Last time I drove through California a couple white boys racing in BMWs passed by me on the highway. A few minutes later I passed by a crash with a flipped SUV and wrecked BMW. True story.
They are lucky compared to other countries. Brazil's government is shit at law enforcement so that is a blessing in disguise.
I believe what Bible prophecy says that those who take the Mark will have disease from it showing up on their skin.
You don't deal with stubborn. So you don't deal with people who don't immediately fold and agree with everything you say?
I properly countered your arguments and my objections are left untouched by any quality evidenced based rebuttal. Simple as that.
If that is a problem, it is a problem with the truth, not with me.
I have already read enough books that address all of your supposed concerns
Trust me bro, I've read books already.
Like rabbies isn't transferred
The many challenge studies on rabies prove otherwise. Do you have a valid rebuttal on rabies?
Or how small pox definitions were rewritten again and again
That's quite vague and dismissive.
All of science, all knowledge about cells, healthy biology and all effects of toxins and diet, lifestyle and environment, etc etc is the model against virology.
Again very vague
Magic particle
As explained in point "e" it isn't magic to them since they are able to engineer them to do what they want. All based on their virus model.
No solid attacks on my counter arguments.
Yeah but most decent people don't use foul or racist language so we lose them too.
However in terms of virus theory, I've seen the doctors who claim to debunk it. What they do is:
- Cast doubt on aspects of virology "the virus isn't totally isolated".
- Cherry pick studies, usually some really old studies like Dr. Cowan's alleged snot transfer study.
- Claim that therefore virus's don't exist.
There are plenty of rebuttals to this which I've never seen them answer and which I don't think they can answer.
a) There is no better model to explain small pox outbreaks when in contact with Europeans
b) There is no better model to explain rabies transfer
c) The tens of thousands of studies on viruses including challenge studies showing a disease state induced by transferring infected material and certain limited protection based on inoculation.
d) Antibody / vaccine treatment for rabies disease, which work.
e) Viruses used for gene thereapy. These engineered viruses show that scientists understand exactly how these things operate.
Nothing funny about it. It is bad enough all of Hollywood promotes this pedo, but now the supposed "good guys" do too? Evil.
Find your bearings and common sense.
You model yourself after a Satanic pedophile?
I think the "viruses don't exist" idea is the new Flat Earth.
The fact he says it at all is touching the 3rd rail.
"We must go all the way and push disinfo that makes us look crazy"
I'm not even mad at you guys though. Most people are scientifically illiterate, on the left and the right.
Hollywood tells us the West Memphis 3 were just innocent misunderstood teens, one being targeted for wearing black and listening to heavy metal. Nothing could be further from the truth.
This video exposes the evidence of their guilt. So why does Hellywood want to exonerate them? I think we all know the answer, and it isn't good.
And some good MK Ultra scientists, for the government to rape its own citizens with.
They know their shots will produce Mark of the Beast type sores, and already have a plan to vaccinate for it.
Perhaps the better statistic would be attempted murder rate.
So how are you both a wignat and a Jew fluffer boy? It makes no sense. Your character appears to be a fiction. What does make sense is you're just an atheist Jew working for Israel.
But if you're going to drop n-bombs you're showing a lot of dissonance. On the one hand you want to talk like a wignat to get in their good graces, but on the other hand you want to suck off Jews. You can't have it both ways.
I see. I thought you Jews were so tolerant, tsk tsk. Not so nice when you get called out.
So you blaspheme God and worship the Jews. You are one sick puppy.
Frankly you just sound like an atheist Zionist Jew. You're probably an Israeli, or just a brainwashed military atheist because they also follow Jewish propaganda.
Rock and roll is full of black magicians, aka satanists. So no it was never a game or just a stunt. Their goal is to bring people into their spiritual fold, and so far they've made great progress.
Wow, what a brainwashed little cunt you are. Or are you an Israeli yourself?
I don't think so. But there do seem to be a number of anecdotal studies on plants and wifi. I think being directly hit by microwaves is the real issue for life.
Microwaves effect water by spinning water molecules around to impart kinetic energy. That's it. But the effects on more complicated molecules are, well, more complicated.
I mean do you support Jesus's teachings or not? You said you did. But now it looks like you don't. He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
Exactly. This argument is pure cope from some low IQ rabbis and Hitler worshipers.
Plenty of vaxxing going on in Latin America. Just check the stats. They are killing two birds with one stone. Destabilize the US and kill / cripple people.