I know a few people in South America. They, all their family members, friends, coworkers, and neighbors are all jabbed. No one got sick. No one had an adverse event. No one died. Clearly they’re not getting the same injection that they’re getting in the US, etc.
The real issue, the most important issue, this woman needs to address is her inability to think critically until it affected her personally, and her willful ignorance until it affected her personally. Addressing those issues is how she must do her best to adjust and act accordingly. I don’t know if it’s a flaw in humanity, a genetic or intellectual defect, ironclad social conditioning, or what. It’s good that she’s had her illusions ripped away. She needs to have a reckoning with herself about why she put them there in the first place.
So many times during all this I’ve been reminded of this phone call on 9/11. I tried to find it again but it’s gone. A woman kept calling 911 asking if someone was coming to get her. She was weeping. She didn’t make any attempt to get out. She stayed at her desk, crying, asking 911 when they were coming to save her. Of course, if there had been a way for a fireman to get to her, that way would also have been available for her to get herself out, by herself, but she didn’t even try. I knew people in the towers that day that got out. Hell, I knew a guy that was there for the ‘93 bombing. The tragic lesson is that in an emergency, you have to keep your wits about you, and take care of yourself. So many people are just digging in their heels, completely unwilling to do that now. They just want someone to save them. You have to save yourself.
Mmmk. So, the jab makers are immune. Is the boss that mandates it? Is the government that mandates it? It’s time for some jackal lawyers to jump all over this. What’s on tap? Wrongful death? Imminent death?