by DrLeaks
WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

My daughter got braces a few months ago and we got the last children's painkiller on the shelf, of all brands, after checking thee stores.

This isn't new.

WeedleTLiar -1 points ago +1 / -2

Fundamentally, a soldier agrees to give up their own agency and put their lives in the hands of their government. How their lives are used is the responsibility of government and, since we live in a democracy, ultimately us.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you can't explain anything you're claiming to be true?

WeedleTLiar 0 points ago +1 / -1

This guy again...

I am a firm beleiver in the concept that if you can't explain something, you don't understand it.

Why is it that whenever you're trying to push some "conspiracy theory", you always link another source instead of trying to give a synopsis yourself?

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's all connected; FE is one more avenue of attack against objective truth which specifically targets skeptics.

Most people are unable to fathom the idea that Satanic oligarchs are sacrificing our children, let alone that they are often the people in control of our institutions. They create comforting lies in order to go about their daily lives undisturbed in the idea that things are mostly "normal" as they see it.

The skeptics (maybe 15%) are ready to see the truth, but they also have bias: they want everything we know to be false so everything will have to change. The reality is, obviously, somewhere in between but you can divert skeptics from reality by making them doubt their own eyes (see my other comment).

It's like you say: literal beings want to fuck our kids and eat our souls. They're practically telling us at this point. But who are they, exactly? What is their MO or purpose? It's easy to divert people off on witch hunts if they can't tell truth from lies (look at how Epstein/Maxwell took a dive while the Clintons/Prince Andrew get passed over; who was really in charge there?).

Truth needs to be a sacrosanct principal, and FE throws it out the window wherever it's inconvenient; if you can't even trust the reality of the world you're standing on, what can you trust?

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

IF the earth is flat, then all motions of the lights in the sky are obviously the same as we see them now!

No they are not, not even close.

The simplest example is the Sun. Assuming the "central north pole, south pole surrounds us" model, how does the Sun work?

If it "rises" at the edge of the Earth and crosses it, that means some people would see it go East to West, others West to East, and a few would see if go North to South or South to North. Have you ever heard of that happening? Also, the North pole would be the tropics as the sun would pass directly over it every day and there would be no such thing as "midnight Sun".

The other possibility would be that the Sun hangs directly over the Earth at all times but can't be seen everywhere because of some sort of "fog", or opaque atmosphere (the stars would have to be on or inside this atmosphere to be visible when the Sun is gone). It then moves above the Earth in a circle. Does it revolve around anything or is it on some kind of track? Don't know! It would also have to be a spiral for the seasons to change as we observe them. What causes that? Don't know! Also, the spiral would have to be cyclical; shrinking in the summer and expanding in the winter. What limits the spiral at those points and what force acts on the Sun to change it's direction every year? Don't know! Maybe lizard people?

FE fails basic geometry, well before you get to anything as complicated as light refraction.

How do we explain the observable movements of the Sun in the heliocentric model? The Earth is a globe which revolves once a day in the same direction; it's tilted so that the hemispheres are warmer when they are oriented towards the Sun, exactly like we see when using solar panels. Done.

Motions of lights in the sky are extremely different based on the shape of the Earth; this is really basic stuff.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me too, but extension support is still pretty lame.

And, for the love of God, will someone please bring back tab groups? I'm drowning over here.

WeedleTLiar 6 points ago +7 / -1

This is a cool video on rocketry, but you'll never convince these people. They've put years of their life into this stuff and they've been lost to sunk cost fallacy; the idea of that time being wasted is a threat to their sanity and so they don't even entertain it.

All pictures are fake unless they agree with me.

by pkvi
WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wasn't he the guy that said Covid was over?

Or did I mishear? Maybe he said "Covid is fwafwafwasponksecuseme..."

WeedleTLiar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Look at the infighting between trannies and TERFs, as an example. In five years one side will be in the hole.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, look at the massive spike in deaths in 2020/2021! They must have had some kind of horrible outbreak of disease, or something...

WeedleTLiar 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pretty charitable of you to not just assume they're sock puppets.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +2 / -1

Did this guy seriously just zoom out until the boat was too small for the camera to register? That's the proof, huh?

Good one...

Edit: You can totally see the curve in the video, lol

WeedleTLiar 4 points ago +5 / -1

And demand recounts and audits of everything. Drag it the fuck out and make a spectacle of it. If they're going to steal an election, make it so obvious that they can't show their face anywhere without being pelted with garbage and their supporters are openly mocked.

WeedleTLiar -1 points ago +2 / -3

Says the guy who benefits from living in said democracy? What system, that actually exists, would you rather love under?

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

heliocentric model doesnt explain how the star trails stay in perfect circle, dispite our orbital path moving on multiple axises

Yes it does. Stars are ridiculously far away so they don't appear to move, like looking at the sun or moon out of a moving car.

its just an agreed upon average rate of accepration)

In which direction? All of the air affected by gravity accelerates in which direction?

why the south pole doesnt have similar summer to the north pole,

Different geography and weather systems cause different weather. The ocean and air currents in the Atlantic give Europe a much warmer climate than the equivalent latitude (do you believe in latitude? or weather?) in North America or even Russia.

why the noth pole has a 24 hour sun, while the south pole doesnt.

Sounds made up, but if it's true it's easily explainable by orbital mechanics. All it would take is an orbit slightly "South" of the sun and you wouldn't get 24 hour sun on the South pole, even with the tilt.

Anyway, not that this hasn't been fun, but is the irony that you have completely failed to explain the theory which you claim to have spent years "researching" while simultaneously attacking another theory for not explaining "everything" completely lost on you?

Is it possible that you simply don't understand physics or astronomy? Your whole argument seems to hinge in the fact that you don't think the heliocentric model works; do you even understand it? I'm not an astrophysicist or anything and I can answer half your questions off the top of my head.

Does FE explain anything I just did? How does the North Pole have a 24 hour sun on FE at all? Some kind of spiral orbit that reverses at the end of the year? How is that supposed to work? How is there any day light in the southern "ring" while the sun is directly over the North pole? Does the opacity of the atmosphere change over the year? And if that's true, how do the stars appear the same?

Maybe you should have spent those years studying actual reality instead of crackpot youtube videos?

WeedleTLiar -1 points ago +1 / -2

The fact that your "theory" can't explain even basic phenomenon means it's garbage.

I gave you a simple, geometric hypothetical, no "science" required: what path, on FE, does the sun take that matches the universal observation that it rises in the East in every location at all times of the year? Again: dinner plate/meatball level of difficulty.

I can show exactly how this works in the heliocentric model in 5 seconds.

Everyone can see the sun, and that it rises in the East; your "lasers" exist only in grainy video and prove nothing.

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I've considered it repeatedly and have come up with several reasons FE doesn't work without a ton of convenient coincidences, which I've raised.

The heliocentric explains everything (except, of course, why people think TikToks are valid sources of information), which is how science works. It might be wrong, but until a new theory explains more, then it's the one I'm going with.

Assumping FE: how does gravity work such that the edges of the Earth don't fall off or get crushed towards the center? What's "beneath" us? How does the sun move and why? Is it a globe? Are there other planets, or are they made up? How do the phases of the moon work and why do different places show different phases at the same time? Where to meteors come from? Why do the stars move the way they do? Why are some stars visible in the North, but not the South, especially if the stars are not blocked by the atmosphere like the sun is? If the South is a ring around the North, why can they see all the same stars, but none of the Northern ones? Why can we see light from cities at night but not the cities themselves? How do time-zones work and, for that matter, how does light?

The heliocentric model explains all of these things and/or adheres to other existing theories.

But I suppose someone as smart as yourseld is far too busy to explain any of this and I should go educate myself...

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Globetards are sheep who never question anything"

"This grainy video is 100% proof and there's no way it's a rendering fault, lack of brightness sensitivity, or just plain fake"

~a very wise man

WeedleTLiar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would they need to go to the trouble?

We just put every country on Earth into crippling debt to fight a virus thay isn't even dangerous.

Going back in time, there's the Drug War, public education, welfare and a million other programs that launder money without providing results. Before that, Kings just took what they wanted.

They don't need to fake Earth to steal money.

WeedleTLiar 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a random circle obviously.

It's science, you wouldn't get it, lol

WeedleTLiar -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hahaha, wrong!

If that's the case, the sun would rise and set in different directions (like due North) depending on your position on the "disc" and the season.

You can prove this with a dinner plate and a meatball ffs.

Try to find a single path the sun could take that would allow it to rise in the East across the whole disc.

I've pointed this out multiple times, to you, so now you're trying to imply, via grainy TikTok, that air blocks the sun, but not stars, and the sun moves in a circle, above the disc, but around nothing? And the circle changes throughout the year for...reasons? Is that it? Does the sun somehow propel itself? Is there some invisible, outside force acting on it, yet another cope in this never-ending buffet?

But please, pull some more "truth" out of your ass :)

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