VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The story of Job is really interesting. It shows first off that God still favors the rebellious angels enough to debate with them and try to persuade them, even making bets with them. God is totally cool with letting the fallen ones do a bunch of horrific stuff to Job just for the sake of trying to show the fallen ones that they are wrong. Job was one of the most faithful and loyal servants God ever had, but again God was basically like sure guys go ahead and cause him as much physical and emotional pain as possible for a prolonged period of time, because God cared more about the argument with the fallen ones than he cared about protecting Job from them. God was like look here humans are great, I'm going to let you do all manner of horrible stuff to this guy and watch, he's still going to be loyal to me anyway, unlike y'all who were not loyal to me and rebelled your way right out of heaven.

We haven't had any updates on what either side thinks for thousands of years so nobody really knows if either has changed their mind at all.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +4 / -3

Trump is one of the most flagrant mkultra type puppets I have ever seen in my life, there is zero consistency from him but he blurts stuff out as though he has real conviction, including pushing mrna jabs, insisting video games cause mass shootings, saying he's for small businesses and bringing manufacturing jobs home but then proudly parading walmart ceo type goons around like heroes on national tv in the middle of a fake pandemic, pardoning total scumbags while turning his back on people like Assange but somehow spinning himself as a role model to libertarians, besties with the clintons for decades but suddenly wants them arrested but not for real of course, anyone wants a reality check compare Trump to Ron Paul and see how far off the mark the maga movement went, controlled opposition seems better than nothing right up until the trap snaps

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

These people are play things to the government. Little boys make their toys fight each other after all.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watching people in my life voluntarily get the mrna injections changed my perception of them drastically. I used to be frustrated sometimes to the point of resentment because I thought they were smart and sane enough to understand the world but just too socially cowardly to admit it. When they chose to jeopardize their own bodies I realized that they are actually just very stupid and/or nuts. It's more depressing than irritating now. All these people I love are just mentally not all there.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

The amount of tax money to be extracted from the working poor and what's left of the middle class is pitiful in comparison to the fiat money congress churns out every month. This is not at all about collecting taxes.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Petty sure most people would love to live at least mostly off their own piece of land but for the vast majority that's basically impossible at this point and for several reasons that regular people have no real control over. Of course TPTB want everyone to think that everyone else just loves their ball and chain. Look at how much pushback there is currently of office type employees over being told to come back to the office. They don't want to be there, they want to work from home, they want to be home. And these are city folk, who vacation to beaches, mountains, forests, etc mind you. Don't believe the lie. Most people want a more natural and simple life. They just don't think it's possible anymore.

by xihg
VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a multi pronged psyop and further corrupting the medical system was one part of it out of several, but the original anti vaccine crowd wasn't behind it. Every medical professional who openly expressed concerns was purged. Now when you go to a medical facility you know that every staff member from the highest to the lowest is a certain type of person. Guess which demographics will now seek far less care overall. Hint it's not the people who voluntarily lined up for mrna.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chaos can't undo Order without first understanding Order because Chaos must exploit the weaknesses within Order in order to disrupt it, and so the more Chaos tries to undo Order the more Chaos understands Order.

Order seeks to avoid Chaos as much as possible and therefore never understands Chaos in the slightest, at most Order perceives Chaos as an incomprehensible mess and then immediately seeks ways to avoid it, preferably by self insulation.

This is why Chaos always has the upper hand in the long game. It's always just a matter of time.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +2 / -2

The psyop targeted at the political right has been just as effective as the psyop targeted at the political left, most of the population is under control. The left loves doing things but wants to feel righteously above reproach when they do it. The right never wants to do anything, they want a daddy figure to rescue them. So, 2 different psyop strategies needed, but both very effective.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 0 points ago +2 / -2

Remember when almost immediately after getting elected he told everyone to leave hillary clinton alone because she's a good woman, and almost nobody could process it because they were still balls deep in denial about the decades long close friendship between trump and the clintons, so they just didn't process it at all and it was like it never happened

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

Most of the MSM has been nothing but a propaganda machine churning out baseless theories as though they are facts for a pretty long time. People who actually pay attention just tend to call them "lies" for short. Like for example the baseless conspiracy theory that Trump was secretly giving Putin sensitive information because Putin was somehow vaguely controlling Trump. They just never followed up with specifying what information or how Putin was controlling Trump or any details whatsoever. This sort of shit is normal for the MSM. So then you get smaller media / news outlets thinking hey we can also run some baseless sensationalist narratives too and maybe get our ratings up, and then they go with something that they believe is both baseless and sensationalist, and it may or may not actually be baseless, so you get the occasional ironic accidental coverage of a real concern that they thought was just some entertaining nutter material. You can tell when this happens because the random NPC hosts on the show are not at all nervous about retaliation from TPTB since they don't think any of it's real anyway.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sort of seems like the left is more scared of desantis than trump, this move will rally a lot of people behind trump who otherwise were considering desantis. Even seeing random twitter posts parroting that they were considering desantis but now want trump.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 6 points ago +8 / -2

My favorite part is how these propaganda muppets insist that insignificant people use "conspiracy theories" to feel more important and then simultaneously they obsess over us and broadcast us to the whole country and beyond. It's like a psycho ex stalking you at work to make sure you know how much they don't care anymore.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

The best part is how they spin people leaving low income jobs because inflation and tax both so bad that low wage job can't keep people's head above the water anymore. NPCs really trying to say it's because "so many died of covid" that so many jobs are left vacant. No Karen you just literally can't survive on $10/hr when rent is $1400/month and gas is $4+/gallon and food prices have doubled and tax refunds were obliterated and

by pkvi
VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nonlinear Warfare

VanillaBean 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's just a test of power. Can they push absurd notions and get most people to go along with it, or is their power not that significant yet. This is why they never stop pushing the envelope ie why the slippery slope concept is not a fallacy in such regards. They do more testing and then analyze the results. They try to figure out what in particular caused people to suddenly resist and then they try to find a way around that psychological mechanism and/or a way to exploit it. People typically misunderstand psychopaths and think the psychos have some longterm master plan. The psychos are just bored and only experience the thrill of life through power. Power for the sake of power unto itself. Then they get bored again and push the envelope some more to see what next level they can reach and get away with it.

by pkvi
VanillaBean -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's not like that anymore, the weaponry and technology of governments versus regular citizens is way out of balance, if everything collapses we'll just die in a nuclear holocaust or be subjugated by another country, "behind every blade of grass" was cool and all back when government armies and regular citizens had the same weapons and technology

VanillaBean 2 points ago +3 / -1

It seems like the implication is that "covid19" as a disease process is the bioengineered weapon in the "vaccines" especially because notice how actual scientists had no samples of this virus to study but then started studying the "vaccine" and then after that were able to study the physical details of "covid19" ie there wasn't a mutant virus attacking but now there IS widespread existence of this disease process caused by the injections

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

Add to this most working adults don't discuss politics or any remotely controversial topics at work and yet nearly all of their in person socializing happens at work, so if most people around them did feel some type of way about something, it wouldn't be openly known.

VanillaBean 2 points ago +2 / -0

So many words without an ounce of actual substance, might as well be a bot, literally a NPC lol

Here let me try:

You ever occasionally without contempt contemplate that perhaps the existential experience of your subconscious processing the environmental stimuli which surrounds you could be a nihilistic pseudo physiological mechanism in contrast to our paradoxical pathology? No? Well as you can see I am an exceptional intellectual tremendously too advanced for your inferior cerebral capabilities which are perplexed by my masterful articulation and thus I am most certainly triumphant on this unspecified topic.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

Always winds up feeling like having an argument with a special needs person.

"There is a lot of evidence that the mrna are unsafe and that the manufacturers and many in government knew about it."

"You're just saying that to feel better about yourself!"

Complete and total disconnect.

by pkvi
VanillaBean 6 points ago +6 / -0

Probably because "conspiracy theorists" turning out to be right about the mrna injections which is much harder to sweep under the rug, people paying way more attention to a topic on something they actually had injected into their bodies multiple times. So they're trying to make an example out of AJ before the public because he is the most recognizable to NPCs and because they desperately need a "win" in the public arena.

VanillaBean 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the goal is to try to emotionally manipulate overweight people into exercising, by telling them that they have the "right" to exercise and be fit as fat people, as though other people are trying to "take it away" or "keep it from" them. The hope seems to be that fat people will start exercising to revel in their rebellious as they work out to be fit as fat people despite the "haters" until one day they're noticeably less fat. It's a cringe strategy but it has merit, unlike the strategy of trying to shame people into feigning sexual attraction to obesity, which doesn't work at all.

VanillaBean 3 points ago +3 / -0

That sub is 99.99% just people venting about their terrible bosses. Even though previous generations already showed them how to do it, the younger generations still can't manage to properly strike or do anything remotely in solidarity with each other. Instead of actually addressing things in real life, they just vent to each other on the internet instead. That's why terrible bosses take advantage of them, because they can.

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