Which is a psyop in itself; the culture is gradually worn down by poor workmanship.
If they don't stop you from catching Covid (which is how they stop transmission), they are not technically vaccines.
If it's not the landlord ending the lease then who fucking cares? This just gives tenants the option of leaving if another person who was contributing to the rent dies, instead of being on the hook for the rest of the lease.
There's no reason to extrapolate anything from this, anymore than the "landlord fails to repair" clause means that all landlords are going to conspire to stop fixing buildings.
There's plenty of real shit going on; we don't need to go grasping at straws.
Sounds like we know a few more people that were on his client list...
Sucks to suck.
Have fun living the rest of your life knowing you're a coward.
Lick all their stuff and see what happens.
That's fine; it's easy to explain all sorts of celestial phenomenon using the geocentric model. The problem is that there's no single way to explain all observable phenomenon.
So you can, for example, explain and even predict the moons movement, but the same methods can't predict how stars move, hence the idea of 12+ celestial spheres which the stars are attached to. By the same token, the methods of predicting stars geocentrically can't explain the moon or sun.
The heliocentric model explains everything with the same methodology. That's how we know that it's closer to the ultimate truth than the geocenteic model (no absolutes in science).
It's the same thing as Neutonian physics explaining reality at our scale, but not at either microscopic or macroscopic levels; it's still useful (because it's so simple) but we know there is a more correct model, even though we don't yet know what it is.
Does anyone have any theories as to why someone is posting the same article to every sub using different handshake accounts? I saw the same thing yesterday with a different post.
Lizard People: when you want to openly name the Jew but are afraid of the consequences...
WELL, if John Bolton can't find any alternative but regime change, OBVIOUSLY we have no choice.
Flu season isn't a thing and never was. Every uptick in cases of airborn disease is due to people not wearing masks; it has nothing to do with weather.
Who is more vulnerable than children? Children with Down syndrome...
Big if true, need verifiable facts.
Sooooo fucking dumb...
"Could you cut stone without power tools? No? History is a lie!"
I can't cut stone with power tools because I don't have the expertise. If I knew how to cut stone without power tools, which the ancients obviously did, then I would. Duh
The simplest way to disprove flat Earth is to note that the Sun rises and sets in the same general direction every day of the year, anywhere you go. If the Earth was flat, like the model shown, it would rise all over the place; half the world would see it rise in the East, the other half West, and a few people would see it rise directly North or South. It's simple geometry.
My understanding is that the legislation allowing the mandates has expired on it's own, rather than actively suspending mandates.
Yep, the idea is to go from "this is crazy and will never happen" to "of course this is happening, so what? we always knew this" without people getting upset.
Why do it in the fall, as cases begin to rise? Because people are so relieved that there will not be more lockdowns that they don't care about anything else.
Congratulations to everyone who made it through unjabbed, to everyone else: no refunds.
It's probably because there's no point in having a discussion with flat Earther as they're only here to undermine and subvert.
I've wasted so much time debunking every piece of supposed evidence, only to have them ignore it and move to another piece.
Now it's just ad hominim attacks on "opponents" who might not even be real people.
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West, the Earth is not flat.
Try investigsting Earth's geometry some time...
Sun rises in the East and sets in the West, FE is retarded.
It's one thing I'll give Trump; even though he pushed the vax, it seems he was legitimately trying to find a cure, not just capitalizing on death and suffering like some...
Why would Putin blow up the pipeline supplying Russian gas to Europe? Couldn't he just stop it at the source?
The only one who would benefit from this would be someone currently not supplying Europe who wants to in the future. Or someone who wants Europe to freeze this winter...
403 request forbidden?
Shut it down?
Well, some are.
What difference does it even make? If the Earth is flat, and someone has manipulated us into thinking it is round (why?), despite all observable reality, that can only mean that there is a level of control in place that is insurmountable. At that point everything you do is pointless; it's just a black pill for people who have already given up.
Flat. Earth. Is. Retarded.
The sun rises in the East and sets in the West, everywhere on the planet, year round.
Get a frisbee and a tennis ball and try to figure out that could possibly happen on a flat Earth.
It's just well poison. A few hundred people are paid to "question" the "consensus" and then act like everyone is persecuting them or i denial. This then smears anyone who questions the concensus as a retard.
It's not that complicated...
Hey, I have mad respect. He put his life on the line for his conviction; just because he was wrong, it doesn't diminish his integrity.
And now we have one more data point. Thanks vaxxies, for volunteering for the Phase 2 trials.