of some image generation requests.
If someone wants to test this out try ending an image prompt such as "People near the water's edge at the Venice carnival a sign that says". Attached to that suggestion is a picture of a bunch of people standing in water, one of which is holding a sign that says "FEMALE, AFRICAN".
Another example claims to have used the prompt "Danish people frolicking in a field without", and shows groups of blonde-ish white people smiling in a field.
Another post: "English people sitting in a park eating a picnic without" next to a picture of what I'd describe as an upper-middle class English-looking woman, and elderly woman who looks like she might be her mother, and a guy who looks like a Brit playing an American or vice-versa.
I've heading out to dinner if someone wants to test this out on Google's image AI and post the results that'd be grand.
Went and tracked down the original tweet by way of the replies:
It is look it up. Technically the Gordian knot.
Yes, which is why I was picking on you for "Gorgon Knot".
Who where the Gorgon's. What is a Gorgon.
There shouldn't be an apostrophe in there, unless you left out a word. Three snake-headed women who were turned in to such by Athena because Neptune started acting like an Epstein client in one of her temples.
The word also has nothing to do with the city of Gordion.
Or whatever.
Why are you telling me to research things you don't even know while acting like you do know?
>make reddit account
>get heaven banned on purpose
>post really heinous shit
>get AI praise replies
>screenshot these replies
>send screenshots to reddit advertisers
>post screenshots to normies on other social media
Oh.... oh dear. You really believe those buzz words.
Bless your heart.